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[Modern Aac] Web Site Para PokeTibia + MiniTutorial

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Modern Aac , Sites Para Poketibia Eae Galera Do Tk, Hoje Vou Postar Aki , Alguns Sites De Poketibia (Modern Aac) , Então Vamos Lá WebSite PokeTibia 1.0 Download:

Cara download você edita em htdocs>system>pages>download,pronto la que ta o download, o char para funcionar normalmente vc tem que desativar o acc manger

belo site ganho meu rep boa kra continue assim edit# como edito o menu tipo onde ta escrito download,conta,etc... queria deixar digamos a minha cara vlw

  • 3 weeks later...

a instalação não contem senha de administrador do site precisa mudar o acesso de pagina direto do banco de dados , aonde muda isso ! a acc para postar news no site

se for igual do Tíbia,vai no bando de dados > accounts > ai clica pra editar,e nas tabelas procura page acess,no do tibia é 3,não sei se nesse de vocês aí.


Hot Summer,a Hot Hot Summer! (8)

Contato = [email protected]

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Me ajuda ae

Quando eu crio acc no site, o char fica como um shiny paras e sem bag, order e os outros.

eu uso o erondino server e so falta isso para terminar meu site me ajuda ae

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a instalação não contem senha de administrador do site precisa mudar o acesso de pagina direto do banco de dados , aonde muda isso ! a acc para postar news no site

Va no banco de dados em accounts muda o acesso das paginas de 0 para 5 ou 6 e você podera entrar como adiministrados

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mals Galera , Fikei Um Poco Off , Entao Vamos Lá!!!

eu queria seber como mudar o cliente de download do site

eu queria seber como mudar o cliente de download do site

E So Voçe , ir no e na pasta do xampp , e na pasta do site q ta dentro da pasta do xampp , provavelmente pode ser a "htdocs" ,tem que ser a pasta Principal do site , aki vc esta usando , e DPs vai em layout , E Edita o layout , Conforme a a area de download Do cLIENTE , E Muda o Link Do Download!!

Malvera Otserv


Hospedado In Usa

Utilizando Cliente Proprio Ou Ipchanger

(Pode ser Baixado No Site)

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Supporter "In Forum And Game"

Eventos Diariamentes

Muitas Novidades Para a Melhora Do Server

E Muito Mais....

Então? Estar esperando oque? Acesse Já o Malvera Ot , Venha Montar Sua Team , Parar Batalhar Contra Outras Team , Upar Skills ,Leveis,Etc.. Sejá Vip e Ganhe 20% De Exp , Ganhe Vip Set Incluindo Runes , Ganhe Destaque No Nome Ex: [Vip] Malvera ,E Tambem Ganhe Acesso Aos Treiners que Nunca desloga , Entre Muitas Outras Vantagen .. Saiba Mais Sobre as Noticias Do Malvera Já no Site


Malvera Forum

Cliente Download:

Malvera Cliente

icontwitterh.png facebookiconel.png icontextoinsideyoutube.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

belo site ;) ganho meu rep boa kra continue assim ^^


como edito o menu tipo onde ta escrito download,conta,etc...

queria deixar digamos a minha cara ^^ vlw

Editado por Kazink (veja o histórico de edições)

Se lhe ajudei de um +Rep nao cai a mao





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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Mals Galera , Fikei Um Poco Off , Entao Vamos Lá!!!

E So Voçe , ir no e na pasta do xampp , e na pasta do site q ta dentro da pasta do xampp , provavelmente pode ser a "htdocs" ,tem que ser a pasta Principal do site , aki vc esta usando , e DPs vai em layout , E Edita o layout , Conforme a a area de download Do cLIENTE , E Muda o Link Do Download!!

Cara download você edita em htdocs>system>pages>download,pronto la que ta o download, o char para funcionar normalmente vc tem que desativar o acc manger

Web Master 100%

Scripter 20%

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  • 1 month later...

Olá, estou com algumas dúvidas, 1° como eu faço para postar na pagina inicial ou no forúm ?

2° Como eu mudo o nome do mundo ?

3° como eu coloco no menu Community uma Pagina para a doação que ajuda o ot.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Alguem ai poderia me dar uma forcinha fiz tudo como diz no tutorial porem o site nao ta funcionando, nao aparece as imagems..

veja screen:


se alguem souber e puder me ajudar ficaria grato...




Nusss forum bacana em ninguem responde pra um noob! FMZ em ¬¬

Editado por Furyons (veja o histórico de edições)
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A Database Error Occurred

Error Number: 1146

Table '' doesn't exist

SELECT * FROM (`news`) ORDER BY `id` desc LIMIT 10

Ajuda Ae Pf

A Database Error Occurred

Error Number: 1146

Table '' doesn't exist

SELECT * FROM (`news`) ORDER BY `id` desc LIMIT 10

Ajuda Urgente ou me ad no msn [email protected]

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Olá, estou com algumas dúvidas, 1° como eu faço para postar na pagina inicial ou no forúm ?

2° Como eu mudo o nome do mundo ?

3° como eu coloco no menu Community uma Pagina para a doação que ajuda o ot.

A 2° Duvida é só vc ir em Xampp/htdocs e em config.php

Procure por

/*ID and names of worlds*/

$config['worlds'][0] = "AQUI VC DIGITA O NOME DO MUNDO";

Atualiza a Pagina e deu...

Eu tbm queria saber como editar a pagina principal

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  • Conteúdo Similar

    • Por chateadoagr
      Bem-vindo ao Genesis Online Tibia (GOT), um mundo onde a civilização foi devastada por um apocalipse zumbi. Inspirado em referências como The Walking Dead e Resident Evil, o GOT desafia você a sobreviver em meio ao caos, enfrentando hordas de mortos-vivos, explorando ruínas perigosas e formando alianças estratégicas. Embarque nesta jornada épica de sobrevivência e descoberta, onde cada escolha molda seu destino em um cenário hostil repleto de desafios e perigos iminentes.
      Adentre o universo de Genesis Online Tibia (GOT), um jogo repleto de sistemas inovadores e emocionantes. Equipe-se com um vasto arsenal de armas para enfrentar as ameaças do apocalipse zumbi, enquanto o sistema autoloot simplifica suas conquistas. Desenvolva seu personagem através de um sistema de upgrade único, aprimorando habilidades e atributos para enfrentar desafios cada vez mais formidáveis.
      Explore um mundo imersivo onde o som desempenha um papel crucial, criando uma atmosfera envolvente e realista. Vasculhe cada canto em busca de recursos vitais, desvendando segredos e tesouros ocultos. Siga uma cativante história através de missões que expandem o enredo, revelando os mistérios por trás do apocalipse e oferecendo recompensas valiosas.
      Em Genesis Online Tibia, a jornada pela sobrevivência é repleta de ação, estratégia e emoção, convidando você a se aventurar em um mundo onde cada decisão molda seu destino e determina sua capacidade de enfrentar os desafios que aguardam.

      Em breve imagens do servidor!
    • Por MarcusCores
      Welcome to ShadeCores
      We are excited to finally present to you: ShadeCores!
      After a long time of development and testing, we're finally ready to launch this awesome game!
      Quick Info for laziness:
      Rates: Tibia 7.4 theme 1x Experience 1x Skills 1x Magic 1x Loot 1x Regen General info:
      Official launch: April 24, 17:00 CEST.
      Create characters: 1 hour before launch (16:00 CEST).
      Authentic Damages Monster attacks Monsters carrying equipment & loot Monster Spawns & respawn depending on players online World light and watches Traps Line of sight system Floor saving system Exhaustion system Much more.. General Cannot multi-client REAL Proven & Verified Anti-Cheat system = No cheaters Many quests modified to add mystery to the game for everyone Much more..
      What is ShadeCores?
      ShadeCores is a game designed to mimic the oldschool version of, but in a slower pace.
      Our goal is to be a long lasting and functional game that doesn't run a course of being broken after a few years.
      Read more at:

      World Map
      The map contains all places of Tibia 7.70.
      It also contains 100% spawns of Tibia 7.70.
      With exception of Ankrahmun and Port Hope that was removed for balancing purposes.

      Built authentically
      ShadeCores was built hand in hand with hacked Tibia files (7.70 version) and is very accurate to how Tibia was (with exception things that has been improved).
      If you played Tibia back in 7.4-7.70 and join ShadeCores, you will yourself notice how scary accurate every single spawn is.
      Read more at:

      Game health
      We have made many modifications to ensure a healthy economy and game.
      Read more at:

      Creature Behavior
      In ShadeCores, same as in CipSoft's, creatures that's fleeing for their life (low health) will not make any pauses no matter how close the player is.
      Creatures also doesn't have any exhaustion of their abilities such as attacks, healings and more.
      Read more at:

      Creature spawns
      ShadeCores has the very same spawn system that CipSoft's had back in the day.
      All creatures that spawns has a "home".
      And this "home" has a set amount of creatures that belongs to it, always same type of creature.
      Read more at:

      Accurate creature loot & inventory
      ShadeCores have an accurate loot & inventory system for creatures, working identically as it did in CipSoft's back in the day.
      Which means that creatures with items that give light, will also light up the creature, or armors that will increase the armor of the creature, or that when a creature wear boots of haste, it will run noticeably faster!
      Read more at:

      Authentic exhaustions
      Believe it or not, OT's have it completely wrong, OTs uses 1 or 2 kind of exhaustions depending on which version they're meant to reflect (healing + attacking spells).
      However, in CipSoft's, there were 3 different exhaustions in the old days, 4 if you include "using item on.." exhaustion which was 1 second.
      Read more at:

      Floor saving
      ShadeCores are running with a map-saving system that allow the map to save certain edits done by players.
      The edits can almost be anything from items added to certain places, to open doors, wall torches that's lit or not, items hiding in boxes, book cases or even unexpected containers invisible to the naked eye.
      Read more at:

      Game health balance
      To ensure that ShadeCores become as perfect as possible, a lot has to be considered and corrected.
      Our goal is to make a long lasting and functional game that doesn't run a course of being broken after a few years.
      In ShadeCores, you're not meant to get unlimited supplies, hunting dragons, dragon lords, demons or other demonic critters, we don't fancy the rushed pace much of Tibia has become along with the community.
      Read more at:

      Keep valuables valuable
      In ShadeCores it's harder to obtain "good" equipment, which will turn lower level equipment into the new good equipment.
      Read more at:

      Line of sight system
      In ShadeCores we use the same line-of-sight system as in CipSoft's.
      You may notice when you're playing that sometimes you can throw things in a way you can't do in most OT's.
      And you' may also notice that sometimes, you cannot throw things in same way as in most OT's.
      Read more at:

      Poison storm
      Almost every OT either has ticking poison damage from around 50 counting down until 0, while others have an instant damage followed by poison or some other mixtures.
      While in reality, damage of the poison storm is decided by level and magic level, from the first tick of damage, it decreases with a few % until it reaches 0.
      Read more at:

      Traps functionality
      Traps does a static amount of damage. 30 to be exact, it's always 30.
      However, traps cause a physical damage that listen to the creatures armor.
      It means that the damage can and will be reduced by any armor the creature may have.
      Read more at:

      World light & watches
      In ShadeCores, time and world light works exactly like it did in CipSoft's back in the day.
      Read more at:

      Anti-Cheat system
      We have a very advanced and automatic anti-cheat system that detects all kind of cheats rather quickly, be it bot, macro, tasker or others.
      This system was first developed and proven to work very well in RetroCores world "Cleanera".
      It has since then been improved to be faster and detect a wider array of cheats that people could use.

      A lot of servers has basically lied about that they're anti-bot, most of players have been in "anti-bot" servers that's been exploding with cheats and nobody gets punished, which is why most with good reason wont trust whenever someone says they're "antibot".
      But through Cleanera@RetroCores, we've verified for a lot of people that we're not bullshitting you, we're legit, we have a system that works and a lot of people have tested it and found themselves shocked when their "secret cheat" got caught even though nobody was nearby them.

      Additionally to the anti-cheat, ShadeCores does not allow multi-clienting
      Multi-Clienting will be treated as a cheat and lead to a deletion.
      To make sure nobody accidentally use multi-client without knowing the rules, we've made so that it's not possible to start more than one instance of the client.
      If you try to start a new client while already having one open, you will face this little message.

      Other Game Features
      Ability to play for free. No level restrictions on items nor spells. Non-stackable runes/fluids. No Runes from NPCs. No item-hotkeys. No wands/rods. No protection zone on boats/carpets. Manual aiming Anti-lag system. Great and improved monster systems. Monsters can be lured anywhere. No stairjump exhaust. Possibility to make UH traps. Accurate 7.4 formulas. Classic premium system. Classic promotion system. Many and random raids with possibility to loot raid-rare items.
      If you're new to the community, you're welcome to join the ShadeCores Discord server to chat with other players and staff!
      plain link:

      ShadeCores will officially launch on April 24 at 17:00 CEST!
      You will be able to create characters starting at 16:00 CEST the same day!

      ShadeCores Staff
    • Por Kill of sumoners
      olá sou o takezo e estou caminhando para desenvolver um novo ot de naruto 100% com sprites 45°, ja contamos com mais de 25 vocations, cliente com layout reformulado, som ambiente e em ataques, porem a staff conta apenas comigo e mais um amigo, vim aqui procurar pessoas que possam querer integrar a staff, sejam elas devs, designers, mappers entre outros, para mais informações entre em contato privado comigo, desde ja muito obrigado!
    • Por matiasz123
      [OTCLIENT SHOWOFF] Questlog Actualizado
      Updated quest log, showing quest details:
      Npc name Npc level Npc outfit Mission status Description Amount of reward experience Number of reward points Enemies you must kill Items to collect  

      When you click on the follow button, an alternative map opens that shows you the next objective of the mission and at what coordinates:

      If you want the system write a comment with your discord
    • Por Zagaf
      ShowOff Poketibia
      Bom a alguns dias atrás eu comecei a reformular um mapa de poketibia que eu baixei (pokexmaster) , ate o momento eu refiz a cidade de saffron.

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