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[Resolvido]Problemas Na Vip Do Pokemon Centurion

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Bom Galera Estou Com Um Server Pokemon Centurion 8.54 Aqui Mais Tem Um Problema Ate As Pessoas Que Não São Premium Podem Da Fly E Ride, Como Eu Conserto Isso?


E meu sistema é de order.

system order

local skills = specialabilities

local surfborders = {4644, 4645, 4646, 4647, 4648, 4649, 4650, 4651, 4652, 4653, 4654, 4655, 4656, 4657, 4658, 4659, 4660, 4661, 4662, 4663}

local txt = {

["rock smash"] = {"break that rock!", "smash that rock!", "destroy that rock!", "smash it!", "break it!", "destroy it!"},

["cut"] = {"cut that bush!", "cut it down!", "cut it off!", "cut off that bush!", "cut down that bush!", "cut that bush down!"},

["move"] = {"move!", "move there!", "go there!", "walk there!"},

["light"] = {"flash!", "light!", "flash this place!", "light up this place!"},

["dig"] = {"open that hole!", "dig that hole!", "open it!", "dig it!"},

["blink"] = {"teleport there!", "blink there!", "blink!", "teleport!"},

["ride"] = {"let me ride you!", "let's ride!", "let me mount you!", "let me get on you!"},

["fly"] = {"let's fly!", "let me get on you!"} ,

["untransform"] = {"go back to normal!", "transform into yourself again!", "stop transformation!"},

["headbutt"] = {"headbutt on three", "headbutt that three!", "headbutt it off"},



local flys = {

["Moltres"] = {229, 2300}, -- moltres

["Articuno"] = {230, 2100}, -- artic

["Zapdos"] = {224, 2600}, -- zapdos

["Mew"] = {232, 2200}, -- 1000

["Mewtwo"] = {233, 2200},-- two

["Dragonite"] = {221, 1300},-- nite

["Pidgeot"] = {222, 900}, -- geot

["Fearow"] = {226, 800}, -- fearow

["Aerodactyl"] = {227, 1100}, -- aero

["Charizard"] = {216, 1000}, -- chari

["Porygon"] = {316, 600}, -- porygon


function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)

local checkpos = topos

checkpos.stackpos = 0

if getTileThingByPos(checkpos).uid <= 0 then return true end

--------END FLY/RIDE --------

if getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) and (item2.uid == cid or getRecorderPlayer(topos) == cid) and (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) >= 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) >= 1) then

if isInArray({460, 11675, 11676, 11677}, getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).itemid) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can\'t stop flying at this height!")

return true


local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8)

local pokemon = getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke")

local x = pokes[pokemon]

if getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).itemid >= 4820 and getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).itemid <= 4825 then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can\'t stop flying above the water!")

return true


doSummonMonster(cid, pokemon)

local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]

if not isCreature(pk) then

pk = doCreateMonster(pokemon, backupPos)

if not isCreature(pk) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't stop flying/riding here.")

return true


doConvinceCreature(cid, pk)


doTeleportThing(pk, getThingPos(cid), false)

doCreatureSetLookDir(pk, getCreatureLookDir(cid))

adjustStatus(pk, item.uid, true, false, true)

doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", let me get down!", 1)

doChangeSpeed(cid, - getCreatureSpeed(cid))

doChangeSpeed(cid, PlayerSpeed)

doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000, -1)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001, -1)

return true



if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need a pokemon to use order!") end

if getCreatureNoMove(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) then return true end

markLP(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], -1)

if getMarkedPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]).x == topos.x and getMarkedPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]).y == topos.y then

return true


local unfix = {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}

local thisball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8)

local mysum = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]

local sid = mysum or cid

local maxMoveDist = getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(sid), topos) * 2 + 1

markPos(mysum, topos)

markOwnerPos(mysum, getThingPos(cid))

-------- ROCK SMASH ---------

if item2.itemid == 1285 and isInArray(skills["rock smash"], getPokemonName(mysum)) then

doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["rock smash"][math.random(1, #txt["rock smash"])].."", 1)

addEvent(goThere, 500, mysum, topos, "rock smash", isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)))

return true



-------- HEADBUTT -----------

if item2.itemid == 2706 and isInArray(skills["headbutt"], getPokemonName(mysum)) then

doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["headbutt"][math.random(1, #txt["headbutt"])].."", 1)

addEvent(goThere, 500, mysum, topos, "headbutt", isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)))

return true



-------- CUT ----------------

if item2.itemid == 2767 and isInArray(skills["cut"], getPokemonName(mysum)) then

doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["cut"][math.random(1, #txt["cut"])].."", 1)

addEvent(goThere, 500, mysum, topos, "cut", isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)))

return true



-------- TRANSFORM ----------

if getCreatureName(mysum) == "Ditto" and isMonster(item2.uid) then

if item2.uid == mysum then

if isTransformed(mysum) then

deTransform(mysum, getItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "transTurn"))

markPos(mysum, unfix)

doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["untransform"][math.random(1, #txt["untransform"])].."", 1)

return true


doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your ditto is not transformed.")

markPos(mysum, unfix)

return true


if getCreatureName(item2.uid) == "Ditto" then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your ditto can't transform into another ditto.")

markPos(mysum, unfix)

return true


if getCreatureName(item2.uid) == getPlayerStorageValue(mysum, 1010) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your ditto is already transformed into that pokemon.")

markPos(mysum, unfix)

return true


local cd = getCD(thisball.uid, "trans", 40)

if cd > 0 then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon is too tired to transform again. Cooldown: ("..getStringmytempo(cd)..")")

return true


if getHappiness(mysum) <= 50 then

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(mysum), happinessRate[1].effect)

markPos(mysum, unfix)

return true


local turn = getItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "transTurn")

if not turn or turn > 10 then

doItemSetAttribute(thisball.uid, "transTurn", 0)


doItemSetAttribute(thisball.uid, "transTurn", turn + 1)


local time = 140 + 2 * getPokemonLevel(mysum)

turn = getItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "transTurn")

markPos(mysum, unfix)

setPlayerStorageValue(mysum, 1010, getCreatureName(item2.uid))

doSetCreatureOutfit(mysum, getCreatureOutfit(item2.uid), -1)

addEvent(deTransform, time * 1000, mysum, turn)

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(mysum), 184)

doCreatureSay(mysum, "TRANSFORM!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER)

local name = getCreatureName(item2.uid)

setCD(thisball.uid, "trans", 40)

doItemSetAttribute(thisball.uid, "transBegin", os.clock())

doSetItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "transLeft", time)

doSetItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "transOutfit", getCreatureOutfit(item2.uid).lookType)

doSetItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "transName", getCreatureName(item2.uid))

doFaceCreature(mysum, getThingPos(item2.uid))

doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", transform into "..getArticle(name).." ""!", 1)

if dittoCopiesStatusToo then

doSetItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "boffense", dittoBonus * getOffense(item2.uid))

doSetItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "bdefense", dittoBonus * getDefense(item2.uid))

doSetItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "bsattack", dittoBonus * getSpecialAttack(item2.uid))

doSetItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "bagility", dittoBonus * getSpeed(item2.uid))

adjustStatus(mysum, thisball.uid)


return true



-------- LIGHT --------------

if isMonster(item2.uid) and getCreatureMaster(item2.uid) == cid then

markPos(mysum, unfix)

if not isInArray(skills["light"], getPokemonName(item2.uid)) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon can't use flash.")

return true


local cd = getCD(thisball.uid, "light", 30)

if cd > 0 then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon is too tired to use flash. Cooldown: ("..getStringmytempo(cd)..")")

return true


doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["light"][math.random(1, #txt["light"])].."", 1)

doCreatureSay(mysum, "FLASH!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER)

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(mysum), 28)

local size = 5

size = size + math.floor(getSpecialAttack(mysum) / 60)

size = size + math.ceil(getPokemonLevel(mysum) / 60)

if size > 11 then

size = 11


doSetCreatureLight(mysum, size, 215, 600*1000)

local delay = math.floor(30 - getPokemonLevel(mysum) / 4)

if delay > 0 then

setCD(thisball.uid, "light", delay)


return true



-------- DIG ----------------

if isInArray(skills["digholes"], item2.itemid) and isInArray(skills["dig"], getPokemonName(mysum)) then

doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["dig"][math.random(1, #txt["dig"])].."", 1)

addEvent(goThere, 500, mysum, topos, "dig", isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)))

return true



-------- BLINK / MOVE -------

if not isCreature(item2.uid) and isInArray(skills["blink"], getPokemonName(mysum)) then

local cd = getCD(thisball.uid, "blink", 170)

if cd > 0 or not canWalkOnPos(topos, false, false, true, true, true) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Blink cooldown: ("..getStringmytempo(cd)..")")

doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["move"][math.random(1, #txt["move"])].."", 1)

addEvent(goThere, 500, mysum, topos, "move", isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)), maxMoveDist)

return true


local distance = getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(mysum), topos)

markPos(mysum, unfix)

setCD(thisball.uid, "blink", distance * 12)

doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["blink"][math.random(1, #txt["blink"])].."", 1)

doSendDistanceShoot(getThingPos(mysum), topos, 39)

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(mysum), 211)

doTeleportThing(mysum, topos, false)

doSendMagicEffect(topos, 134)

doCreatureSay(mysum, "BLINK!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER)

goThere(mysum, topos, "move", isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)))

return true



----START FLYorRIDE ---------

if (item2.uid == cid or getRecorderPlayer(topos) == cid) and (isInArray(skills["fly"], getPokemonName(mysum)) or isInArray(skills["ride"], getPokemonName(mysum))) then

--if not isPremium(cid) then

--doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Only premium members are allowed to fly or ride.")

--return true


local pct = getCreatureHealth(mysum) / getCreatureMaxHealth(mysum)

doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "hp", 1 - pct)

if isInArray(skills["fly"], getPokemonName(mysum)) then

doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["fly"][math.random(1, #txt["fly"])].."", 1)

addEvent(goThere, 500, mysum, topos, "fly", isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)))


doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["ride"][math.random(1, #txt["ride"])].."", 1)

addEvent(goThere, 500, mysum, topos, "ride", isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)))


return true



-------- MOVE / END ---------

local onlyWater = false

if isWater(getTileThingByPos(checkpos).itemid) then

onlyWater = true

for checkwater = 0, 7 do

if not isWater(getTileThingByPos(getPosByDir(checkpos, checkwater)).itemid) then

onlyWater = false




if onlyWater then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Destination is not reachable.")

return true


doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["move"][math.random(1, #txt["move"])].."", 1)

if isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)) then

goThere(mysum, topos, "move", isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)), maxMoveDist)


addEvent(goThere, 500, mysum, topos, "move", isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)), maxMoveDist)


return true



Editado por abmauromacedo (veja o histórico de edições)


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local skills = specialabilities

local surfborders = {4644, 4645, 4646, 4647, 4648, 4649, 4650, 4651, 4652, 4653, 4654, 4655, 4656, 4657, 4658, 4659, 4660, 4661, 4662, 4663}

local txt = {

["rock smash"] = {"break that rock!", "smash that rock!", "destroy that rock!", "smash it!", "break it!", "destroy it!"},

["cut"] = {"cut that bush!", "cut it down!", "cut it off!", "cut off that bush!", "cut down that bush!", "cut that bush down!"},

["move"] = {"move!", "move there!", "go there!", "walk there!"},

["light"] = {"flash!", "light!", "flash this place!", "light up this place!"},

["dig"] = {"open that hole!", "dig that hole!", "open it!", "dig it!"},

["blink"] = {"teleport there!", "blink there!", "blink!", "teleport!"},

["ride"] = {"let me ride you!", "let's ride!", "let me mount you!", "let me get on you!"},

["fly"] = {"let's fly!", "let me get on you!"} ,

["untransform"] = {"go back to normal!", "transform into yourself again!", "stop transformation!"},

["headbutt"] = {"headbutt on three", "headbutt that three!", "headbutt it off"},



local flys = {

["Moltres"] = {229, 2300}, -- moltres

["Articuno"] = {230, 2100}, -- artic

["Zapdos"] = {224, 2600}, -- zapdos

["Mew"] = {232, 2200}, -- 1000

["Mewtwo"] = {233, 2200},-- two

["Dragonite"] = {221, 1300},-- nite

["Pidgeot"] = {222, 900}, -- geot

["Fearow"] = {226, 800}, -- fearow

["Aerodactyl"] = {227, 1100}, -- aero

["Charizard"] = {216, 1000}, -- chari

["Porygon"] = {316, 600}, -- porygon


function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)

local checkpos = topos

checkpos.stackpos = 0

if getTileThingByPos(checkpos).uid <= 0 then return true end

--------END FLY/RIDE --------

if getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) and (item2.uid == cid or getRecorderPlayer(topos) == cid) and (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) >= 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) >= 1) then

if isInArray({460, 11675, 11676, 11677}, getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).itemid) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can\'t stop flying at this height!")

return true


local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8)

local pokemon = getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke")

local x = pokes[pokemon]

if getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).itemid >= 4820 and getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).itemid <= 4825 then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can\'t stop flying above the water!")

return true


doSummonMonster(cid, pokemon)

local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]

if not isCreature(pk) then

pk = doCreateMonster(pokemon, backupPos)

if not isCreature(pk) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't stop flying/riding here.")

return true


doConvinceCreature(cid, pk)


doTeleportThing(pk, getThingPos(cid), false)

doCreatureSetLookDir(pk, getCreatureLookDir(cid))

adjustStatus(pk, item.uid, true, false, true)

doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])..", let me get down!", 1)

doChangeSpeed(cid, - getCreatureSpeed(cid))

doChangeSpeed(cid, PlayerSpeed)

doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000, -1)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001, -1)

return true



if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need a pokemon to use order!") end

if getCreatureNoMove(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) then return true end

markLP(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], -1)

if getMarkedPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]).x == topos.x and getMarkedPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]).y == topos.y then

return true


local unfix = {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}

local thisball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8)

local mysum = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]

local sid = mysum or cid

local maxMoveDist = getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(sid), topos) * 2 + 1

markPos(mysum, topos)

markOwnerPos(mysum, getThingPos(cid))

-------- ROCK SMASH ---------

if item2.itemid == 1285 and isInArray(skills["rock smash"], getPokemonName(mysum)) then

doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["rock smash"][math.random(1, #txt["rock smash"])].."", 1)

addEvent(goThere, 500, mysum, topos, "rock smash", isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)))

return true



-------- HEADBUTT -----------

if item2.itemid == 2706 and isInArray(skills["headbutt"], getPokemonName(mysum)) then

doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["headbutt"][math.random(1, #txt["headbutt"])].."", 1)

addEvent(goThere, 500, mysum, topos, "headbutt", isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)))

return true



-------- CUT ----------------

if item2.itemid == 2767 and isInArray(skills["cut"], getPokemonName(mysum)) then

doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["cut"][math.random(1, #txt["cut"])].."", 1)

addEvent(goThere, 500, mysum, topos, "cut", isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)))

return true



-------- TRANSFORM ----------

if getCreatureName(mysum) == "Ditto" and isMonster(item2.uid) then

if item2.uid == mysum then

if isTransformed(mysum) then

deTransform(mysum, getItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "transTurn"))

markPos(mysum, unfix)

doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["untransform"][math.random(1, #txt["untransform"])].."", 1)

return true


doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your ditto is not transformed.")

markPos(mysum, unfix)

return true


if getCreatureName(item2.uid) == "Ditto" then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your ditto can't transform into another ditto.")

markPos(mysum, unfix)

return true


if getCreatureName(item2.uid) == getPlayerStorageValue(mysum, 1010) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your ditto is already transformed into that pokemon.")

markPos(mysum, unfix)

return true


local cd = getCD(thisball.uid, "trans", 40)

if cd > 0 then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon is too tired to transform again. Cooldown: ("..getStringmytempo(cd)..")")

return true


if getHappiness(mysum) <= 50 then

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(mysum), happinessRate[1].effect)

markPos(mysum, unfix)

return true


local turn = getItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "transTurn")

if not turn or turn > 10 then

doItemSetAttribute(thisball.uid, "transTurn", 0)


doItemSetAttribute(thisball.uid, "transTurn", turn + 1)


local time = 140 + 2 * getPokemonLevel(mysum)

turn = getItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "transTurn")

markPos(mysum, unfix)

setPlayerStorageValue(mysum, 1010, getCreatureName(item2.uid))

doSetCreatureOutfit(mysum, getCreatureOutfit(item2.uid), -1)

addEvent(deTransform, time * 1000, mysum, turn)

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(mysum), 184)

doCreatureSay(mysum, "TRANSFORM!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER)

local name = getCreatureName(item2.uid)

setCD(thisball.uid, "trans", 40)

doItemSetAttribute(thisball.uid, "transBegin", os.clock())

doSetItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "transLeft", time)

doSetItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "transOutfit", getCreatureOutfit(item2.uid).lookType)

doSetItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "transName", getCreatureName(item2.uid))

doFaceCreature(mysum, getThingPos(item2.uid))

doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", transform into "..getArticle(name).." ""!", 1)

if dittoCopiesStatusToo then

doSetItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "boffense", dittoBonus * getOffense(item2.uid))

doSetItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "bdefense", dittoBonus * getDefense(item2.uid))

doSetItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "bsattack", dittoBonus * getSpecialAttack(item2.uid))

doSetItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "bagility", dittoBonus * getSpeed(item2.uid))

adjustStatus(mysum, thisball.uid)


return true



-------- LIGHT --------------

if isMonster(item2.uid) and getCreatureMaster(item2.uid) == cid then

markPos(mysum, unfix)

if not isInArray(skills["light"], getPokemonName(item2.uid)) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon can't use flash.")

return true


local cd = getCD(thisball.uid, "light", 30)

if cd > 0 then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon is too tired to use flash. Cooldown: ("..getStringmytempo(cd)..")")

return true


doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["light"][math.random(1, #txt["light"])].."", 1)

doCreatureSay(mysum, "FLASH!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER)

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(mysum), 28)

local size = 5

size = size + math.floor(getSpecialAttack(mysum) / 60)

size = size + math.ceil(getPokemonLevel(mysum) / 60)

if size > 11 then

size = 11


doSetCreatureLight(mysum, size, 215, 600*1000)

local delay = math.floor(30 - getPokemonLevel(mysum) / 4)

if delay > 0 then

setCD(thisball.uid, "light", delay)


return true



-------- DIG ----------------

if isInArray(skills["digholes"], item2.itemid) and isInArray(skills["dig"], getPokemonName(mysum)) then

doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["dig"][math.random(1, #txt["dig"])].."", 1)

addEvent(goThere, 500, mysum, topos, "dig", isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)))

return true



-------- BLINK / MOVE -------

if not isCreature(item2.uid) and isInArray(skills["blink"], getPokemonName(mysum)) then

local cd = getCD(thisball.uid, "blink", 170)

if cd > 0 or not canWalkOnPos(topos, false, false, true, true, true) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Blink cooldown: ("..getStringmytempo(cd)..")")

doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["move"][math.random(1, #txt["move"])].."", 1)

addEvent(goThere, 500, mysum, topos, "move", isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)), maxMoveDist)

return true


local distance = getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(mysum), topos)

markPos(mysum, unfix)

setCD(thisball.uid, "blink", distance * 12)

doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["blink"][math.random(1, #txt["blink"])].."", 1)

doSendDistanceShoot(getThingPos(mysum), topos, 39)

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(mysum), 211)

doTeleportThing(mysum, topos, false)

doSendMagicEffect(topos, 134)

doCreatureSay(mysum, "BLINK!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER)

goThere(mysum, topos, "move", isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)))

return true



----START FLYorRIDE ---------

if (item2.uid == cid or getRecorderPlayer(topos) == cid) and (isInArray(skills["fly"], getPokemonName(mysum)) or isInArray(skills["ride"], getPokemonName(mysum))) then

if not isPremium(cid) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Only premium members are allowed to fly or ride.")

return true


local pct = getCreatureHealth(mysum) / getCreatureMaxHealth(mysum)

doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "hp", 1 - pct)

if isInArray(skills["fly"], getPokemonName(mysum)) then

doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["fly"][math.random(1, #txt["fly"])].."", 1)

addEvent(goThere, 500, mysum, topos, "fly", isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)))


doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["ride"][math.random(1, #txt["ride"])].."", 1)

addEvent(goThere, 500, mysum, topos, "ride", isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)))


return true



-------- MOVE / END ---------

local onlyWater = false

if isWater(getTileThingByPos(checkpos).itemid) then

onlyWater = true

for checkwater = 0, 7 do

if not isWater(getTileThingByPos(getPosByDir(checkpos, checkwater)).itemid) then

onlyWater = false




if onlyWater then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Destination is not reachable.")

return true


doPlayerSay(cid, ""..getPokeName(mysum)..", "..txt["move"][math.random(1, #txt["move"])].."", 1)

if isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)) then

goThere(mysum, topos, "move", isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)), maxMoveDist)


addEvent(goThere, 500, mysum, topos, "move", isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)), maxMoveDist)


return true



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Entrada Como Membro 14 / 08 / 2012

Entrada Como Suporte 05 / 12 / 2012

Saída Como Suporte 06 / 01 / 2013


Contato : [email protected] / [email protected]

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Duvida Sanada




Entrada Como Membro 14 / 08 / 2012

Entrada Como Suporte 05 / 12 / 2012

Saída Como Suporte 06 / 01 / 2013


Contato : [email protected] / [email protected]

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