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Dragon Ball Dbo Rox V2 8.60 [Open Source][99% SEM BUGS]

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Blz, o ip anterior tava, +(MAIS) os null conta como 20 caracteres, ali no meu eu so teria que adicionar + 2 NULL e mesmo assim ele da o erro, ou to fazendo algo mto errado ou não to conseguindo enxergar a situação

Sem título.jpg

,e mesmo sem mexer nos null ele fica assim


Editado por kukas9 (veja o histórico de edições)
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Dragon Ball Rox Servidor 100% estável com mais de 200 horas online. 38 Vocações sendo 9 delas vip que são: Shenron,Vegetto,Zaiko,Kagome,Tapion,Kame Chilled,C8 e King Vegetta.

A base que o @WhiteBubble é a minha, e a do @Alexy Brocanello é outra diferente. Só comparar os arquivos "definitions.h", entre outras dezenas de coisas.   Agora SE o @WhiteBubble copio

100% ele n esta, tem esses pequenos bugs que nem são dificieis de arrumar, acredito que o unico "bug" que acho ser dificil e o das spells que não interfere em quase nada no server.

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12 minutos atrás, kukas9 disse:

Blz, o ip anterior tava, +(MAIS) os null conta como 20 caracteres, ali no meu eu so teria que adicionar + 2 NULL e mesmo assim ele da o erro, ou to fazendo algo mto errado ou não to conseguindo enxergar a situação

Sem título.jpg

,e mesmo sem mexer nos null ele fica assim



Quando você seleciona o ip, utilizando CTRL+F na aba substituir, tem um botão escrito "substituir todos" ao clicar nele, ele muda 11 locais, você tá mudando esses 11 locais? (o ip aparece 11 vezes nesse mesmo arquivo)

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1 minuto atrás, DiigooMix disse:

Quando você seleciona o ip, utilizando CTRL+F na aba substituir, tem um botão escrito "substituir todos" ao clicar nele, ele muda 11 locais, você tá mudando esses 11 locais? (o ip aparece 11 vezes nesse mesmo arquivo)


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17 minutos atrás, kukas9 disse:

Blz, o ip anterior tava, +(MAIS) os null conta como 20 caracteres, ali no meu eu so teria que adicionar + 2 NULL e mesmo assim ele da o erro, ou to fazendo algo mto errado ou não to conseguindo enxergar a situação

Sem título.jpg

,e mesmo sem mexer nos null ele fica assim



Pelo notepad nao tem como adicionar os null por isso esta bugando

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2 minutos atrás, WhiteBubble disse:

Pelo notepad nao tem como adicionar os null por isso esta bugando

Não tem como?! ou ele nao aceita? pq é so vc ir em plugins>convert>conversion panel e em DECIMAL colocar 0 e la em cima na frente do ASCII colocar insert da linha, eu aprendi aqui no forum mesmo

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Agora, kukas9 disse:

Não tem como?! ou ele nao aceita? pq é so vc ir em plugins>convert>conversion panel e em DECIMAL colocar 0 e la em cima na frente do ASCII colocar insert da linha, eu aprendi aqui no forum mesmo

Comigo nunca deu certo, pra editar ips menores ou maiores que o que ja esta no cliente sempre usei um hex editor.

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Agora, WhiteBubble disse:

Comigo nunca deu certo, pra editar ips menores ou maiores que o que ja esta no cliente sempre usei um hex editor.

Qual Hex vc me recomenda por favor?

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2 minutos atrás, kukas9 disse:

Qual Hex vc me recomenda por favor?

eu costumo usar o xvi32 ele é bem simples e facil de usar.

Editado por WhiteBubble (veja o histórico de edições)
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Beleza obrigado, qualquer coiso posso mandar a duvida aqui relacionado ao HEX?

1 minuto atrás, WhiteBubble disse:

eu contumo usar o xvi32 ele é bem simples e facil de usar.


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57 minutos atrás, WhiteBubble disse:
  • pelo notepad o ip que você colocar tem que ter o mesmo numero de caracteres. Se colocar mais ou menos acontece o erro citado, quanto ao tecnicas estar dando debug e por causa que o god pode ver todas as tecnicas de todos personagens e pela quantidade da debug, quanto ao shop não sei te dizer pois faz tempo que mexi com ele e não me recordo.

Não estou conseguindo arrumar o link do menu pra ir para a página Shop.
Aqui está o arquivo do menu (acho que é esse):



Aqui está a página do Shop, na parte system/pages/



Tentei colocar assim:

<li><a href="{$path}/index.php/system/pages/shop">&nbsp;&raquo; <font size="2"><font color="green">Shop Dragonball</font></a></li>


mas não foi.. poderia me ajudar?

10 minutos atrás, WhiteBubble disse:

Comigo nunca deu certo, pra editar ips menores ou maiores que o que ja esta no cliente sempre usei um hex editor.

pelo xvi32 da pra mexer no menu do cliente? queria mudar 2 botões do jogo.. ou pelo menos só os nomes deles...

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Fiquei mais perdido com esse Hex sahuhusahusa

35 minutos atrás, DiigooMix disse:

Não estou conseguindo arrumar o link do menu pra ir para a página Shop.
Aqui está o arquivo do menu (acho que é esse):



Aqui está a página do Shop, na parte system/pages/



Tentei colocar assim:

<li><a href="{$path}/index.php/system/pages/shop">&nbsp;&raquo; <font size="2"><font color="green">Shop Dragonball</font></a></li>


mas não foi.. poderia me ajudar?

pelo xvi32 da pra mexer no menu do cliente? queria mudar 2 botões do jogo.. ou pelo menos só os nomes deles...

Pelo xvi32 da, mano semana passada havia consegui arrumar isso cara do shop, vou tentar lembrar pq foi no Notebook

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27 minutos atrás, kukas9 disse:

Fiquei mais perdido com esse Hex sahuhusahusa

Pelo xvi32 da, mano semana passada havia consegui arrumar isso cara do shop, vou tentar lembrar pq foi no Notebook

Também fiquei perdido com o Hex, decidi focar no Shop primeiro kkkkkk

Se lembrar me fala pf, vai me ajudar dms xD

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Como é modern, to pensando em trocar o gifts desse pro meu do nto, e a database tb, ai so implemento o system de anti clone do modern, pq n eh so o shop que voce tem q arrumar, é o gifts tb, os select e etc

@WhiteBubble sabe como corrigir estes erros da source?


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Estou tentando arrumar o Shop e me deparei com esse erro:



esse é meu gifts.php:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
autoHeight: false,
navigation: true
//Product Types
//Categories :
//[ 1 - Account Modifications ]
//1 - Premium
//2 - Remove Skull (ANY)
//3 - UnBan Account
//4 - Change Name
//[ 2 - Items ]
//5 - Items
//[ 3 - Container Fully of Items ]
//6 - Bag of Items
//7 - Backpack of Items
//[ 4 - Addons Items ]
//8 - Addon Items
//HOWTO PUT IMAGES FOR TYPES 1-4 [ Account Modifications ]
//Go to public/images/ folder and create a GIF image (Or put)
//With the ID of the type [See at the top of the script]
//Ex. Type (1) - Premium Account (public/images/1.gif)

$this->load->helper("url");      <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ESTA É A LINHA DE ERRO <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$ots = POT::getInstance();
$ots->connect(POT::DB_MYSQL, connection());
$SQL = $ots->getDBHandle();
$SHOP = new shop;
$ide = new IDE;
$action = $this->uri->segment(4);
$categories = array(1 => 'Account Modifications', 2 => 'Items');
if ($_SESSION['logged'] == 1) {
if ($SHOP->isInstalled()) {
if ($action == '') {
if($ide->isAdmin()) {
echo "<div class='toolbar' align='center'>";
echo "<a href='".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin'>Shop Admin Panel</a>";
echo "</div>";
alert("<b>REMEMBER:</b><br><br>All categories, <b>except for 'Containers with Items'</b>:<br><br>Receiver need to have space on his/her <b>BACKPACK</b> to receive item.");
echo '<div id="accordion">';
$i = 0;
foreach($categories as $key=>$value) {
echo '<h3><a href="#">'.$categories[$key].'</a></h3>
if($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE category = '.$key.'')->fetch()) {
echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
 <td width="20%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Picture</td>
 <td width="40%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Product</td>
 <td width="20%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Points</td>
 <td width="20%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Action</td>
foreach($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE category = '.$key.'') as $item) {
if (is_int($i / 2))
$bgcolor = "#ececec";
$bgcolor = "#ffffff";
echo '<tr class="highlight" bgcolor="'.$bgcolor.'" style="text-align: center;">
if($item['category'] == '1')
$image = 'public/images/'.$item['type'].'.gif';
$image = 'public/images/items/'.$item['item'].'.gif';
echo 'NO IMAGE';
echo '<img height="32px" width="32px" src="'.WEBSITE.'/'.$image.'"/>';
echo '</td>
<td><font color="#FF0000"><button type="submit" onClick="window.location.href=\''.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/buy/'.$item['id'].'\';" class="ide_button"><font color="#071918">Buy Product</button></td>
echo '</table></div>';
else {
alert("This category doesn't have products.");
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<br><center><font style="color: #58FAF4; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px">You have: <font color="#58FAF4">'.$SHOP->points($_SESSION['name']).'</font> premium points.</font></center>';
elseif ($action == 'buy') {
$product = $this->uri->segment(5);
$productact = $this->uri->segment(6);
if (!$product) {
alert("You didn't have selected a product.");
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts">Go Back to Gift Shop</a></div>';
else {
if($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE id = '.$product.'')->fetch()) {
$info = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE id = '.$product.'')->fetch();
if($productact == '' || !$productact) {
if ($SHOP->points($_SESSION['name']) < $info['points']) {
alert("You don't have enough points to buy this product (<b>".$info['points']."</b>)");
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts">Go Back to Gift Shop</a></div>';
else {
echo '<div id="accordion">';
echo '<h3><a href="#">Product Selected</a></h3>
echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
 <td width="25%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Picture</td>
 <td width="50%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Product</td>
 <td width="25%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Points</td>
echo '<tr class="highlight" style="text-align: center">
if($info['category'] == '1')
$image = 'public/images/'.$info['type'].'.gif';
$image = 'public/images/items/'.$info['item'].'.gif';
echo 'NO IMAGE';
echo '<img height="32px" width="32px" src="'.WEBSITE.'/'.$image.'"/>';
echo '</td>
echo '</table></div>
<h3><a href="#">Player Selection</a></h3>
<center><table border="0" cellspacing="7" cellpadding="4" width="50%">
<td><form method="post" action="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/buy/'.$info['id'].'/send">';
if($info['type'] == '4') 
echo 'Character to Change Name:';
echo 'Give item to player:';
echo '</td>
<td><select name="my_char">';
foreach($SHOP->CharacterList($_SESSION['name']) as $row)
echo '<option>'.$row['name'].'</option>';
echo '</select></td>
if($info['type'] == '4') 
echo 'New Name:';
echo 'Or another player:';
echo '</td>
<td><input type="text" name="other_char" size="10"/></td>
<td><button type="submit" name="submit" value="true" class="ide_button">Buy Product</td>
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/">Go Back to Gift Shop</a></div>';
elseif ($productact == 'send') {
header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts");
else {
$info = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE id = '.$product.'')->fetch();
if ($SHOP->points($_SESSION['name']) < $info['points']) {
alert("You don't have enough points to buy this product (<b>".$info['points']."</b>)");
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts">Go Back to Gift Shop</a></div>';
} else {
if($info['type'] != '4') {
if($_POST['other_char']) {
if($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players WHERE name = "'.$_POST['other_char'].'"')->fetch()) {
$destination = $_POST['other_char'];
$send = true;
} else {
alert('<b>'.$_POST['other_char'].'</b> doesn\'t exists.');
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/buy/'.$info['id'].'">Go Back to Gift Shop</a></div>';
$send = false;
else {
$destination = $_POST['my_char'];
$send = true;
else {
$destination = $_POST['my_char'];
$send = true;

if($send == true) {
$errors = '';
$processed = 0;
if ($info['type'] == '1') {
$processed = 1;
$finish = true;
elseif ($info['type'] == '2') {
$skulltime = $SQL->query('SELECT skull,skulltime FROM players WHERE name = "'.$destination.'"')->fetch();
if ($SHOP->isOnline($destination) == 1) {
$errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$destination.'</b> is On-Line right now.<br>';
$finish = false;
elseif ($skulltime['skull'] == '0' && $skulltime['skulltime'] == '0') {
$errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$destination.'</b> doesn\'t have any skull.<br>';
$finish = false;
else {
$processed = 1;
$finish = true;
$SQL->query('UPDATE players SET skull = 0, skulltime = 0 WHERE name = "'.$destination.'"');
elseif ($info['type'] == '3') {
if ($SHOP->isOnline($destination) == 1) {
$errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$destination.'</b> is On-Line right now.<br>';
$finish = false;
else {
if ($SHOP->isBanned($destination)->fetch()) {
$processed = 1;
$finish = true;
else {
$errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$destination.'</b>\'s Account isn\'t banned at the moment.<br>';
$finish = false;
elseif ($info['type'] == '4') {
if ($SHOP->isOnline($destination) == 1) {
$errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$destination.'</b> is On-Line right now.<br>';
$finish = false;
else {
if ($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players WHERE name = "'.$_POST['other_char'].'"')->fetch()) {
$finish = false;
$errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$_POST['other_char'].'</b> already exists.<br>';
else {
if(!$_POST['other_char']) {
$finish = false;
$errors .= 'Sorry, but you didn\'t put a new name for your character.<br>';
else {
if (!preg_match('/[^A-Za-z]/', $_POST['other_char'])) {
$processed = 1;
$finish = true;
$SQL->query('UPDATE players SET name = "'.$_POST['other_char'].'" WHERE name = "'.$destination.'"');
else {
$finish = false;
$errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$_POST['other_char'].'</b> contains invalid characters (Use only: A-Z, a-z).<br>';
else {
$finish = true;
if ($finish == true) {
echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 15px; color: #4EBF37; font-weight: bold;">Transaction Succesfull</div><br>';
if($info['type'] == '4')
echo '<center>You have changed the name of <b>'.$destination.'</b> to <b>'.$_POST['other_char'].'</b>.</center>';
elseif($info['type'] == '3')
echo '<center>You have UnBanned <b>'.$destination.'</b>\'s Account.</center>';
echo '<center>You have bought <b>'.$info['name'].'</b> and gave to <b>'.$destination.'</b>.</center>';
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts">Go Back to Gift Shop</a></div>';
$SQL->query('UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = '.($SHOP->points($_SESSION['name']) - $info['points']).' WHERE name = "'.$_SESSION['name'].'"');
$SQL->query('INSERT INTO shop_history (`id`, `product`, `session`, `player`, `date`, `processed`) VALUES (NULL, \''.$info['id'].'\',\''.$_SESSION['name'].'\', \''.$destination.'\', \''.time().'\',\''.$processed.'\')');;
else {
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/buy/'.$info['id'].'">Go Back to Gift Shop</a></div>';
else {
header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts");
echo '<br><center><font style="color: #4F82CB; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px">You have: <font color="#41F93E">'.$SHOP->points($_SESSION['name']).'</font> premium points.</font></center>';
elseif ($action == 'history') {
if ($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_history WHERE session = "'.$_SESSION['name'].'" ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 30')->fetch()) {
echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Latest 30 Transactions</div>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Picture</td>
 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Product</td>
 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">To</td>
 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Date</td>
 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Processed</td>
foreach($SQL->query('SELECT `z`.`player` AS `destination`, `z`.`date` AS `date`, `z`.`processed` AS `processed`, `o`.`category` AS `category`,`o`.`type` AS `type`,`o`.`item` AS `item`,`o`.`name` AS `name` FROM `shop_history` z LEFT JOIN `shop_offer` o ON `z`.`product` = `o`.`id` WHERE `z`.`session` = \''.$_SESSION['name'].'\' ORDER BY `z`.`date` DESC LIMIT 30') as $hist) {
echo '<tr class="highlight" style="text-align: center"><td>';
if($hist['category'] == '1')
$image = 'public/images/'.$hist['type'].'.gif';
$image = 'public/images/items/'.$hist['item'].'.gif';
echo 'NO IMAGE';
echo '<img height="32px" width="32px" src="'.WEBSITE.'/'.$image.'"/>';
echo '</td>
<td>'.date("d-m-Y - H:i a", $hist["date"]).'</td>';
if ($hist['processed'] == '1')
echo '<td><img src="'.WEBSITE.'/public/images/true.gif"/></td>';
echo '<td><img src="'.WEBSITE.'/public/images/false.gif"/></td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
else {
alert('You didn\'t made any transactions');
elseif ($action == 'donate') {
$show = $this->uri->segment(5);
if ($show == 'history') {
if ($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_donation_history WHERE buyer = "'.$_SESSION['name'].'" ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 30')->fetch()) {
echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Latest 30 Donations</div>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Method</td>
 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">ID/Mail</td>
 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">To Account</td>
 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Points Added</td>
 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Date</td>
foreach($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_donation_history WHERE buyer = "'.$_SESSION['name'].'" ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 30') as $hist) {
echo '<tr class="highlight" style="text-align: center">
<td>'; echo ($hist['method'] == 'PayPal')?'<img src="" height="50px" width="100px">':($hist['method'] == 'ContenidoPago')?'<img src="" height="50px" width="100px">':''; echo '</td>
<td>'.date("d-m-Y - H:i a", $hist["date"]).'</td>
echo '</table>';
else {
alert('You didn\'t donated');
elseif (!$show || $show == '') {
alert("".$config['server_name']."'s Administration <b>is not responsible</b> for <b>cases of loss of products</b>.<br><br> ".$config['server_name']."'s Administration <b>is responsible</b> for <b>cases of loss of points which have been sent to users</b>.");
echo '<div id="accordion">';
foreach ($config['donations']['methods'] as $method => $active) {
if ($active == true) {
echo '<h3><a href="#">'.$method.'</a></h3>
if ($method == 'ContenidoPago') {
alert("This brand new system consists on <b>donations by SMS</b>.<br>
After donating you will receive <b>".$config['donations']['contenidopago']['Points']." Points</b>.<br><br>
You need to have <b>enough credit</b> to send <u>SMS</u>.<br><br>
You <b>MUST</b> fill the <b>Account Name</b> and the <b>Code Received</b> fields with <u>a valid account name</u> and <u>a valid code</u>.");
if(!isset($_POST['mysubmit'])) {
echo '<form method="post" action="" >
 <fieldset style="border:1px solid #990000; width:450px; margin:auto;">
<legend style="font-weight:bold;font-size:12px;">Automatic SMS Donation</legend>
<ol style="list-style:none;">
<li style="padding-bottom:5px;"><label style="width:100px;float:left;text-align:left;">Account Name:</label><input type="text" style="border:1px solid #CCCCCC;" size="30" name="name" /></li>
<li style="padding-bottom:5px;"><label style="width:100px;float:left;text-align:left;">Code received:</label><input type="text" style="border:1px solid #CCCCCC;" size="30" name="codigo" /></li>
<center><input type="submit"   name="mysubmit" style="padding:3px;margin-bottom:10px;color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#990000;border:1px solid #000000;" value="Enviar" /></center>
else {
$QueryString  = "LinkUrl=http://".urlencode($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$QueryString .= "&codigo=" .urlencode($codigo);
$QueryString .= "&idservicio=" .$config['donations']['contenidopago']['Product'];

if(intval(get_cfg_var('allow_url_fopen')) && function_exists('file_get_contents')) {
elseif(intval(get_cfg_var('allow_url_fopen')) && function_exists('file')) {
if($content = @file("".$QueryString)) 
 $result=@join('', $content);
elseif(function_exists('curl_init')) {
$ch = curl_init ("".$QueryString);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_exec ($ch);

alert("Error processing request");

curl_close ($ch);
else {
alert("It appears that your web host has disabled all functions for handling remote pages and as a result the BackLinks software will not function on your web page. Please contact your web host for more information.");

if ($result =='ok')

if(!$SQL->query("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE name = '".$name."'")->fetch())
alert('This username does not exist: <font color="blue">'.$name.'</font>'); 
else {
$SQL->query("UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = premium_points + ".$config['donations']['contenidopago']['Points']." WHERE name = '".$name."'");
alert("Codigo : $codigo validado, puntos sumados correctamente");
$SQL->query("INSERT INTO shop_donation_history (`id`, `method`, `receiver`, `buyer`, `account`, `points`, `date`) VALUES (NULL, 'ContenidoPago', '".$config['donations']['contenidopago']['Product']."', '".$_SESSION['name']."', '".$name."', '".$config['donations']['contenidopago']['Points']."', '".time()."');"); 
else {

 alert('You did not set the user!'); 


if ($result =='no')
alert('El codigo no es valido o ya esta usado');
echo '<center><iframe src ="" width="270px" height="340px" frameborder="0">
<p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>
elseif ($method == 'PayPal') {
alert("The donation costs <b>".$config['donations']['paypal']['Amount']." ".$config['donations']['paypal']['Money']."  (incl. VAT)</b>.<br>
After the donation you will receive a total of <b>".$config['donations']['paypal']['Points']." points</b> automatically.<br><br>
You need a <u>creditcard</u> <b>or</b> a <u>PayPal account</u> with a minimun of <b>".$config['donations']['paypal']['Amount']." ".$config['donations']['paypal']['Money']."</b>.<br><br>
You <b>MUST</b> fill the <b>Account Name</b> with a <u>valid one</u>.");
echo '<center><form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_donations">
<input type="hidden" name="business" value="'.$config['donations']['paypal']['Mail'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="lc" value="GB">
<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="'.$config['donations']['paypal']['Product'].'">
<b>Account Name:</b> <input type="text"  name="custom" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="item_number" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="'.$config['donations']['paypal']['Amount'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="'.$config['donations']['paypal']['Money'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="0">
<input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="0">
<input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value="'.WEBSITE.'index.php/p/v/paypal">
<input type="hidden" name="return" value="'.WEBSITE.'">
<input type="hidden" name="session" value="'.$_SESSION['name'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="rm" value="0">
<input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-DonationsBF:btn_donateCC_LG_global.gif:NonHosted"><br>
<input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online.">
<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
else {
header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/donate");
elseif ($action == 'admin') {
if($ide->isAdmin()) {
$manage = $this->uri->segment(5);
echo "<div class='toolbar' align='center'>";
echo "<a href='".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/add/1'>Add new Product</a> | ";
echo "<a href='".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/delete'>Delete Existing Product</a> | ";
echo "<a href='".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/points'>Add/Remove Points to Player</a>";
echo "</div>";

if ($manage == '' || !$manage) {
echo '<center>Welcome to Shop Admin Panel</center>';
elseif ($manage == 'add') {
$types[1] = array(1 => 'Premium Account', 2 => 'Remove Skull', 3 => 'UnBan Account', 4 => 'Change Name');
$types[2] = array(5 => 'Item');
$types[3] = array(6 => 'Bag with Items', 7 => 'Backpack with Items');
$types[4] = array(8 => 'Addon Items');
$step = $this->uri->segment(6);
if ($step == '1') {
echo '<form method="post" action="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/add/2">Select Category: <select name="category">';
foreach($categories as $key=>$value) {
echo '<option value="'.$key.'">'.$categories[$key].'</option>';
echo '</select> <button type="submit" class="ide_button">Select Category</form>';
elseif ($step == '2' && $_POST['category']) {
echo '<form method="post" action="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/add/3">
<input type="hidden" name="category" value="'.$_POST['category'].'"/>
Select Type: <select name="type">';
foreach($types[$_POST['category']] as $key=>$value) {
echo '<option value="'.$key.'">'.$types[$_POST['category']][$key].'</option>';
echo '</select> <button type="submit" class="ide_button">Select Type</form>';
elseif ($step == '3' && $_POST['category'] && $_POST['type']) {
echo '<form method="post" action="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/add/4">
<input type="hidden" name="category" value="'.$_POST['category'].'"/>
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="'.$_POST['type'].'"/>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
<td width="25%">Product Name:</td>
<td width="25%"><input name="name" type="text" size="18" maxlength="256" /></td>
<td width="50%" style="font-size: 9px; color: red; font-weight: bold;">The name of the product</td>
<td width="25%">Point Cost:</td>
<td width="25%"><input name="points" type="text" value="0" size="10" maxlength="11" /></td>
<td width="50%" style="font-size: 9px; color: red; font-weight: bold;">Cost of the Product (Points)</td>
if ($_POST['type'] == '1') {
echo '<tr>
<td width="25%">Premium Days:</td>
<td width="25%"><input name="count" type="text" value="0" size="1" maxlength="3" /></td>
<td width="50%" style="font-size: 9px; color: red; font-weight: bold;">Days of Premium Account</td>
elseif ($_POST['type'] == '5' || $_POST['type'] == '6' || $_POST['type'] == '7' || $_POST['type'] == '8') {
echo '<tr>
<td width="25%">Item ID:</td>
<td width="25%"><input name="item" type="text" value="0" size="3" maxlength="5" /></td>
<td width="50%" style="font-size: 9px; color: red; font-weight: bold;">ID of item to give</td>
<td width="25%">Count:</td>
<td width="25%"><input name="count" type="text" value="0" size="1" maxlength="3" /></td>
<td width="50%" style="font-size: 9px; color: red; font-weight: bold;">Count of item (max. 100) (When selecting \'Backpack of Items\' or \'Bag of Items\' type, the ITEM with that count will fill the container!)</td>
echo '<tr>
<td width="25%">Product Description:</td>
<td width="25%"><textarea style="width: 120px; height: 80px;" name="description"></textarea></td>
<td width="50%" style="font-size: 9px; color: red; font-weight: bold;">Description (Shown of \'Gifts\' Page)</td>
<br><center><button type="submit" name="done" value="true" class="ide_button">Add Product</form></center>';
elseif ($step == '4' && $_POST['done'] == 'true') {
$errors = '';
if ($_POST['points'] || $_POST['item'] || $_POST['count']) {
if($_POST['points']) {
if (!(!preg_match('/[^0-9]/', $_POST['points'])))
$errors .= '1';
elseif($_POST['item']) {
if (!(!preg_match('/[^0-9]/', $_POST['item'])))
$errors .= '2';
elseif($_POST['count']) {
if (!(!preg_match('/[^0-9]/', $_POST['count'])))
$errors .= '3';
if ($errors == '') {
echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 15px; color: #4EBF37; font-weight: bold;">Product Added!</div><br>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
<tr class="highlight">
<td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Product Name:</td>
<td width="50%">'.$_POST['name'].'</td>
<tr class="highlight">
<td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Category:</td>
<td width="50%">'.$categories[$_POST['category']].'</td>
<tr class="highlight">
<td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Type:</td>
<td width="50%">'.$types[$_POST['category']][$_POST['type']].'</td>
<tr class="highlight">
<td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Point Cost:</td>
<td width="50%">'.$_POST['points'].'</td>
if($_POST['type'] == '1') {
echo '<tr class="highlight"><td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Premium Days:</td>
<td width="50%">'.$_POST['count'].'</td>
elseif ($_POST['type'] == '5' || $_POST['type'] == '6' || $_POST['type'] == '7' || $_POST['type'] == '8') {
echo '<tr class="highlight"><td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Item ID:</td>
<td width="50%">'.$_POST['item'].'</td>
<tr class="highlight"><td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Count:</td>
<td width="50%">'.$_POST['count'].'</td>
echo '<tr class="highlight"><td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Description:</td>
<td width="50%">'.$_POST['description'].'</td>
$PostItem = (!isset($_POST['item']))?'0':$_POST['item'];
$PostCount = (!isset($_POST['count']))?'0':$_POST['count'];
$SQL->query("INSERT INTO shop_offer (`id`, `points`, `category`, `type`, `item`, `count`, `description`, `name`) VALUES (NULL, '".$_POST['points']."', '".$_POST['category']."', '".$_POST['type']."', '".$PostItem."', '".$PostCount."', '".$_POST['description']."', '".$_POST['name']."')");
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin">Go Back to Shop Admin</a></div>';
else {
alert('Sorry but 1 or more spaces contains invalid characters.');
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin">Go Back to Shop Admin</a></div>';
else {
header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/add/1");
elseif ($manage == 'delete') {
$product = $this->uri->segment(6);
if (!$product) {
echo '<div id="accordion">';
$i = 0;
foreach($categories as $key=>$value) {
echo '<h3><a href="#">'.$categories[$key].'</a></h3>
if($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE category = '.$key.'')->fetch()) {
echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
 <td width="20%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Picture</td>
 <td width="40%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Product</td>
 <td width="20%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Points</td>
 <td width="20%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Action</td>
foreach($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE category = '.$key.'') as $item) {
if (is_int($i / 2))
$bgcolor = "#ececec";
$bgcolor = "#ffffff";
echo '<tr class="highlight" bgcolor="'.$bgcolor.'" style="text-align: center;">
if($item['category'] == '1')
$image = 'public/images/'.$item['type'].'.gif';
$image = 'public/images/items/'.$item['item'].'.gif';
echo 'NO IMAGE';
echo '<img height="32px" width="32px" src="'.WEBSITE.'/'.$image.'"/>';
echo '</td>
<td><button type="submit" onClick="window.location.href=\''.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/delete/'.$item['id'].'\';" class="ide_button">Delete Offer</button></td>
echo '</table></div>';
else {
alert("This category doesn't have products.");
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
else {
if($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE id = '.$product.'')->fetch()) {
$SQL->query('DELETE FROM shop_offer WHERE id = '.$product.'');
$SQL->query('DELETE FROM shop_history WHERE product = '.$product.'');
echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 15px; color: #4EBF37; font-weight: bold;">Product Deleted!</div><br>
<center>The product ID <b>'.$product.'</b> has been deleted from DataBase.</center>';
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin">Go Back to Shop Admin</a></div>';
else {
header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/delete");
elseif ($manage == 'points') {
if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {
echo '<div id="accordion">
<h3><a href="#">Add Points</a></h3>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
<form method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<td>Select Player:</td>
<td><select name="player">';
foreach($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players ORDER BY name DESC') as $player) {
echo '<option value="'.$player['id'].'">'.$player['name'].'</option>';
echo '</select></td>
<td>Or Type a Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="other_char" size="10"/></td>
<td>Points to Add:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="points" size="10"/></td>
<td><button type="submit" name="submit" value="add" class="ide_button"><button class="ide_button">Add Points</button></td>
<h3><a href="#">Remove Points</a></h3>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
<form method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<td>Select Player:</td>
<td><select name="player">';
foreach($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players ORDER BY name DESC') as $player) {
echo '<option value="'.$player['id'].'">'.$player['name'].'</option>';
echo '</select></td>
<td>Or Type a Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="other_char" size="10"/></td>
<td>Points to Remove:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="points" size="10"/></td>
<td><button type="submit" name="submit" value="remove" class="ide_button"><button class="ide_button">Remove Points</button></td>
else {
$errors = "";
if(!isset($_POST['other_char']) || $_POST['other_char'] == '') {
$destination = $_POST['player'];
else {
$ID = $SQL->query('SELECT id FROM players WHERE name = "'.$_POST['other_char'].'"')->fetch();
$destination = $ID['id'];
$errors .= "Player <b>".$_POST['other_char']."</b> doesn't exists.<br>";
if($_POST['points'] == '0' || $_POST['points'] < '0')
$errors .= "Points quantity must be higher than 0!<br>";
elseif (!(!preg_match('/[^0-9]/', $_POST['points'])))
$errors .= "Point quantity must be a <b>numeric value</b>!";

if(isset($destination)) {
$player = $SQL->query('SELECT name FROM players WHERE id = "'.$destination.'"')->fetch();
$account = $SHOP->getPlayerAccount($player['name'])->fetch();
if ($_POST['submit'] == 'remove') {
if ($SHOP->points($account['name']) == '0' || $SHOP->points($account['name']) < '0')
$errors .= "Player <b>".$player['name']."</b> doesn't have any points.<br>";

if ($errors == '') {
$player = $SQL->query('SELECT name FROM players WHERE id = "'.$destination.'"')->fetch();
$account = $SHOP->getPlayerAccount($player['name'])->fetch();
echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 15px; color: #4EBF37; font-weight: bold;">Points '; echo ($_POST['submit'] == 'add')?'added':'removed'; echo '!</div><br>
<center>You have '; echo ($_POST['submit'] == 'add')?'added':'removed'; echo ' <b>'.$_POST['points'].'</b> points to <b>'.$player['name'].'</b>\'s Account.</center>';
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/points">Go Back to Points Manage</a></div>';
if($_POST['submit'] == 'add')
$SQL->query('UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = '.($SHOP->points($account['name']) + $_POST['points']).' WHERE name = "'.$account['name'].'"');
elseif($_POST['submit'] == 'remove')
$SQL->query('UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = '.($SHOP->points($account['name']) - $_POST['points']).' WHERE name = "'.$account['name'].'"');
else {
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/points">Go Back to Points Manage</a></div>';
else {
header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin");
else {
header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php");
else {
header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts");
elseif(!$SHOP->isInstalled()) {
if($ide->isAdmin()) {
echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 15px; color: #4EBF37; font-weight: bold;">Shop System Succesfully Installed!</div><br>
<center>Your shop system has been installed succesfully!! click <a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts">HERE</a> to see your shop</center>';
else {
header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php");

else {
header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php");


Sabe como posso arrumar isso?


E tenho mais uma dúvida. Na página "baixar.php" eu adicionei um instalador que criei pra teste e não quer baixar de jeito nenhum, nem o .exe, nem .zip, nem .rar

sabe o que pode ser?

O site está mostrando como Não Seguro, poderia ser isso? Como arrumar isso tbm?

O link está correto, pois eu clico nele e acontece a ação de baixar, mas não baixa nada, e não dá erro nenhum..

Link para o post
Compartilhar em outros sites
5 minutos atrás, DiigooMix disse:

Estou tentando arrumar o Shop e me deparei com esse erro:



esse é meu gifts.php:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
autoHeight: false,
navigation: true
//Product Types
//Categories :
//[ 1 - Account Modifications ]
//1 - Premium
//2 - Remove Skull (ANY)
//3 - UnBan Account
//4 - Change Name
//[ 2 - Items ]
//5 - Items
//[ 3 - Container Fully of Items ]
//6 - Bag of Items
//7 - Backpack of Items
//[ 4 - Addons Items ]
//8 - Addon Items
//HOWTO PUT IMAGES FOR TYPES 1-4 [ Account Modifications ]
//Go to public/images/ folder and create a GIF image (Or put)
//With the ID of the type [See at the top of the script]
//Ex. Type (1) - Premium Account (public/images/1.gif)

$this->load->helper("url");      <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ESTA É A LINHA DE ERRO <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$ots = POT::getInstance();
$ots->connect(POT::DB_MYSQL, connection());
$SQL = $ots->getDBHandle();
$SHOP = new shop;
$ide = new IDE;
$action = $this->uri->segment(4);
$categories = array(1 => 'Account Modifications', 2 => 'Items');
if ($_SESSION['logged'] == 1) {
if ($SHOP->isInstalled()) {
if ($action == '') {
if($ide->isAdmin()) {
echo "<div class='toolbar' align='center'>";
echo "<a href='".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin'>Shop Admin Panel</a>";
echo "</div>";
alert("<b>REMEMBER:</b><br><br>All categories, <b>except for 'Containers with Items'</b>:<br><br>Receiver need to have space on his/her <b>BACKPACK</b> to receive item.");
echo '<div id="accordion">';
$i = 0;
foreach($categories as $key=>$value) {
echo '<h3><a href="#">'.$categories[$key].'</a></h3>
if($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE category = '.$key.'')->fetch()) {
echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
 <td width="20%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Picture</td>
 <td width="40%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Product</td>
 <td width="20%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Points</td>
 <td width="20%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Action</td>
foreach($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE category = '.$key.'') as $item) {
if (is_int($i / 2))
$bgcolor = "#ececec";
$bgcolor = "#ffffff";
echo '<tr class="highlight" bgcolor="'.$bgcolor.'" style="text-align: center;">
if($item['category'] == '1')
$image = 'public/images/'.$item['type'].'.gif';
$image = 'public/images/items/'.$item['item'].'.gif';
echo 'NO IMAGE';
echo '<img height="32px" width="32px" src="'.WEBSITE.'/'.$image.'"/>';
echo '</td>
<td><font color="#FF0000"><button type="submit" onClick="window.location.href=\''.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/buy/'.$item['id'].'\';" class="ide_button"><font color="#071918">Buy Product</button></td>
echo '</table></div>';
else {
alert("This category doesn't have products.");
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<br><center><font style="color: #58FAF4; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px">You have: <font color="#58FAF4">'.$SHOP->points($_SESSION['name']).'</font> premium points.</font></center>';
elseif ($action == 'buy') {
$product = $this->uri->segment(5);
$productact = $this->uri->segment(6);
if (!$product) {
alert("You didn't have selected a product.");
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts">Go Back to Gift Shop</a></div>';
else {
if($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE id = '.$product.'')->fetch()) {
$info = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE id = '.$product.'')->fetch();
if($productact == '' || !$productact) {
if ($SHOP->points($_SESSION['name']) < $info['points']) {
alert("You don't have enough points to buy this product (<b>".$info['points']."</b>)");
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts">Go Back to Gift Shop</a></div>';
else {
echo '<div id="accordion">';
echo '<h3><a href="#">Product Selected</a></h3>
echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
 <td width="25%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Picture</td>
 <td width="50%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Product</td>
 <td width="25%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Points</td>
echo '<tr class="highlight" style="text-align: center">
if($info['category'] == '1')
$image = 'public/images/'.$info['type'].'.gif';
$image = 'public/images/items/'.$info['item'].'.gif';
echo 'NO IMAGE';
echo '<img height="32px" width="32px" src="'.WEBSITE.'/'.$image.'"/>';
echo '</td>
echo '</table></div>
<h3><a href="#">Player Selection</a></h3>
<center><table border="0" cellspacing="7" cellpadding="4" width="50%">
<td><form method="post" action="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/buy/'.$info['id'].'/send">';
if($info['type'] == '4') 
echo 'Character to Change Name:';
echo 'Give item to player:';
echo '</td>
<td><select name="my_char">';
foreach($SHOP->CharacterList($_SESSION['name']) as $row)
echo '<option>'.$row['name'].'</option>';
echo '</select></td>
if($info['type'] == '4') 
echo 'New Name:';
echo 'Or another player:';
echo '</td>
<td><input type="text" name="other_char" size="10"/></td>
<td><button type="submit" name="submit" value="true" class="ide_button">Buy Product</td>
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/">Go Back to Gift Shop</a></div>';
elseif ($productact == 'send') {
header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts");
else {
$info = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE id = '.$product.'')->fetch();
if ($SHOP->points($_SESSION['name']) < $info['points']) {
alert("You don't have enough points to buy this product (<b>".$info['points']."</b>)");
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts">Go Back to Gift Shop</a></div>';
} else {
if($info['type'] != '4') {
if($_POST['other_char']) {
if($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players WHERE name = "'.$_POST['other_char'].'"')->fetch()) {
$destination = $_POST['other_char'];
$send = true;
} else {
alert('<b>'.$_POST['other_char'].'</b> doesn\'t exists.');
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/buy/'.$info['id'].'">Go Back to Gift Shop</a></div>';
$send = false;
else {
$destination = $_POST['my_char'];
$send = true;
else {
$destination = $_POST['my_char'];
$send = true;

if($send == true) {
$errors = '';
$processed = 0;
if ($info['type'] == '1') {
$processed = 1;
$finish = true;
elseif ($info['type'] == '2') {
$skulltime = $SQL->query('SELECT skull,skulltime FROM players WHERE name = "'.$destination.'"')->fetch();
if ($SHOP->isOnline($destination) == 1) {
$errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$destination.'</b> is On-Line right now.<br>';
$finish = false;
elseif ($skulltime['skull'] == '0' && $skulltime['skulltime'] == '0') {
$errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$destination.'</b> doesn\'t have any skull.<br>';
$finish = false;
else {
$processed = 1;
$finish = true;
$SQL->query('UPDATE players SET skull = 0, skulltime = 0 WHERE name = "'.$destination.'"');
elseif ($info['type'] == '3') {
if ($SHOP->isOnline($destination) == 1) {
$errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$destination.'</b> is On-Line right now.<br>';
$finish = false;
else {
if ($SHOP->isBanned($destination)->fetch()) {
$processed = 1;
$finish = true;
else {
$errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$destination.'</b>\'s Account isn\'t banned at the moment.<br>';
$finish = false;
elseif ($info['type'] == '4') {
if ($SHOP->isOnline($destination) == 1) {
$errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$destination.'</b> is On-Line right now.<br>';
$finish = false;
else {
if ($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players WHERE name = "'.$_POST['other_char'].'"')->fetch()) {
$finish = false;
$errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$_POST['other_char'].'</b> already exists.<br>';
else {
if(!$_POST['other_char']) {
$finish = false;
$errors .= 'Sorry, but you didn\'t put a new name for your character.<br>';
else {
if (!preg_match('/[^A-Za-z]/', $_POST['other_char'])) {
$processed = 1;
$finish = true;
$SQL->query('UPDATE players SET name = "'.$_POST['other_char'].'" WHERE name = "'.$destination.'"');
else {
$finish = false;
$errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$_POST['other_char'].'</b> contains invalid characters (Use only: A-Z, a-z).<br>';
else {
$finish = true;
if ($finish == true) {
echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 15px; color: #4EBF37; font-weight: bold;">Transaction Succesfull</div><br>';
if($info['type'] == '4')
echo '<center>You have changed the name of <b>'.$destination.'</b> to <b>'.$_POST['other_char'].'</b>.</center>';
elseif($info['type'] == '3')
echo '<center>You have UnBanned <b>'.$destination.'</b>\'s Account.</center>';
echo '<center>You have bought <b>'.$info['name'].'</b> and gave to <b>'.$destination.'</b>.</center>';
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts">Go Back to Gift Shop</a></div>';
$SQL->query('UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = '.($SHOP->points($_SESSION['name']) - $info['points']).' WHERE name = "'.$_SESSION['name'].'"');
$SQL->query('INSERT INTO shop_history (`id`, `product`, `session`, `player`, `date`, `processed`) VALUES (NULL, \''.$info['id'].'\',\''.$_SESSION['name'].'\', \''.$destination.'\', \''.time().'\',\''.$processed.'\')');;
else {
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/buy/'.$info['id'].'">Go Back to Gift Shop</a></div>';
else {
header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts");
echo '<br><center><font style="color: #4F82CB; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px">You have: <font color="#41F93E">'.$SHOP->points($_SESSION['name']).'</font> premium points.</font></center>';
elseif ($action == 'history') {
if ($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_history WHERE session = "'.$_SESSION['name'].'" ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 30')->fetch()) {
echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Latest 30 Transactions</div>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Picture</td>
 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Product</td>
 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">To</td>
 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Date</td>
 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Processed</td>
foreach($SQL->query('SELECT `z`.`player` AS `destination`, `z`.`date` AS `date`, `z`.`processed` AS `processed`, `o`.`category` AS `category`,`o`.`type` AS `type`,`o`.`item` AS `item`,`o`.`name` AS `name` FROM `shop_history` z LEFT JOIN `shop_offer` o ON `z`.`product` = `o`.`id` WHERE `z`.`session` = \''.$_SESSION['name'].'\' ORDER BY `z`.`date` DESC LIMIT 30') as $hist) {
echo '<tr class="highlight" style="text-align: center"><td>';
if($hist['category'] == '1')
$image = 'public/images/'.$hist['type'].'.gif';
$image = 'public/images/items/'.$hist['item'].'.gif';
echo 'NO IMAGE';
echo '<img height="32px" width="32px" src="'.WEBSITE.'/'.$image.'"/>';
echo '</td>
<td>'.date("d-m-Y - H:i a", $hist["date"]).'</td>';
if ($hist['processed'] == '1')
echo '<td><img src="'.WEBSITE.'/public/images/true.gif"/></td>';
echo '<td><img src="'.WEBSITE.'/public/images/false.gif"/></td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
else {
alert('You didn\'t made any transactions');
elseif ($action == 'donate') {
$show = $this->uri->segment(5);
if ($show == 'history') {
if ($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_donation_history WHERE buyer = "'.$_SESSION['name'].'" ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 30')->fetch()) {
echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Latest 30 Donations</div>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Method</td>
 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">ID/Mail</td>
 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">To Account</td>
 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Points Added</td>
 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Date</td>
foreach($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_donation_history WHERE buyer = "'.$_SESSION['name'].'" ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 30') as $hist) {
echo '<tr class="highlight" style="text-align: center">
<td>'; echo ($hist['method'] == 'PayPal')?'<img src="" height="50px" width="100px">':($hist['method'] == 'ContenidoPago')?'<img src="" height="50px" width="100px">':''; echo '</td>
<td>'.date("d-m-Y - H:i a", $hist["date"]).'</td>
echo '</table>';
else {
alert('You didn\'t donated');
elseif (!$show || $show == '') {
alert("".$config['server_name']."'s Administration <b>is not responsible</b> for <b>cases of loss of products</b>.<br><br> ".$config['server_name']."'s Administration <b>is responsible</b> for <b>cases of loss of points which have been sent to users</b>.");
echo '<div id="accordion">';
foreach ($config['donations']['methods'] as $method => $active) {
if ($active == true) {
echo '<h3><a href="#">'.$method.'</a></h3>
if ($method == 'ContenidoPago') {
alert("This brand new system consists on <b>donations by SMS</b>.<br>
After donating you will receive <b>".$config['donations']['contenidopago']['Points']." Points</b>.<br><br>
You need to have <b>enough credit</b> to send <u>SMS</u>.<br><br>
You <b>MUST</b> fill the <b>Account Name</b> and the <b>Code Received</b> fields with <u>a valid account name</u> and <u>a valid code</u>.");
if(!isset($_POST['mysubmit'])) {
echo '<form method="post" action="" >
 <fieldset style="border:1px solid #990000; width:450px; margin:auto;">
<legend style="font-weight:bold;font-size:12px;">Automatic SMS Donation</legend>
<ol style="list-style:none;">
<li style="padding-bottom:5px;"><label style="width:100px;float:left;text-align:left;">Account Name:</label><input type="text" style="border:1px solid #CCCCCC;" size="30" name="name" /></li>
<li style="padding-bottom:5px;"><label style="width:100px;float:left;text-align:left;">Code received:</label><input type="text" style="border:1px solid #CCCCCC;" size="30" name="codigo" /></li>
<center><input type="submit"   name="mysubmit" style="padding:3px;margin-bottom:10px;color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#990000;border:1px solid #000000;" value="Enviar" /></center>
else {
$QueryString  = "LinkUrl=http://".urlencode($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$QueryString .= "&codigo=" .urlencode($codigo);
$QueryString .= "&idservicio=" .$config['donations']['contenidopago']['Product'];

if(intval(get_cfg_var('allow_url_fopen')) && function_exists('file_get_contents')) {
elseif(intval(get_cfg_var('allow_url_fopen')) && function_exists('file')) {
if($content = @file("".$QueryString)) 
 $result=@join('', $content);
elseif(function_exists('curl_init')) {
$ch = curl_init ("".$QueryString);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_exec ($ch);

alert("Error processing request");

curl_close ($ch);
else {
alert("It appears that your web host has disabled all functions for handling remote pages and as a result the BackLinks software will not function on your web page. Please contact your web host for more information.");

if ($result =='ok')

if(!$SQL->query("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE name = '".$name."'")->fetch())
alert('This username does not exist: <font color="blue">'.$name.'</font>'); 
else {
$SQL->query("UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = premium_points + ".$config['donations']['contenidopago']['Points']." WHERE name = '".$name."'");
alert("Codigo : $codigo validado, puntos sumados correctamente");
$SQL->query("INSERT INTO shop_donation_history (`id`, `method`, `receiver`, `buyer`, `account`, `points`, `date`) VALUES (NULL, 'ContenidoPago', '".$config['donations']['contenidopago']['Product']."', '".$_SESSION['name']."', '".$name."', '".$config['donations']['contenidopago']['Points']."', '".time()."');"); 
else {

 alert('You did not set the user!'); 


if ($result =='no')
alert('El codigo no es valido o ya esta usado');
echo '<center><iframe src ="" width="270px" height="340px" frameborder="0">
<p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>
elseif ($method == 'PayPal') {
alert("The donation costs <b>".$config['donations']['paypal']['Amount']." ".$config['donations']['paypal']['Money']."  (incl. VAT)</b>.<br>
After the donation you will receive a total of <b>".$config['donations']['paypal']['Points']." points</b> automatically.<br><br>
You need a <u>creditcard</u> <b>or</b> a <u>PayPal account</u> with a minimun of <b>".$config['donations']['paypal']['Amount']." ".$config['donations']['paypal']['Money']."</b>.<br><br>
You <b>MUST</b> fill the <b>Account Name</b> with a <u>valid one</u>.");
echo '<center><form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_donations">
<input type="hidden" name="business" value="'.$config['donations']['paypal']['Mail'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="lc" value="GB">
<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="'.$config['donations']['paypal']['Product'].'">
<b>Account Name:</b> <input type="text"  name="custom" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="item_number" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="'.$config['donations']['paypal']['Amount'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="'.$config['donations']['paypal']['Money'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="0">
<input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="0">
<input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value="'.WEBSITE.'index.php/p/v/paypal">
<input type="hidden" name="return" value="'.WEBSITE.'">
<input type="hidden" name="session" value="'.$_SESSION['name'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="rm" value="0">
<input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-DonationsBF:btn_donateCC_LG_global.gif:NonHosted"><br>
<input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online.">
<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
else {
header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/donate");
elseif ($action == 'admin') {
if($ide->isAdmin()) {
$manage = $this->uri->segment(5);
echo "<div class='toolbar' align='center'>";
echo "<a href='".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/add/1'>Add new Product</a> | ";
echo "<a href='".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/delete'>Delete Existing Product</a> | ";
echo "<a href='".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/points'>Add/Remove Points to Player</a>";
echo "</div>";

if ($manage == '' || !$manage) {
echo '<center>Welcome to Shop Admin Panel</center>';
elseif ($manage == 'add') {
$types[1] = array(1 => 'Premium Account', 2 => 'Remove Skull', 3 => 'UnBan Account', 4 => 'Change Name');
$types[2] = array(5 => 'Item');
$types[3] = array(6 => 'Bag with Items', 7 => 'Backpack with Items');
$types[4] = array(8 => 'Addon Items');
$step = $this->uri->segment(6);
if ($step == '1') {
echo '<form method="post" action="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/add/2">Select Category: <select name="category">';
foreach($categories as $key=>$value) {
echo '<option value="'.$key.'">'.$categories[$key].'</option>';
echo '</select> <button type="submit" class="ide_button">Select Category</form>';
elseif ($step == '2' && $_POST['category']) {
echo '<form method="post" action="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/add/3">
<input type="hidden" name="category" value="'.$_POST['category'].'"/>
Select Type: <select name="type">';
foreach($types[$_POST['category']] as $key=>$value) {
echo '<option value="'.$key.'">'.$types[$_POST['category']][$key].'</option>';
echo '</select> <button type="submit" class="ide_button">Select Type</form>';
elseif ($step == '3' && $_POST['category'] && $_POST['type']) {
echo '<form method="post" action="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/add/4">
<input type="hidden" name="category" value="'.$_POST['category'].'"/>
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="'.$_POST['type'].'"/>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
<td width="25%">Product Name:</td>
<td width="25%"><input name="name" type="text" size="18" maxlength="256" /></td>
<td width="50%" style="font-size: 9px; color: red; font-weight: bold;">The name of the product</td>
<td width="25%">Point Cost:</td>
<td width="25%"><input name="points" type="text" value="0" size="10" maxlength="11" /></td>
<td width="50%" style="font-size: 9px; color: red; font-weight: bold;">Cost of the Product (Points)</td>
if ($_POST['type'] == '1') {
echo '<tr>
<td width="25%">Premium Days:</td>
<td width="25%"><input name="count" type="text" value="0" size="1" maxlength="3" /></td>
<td width="50%" style="font-size: 9px; color: red; font-weight: bold;">Days of Premium Account</td>
elseif ($_POST['type'] == '5' || $_POST['type'] == '6' || $_POST['type'] == '7' || $_POST['type'] == '8') {
echo '<tr>
<td width="25%">Item ID:</td>
<td width="25%"><input name="item" type="text" value="0" size="3" maxlength="5" /></td>
<td width="50%" style="font-size: 9px; color: red; font-weight: bold;">ID of item to give</td>
<td width="25%">Count:</td>
<td width="25%"><input name="count" type="text" value="0" size="1" maxlength="3" /></td>
<td width="50%" style="font-size: 9px; color: red; font-weight: bold;">Count of item (max. 100) (When selecting \'Backpack of Items\' or \'Bag of Items\' type, the ITEM with that count will fill the container!)</td>
echo '<tr>
<td width="25%">Product Description:</td>
<td width="25%"><textarea style="width: 120px; height: 80px;" name="description"></textarea></td>
<td width="50%" style="font-size: 9px; color: red; font-weight: bold;">Description (Shown of \'Gifts\' Page)</td>
<br><center><button type="submit" name="done" value="true" class="ide_button">Add Product</form></center>';
elseif ($step == '4' && $_POST['done'] == 'true') {
$errors = '';
if ($_POST['points'] || $_POST['item'] || $_POST['count']) {
if($_POST['points']) {
if (!(!preg_match('/[^0-9]/', $_POST['points'])))
$errors .= '1';
elseif($_POST['item']) {
if (!(!preg_match('/[^0-9]/', $_POST['item'])))
$errors .= '2';
elseif($_POST['count']) {
if (!(!preg_match('/[^0-9]/', $_POST['count'])))
$errors .= '3';
if ($errors == '') {
echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 15px; color: #4EBF37; font-weight: bold;">Product Added!</div><br>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
<tr class="highlight">
<td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Product Name:</td>
<td width="50%">'.$_POST['name'].'</td>
<tr class="highlight">
<td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Category:</td>
<td width="50%">'.$categories[$_POST['category']].'</td>
<tr class="highlight">
<td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Type:</td>
<td width="50%">'.$types[$_POST['category']][$_POST['type']].'</td>
<tr class="highlight">
<td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Point Cost:</td>
<td width="50%">'.$_POST['points'].'</td>
if($_POST['type'] == '1') {
echo '<tr class="highlight"><td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Premium Days:</td>
<td width="50%">'.$_POST['count'].'</td>
elseif ($_POST['type'] == '5' || $_POST['type'] == '6' || $_POST['type'] == '7' || $_POST['type'] == '8') {
echo '<tr class="highlight"><td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Item ID:</td>
<td width="50%">'.$_POST['item'].'</td>
<tr class="highlight"><td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Count:</td>
<td width="50%">'.$_POST['count'].'</td>
echo '<tr class="highlight"><td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Description:</td>
<td width="50%">'.$_POST['description'].'</td>
$PostItem = (!isset($_POST['item']))?'0':$_POST['item'];
$PostCount = (!isset($_POST['count']))?'0':$_POST['count'];
$SQL->query("INSERT INTO shop_offer (`id`, `points`, `category`, `type`, `item`, `count`, `description`, `name`) VALUES (NULL, '".$_POST['points']."', '".$_POST['category']."', '".$_POST['type']."', '".$PostItem."', '".$PostCount."', '".$_POST['description']."', '".$_POST['name']."')");
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin">Go Back to Shop Admin</a></div>';
else {
alert('Sorry but 1 or more spaces contains invalid characters.');
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin">Go Back to Shop Admin</a></div>';
else {
header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/add/1");
elseif ($manage == 'delete') {
$product = $this->uri->segment(6);
if (!$product) {
echo '<div id="accordion">';
$i = 0;
foreach($categories as $key=>$value) {
echo '<h3><a href="#">'.$categories[$key].'</a></h3>
if($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE category = '.$key.'')->fetch()) {
echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
 <td width="20%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Picture</td>
 <td width="40%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Product</td>
 <td width="20%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Points</td>
 <td width="20%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Action</td>
foreach($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE category = '.$key.'') as $item) {
if (is_int($i / 2))
$bgcolor = "#ececec";
$bgcolor = "#ffffff";
echo '<tr class="highlight" bgcolor="'.$bgcolor.'" style="text-align: center;">
if($item['category'] == '1')
$image = 'public/images/'.$item['type'].'.gif';
$image = 'public/images/items/'.$item['item'].'.gif';
echo 'NO IMAGE';
echo '<img height="32px" width="32px" src="'.WEBSITE.'/'.$image.'"/>';
echo '</td>
<td><button type="submit" onClick="window.location.href=\''.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/delete/'.$item['id'].'\';" class="ide_button">Delete Offer</button></td>
echo '</table></div>';
else {
alert("This category doesn't have products.");
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
else {
if($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE id = '.$product.'')->fetch()) {
$SQL->query('DELETE FROM shop_offer WHERE id = '.$product.'');
$SQL->query('DELETE FROM shop_history WHERE product = '.$product.'');
echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 15px; color: #4EBF37; font-weight: bold;">Product Deleted!</div><br>
<center>The product ID <b>'.$product.'</b> has been deleted from DataBase.</center>';
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin">Go Back to Shop Admin</a></div>';
else {
header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/delete");
elseif ($manage == 'points') {
if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {
echo '<div id="accordion">
<h3><a href="#">Add Points</a></h3>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
<form method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<td>Select Player:</td>
<td><select name="player">';
foreach($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players ORDER BY name DESC') as $player) {
echo '<option value="'.$player['id'].'">'.$player['name'].'</option>';
echo '</select></td>
<td>Or Type a Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="other_char" size="10"/></td>
<td>Points to Add:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="points" size="10"/></td>
<td><button type="submit" name="submit" value="add" class="ide_button"><button class="ide_button">Add Points</button></td>
<h3><a href="#">Remove Points</a></h3>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
<form method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<td>Select Player:</td>
<td><select name="player">';
foreach($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players ORDER BY name DESC') as $player) {
echo '<option value="'.$player['id'].'">'.$player['name'].'</option>';
echo '</select></td>
<td>Or Type a Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="other_char" size="10"/></td>
<td>Points to Remove:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="points" size="10"/></td>
<td><button type="submit" name="submit" value="remove" class="ide_button"><button class="ide_button">Remove Points</button></td>
else {
$errors = "";
if(!isset($_POST['other_char']) || $_POST['other_char'] == '') {
$destination = $_POST['player'];
else {
$ID = $SQL->query('SELECT id FROM players WHERE name = "'.$_POST['other_char'].'"')->fetch();
$destination = $ID['id'];
$errors .= "Player <b>".$_POST['other_char']."</b> doesn't exists.<br>";
if($_POST['points'] == '0' || $_POST['points'] < '0')
$errors .= "Points quantity must be higher than 0!<br>";
elseif (!(!preg_match('/[^0-9]/', $_POST['points'])))
$errors .= "Point quantity must be a <b>numeric value</b>!";

if(isset($destination)) {
$player = $SQL->query('SELECT name FROM players WHERE id = "'.$destination.'"')->fetch();
$account = $SHOP->getPlayerAccount($player['name'])->fetch();
if ($_POST['submit'] == 'remove') {
if ($SHOP->points($account['name']) == '0' || $SHOP->points($account['name']) < '0')
$errors .= "Player <b>".$player['name']."</b> doesn't have any points.<br>";

if ($errors == '') {
$player = $SQL->query('SELECT name FROM players WHERE id = "'.$destination.'"')->fetch();
$account = $SHOP->getPlayerAccount($player['name'])->fetch();
echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 15px; color: #4EBF37; font-weight: bold;">Points '; echo ($_POST['submit'] == 'add')?'added':'removed'; echo '!</div><br>
<center>You have '; echo ($_POST['submit'] == 'add')?'added':'removed'; echo ' <b>'.$_POST['points'].'</b> points to <b>'.$player['name'].'</b>\'s Account.</center>';
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/points">Go Back to Points Manage</a></div>';
if($_POST['submit'] == 'add')
$SQL->query('UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = '.($SHOP->points($account['name']) + $_POST['points']).' WHERE name = "'.$account['name'].'"');
elseif($_POST['submit'] == 'remove')
$SQL->query('UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = '.($SHOP->points($account['name']) - $_POST['points']).' WHERE name = "'.$account['name'].'"');
else {
echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/points">Go Back to Points Manage</a></div>';
else {
header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin");
else {
header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php");
else {
header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts");
elseif(!$SHOP->isInstalled()) {
if($ide->isAdmin()) {
echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 15px; color: #4EBF37; font-weight: bold;">Shop System Succesfully Installed!</div><br>
<center>Your shop system has been installed succesfully!! click <a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts">HERE</a> to see your shop</center>';
else {
header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php");

else {
header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php");


Sabe como posso arrumar isso?


E tenho mais uma dúvida. Na página "baixar.php" eu adicionei um instalador que criei pra teste e não quer baixar de jeito nenhum, nem o .exe, nem .zip, nem .rar

sabe o que pode ser?

O site está mostrando como Não Seguro, poderia ser isso? Como arrumar isso tbm?

O link está correto, pois eu clico nele e acontece a ação de baixar, mas não baixa nada, e não dá erro nenhum..

Olha cara eu nao entendo de wamp, mas ontem de madruga troquei a database e o gifts pra ser compativel com modern, a estrutura que tava segundo as coisas que olhei no forum tinha a cara de gesior, mas a API é modern, troquei todo o shop pra modern, agora so to arrumando a parte de compra e entrega para o personagem

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Agora, kukas9 disse:

Olha cara eu nao entendo de wamp, mas ontem de madruga troquei a database e o gifts pra ser compativel com modern, a estrutura que tava segundo as coisas que olhei no forum tinha a cara de gesior, mas a API é modern, troquei todo o shop pra modern, agora so to arrumando a parte de compra e entrega para o personagem

amigão, se der certo, poderia me enviar os arquivos pra eu tentar arrumar aqui tbm?

Eu reparei que dentro da pasta Gifts/config, tem um arquivo chamado "shop.sql" importei essa database lá, e aparentemente é essa mesmo usada nos arquivos desse site..

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Então se voce olhar o seu gifts, nos momentos de SELECT, ele da o select em shop offer e nao em z_shop_offer, e também eu tenho uma hipotese que o SHOP fica INGAME, e por isso foi removido do site, é o que eu acho,  eu posto sim, so to organizando aqui pra ver onde foram feitas as alterações pra eu poder postar para voce nao ter algum problema.

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1 minuto atrás, kukas9 disse:

Então se voce olhar o seu gifts, nos momentos de SELECT, ele da o select em shop offer e nao em z_shop_offer, e também eu tenho uma hipotese que o SHOP fica INGAME, e por isso foi removido do site, é o que eu acho,  eu posto sim, so to organizando aqui pra ver onde foram feitas as alterações pra eu poder postar para voce nao ter algum problema.

Mas a database que ta na pasta config dentro da pasta gifts, é exatamente essa, ao inves de ser z_shop, ela é shop.. então acho que seria ela mesmo a database certa do site

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Concordo, acho que vou demorar um pouco para postar para voce, olha essa imagem, voce ja viu algo assim? Acho que vou fazer a reinstalação do modern e fazer do zero o site


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5 minutos atrás, kukas9 disse:

Concordo, acho que vou demorar um pouco para postar para voce, olha essa imagem, voce ja viu algo assim? Acho que vou fazer a reinstalação do modern e fazer do zero o site


Algo que você fez errado, no meu ta certinho, provavelmente o nickname da conta ta "0" .-.ou deve estar "int" muda pra "varchar" e altera o value..



Editado por DiigooMix (veja o histórico de edições)
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    • Por Natsume


    • Por MySticaL
      Como funciona esse sistema?
      R-> Simples caso seu otServ for para todos os players, de todos continentes e você não
      queira deixar as funções em lua apenas em uma língua, você pode utilizar esse sistema.
      Como usar?
      R-> Após o sistema estar instalado 100%, vai ter 3 comandos: !lang en (setar a linguagem para english), !lang pt (setar a linguagem portuguese) &
      !lang es (setar a linguagem espanõl).

      Vamos começar, vai em data/lib/ e crie um arquivo chamado lang system.lua e coloque isto dentro:
      function getPlayerLanguage(cid) local Lang = db.getResult("SELECT `language` FROM `accounts` WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerAccountId(cid) .. " LIMIT 1") if Lang:getID() ~= LUA_ERROR then local langid = Lang:getDataInt("language") Lang:free() return langid end return LUA_ERROR end function doPlayerSetLanguage(cid, new) local acc = getPlayerAccountId(cid) if new == 2 then db.executeQuery("UPDATE `accounts` SET language = 2 WHERE `id` = " .. acc) elseif new == 1 then db.executeQuery("UPDATE `accounts` SET language = 1 WHERE `id` = " .. acc) else db.executeQuery("UPDATE `accounts` SET language = 0 WHERE `id` = " .. acc) end end Ainda em data/lib encontre o arquivo 000-constant.lua e coloque ao final dele isto:
      ENGLISH = 2 SPANISH = 1 PORTUGUES = 0 Agora execute este código na sua SQL:
      ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `language` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' Pronto, o sistema está pronto agora vamos criar um comando para que troque a linguagem, vá em data/talkactions/scripts
      e crie um arquivo chamado lang.lua e coloque isto dentro:
      function onSay(cid, words, param) if(param == '') then return true end if(param == 'en') then if getPlayerLanguage(cid) == 2 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, "[Language System (Beta)] Your language is alredy set to english.") return true else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "[Language System (Beta)] You have set english as your language.") doPlayerSetLanguage(cid, 2) return true end end if(param == 'pt') then if getPlayerLanguage(cid) == 0 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, "[Language System (Beta)] Sua língua já está definida como português.") return true else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "[Language System (Beta)] Você definiu o português como sua língua.") doPlayerSetLanguage(cid, 0) return true end end if(param == 'es') then if getPlayerLanguage(cid) == 1 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, "[Language System (Beta)] Su lengua ya esta definida como español.") return true else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "[Language System (Beta)] Tu definistes el español como tu lengua.") doPlayerSetLanguage(cid, 1) return true end end end E em data/talkactions abra o talkactions.xml e coloque está tag:
      <talkaction log="yes" words="!lang" event="script" value="lang.lua"/> Vou dar um exemplo de como usa-la em .lua:
      if getPlayerLanguage(cid) == 2 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 25, "This message will be displayed in English if the language of the player is in -en!") end if getPlayerLanguage(cid) == 0 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 25, "Está mensagem será exibida em português se a linguagem do jogador estiver em -pt!") end if getPlayerLanguage(cid) == 1 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 25, "Usted mensaje se mostrará en Espanõl si el jugador está en el lenguaje -es!") end Outro Exemplo:
      function onLogin(cid) local langmsg = { [ENGLISH] = {"This message will be displayed in English if the language of the player is in -en!"} [SPANISH] = {"Usted mensaje se mostrará en Espanõl si el jugador está en el lenguaje -es!"}, [PORTUGUES] = {"Está mensagem será exibida em português se a linguagem do jogador estiver em -pt!"}, } doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 25, langmsg[getPlayerLanguage(cid)][1]) return true end Pronto, agora o sistema está perfeito, os comandos estão no começo do tópico em "Como usar?"
    • Por nizin
      Olá pessoal! Tudo bem? Venho aqui exibir o Show Off do mapa do meu Server. Estou trabalhando no mapa a um tempo e ele foi feito inteiramente por mim do absoluto ZERO.
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    • Por L3K0T
      Dragon Ball Evolution
      Fala pessoal estava com um projeto DBZ em 2015 porém não deu muito certo e estou aqui para (DOAR) pra vocês! Ainda mais é um projeto feito já pra rodar em maquina usando UBUNTU 12.04, pra ficar melhor ainda eu fiz a source desse DBZ toda e estou liberando junto, ela não contém erros de compilações e também não há erros graves que derruba o servidor, vim aqui em nome do meu projeto que libero a vocês, apenas o mapa não é meu o resto foi tudo editado por mim, fora as magias que existem no servidor, as vocações estão quase todas balanceadas, a config.lua está totalmente configurada como a source e suas funções. o que tem no servidor ?

      *War System na source
      *spoof system player configurado na config.lua
      *Source rev 3777 protocolo 8.60. (estável) (bug's fixed)
      *Cliente dbz solto OLD.
      *Servidor pronto pra por online.
      *Muitas transformações.
      *bank System dentro do jogo colocado por mim.
      *NPC's funcionando perfeitamente.
      *Banco de dados juntos.
      *Ant push system pela source, que configura no config.lua
      *antiPushDelay configurado no config.lua também.
      *Ant Divulgação colocada pela source.
      *Multi word aonde pode abrir vários mundos diferentes usando uma unica database.
      *No salt, pode usar o account Manager junto com mysql que não irá gerar o salt funciona conjunto com o site sem erros.
      e muita outra coisas espero que gostem!!!
      by L3K0T um servidor parado no pendriver e certamente não vou usar.
      Servidor e Cliente + Source >>> Download DATABASE >>> com account manager já configurado! >>
      DLL Windows >>> 
      Executor Windows:>>>  (para quem não consegue compilar)
      Scan dos arquivos >>> Scan
      Compilando Ubuntu 12.04:
      1° Utilitários - *Se tiver seu Ubuntu Instalado ignore isso
      UTorrent pra baixa o S.O (Sistema Operacional) >>
      Ubuntu LTS 12.04>>>

      Lembre-se, eu ensinarei você a compilar seu OTServ em Ubuntu.
      Se aparecer algo (Y or N? ou S ou N) digita Y ou S e da enter.
      Instalando as lib e boost's no Ubuntu!
      apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get install libboost-all-dev apt-get install subversion autoconf build-essential pkg-config libboost-dev libgmp3-dev libxml2-dev liblua5.1-0-dev libmysqlclient-dev libcrypto++-dev ccache libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev screen libssl-dev apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev apt-get install screen Pronto, feito isso você terá tudo configurado para que você possa compilar e botar seu OTServ online!
      cd ..
      chmod 777 -R Dragon Ball Evolution
      cd /Dragon Ball Evolution/source
      sh ./ && ./configure --enable-server-diag --enable-mysql --enable-root-permission && make clean && make -j 2
      4° Ligando servidor
      cd ..
      chmod 777 -R Dragon Ball Evolution
      cd /Dragon Ball Evolution
      FIM tutorial Linux
      Agora WINDOWS:
      Para compilar em windows use esse dev-CPP que disponibilizei especialmente nos fóruns que frequento: 
      Siga os passo de como você conhece (não precisa configura boost nem nada disso, pois é um dev-CPP pré configurado para esse servidor.
      Se gerar um erro no final da compilação (Ignore) você pode compilar dnv sem erros, apenas compila não apague nada.
      ai você vai na pasta dev-cpp que o exe ta lá!
      As dll tá lá em cima do tópico para você usar.
      Senha 1/1
      Não USE sqlite para o servidor, pois você não vai conseguir entrar! USE o banco de dados de SITE MYSQL conjunto com account manager (Não tem salt de na criação via account manager e pode ser usado junto com o site sem problema!)
      (Não quero gente vendendo em )
    • Por trint
      Bom Dia, Boa Tarde, Boa Noite
      Hoje trago para vocês uma base minha que usei para muitos projetos.
      É um excelente servidor e tem poucos bugs, algumas arrumadas por me.
      Estou soltando por motivos pessoais!!!
      Servidor de DBO
      Contém diversas caves e quests espalhadas pelo o servidor.
      Servidor contem ele em si, Client (Com .exe, spr e dat). NÃO ACOMPANHA A SOURCE CASO QUEIRA USAR UMA UTILIZE A DO @Yan Liima.




      CRETIDOS: EU(trint, crazy, yelpz, como queira chamar)

      Download AND Scan

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