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Normal ERROR: Unable to load items <OTB>!> OT-7.4

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Galera estou com esse erro em meu ot 7.4, já fiz a remoção da verificação na source nos items.cpp, já ativei no config.lua o skip items e mesmo assim continua dando esse erro alguém poderia ajudar.


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Isso é devido a sua source não aceitar uma versão diferente do otbm na qual ela foi programada.(Algo assim). Faz o seguinte, posta seu items.cpp para que eu te ajude. O arquivo fica localizado na sua source. Caso não possua as source já adianto, é impossível fazer funcionar com o item.otbm que hei de usar.

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Items.cpp \/

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OpenTibia - an opensource roleplaying game //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <>. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "otpch.h" #include <iostream> #include <libxml/xmlmemory.h> #include "items.h" #include "condition.h" #include "configmanager.h" #include "movement.h" #include "weapons.h" #include "spells.h" #include "resources.h" extern Spells* g_spells; extern ConfigManager g_config; extern MoveEvents* g_moveEvents; extern Weapons* g_weapons; uint32_t Items::dwMajorVersion = 0; uint32_t Items::dwMinorVersion = 0; uint32_t Items::dwBuildNumber = 0; ItemType::ItemType() { abilities = NULL; group = ITEM_GROUP_NONE; type = ITEM_TYPE_NONE; stackable = usable = alwaysOnTop = lookThrough = pickupable = rotable = hasHeight = forceSerialize = false; loaded = blockSolid = blockProjectile = blockPathFind = allowPickupable = isAnimation = cache = false; movable = walkStack = true; alwaysOnTopOrder = 0; rotateTo = 0; wieldInfo = 0; minReqLevel = 0; minReqMagicLevel = 0; runeMagLevel = runeLevel = 0; speed = id = 0; clientId = 100; maxItems = 8; //maximum size if this is a container weight = 0; //weight of the item, e.g. throwing distance depends on it showCount = true; weaponType = WEAPON_NONE; slotPosition = SLOTP_HAND; wieldPosition = SLOT_HAND; ammoType = AMMO_NONE; ammoAction = AMMOACTION_NONE; shootType = (ShootEffect_t)0; magicEffect = MAGIC_EFFECT_NONE; attack = extraAttack = 0; defense = extraDefense = 0; attackSpeed = 0; armor = 0; decayTo = -1; decayTime = 0; stopTime = false; corpseType = RACE_NONE; armorRndMin = armorRndMax = defenseRndMin = defenseRndMax = extraDefenseRndMin = extraDefenseRndMax = 0; attackRndMin = attackRndMax = extraAttackRndMin = extraAttackRndMax = 0; attackSpeedRndMin = attackSpeedRndMax = attackSpeedChance = extraAttackChance = extraDefenseChance = 0; fluidSource = FLUID_NONE; allowDistRead = false; isVertical = isHorizontal = isHangable = false; lightLevel = lightColor = 0; maxTextLength = 0; canReadText = canWriteText = false; date = 0; writeOnceItemId = wareId = premiumDays = 0; transformEquipTo = transformDeEquipTo = transformUseTo = 0; showDuration = showCharges = showAttributes = dualWield = false; charges = 0; hitChance = maxHitChance = breakChance = -1; shootRange = 1; condition = NULL; combatType = COMBAT_NONE; replacable = true; worth = 0; bedPartnerDir = NORTH; transformBed[PLAYERSEX_FEMALE] = transformBed[PLAYERSEX_MALE] = 0; levelDoor = 0; specialDoor = closingDoor = false; memset(floorChange, 0, sizeof(floorChange)); } ItemType::~ItemType() { delete condition; } void Items::clear() { moneyMap.clear(); randomizationMap.clear(); reverseItemMap.clear(); if(items.size()) items.clear(); } bool Items::reload() { clear(); if(!items.size()) return false; items.reload(); loadFromOtb(getFilePath(FILE_TYPE_OTHER, "items/" + ITEMS_PATH + "/items.otb")); if(!loadFromXml()) return false; g_moveEvents->reload(); g_weapons->reload(); return true; } int32_t Items::loadFromOtb(std::string file) { FileLoader f; if(!f.openFile(file.c_str(), "OTBI", false, true)) return f.getError(); uint32_t type; NODE node = f.getChildNode(NO_NODE, type); PropStream props; if(f.getProps(node, props)) { //4 byte flags //attributes //0x01 = version data uint32_t flags; if(!props.getLong(flags)) return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; attribute_t attr; if(!props.getType(attr)) return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; if(attr == ROOT_ATTR_VERSION) { datasize_t length = 0; if(!props.getType(length)) return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; if(length != sizeof(VERSIONINFO)) return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; VERSIONINFO *vi; if(!props.getStruct(vi)) return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; Items::dwMajorVersion = vi->dwMajorVersion; //items otb format file version Items::dwMinorVersion = vi->dwMinorVersion; //client version Items::dwBuildNumber = vi->dwBuildNumber; //revision } } if(Items::dwMajorVersion == 0xFFFFFFFF) std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromOtb] items.otb using generic client version." << std::endl; else if(Items::dwMajorVersion < CLIENT_VERSION_ITEMS) { std::clog << "[Error - Items::loadFromOtb] Incorrect version detected, please use official items.otb." << std::endl; return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } else if(!g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::SKIP_ITEMS_VERSION) && Items::dwMinorVersion < CLIENT_VERSION_ITEMS) { std::clog << "[Error - Items::loadFromOtb] Another client version of items.otb is required." << std::endl; return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } uint16_t lastId = 99; for(node = f.getChildNode(node, type); node != NO_NODE; node = f.getNextNode(node, type)) { PropStream props; if(!f.getProps(node, props)) return f.getError(); ItemType* iType = new ItemType(); iType->group = (itemgroup_t)type; flags_t flags; switch(type) { case ITEM_GROUP_CONTAINER: iType->type = ITEM_TYPE_CONTAINER; break; case ITEM_GROUP_DOOR: //not used iType->type = ITEM_TYPE_DOOR; break; case ITEM_GROUP_MAGICFIELD: //not used iType->type = ITEM_TYPE_MAGICFIELD; break; case ITEM_GROUP_TELEPORT: //not used iType->type = ITEM_TYPE_TELEPORT; break; case ITEM_GROUP_NONE: case ITEM_GROUP_GROUND: case ITEM_GROUP_SPLASH: case ITEM_GROUP_FLUID: case ITEM_GROUP_CHARGES: case ITEM_GROUP_DEPRECATED: break; default: return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } //read 4 byte flags if(!props.getType(flags)) return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; iType->blockSolid = hasBitSet(FLAG_BLOCK_SOLID, flags); iType->blockProjectile = hasBitSet(FLAG_BLOCK_PROJECTILE, flags); iType->blockPathFind = hasBitSet(FLAG_BLOCK_PATHFIND, flags); iType->hasHeight = hasBitSet(FLAG_HAS_HEIGHT, flags); iType->usable = hasBitSet(FLAG_USABLE, flags); iType->pickupable = hasBitSet(FLAG_PICKUPABLE, flags); iType->movable = hasBitSet(FLAG_MOVABLE, flags); iType->stackable = hasBitSet(FLAG_STACKABLE, flags); iType->alwaysOnTop = hasBitSet(FLAG_ALWAYSONTOP, flags); iType->isVertical = hasBitSet(FLAG_VERTICAL, flags); iType->isHorizontal = hasBitSet(FLAG_HORIZONTAL, flags); iType->isHangable = hasBitSet(FLAG_HANGABLE, flags); iType->allowDistRead = hasBitSet(FLAG_ALLOWDISTREAD, flags); iType->rotable = hasBitSet(FLAG_ROTABLE, flags); iType->canReadText = hasBitSet(FLAG_READABLE, flags); iType->lookThrough = hasBitSet(FLAG_LOOKTHROUGH, flags); attribute_t attr; while(props.getType(attr)) { //size of data datasize_t length = 0; if(!props.getType(length)) { delete iType; return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } switch(attr) { case ITEM_ATTR_SERVERID: { if(length != sizeof(uint16_t)) return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; uint16_t serverId; if(!props.getShort(serverId)) return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; if(serverId > 20000 && serverId < 20100) serverId = serverId - 20000; else if(lastId > 99 && lastId != serverId - 1) { static ItemType dummyItemType; while(lastId != serverId - 1) { = ++lastId; items.addElement(&dummyItemType, lastId); } } iType->id = serverId; lastId = serverId; break; } case ITEM_ATTR_CLIENTID: { if(length != sizeof(uint16_t)) return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; uint16_t clientId; if(!props.getShort(clientId)) return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; iType->clientId = clientId; break; } case ITEM_ATTR_SPEED: { if(length != sizeof(uint16_t)) return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; uint16_t speed; if(!props.getShort(speed)) return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; iType->speed = speed; break; } case ITEM_ATTR_LIGHT2: { if(length != sizeof(lightBlock2)) return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; lightBlock2* block; if(!props.getStruct(block)) return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; iType->lightLevel = block->lightLevel; iType->lightColor = block->lightColor; break; } case ITEM_ATTR_TOPORDER: { if(length != sizeof(uint8_t)) return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; uint8_t topOrder; if(!props.getByte(topOrder)) return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; iType->alwaysOnTopOrder = topOrder; break; } case ITEM_ATTR_WAREID: { if(length != sizeof(uint16_t)) return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; uint16_t wareId; if(!props.getShort(wareId)) return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; iType->wareId = wareId; break; } case ITEM_ATTR_NAME: { std::string name; if(!props.getString(name, length)) return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; iType->name = name; break; } default: { //skip unknown attributes if(!props.skip(length)) return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; break; } } } // store the found item items.addElement(iType, iType->id); if(iType->clientId) reverseItemMap[iType->clientId] = iType->id; } return ERROR_NONE; } bool Items::loadFromXml() { xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseFile(getFilePath(FILE_TYPE_OTHER, "items/" + ITEMS_PATH + "/items.xml").c_str()); if(!doc) { std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Cannot load items file." << std::endl << getLastXMLError() << std::endl; return false; } xmlNodePtr root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if(xmlStrcmp(root->name,(const xmlChar*)"items")) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Malformed items file." << std::endl; return false; } IntegerVec intVector, endVector; std::string strValue, endValue; StringVec strVector; int32_t intValue, id = 0, endId = 0, fromId = 0, toId = 0; for(xmlNodePtr node = root->children; node; node = node->next) { if(xmlStrcmp(node->name,(const xmlChar*)"item")) continue; if(readXMLString(node, "id", strValue)) { strVector = explodeString(strValue, ";"); for(StringVec::iterator it = strVector.begin(); it != strVector.end(); ++it) { intVector = vectorAtoi(explodeString(*it, "-")); if(intVector.size() > 1) { int32_t i = intVector[0]; while(i <= intVector[1]) parseItemNode(node, i++); } else parseItemNode(node, atoi((*it).c_str())); } } else if(readXMLString(node, "fromid", strValue) && readXMLString(node, "toid", endValue)) { intVector = vectorAtoi(explodeString(strValue, ";")); endVector = vectorAtoi(explodeString(endValue, ";")); if(intVector[0] && intVector.size() == endVector.size()) { size_t size = intVector.size(); for(size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { while(intVector[i] <= endVector[i]) parseItemNode(node, intVector[i]++); } } else std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Malformed entry (from: \"" << strValue << "\", to: \"" << endValue << "\")" << std::endl; } else std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] No itemid found at line " << node->line << std::endl; } const ItemType* it; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < Item::items.size(); ++i) //lets do some checks... { if(!(it = Item::items.getElement(i))) continue; //check bed items if((it->transformBed[PLAYERSEX_FEMALE] || it->transformBed[PLAYERSEX_MALE]) && it->type != ITEM_TYPE_BED) std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Item " << it->id << " is not set as a bed-type." << std::endl; } xmlFreeDoc(doc); if(!(doc = xmlParseFile(getFilePath(FILE_TYPE_OTHER, "items/" + ITEMS_PATH + "/randomization.xml").c_str()))) { std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Cannot load randomization file." << std::endl << getLastXMLError() << std::endl; return false; } root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if(xmlStrcmp(root->name,(const xmlChar*)"randomization")) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Malformed randomization file." << std::endl; return false; } for(xmlNodePtr node = root->children; node; node = node->next) { if(!xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar*)"config")) { if(readXMLInteger(node, "chance", intValue) || readXMLInteger(node, "defaultChance", intValue)) { if(intValue > 100) { intValue = 100; std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Randomize chance cannot be higher than 100." << std::endl; } m_randomizationChance = intValue; } } else if(!xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar*)"palette")) { if(!readXMLString(node, "randomize", strValue)) continue; IntegerVec itemList = vectorAtoi(explodeString(strValue, ";")); if(itemList.size() < 2) itemList = vectorAtoi(explodeString(strValue, "-")); if(itemList.size() > 1) { if(itemList[0] < itemList[1]) { fromId = itemList[0]; toId = itemList[1]; } else std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Randomize min cannot be higher than max." << std::endl; } int32_t chance = getRandomizationChance(); if(readXMLInteger(node, "chance", intValue)) { if(intValue > 100) { intValue = 100; std::clog << "[Warning: Items::loadRandomization] Randomize chance cannot be higher than 100." << std::endl; } chance = intValue; } if(readXMLInteger(node, "itemid", id)) parseRandomizationBlock(id, fromId, toId, chance); else if(readXMLInteger(node, "fromid", id) && readXMLInteger(node, "toid", endId)) { while(id <= endId) parseRandomizationBlock(id++, fromId, toId, chance); } } } xmlFreeDoc(doc); return true; } void Items::parseItemNode(xmlNodePtr itemNode, uint32_t id) { int32_t intValue; std::string strValue; if(id > 20000 && id < 20100) { id -= 20000; ItemType* iType = new ItemType(); iType->id = id; items.addElement(iType, iType->id); } bool override = readXMLString(itemNode, "override", strValue) && booleanString(strValue); ItemType& it = Item::items.getItemType(id); if(it.loaded) { if(override) { // setup some defaults if(it.hasAbilities()) { memset(it.getAbilities()->fieldAbsorb, 0, sizeof(it.getAbilities()->fieldAbsorb)); memset(it.getAbilities()->absorb, 0, sizeof(it.getAbilities()->absorb)); for(uint32_t j = REFLECT_FIRST; j <= REFLECT_LAST; ++j) memset(it.getAbilities()->reflect[j], 0, sizeof(it.getAbilities()->reflect[j])); } } else std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Duplicate registered item with id " << id << std::endl; } else it.loaded = true; if(readXMLString(itemNode, "name", strValue)) = strValue; if(readXMLString(itemNode, "article", strValue)) it.article = strValue; if(readXMLString(itemNode, "plural", strValue)) it.pluralName = strValue; for(xmlNodePtr itemAttributesNode = itemNode->children; itemAttributesNode; itemAttributesNode = itemAttributesNode->next) { if(!readXMLString(itemAttributesNode, "key", strValue)) continue; #ifdef _MSC_VER bool notLoaded = false; #endif std::string tmpStrValue = asLowerCaseString(strValue); if(tmpStrValue == "type") { if(readXMLString(itemAttributesNode, "value", strValue)) { tmpStrValue = asLowerCaseString(strValue); if(tmpStrValue == "container") { it.type = ITEM_TYPE_CONTAINER; = ITEM_GROUP_CONTAINER; } else if(tmpStrValue == "key") it.type = ITEM_TYPE_KEY; else if(tmpStrValue == "magicfield") it.type = ITEM_TYPE_MAGICFIELD; else if(tmpStrValue == "depot") it.type = ITEM_TYPE_DEPOT; else if(tmpStrValue == "mailbox") it.type = ITEM_TYPE_MAILBOX; else if(tmpStrValue == "trashholder") it.type = ITEM_TYPE_TRASHHOLDER; else if(tmpStrValue == "teleport") it.type = ITEM_TYPE_TELEPORT; else if(tmpStrValue == "door") it.type = ITEM_TYPE_DOOR; else if(tmpStrValue == "bed") it.type = ITEM_TYPE_BED; else if(tmpStrValue == "rune") it.type = ITEM_TYPE_RUNE; else std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Unknown type " << strValue << std::endl; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "name") { if(readXMLString(itemAttributesNode, "value", strValue)) = strValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "article") { if(readXMLString(itemAttributesNode, "value", strValue)) it.article = strValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "plural") { if(readXMLString(itemAttributesNode, "value", strValue)) it.pluralName = strValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "clientid") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.clientId = intValue; if( == ITEM_GROUP_DEPRECATED) = ITEM_GROUP_NONE; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "cache") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.cache = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "wareid") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.wareId = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "blocksolid" || tmpStrValue == "blocking") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.blockSolid = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "blockprojectile") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.blockProjectile = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "blockpathfind" || tmpStrValue == "blockpathing" || tmpStrValue == "blockpath") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.blockPathFind = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "lightlevel") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.lightLevel = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "lightcolor") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.lightColor = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "description") { if(readXMLString(itemAttributesNode, "value", strValue)) it.description = strValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "runespellname") { if(readXMLString(itemAttributesNode, "value", strValue)) it.runeSpellName = strValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "weight") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.weight = intValue / 100.f; } else if(tmpStrValue == "showcount") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.showCount = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "armor") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.armor = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "random_min", intValue)) it.armorRndMin = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "random_max", intValue)) it.armorRndMax = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "defense") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.defense = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "random_min", intValue)) it.defenseRndMin = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "random_max", intValue)) it.defenseRndMax = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "extradefense" || tmpStrValue == "extradef") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "chance", intValue)) it.extraDefenseChance = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.extraDefense = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "random_min", intValue)) it.extraDefenseRndMin = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "random_max", intValue)) it.extraDefenseRndMax = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "attack") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.attack = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "random_min", intValue)) it.attackRndMin = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "random_max", intValue)) it.attackRndMax = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "extraattack" || tmpStrValue == "extraatk") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "chance", intValue)) it.extraAttackChance = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.extraAttack = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "random_min", intValue)) it.extraAttackRndMin = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "random_max", intValue)) it.extraAttackRndMax = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "attackspeed") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "chance", intValue)) it.attackSpeedChance = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.attackSpeed = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "random_min", intValue)) it.attackSpeedRndMin = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "random_max", intValue)) it.attackSpeedRndMax = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "rotateto") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.rotateTo = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "movable" || tmpStrValue == "moveable") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.movable = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "vertical" || tmpStrValue == "isvertical") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.isVertical = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "horizontal" || tmpStrValue == "ishorizontal") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.isHorizontal = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "pickupable") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.pickupable = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "allowpickupable") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.allowPickupable = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "floorchange") { if(readXMLString(itemAttributesNode, "value", strValue)) { tmpStrValue = asLowerCaseString(strValue); if(tmpStrValue == "down") it.floorChange[CHANGE_DOWN] = true; else if(tmpStrValue == "north") it.floorChange[CHANGE_NORTH] = true; else if(tmpStrValue == "south") it.floorChange[CHANGE_SOUTH] = true; else if(tmpStrValue == "west") it.floorChange[CHANGE_WEST] = true; else if(tmpStrValue == "east") it.floorChange[CHANGE_EAST] = true; else if(tmpStrValue == "northex") it.floorChange[CHANGE_NORTH_EX] = true; else if(tmpStrValue == "southex") it.floorChange[CHANGE_SOUTH_EX] = true; else if(tmpStrValue == "westex") it.floorChange[CHANGE_WEST_EX] = true; else if(tmpStrValue == "eastex") it.floorChange[CHANGE_EAST_EX] = true; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "corpsetype") { tmpStrValue = asLowerCaseString(strValue); if(readXMLString(itemAttributesNode, "value", strValue)) { tmpStrValue = asLowerCaseString(strValue); if(tmpStrValue == "venom") it.corpseType = RACE_VENOM; else if(tmpStrValue == "blood") it.corpseType = RACE_BLOOD; else if(tmpStrValue == "undead") it.corpseType = RACE_UNDEAD; else if(tmpStrValue == "fire") it.corpseType = RACE_FIRE; else if(tmpStrValue == "energy") it.corpseType = RACE_ENERGY; else std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Unknown corpseType " << strValue << std::endl; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "containersize") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.maxItems = intValue; if( == ITEM_GROUP_NONE) { = ITEM_GROUP_CONTAINER; it.type = ITEM_TYPE_CONTAINER; } } } else if(tmpStrValue == "fluidsource") { if(readXMLString(itemAttributesNode, "value", strValue)) { tmpStrValue = asLowerCaseString(strValue); FluidTypes_t fluid = getFluidType(tmpStrValue); if(fluid != FLUID_NONE) it.fluidSource = fluid; else std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Unknown fluidSource " << strValue << std::endl; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "writeable" || tmpStrValue == "writable") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.canWriteText = (intValue != 0); it.canReadText = (intValue != 0); } } else if(tmpStrValue == "readable") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.canReadText = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "maxtextlen" || tmpStrValue == "maxtextlength") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.maxTextLength = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "text") { if(readXMLString(itemAttributesNode, "value", strValue)) it.text = strValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "author" || tmpStrValue == "writer") { if(readXMLString(itemAttributesNode, "value", strValue)) it.writer = strValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "date") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "writeonceitemid") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.writeOnceItemId = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "wareid") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.wareId = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "worth") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { if(moneyMap.find(intValue) != moneyMap.end() && !override) std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Duplicated money item " << id << " with worth " << intValue << "!" << std::endl; else { moneyMap[intValue] = id; it.worth = intValue; } } } else if(tmpStrValue == "forceserialize" || tmpStrValue == "forceserialization" || tmpStrValue == "forcesave") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.forceSerialize = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "leveldoor") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.levelDoor = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "specialdoor") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.specialDoor = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "closingdoor") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.closingDoor = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "weapontype") { if(readXMLString(itemAttributesNode, "value", strValue)) { tmpStrValue = asLowerCaseString(strValue); if(tmpStrValue == "sword") it.weaponType = WEAPON_SWORD; else if(tmpStrValue == "club") it.weaponType = WEAPON_CLUB; else if(tmpStrValue == "axe") it.weaponType = WEAPON_AXE; else if(tmpStrValue == "shield") it.weaponType = WEAPON_SHIELD; else if(tmpStrValue == "distance" || tmpStrValue == "dist") it.weaponType = WEAPON_DIST; else if(tmpStrValue == "wand" || tmpStrValue == "rod") it.weaponType = WEAPON_WAND; else if(tmpStrValue == "ammunition" || tmpStrValue == "ammo") it.weaponType = WEAPON_AMMO; else if(tmpStrValue == "fist") it.weaponType = WEAPON_FIST; else std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Unknown weaponType " << strValue << std::endl; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "slottype") { if(readXMLString(itemAttributesNode, "value", strValue)) { tmpStrValue = asLowerCaseString(strValue); if(tmpStrValue == "head") { it.slotPosition |= SLOTP_HEAD; it.wieldPosition = SLOT_HEAD; } else if(tmpStrValue == "body") { it.slotPosition |= SLOTP_ARMOR; it.wieldPosition = SLOT_ARMOR; } else if(tmpStrValue == "legs") { it.slotPosition |= SLOTP_LEGS; it.wieldPosition = SLOT_LEGS; } else if(tmpStrValue == "feet") { it.slotPosition |= SLOTP_FEET; it.wieldPosition = SLOT_FEET; } else if(tmpStrValue == "backpack") { it.slotPosition |= SLOTP_BACKPACK; it.wieldPosition = SLOT_BACKPACK; } else if(tmpStrValue == "two-handed") { it.slotPosition |= SLOTP_TWO_HAND; it.wieldPosition = SLOT_TWO_HAND; } else if(tmpStrValue == "right-hand") { it.slotPosition &= ~SLOTP_LEFT; it.wieldPosition = SLOT_RIGHT; } else if(tmpStrValue == "left-hand") { it.slotPosition &= ~SLOTP_RIGHT; it.wieldPosition = SLOT_LEFT; } else if(tmpStrValue == "necklace") { it.slotPosition |= SLOTP_NECKLACE; it.wieldPosition = SLOT_NECKLACE; } else if(tmpStrValue == "ring") { it.slotPosition |= SLOTP_RING; it.wieldPosition = SLOT_RING; } else if(tmpStrValue == "ammo") { it.slotPosition |= SLOTP_AMMO; it.wieldPosition = SLOT_AMMO; } else if(tmpStrValue == "hand") it.wieldPosition = SLOT_HAND; else std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Unknown slotType " << strValue << std::endl; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "ammotype") { if(readXMLString(itemAttributesNode, "value", strValue)) { it.ammoType = getAmmoType(strValue); if(it.ammoType == AMMO_NONE) std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Unknown ammoType " << strValue << std::endl; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "shoottype") { if(readXMLString(itemAttributesNode, "value", strValue)) { ShootEffect_t shoot = getShootType(strValue); if(shoot != SHOOT_EFFECT_UNKNOWN) it.shootType = shoot; else std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Unknown shootType " << strValue << std::endl; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "effect") { if(readXMLString(itemAttributesNode, "value", strValue)) { MagicEffect_t effect = getMagicEffect(strValue); if(effect != MAGIC_EFFECT_UNKNOWN) it.magicEffect = effect; else std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Unknown effect " << strValue << std::endl; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "range") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.shootRange = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "stopduration") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.stopTime = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "decayto") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.decayTo = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "transformequipto" || tmpStrValue == "onequipto") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.transformEquipTo = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "transformdeequipto" || tmpStrValue == "ondeequipto") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.transformDeEquipTo = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "duration") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.decayTime = std::max((int32_t)0, intValue); } else if(tmpStrValue == "showduration") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.showDuration = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "charges") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.charges = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "showcharges") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.showCharges = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "showattributes") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.showAttributes = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "breakchance") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.breakChance = std::max(0, std::min(100, intValue)); } else if(tmpStrValue == "ammoaction") { if(readXMLString(itemAttributesNode, "value", strValue)) { AmmoAction_t ammo = getAmmoAction(strValue); if(ammo != AMMOACTION_NONE) it.ammoAction = ammo; else std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Unknown ammoAction " << strValue << std::endl; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "hitchance") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.hitChance = std::max(-100, std::min(100, intValue)); } else if(tmpStrValue == "maxhitchance") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.maxHitChance = std::max(0, std::min(100, intValue)); } else if(tmpStrValue == "dualwield") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.dualWield = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "preventloss") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->preventLoss = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "preventdrop") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->preventDrop = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "invisible") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->invisible = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "speed") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->speed = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "healthgain") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->regeneration = true; it.getAbilities()->healthGain = intValue; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "healthticks") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->regeneration = true; it.getAbilities()->healthTicks = intValue; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "managain") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->regeneration = true; it.getAbilities()->manaGain = intValue; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "manaticks") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->regeneration = true; it.getAbilities()->manaTicks = intValue; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "manashield") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->manaShield = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "skillsword") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->skills[SKILL_SWORD] = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "skillaxe") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->skills[SKILL_AXE] = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "skillclub") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->skills[SKILL_CLUB] = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "skilldist") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->skills[SKILL_DIST] = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "skillfish") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->skills[SKILL_FISH] = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "skillshield") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->skills[SKILL_SHIELD] = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "skillfist") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->skills[SKILL_FIST] = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "maxhealthpoints" || tmpStrValue == "maxhitpoints") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->stats[STAT_MAXHEALTH] = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "maxhealthpercent" || tmpStrValue == "maxhitpointspercent") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->statsPercent[STAT_MAXHEALTH] = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "maxmanapoints") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->stats[STAT_MAXMANA] = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "maxmanapercent" || tmpStrValue == "maxmanapointspercent") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->statsPercent[STAT_MAXMANA] = intValue; } #ifdef _MULTIPLATFORM76 else if(tmpStrValue == "soulpoints") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->stats[STAT_SOUL] = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "soulpercent" || tmpStrValue == "soulpointspercent") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->statsPercent[STAT_SOUL] = intValue; } #endif else if(tmpStrValue == "magiclevelpoints" || tmpStrValue == "magicpoints") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->stats[STAT_MAGICLEVEL] = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "magiclevelpercent" || tmpStrValue == "magicpointspercent") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->statsPercent[STAT_MAGICLEVEL] = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "increasemagicvalue") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->increment[MAGIC_VALUE] = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "increasemagicpercent") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->increment[MAGIC_PERCENT] = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "increasehealingvalue") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->increment[HEALING_VALUE] = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "increasehealingpercent") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->increment[HEALING_PERCENT] = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "fieldabsorbpercentenergy") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->fieldAbsorb[COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "fieldabsorbpercentfire") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->fieldAbsorb[COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "fieldabsorbpercentpoison" || tmpStrValue == "fieldabsorbpercentearth") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->fieldAbsorb[COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "absorbpercentall") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { for(uint32_t i = (COMBAT_FIRST + 1); i <= COMBAT_LAST; i <<= 1) it.getAbilities()->absorb[i] += intValue; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "absorbpercentelements") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE] += intValue; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "absorbpercentmagic") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE] += intValue; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "absorbpercentenergy") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "absorbpercentfire") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "absorbpercentpoison" || tmpStrValue == "absorbpercentearth") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "absorbpercentice") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "absorbpercentholy") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "absorbpercentdeath") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "absorbpercentlifedrain") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_LIFEDRAIN] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "absorbpercentmanadrain") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_MANADRAIN] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "absorbpercentdrown") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_DROWNDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "absorbpercentphysical") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "absorbpercenthealing") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_HEALING] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "absorbpercentundefined") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_UNDEFINEDDAMAGE] += intValue; } #ifndef _MSC_VER else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectpercentall") #else else notLoaded = true; if(!notLoaded) continue; if(tmpStrValue == "reflectpercentall") #endif { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { for(uint32_t i = (COMBAT_FIRST + 1); i <= COMBAT_LAST; i <<= 1) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][i] += intValue; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectpercentelements") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE] += intValue; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectpercentmagic") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE] += intValue; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectpercentenergy") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectpercentfire") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if (tmpStrValue == "reflectpercentpoison" || tmpStrValue == "reflectpercentearth") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectpercentice") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectpercentholy") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectpercentdeath") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectpercentlifedrain") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_LIFEDRAIN] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectpercentmanadrain") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_MANADRAIN] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectpercentdrown") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_DROWNDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectpercentphysical") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectpercenthealing") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_HEALING] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectpercentundefined") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_UNDEFINEDDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectchanceall") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { for(uint32_t i = (COMBAT_FIRST + 1); i <= COMBAT_LAST; i <<= 1) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][i] += intValue; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectchanceelements") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE] += intValue; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectchancemagic") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE] += intValue; it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE] += intValue; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectchanceenergy") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectchancefire") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectchancepoison" || tmpStrValue == "reflectchanceearth") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectchanceice") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectchanceholy") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectchancedeath") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectchancelifedrain") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_LIFEDRAIN] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectchancemanadrain") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_MANADRAIN] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectchancedrown") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_DROWNDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectchancephysical") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectchancehealing") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_HEALING] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "reflectchanceundefined") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_UNDEFINEDDAMAGE] += intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "suppressshock" || tmpStrValue == "suppressenergy") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_ENERGY; } else if(tmpStrValue == "suppressburn" || tmpStrValue == "suppressfire") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_FIRE; } else if(tmpStrValue == "suppresspoison" || tmpStrValue == "suppressearth") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_POISON; } else if(tmpStrValue == "suppressfreeze" || tmpStrValue == "suppressice") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_FREEZING; } else if(tmpStrValue == "suppressdazzle" || tmpStrValue == "suppressholy") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_DAZZLED; } else if(tmpStrValue == "suppresscurse" || tmpStrValue == "suppressdeath") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_CURSED; } else if(tmpStrValue == "suppressdrown") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_DROWN; } else if(tmpStrValue == "suppressphysical") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_BLEEDING; } else if(tmpStrValue == "suppresshaste") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_HASTE; } else if(tmpStrValue == "suppressparalyze") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_PARALYZE; } else if(tmpStrValue == "suppressdrunk") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_DRUNK; } else if(tmpStrValue == "suppressregeneration") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_REGENERATION; } #ifdef _MULTIPLATFORM76 else if(tmpStrValue == "suppresssoul") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_SOUL; } #endif else if(tmpStrValue == "suppressoutfit") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_OUTFIT; } else if(tmpStrValue == "suppressinvisible") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_INVISIBLE; } else if(tmpStrValue == "suppressinfight") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_INFIGHT; } else if(tmpStrValue == "suppressexhaust") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_EXHAUST; } else if(tmpStrValue == "suppressmuted") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_MUTED; } else if(tmpStrValue == "suppresspacified") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_PACIFIED; } else if(tmpStrValue == "suppresslight") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_LIGHT; } else if(tmpStrValue == "suppressattributes") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES; } else if(tmpStrValue == "suppressmanashield") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue) && intValue != 0) it.getAbilities()->conditionSuppressions |= CONDITION_MANASHIELD; } else if(tmpStrValue == "field") { = ITEM_GROUP_MAGICFIELD; it.type = ITEM_TYPE_MAGICFIELD; CombatType_t combatType = COMBAT_NONE; ConditionDamage* conditionDamage = NULL; if(readXMLString(itemAttributesNode, "value", strValue)) { tmpStrValue = asLowerCaseString(strValue); if(tmpStrValue == "fire") { conditionDamage = new ConditionDamage(CONDITIONID_COMBAT, CONDITION_FIRE, false, 0); combatType = COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE; } else if(tmpStrValue == "energy") { conditionDamage = new ConditionDamage(CONDITIONID_COMBAT, CONDITION_ENERGY, false, 0); combatType = COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE; } else if(tmpStrValue == "earth" || tmpStrValue == "poison") { conditionDamage = new ConditionDamage(CONDITIONID_COMBAT, CONDITION_POISON, false, 0); combatType = COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE; } else if(tmpStrValue == "ice" || tmpStrValue == "freezing") { conditionDamage = new ConditionDamage(CONDITIONID_COMBAT, CONDITION_FREEZING, false, 0); combatType = COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE; } else if(tmpStrValue == "holy" || tmpStrValue == "dazzled") { conditionDamage = new ConditionDamage(CONDITIONID_COMBAT, CONDITION_DAZZLED, false, 0); combatType = COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE; } else if(tmpStrValue == "death" || tmpStrValue == "cursed") { conditionDamage = new ConditionDamage(CONDITIONID_COMBAT, CONDITION_CURSED, false, 0); combatType = COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE; } else if(tmpStrValue == "drown") { conditionDamage = new ConditionDamage(CONDITIONID_COMBAT, CONDITION_DROWN, false, 0); combatType = COMBAT_DROWNDAMAGE; } else if(tmpStrValue == "physical" || tmpStrValue == "bleed") { conditionDamage = new ConditionDamage(CONDITIONID_COMBAT, CONDITION_BLEEDING, false, 0); combatType = COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE; } else std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Unknown field value " << strValue << std::endl; if(combatType != COMBAT_NONE) { it.combatType = combatType; it.condition = conditionDamage; uint32_t ticks = 0; int32_t damage = 0, start = 0, count = 1; for(xmlNodePtr fieldAttributesNode = itemAttributesNode->children; fieldAttributesNode; fieldAttributesNode = fieldAttributesNode->next) { if(!readXMLString(fieldAttributesNode, "key", strValue)) continue; tmpStrValue = asLowerCaseString(strValue); if(tmpStrValue == "ticks") { if(readXMLInteger(fieldAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) ticks = std::max(0, intValue); } if(tmpStrValue == "count") { if(readXMLInteger(fieldAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) count = std::max(1, intValue); } if(tmpStrValue == "start") { if(readXMLInteger(fieldAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) start = std::max(0, intValue); } if(tmpStrValue == "damage") { if(readXMLInteger(fieldAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { damage = -intValue; if(start > 0) { std::list<int32_t> damageList; ConditionDamage::generateDamageList(damage, start, damageList); for(std::list<int32_t>::iterator it = damageList.begin(); it != damageList.end(); ++it) conditionDamage->addDamage(1, ticks, -*it); start = 0; } else conditionDamage->addDamage(count, ticks, damage); } } } conditionDamage->setParam(CONDITIONPARAM_FIELD, true); if(conditionDamage->getTotalDamage() > 0) conditionDamage->setParam(CONDITIONPARAM_FORCEUPDATE, true); } } } else if(tmpStrValue == "elementphysical") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->elementDamage = intValue; it.getAbilities()->elementType = COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "elementfire") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->elementDamage = intValue; it.getAbilities()->elementType = COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "elementenergy") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->elementDamage = intValue; it.getAbilities()->elementType = COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "elementearth") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->elementDamage = intValue; it.getAbilities()->elementType = COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "elementice") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->elementDamage = intValue; it.getAbilities()->elementType = COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "elementholy") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->elementDamage = intValue; it.getAbilities()->elementType = COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "elementdeath") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->elementDamage = intValue; it.getAbilities()->elementType = COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "elementlifedrain") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->elementDamage = intValue; it.getAbilities()->elementType = COMBAT_LIFEDRAIN; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "elementmanadrain") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->elementDamage = intValue; it.getAbilities()->elementType = COMBAT_MANADRAIN; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "elementhealing") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->elementDamage = intValue; it.getAbilities()->elementType = COMBAT_HEALING; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "elementundefined") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.getAbilities()->elementDamage = intValue; it.getAbilities()->elementType = COMBAT_UNDEFINEDDAMAGE; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "replacable" || tmpStrValue == "replaceable") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.replacable = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "partnerdirection") { if(readXMLString(itemAttributesNode, "value", strValue)) it.bedPartnerDir = getDirection(strValue); } else if(tmpStrValue == "maletransformto") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.transformBed[PLAYERSEX_MALE] = intValue; ItemType& ot = getItemType(intValue); if(!ot.transformUseTo) ot.transformUseTo =; if(!it.transformBed[PLAYERSEX_FEMALE]) it.transformBed[PLAYERSEX_FEMALE] = intValue; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "femaletransformto") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) { it.transformBed[PLAYERSEX_FEMALE] = intValue; ItemType& ot = getItemType(intValue); if(!ot.transformUseTo) ot.transformUseTo =; if(!it.transformBed[PLAYERSEX_MALE]) it.transformBed[PLAYERSEX_MALE] = intValue; } } else if(tmpStrValue == "transformto" || tmpStrValue == "transformuseto" || tmpStrValue == "onuseto") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.transformUseTo = intValue; } else if(tmpStrValue == "walkstack") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.walkStack = (intValue != 0); } else if(tmpStrValue == "premiumdays") { if(readXMLInteger(itemAttributesNode, "value", intValue)) it.premiumDays = intValue; } else std::clog << "[Warning - Items::loadFromXml] Unknown key value " << strValue << std::endl; } if(it.pluralName.empty() && ! { it.pluralName =; if(it.showCount) it.pluralName += "s"; } it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_ALL] = it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_FIRST + 1]; it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_ALL] = it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_FIRST + 1]; it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_ALL] = it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_FIRST + 1]; for(uint32_t i = (COMBAT_FIRST + 1) << 1; i <= COMBAT_LAST; i <<= 1) { if(it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_ALL] != it.getAbilities()->absorb[i]) it.getAbilities()->absorb[COMBAT_ALL] = 0; if(it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_ALL] != it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][i]) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_ALL] = 0; if(it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_ALL] != it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][i]) it.getAbilities()->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_ALL] = 0; } } void Items::parseRandomizationBlock(int32_t id, int32_t fromId, int32_t toId, int32_t chance) { RandomizationMap::iterator it = randomizationMap.find(id); if(it != randomizationMap.end()) { std::clog << "[Warning - Items::parseRandomizationBlock] Duplicated item with id: " << id << std::endl; return; } RandomizationBlock rand; rand.fromRange = fromId; rand.toRange = toId; rand.chance = chance; randomizationMap[id] = rand; } uint16_t Items::getRandomizedItem(uint16_t id) { if(!g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::RANDOMIZE_TILES)) return id; RandomizationBlock randomize = getRandomization(id); if(randomize.chance >= random_range(1, 100)) id = random_range(randomize.fromRange, randomize.toRange); return id; } ItemType& Items::getItemType(int32_t id) { ItemType* iType = items.getElement(id); if(iType) return *iType; #ifdef __DEBUG__ std::clog << "[Warning - Items::getItemType] Unknown itemtype with id " << id << ", using defaults." << std::endl; #endif static ItemType dummyItemType; // use this for invalid ids return dummyItemType; } const ItemType& Items::getItemType(int32_t id) const { if(ItemType* iType = items.getElement(id)) return *iType; static ItemType dummyItemType; // use this for invalid ids return dummyItemType; } const ItemType& Items::getItemIdByClientId(int32_t spriteId) const { uint32_t i = 100; ItemType* iType; do { if((iType = items.getElement(i++)) && iType->clientId == spriteId) return *iType; } while(iType); static ItemType dummyItemType; // use this for invalid ids return dummyItemType; } int32_t Items::getItemIdByName(const std::string& name) { if(!name.empty()) { uint32_t i = 100; ItemType* iType = NULL; do { if((iType = items.getElement(i)) && boost::algorithm::iequals(name, iType->name)) return i; ++i; } while(iType); } return -1; }

esse é link do ot ta tudo funcionando 100% só n reconhece o items.otb >> 



Editado por tiroleivi (veja o histórico de edições)
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22 horas atrás, Yota disse:

usa este:

apaga a pasta obj e compila usando o rebuild all



no poste tem um cara que remove os ITEMS_PATH, eu removi mas devo ter removido errado n entendo muito :S

Editado por tiroleivi (veja o histórico de edições)
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  • Sub-Admin

converta a versão da sua item.otb pra versão do seu ot que vai pegar use um item editor que tenha essa capacidade de update em item.otb, como por exemplo o item editor 3.0, os mais novos.




Eu sou um entusiasta da programação apaixonado por ajudar a comunidade open source a crescer. Sempre em busca de novos desafios e oportunidades para contribuir com meu código.  #OpenSource #Programação #Contribuição


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Em 20/03/2017 ás 12:49, Alexy Brocanello disse:

converta a versão da sua item.otb pra versão do seu ot que vai pegar use um item editor que tenha essa capacidade de update em item.otb, como por exemplo o item editor 3.0, os mais novos.


me recomenda algum ? testei o 4.0 entre outros da nova versão da erro no plugin : / to quase desistindo :S

Editado por tiroleivi (veja o histórico de edições)
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