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Suporte Sistema Jinchuurikis erro login

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Boa noite Galerinha tibiaking ! Bom seguinte estou com script de sistema jinchuurikis ele funciona tudo normal porem estou com um pequeno problema no qual não estou conseguindo resolver se alguem puder me extender a mão creio que me ajudará muito .. Bom vamos la.

O script em si funciona certinho add a biju capturada os atributos e efeitos normalmente porem quando alguem que já possui uma biju selada desloga aparece o seguinte erro no onlogin..  ja fiz oque eu podia e não conseguo ajustar isso alguma luz pode me ajudar por favor ....





Segue abaixo o script 

    BIJUUS = {

        ["biju ichibi"] = {id = 1, catch = {chance = 100, minHp = 20}, haste = 0, ninjutsu= 0, speed= 0, glove = 0, sword = 0, distance =15, defense = 10, health = 0, chakra = 0, effect= 498, time= 5, transform= {lookType = 157, duration= 30, cooldown={storageId=5675620, time=60}}, spawn = {days = {"Monday", "Wednesday", "Friday", "Sunday"}, chance = 100, position={x=963, y=657, z=6}}},
        ["biju nibi"] = {id = 2, catch = {chance = 100, minHp = 20}, haste = 0, ninjutsu= 0, speed= 15, glove = 0, sword = 0, distance = 10, defense = 0, health = 0, chakra = 10000, effect= 499, time= 5, transform= {lookType = 158, duration= 30, cooldown={storageId=5675620, time=60}}, spawn = {days = {"Tuesday" , "Thursday", "Saturday", "Sunday"}, chance = 100, position={x=969, y=682, z=6}}},

        ["biju sanbi"] = {id = 3, catch = {chance = 100, minHp = 20}, haste = 0, ninjutsu= 0, speed= 0, glove = 0, sword = 0, distance =0, defense = 10, health = 10000, chakra = 0, effect= 500, time= 5, transform= {lookType = 1493, duration= 30, cooldown={storageId=5675620, time=60}}, spawn = {days = {"Monday", "Tuesday" , "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"}, chance = 100, position={x=988, y=653, z=6}}},	

        ["biju yonbi"] = {id = 4, catch = {chance = 100, minHp = 20}, haste = 0, ninjutsu= 10, speed= 0, glove = 15, sword = 0, distance =0, defense = 0, health = 0, chakra = 0, effect= 501, time= 5, transform= {lookType = 1493, duration= 30, cooldown={storageId=5675620, time=60}}, spawn = {days = {"Tuesday" , "Thursday", "Friday", "Sunday"}, chance = 100, position={x=1019, y=666, z=6}}},

        ["biju rokubi"] = {id = 6, catch = {chance = 100, minHp = 20}, haste = 0, ninjutsu= 10, speed= 0, glove = 0, sword = 0, distance =10, defense = 0, health = 0, chakra = 0, effect= 502, time= 5, transform= {lookType = 1493, duration= 30, cooldown={storageId=5675620, time=60}}, spawn = {days = {"Monday","Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Saturday"}, chance = 100, position={x=992, y=675, z=5}}},
        ["biju gobi"] = {id = 5, catch = {chance = 100, minHp = 20}, haste = 0, ninjutsu= 0, speed= 10, glove = 0, sword = 15, distance =0, defense = 0, health = 0, chakra = 0, effect= 503, time= 5, transform= {lookType = 1493, duration= 30, cooldown={storageId=5675620, time=60}}, spawn = {days = {"Tuesday" ,"Wednesday", "Friday", "Saturday"}, chance = 100, position={x=1003, y=682, z=6}}},
        ["biju shichibi"] = {id = 7, catch = {chance = 100, minHp = 20}, haste = 0, ninjutsu= 0, speed= 10, glove = 10, sword = 0, distance =0, defense = 0, health = 0, chakra = 0,  effect= 504, time= 5, transform= {lookType = 1493, duration= 30, cooldown={storageId=5675620, time=60}}, spawn = {days = {"Monday","Wednesday", "Saturday"}, chance = 100, position={x=974, y=663, z=5}}},
        ["biju hachibi"] = {id = 8, catch = {chance = 100, minHp = 20}, haste = 0, ninjutsu= 10, speed= 0, glove = 0, sword = 10, distance =0, defense = 0, health = 10000, chakra = 10000, effect= 505, time= 5, transform= {lookType = 1493, duration= 30, cooldown={storageId=5675620, time=60}}, spawn = {days = {"Tuesday" , "Sunday"}, chance = 100, position={x=987, y=666, z=6}}},
        ["biju kyuubi"] = {id = 9, catch = {chance = 90, minHp = 20}, haste = 0, ninjutsu= 10, speed= 10, glove = 0, sword = 0, distance =0, defense = 0, health = 10000, chakra = 10000, effect= 506, time= 5, transform= {lookType = 1493, duration= 30, cooldown={storageId=5675620, time=60}}, spawn = {days = {"Tuesday" ,"Saturday"}, chance = 100, position={x=1006, y=668, z=7}}},
    DURATION = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60,
    DURATION_STORAGE = 6420432,
    BIJUU_ID_STORAGE = 320432,

        onCatch = {effectId = 1, offset ={x=0, y=0}},
	WARNS = {
		showBijuuNameOnSpawn = false,
		onCatchBijuu = true


for _, b in pairs(BIJUU_SYSTEM.BIJUUS) do
	table.insert(BIJUU_SYSTEM.BIJUU_LIST, {name=_,})


BIJUU_SYSTEM.spawnBijuu = function()
	local i = 0
	while isInArray(rBijuu.spawn.days,"%A")) or i > 1000 do
		i = i + 1
	if BIJUU_SYSTEM.GAME_BIJUUS[] or rBijuu.spawn.chance < math.random(1, 100) then
		return false
	local bijuuCID = doSummonCreature(, rBijuu.spawn.position)
	if bijuuCID and bijuuCID > 0 then
		registerCreatureEvent(bijuuCID, "bijuuDeath")
		if not BIJUU_SYSTEM.WARNS.showBijuuNameOnSpawn then
			doBroadcastMessage("A ".. .." acabou de nascer na Ilha das Bijus, corra para captura-la Ninjas e Obter seus Poderes se tornando um jinchuuriki e conseguir Drops Raros Lembre-se a cada 3 Horas um Biju Invade a Ilha.")

			doBroadcastMessage("A ".. .." acabou de nascer na Ilha das Bijus, corra para captura-la Ninjas e Obter seus Poderes se tornando um jinchuuriki e conseguir Drops Raros. Lembre-se a cada 3 Horas um Biju Invade a Ilha.")

BIJUU_SYSTEM.onBijuuDeath = function(cid, attacker, captured)
	if BIJUU_SYSTEM.GAME_BIJUUS[BIJUU_SYSTEM.getBijuuByName(getCreatureName(cid)).id] then
		BIJUU_SYSTEM.GAME_BIJUUS[BIJUU_SYSTEM.getBijuuByName(getCreatureName(cid)).id] = nil
		if BIJUU_SYSTEM.WARNS.onCatchBijuu and isPlayer(attacker) and captured then
			doBroadcastMessage("O jogador ".. getCreatureName(attacker) .." acaba de capturar a bijuu ".. getCreatureName(cid) .. ".")

BIJUU_SYSTEM.getBijuuById = function(id)
    for name, data in pairs(BIJUU_SYSTEM.BIJUUS) do
        if == id then
            local returnValue = data
   = name
            return returnValue
    return nil
BIJUU_SYSTEM.getBijuuByName = function(name)
    return BIJUU_SYSTEM.BIJUUS[name:lower()]

BIJUU_SYSTEM.getPlayerBijuu = function(cid)
    local bijuuStorage = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, BIJUU_SYSTEM.BIJUU_ID_STORAGE)
    local bijuu = BIJUU_SYSTEM.getBijuuById(bijuuStorage)
    if bijuu then
        local bijuuTimeLeft = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, BIJUU_SYSTEM.DURATION_STORAGE) - os.time()
        if bijuuTimeLeft > 0 then
            bijuu.timeLeft = bijuuTimeLeft
            return bijuu
    return nil
BIJUU_SYSTEM.doPlayerCatchBijuu = function(cid, bijuuId)
    local bijuu = BIJUU_SYSTEM.getBijuuById(bijuuId)
    if bijuu then
            if bijuu.catch.chance >= math.random(100) then
                doPlayerSetStorageValue(cid, BIJUU_SYSTEM.BIJUU_ID_STORAGE,
                doPlayerSetStorageValue(cid, BIJUU_SYSTEM.DURATION_STORAGE, os.time() + BIJUU_SYSTEM.DURATION)
                doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, string.format("Você capturou a %s.",
                local description = string.format("%s\nJinchuuriki da %s, expire em %s.", getPlayerSpecialDescription(cid),,"%x", getPlayerStorageValue(cid, BIJUU_SYSTEM.DURATION_STORAGE)))
                doPlayerSetSpecialDescription(cid, description)
                doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, string.format("Você falhou ao tentar capturar a bijuu %s.",
        return true
    return false

BIJUU_SYSTEM.doPlayerTryCatchBijuu = function(cid, target)
	if BIJUU_SYSTEM.getPlayerBijuu(cid) then
		return false
    if isMonster(target) then
        local bijuu = BIJUU_SYSTEM.getBijuuByName(getCreatureName(target))
        if bijuu then
            local hpPercent = (getCreatureHealth(target) * 100) / getCreatureMaxHealth(target)
            if hpPercent > bijuu.catch.minHp then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "A Bijuu precisa estar com no minimo 20% pontos de vida.")
                return false
            elseif BIJUU_SYSTEM.doPlayerCatchBijuu(cid, then
                local targetPos = getCreaturePosition(target)
                local animation = BIJUU_SYSTEM.ANIMATION.onCatch
                doSendMagicEffect({x= targetPos.x + animation.offset.x, y= targetPos.y + animation.offset.y, z=targetPos.z}, animation.effectId)
				BIJUU_SYSTEM.onBijuuDeath(target, cid, true)
                return true
    return false
BIJUU_SYSTEM.doPlayerTransformInBijuu = function(cid)
    local bijuu = BIJUU_SYSTEM.getPlayerBijuu(cid)
    if bijuu then
        local transform = bijuu.transform
        local cooldown = exhaustion.get(cid, transform.cooldown.storageId)
        if cooldown then
            doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, string.format("Aguarde %d segundos para ativar novamente.", cooldown))
            return false
        doPlayerSetStorageValue(cid, 5675621, getPlayerVocation(cid))
        doPlayerSetStorageValue(cid, 5675622, os.time() + transform.duration)
        local outfit = getCreatureOutfit(cid)
        outfit.lookType = transform.lookType
        doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, outfit, transform.duration * 1000)
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, string.format("Você ficará transformado na bijuu por %d segundos.", transform.duration))
            if isCreature(cid) then
                doPlayerSetVocation(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 5675621))
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "O tempo no modo bijuu acabou.")
        end, transform.duration * 1000, cid)
        exhaustion.set(cid, transform.cooldown.storageId, transform.cooldown.time)
    return true

BIJUU_SYSTEM.onPlayerLogin = function(cid)
    local bijuu = BIJUU_SYSTEM.getPlayerBijuu(cid)
    local stor2 = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, BIJUU_SYSTEM.DURATION_STORAGE)
    if stor2 > 0 and stor2 < os.time() then
        doPlayerSetStorageValue(cid, BIJUU_SYSTEM.BIJUU_ID_STORAGE, 0)
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Sua bijuu expirou.")

    if bijuu then
        local description = string.format("%s\nJinchuuriki da %s, expira dia %s.", getPlayerSpecialDescription(cid),,"%x", stor2))
        doPlayerSetSpecialDescription(cid, description)
BIJUU_SYSTEM.effectBijuu = function(cid)
local bijuu = BIJUU_SYSTEM.getPlayerBijuu(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return LUA_ERROR end
    if bijuu then 
	local position = {x=getCreaturePosition(cid).x+1, y=getCreaturePosition(cid).y, z=getCreaturePosition(cid).z}
        if isCreature(cid) then
            doSendMagicEffect(position, bijuu.effect)
            addEvent(BIJUU_SYSTEM.effectBijuu, bijuu.time*1000, cid)

BIJUU_SYSTEM.addBuff = function(cid)
local bijuu = BIJUU_SYSTEM.getPlayerBijuu(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return LUA_ERROR end    
    if bijuu then
    local bonus = createConditionObject(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES)
        setConditionParam(bonus, CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 840)
        setConditionParam(bonus, CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF, 1)
        setConditionParam(bonus, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1)
        setConditionParam(bonus, CONDITION_PARAM_STAT_MAGICLEVEL, bijuu.ninjutsu)
        setConditionParam(bonus, CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_FIST, bijuu.speed)
        setConditionParam(bonus, CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_CLUB, bijuu.glove)
        setConditionParam(bonus, CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_SWORD, bijuu.sword)
        setConditionParam(bonus, CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_DISTANCE, bijuu.distance)
        setConditionParam(bonus, CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_SHIELD, bijuu.defense)
        setConditionParam(bonus, CONDITION_PARAM_STAT_MAXHEALTH,	
        setConditionParam(bonus, CONDITION_PARAM_STAT_MAXMANA, bijuu.chakra)	
        doAddCondition(cid, bonus)



Alguem por favor pode me ajudar ? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Em 15/02/2022 em 17:00, Encrypton disse:

Você criou os monstros com os devidos nomes?

Pelo print, o erro não esta na programação, e sim na hora de invocar a criatura, que consta como inexistente

sim testei aqui e creio que é pelo motivo do nome do monstro está com letra mais maiuscula no inicio porem quando removo o item que sela ela não sela  poderia me ajudar nisso ?

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