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(Resolvido) [Dúvida] Modern Acc

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Bom estou com o Modern Acc instalado e funcionando quase tudo..

Só que quando alguem tenta criar uma guild com qual quer nome aparece.


Guild name is already taken.

E támbem estou com um Shop system (postarei logo a baixo), só que ele está para adicionar Premium Account, alguem poderia mudar para VIP?


<script type="text/javascript">

$(function() {


   autoHeight: false,

   navigation: true





//Product Types

//Categories :


//[ 1 - Account Modifications ]

//1 - Premium

//2 - Remove Skull (ANY)

//3 - UnBan Account

//4 - Change Name


//[ 2 - Items ]

//5 - Items


//[ 3 - Container Fully of Items ]

//6 - Bag of Items

//7 - Backpack of Items


//[ 4 - Addons Items ]

//8 - Addon Items


//HOWTO PUT IMAGES FOR TYPES 1-4 [ Account Modifications ]

//Go to public/images/ folder and create a GIF image (Or put)

//With the ID of the type [See at the top of the script]

//Ex. Type (1) - Premium Account (public/images/1.gif)






$ots = POT::getInstance();

$ots->connect(POT::DB_MYSQL, connection());

$SQL = $ots->getDBHandle();

$SHOP = new shop;

$ide = new IDE;

$action = $this->uri->segment(4);

$categories = array(1 => 'Account Modifications', 2 => 'Items', 3 => 'Containers with Items', 4 => 'Addon Items');

if ($_SESSION['logged'] == 1) {

if ($SHOP->isInstalled()) {

if ($action == '') {

  if($ide->isAdmin()) {

	 echo "<div class='toolbar' align='center'>";

	 echo "<a href='".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin'>Shop Admin Panel</a>";

	 echo "</div>";


  alert("<b>REMEMBER:</b><br><br>All categories, <b>except for 'Containers with Items'</b>:<br><br>Receiver need to have space on his/her <b>BACKPACK</b> to receive item.");

  echo '<div id="accordion">';

  $i = 0;

   foreach($categories as $key=>$value) {

	 echo '<h3><a href="#">'.$categories[$key].'</a></h3>


	  if($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE category = '.$key.'')->fetch()) {

	  echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">


		<td width="20%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Picture</td>

		<td width="40%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Product</td>

		<td width="20%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Points</td>

		<td width="20%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Action</td>


	   foreach($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE category = '.$key.'') as $item) {

	   if (is_int($i / 2))

		$bgcolor = "#ececec";


		$bgcolor = "#ffffff";


	   echo '<tr class="highlight" bgcolor="'.$bgcolor.'" style="text-align: center;">


	   if($item['category'] == '1')

	   $image = 'public/images/'.$item['type'].'.gif';


	   $image = 'public/images/items/'.$item['item'].'.gif';


		 echo 'NO IMAGE';


		 echo '<img height="32px" width="32px" src="'.WEBSITE.'/'.$image.'"/>';

		echo '</td>



		<td><button type="submit" onClick="window.location.href=\''.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/buy/'.$item['id'].'\';" class="ide_button">Buy Product</button></td>



	   echo '</table></div>';


	 else {

	  alert("This category doesn't have products.");

	  echo '</div>';



  echo '</div>';

  echo '<br><center><font style="color: #4F82CB; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px">You have: <font color="#4EBF37">'.$SHOP->points($_SESSION['name']).'</font> premium points.</font></center>';


elseif ($action == 'buy') {

  $product = $this->uri->segment(5);

  $productact = $this->uri->segment(6);

  if (!$product) {

   alert("You didn't have selected a product.");

   echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts">Go Back to Gift Shop</a></div>';


  else {

   if($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE id = '.$product.'')->fetch()) {

	$info = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE id = '.$product.'')->fetch();

	if($productact == '' || !$productact) {

	  if ($SHOP->points($_SESSION['name']) < $info['points']) {

	   alert("You don't have enough points to buy this product (<b>".$info['points']."</b>)");

   echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts">Go Back to Gift Shop</a></div>';


	  else {

	   echo '<div id="accordion">';

	   echo '<h3><a href="#">Product Selected</a></h3>


	  echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">


		<td width="25%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Picture</td>

		<td width="50%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Product</td>

		<td width="25%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Points</td>


	   echo '<tr class="highlight" style="text-align: center">


	   if($info['category'] == '1')

	   $image = 'public/images/'.$info['type'].'.gif';


	   $image = 'public/images/items/'.$info['item'].'.gif';


		 echo 'NO IMAGE';


		 echo '<img height="32px" width="32px" src="'.WEBSITE.'/'.$image.'"/>';

		echo '</td>




	   echo '</table></div>

		<h3><a href="#">Player Selection</a></h3>


		<center><table border="0" cellspacing="7" cellpadding="4" width="50%">


		<td><form method="post" action="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/buy/'.$info['id'].'/send">';

		if($info['type'] == '4')

		 echo 'Character to Change Name:';


		 echo 'Give item to player:';

		echo '</td>

		<td><select name="my_char">';

		foreach($SHOP->CharacterList($_SESSION['name']) as $row)

		 echo '<option>'.$row['name'].'</option>';

		echo '</select></td>




		if($info['type'] == '4')

		 echo 'New Name:';


		 echo 'Or another player:';

		echo '</td>

		<td><input type="text" name="other_char" size="10"/></td>




		<td><button type="submit" name="submit" value="true" class="ide_button">Buy Product</td>


		echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/">Go Back to Gift Shop</a></div>';



	elseif ($productact == 'send') {


	  header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts");

	 else {

	 if($info['type'] != '4') {

	  if($_POST['other_char']) {

	   if($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players WHERE name = "'.$_POST['other_char'].'"')->fetch()) {

		$destination = $_POST['other_char'];

		$send = true;

	   } else {

		alert('<b>'.$_POST['other_char'].'</b> doesn\'t exists.');

		echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/buy/'.$info['id'].'">Go Back to Gift Shop</a></div>';

		$send = false;



	  else {

	   $destination = $_POST['my_char'];

	   $send = true;



	 else {

	  $destination = $_POST['my_char'];

	  $send = true;


	  if($send == true) {

	   $errors = '';

	   $processed = 0;

	   if ($info['type'] == '1') {

		$processed = 1;

		$finish = true;



	   elseif ($info['type'] == '2') {

		$skulltime = $SQL->query('SELECT skull,skulltime FROM players WHERE name = "'.$destination.'"')->fetch();

		if ($SHOP->isOnline($destination) == 1) {

		 $errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$destination.'</b> is On-Line right now.<br>';

		 $finish = false;


		elseif ($skulltime['skull'] == '0' && $skulltime['skulltime'] == '0') {

		 $errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$destination.'</b> doesn\'t have any skull.<br>';

		 $finish = false;


		else {

		 $processed = 1;

		 $finish = true;

		 $SQL->query('UPDATE players SET skull = 0, skulltime = 0 WHERE name = "'.$destination.'"');



	   elseif ($info['type'] == '3') {

		if ($SHOP->isOnline($destination) == 1) {

		 $errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$destination.'</b> is On-Line right now.<br>';

		 $finish = false;


		else {

		 if ($SHOP->isBanned($destination)->fetch()) {

		  $processed = 1;

		  $finish = true;



		 else {

		  $errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$destination.'</b>\'s Account isn\'t banned at the moment.<br>';

		  $finish = false;




	   elseif ($info['type'] == '4') {

		if ($SHOP->isOnline($destination) == 1) {

		 $errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$destination.'</b> is On-Line right now.<br>';

		 $finish = false;


		else {

		 if ($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players WHERE name = "'.$_POST['other_char'].'"')->fetch()) {

		  $finish = false;

		  $errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$_POST['other_char'].'</b> already exists.<br>';


		 else {

		  if(!$_POST['other_char']) {

		   $finish = false;

		   $errors .= 'Sorry, but you didn\'t put a new name for your character.<br>';


		  else {

		   if (!preg_match('/[^A-Za-z]/', $_POST['other_char'])) {

			$processed = 1;

			$finish = true;

			$SQL->query('UPDATE players SET name = "'.$_POST['other_char'].'" WHERE name = "'.$destination.'"');


		   else {

			$finish = false;

			$errors .= 'Sorry, but <b>'.$_POST['other_char'].'</b> contains invalid characters (Use only: A-Z, a-z).<br>';






	   else {

		$finish = true;


	   if ($finish == true) {

	   echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 15px; color: #4EBF37; font-weight: bold;">Transaction Succesfull</div><br>';

	   if($info['type'] == '4')

	   echo '<center>You have changed the name of <b>'.$destination.'</b> to <b>'.$_POST['other_char'].'</b>.</center>';

	   elseif($info['type'] == '3')

	   echo '<center>You have UnBanned <b>'.$destination.'</b>\'s Account.</center>';


	   echo '<center>You have bought <b>'.$info['name'].'</b> and gave to <b>'.$destination.'</b>.</center>';

	   echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts">Go Back to Gift Shop</a></div>';

	   $SQL->query('UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = '.($SHOP->points($_SESSION['name']) - $info['points']).' WHERE name = "'.$_SESSION['name'].'"');

	   $SQL->query('INSERT INTO shop_history (`id`, `product`, `session`, `player`, `date`, `processed`) VALUES (NULL, \''.$info['id'].'\',\''.$_SESSION['name'].'\', \''.$destination.'\', \''.time().'\',\''.$processed.'\')');;


	   else {


	   echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/buy/'.$info['id'].'">Go Back to Gift Shop</a></div>';






   else {

	header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts");


   echo '<br><center><font style="color: #4F82CB; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px">You have: <font color="#4EBF37">'.$SHOP->points($_SESSION['name']).'</font> premium points.</font></center>';



elseif ($action == 'history') {

  if ($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_history WHERE session = "'.$_SESSION['name'].'" ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 30')->fetch()) {

   echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Latest 30 Transactions</div>

   <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">


	 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Picture</td>

	 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Product</td>

	 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">To</td>

	 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Date</td>

	 <td class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Processed</td>


	foreach($SQL->query('SELECT `z`.`player` AS `destination`, `z`.`date` AS `date`, `z`.`processed` AS `processed`, `o`.`category` AS `category`,`o`.`type` AS `type`,`o`.`item` AS `item`,`o`.`name` AS `name` FROM `shop_history` z LEFT JOIN `shop_offer` o ON `z`.`product` = `o`.`id` WHERE `z`.`session` = \''.$_SESSION['name'].'\' ORDER BY `z`.`date` DESC LIMIT 30') as $hist) {

	echo '<tr class="highlight" style="text-align: center"><td>';

	if($hist['category'] == '1')

	$image = 'public/images/'.$hist['type'].'.gif';


	$image = 'public/images/items/'.$hist['item'].'.gif';


	  echo 'NO IMAGE';


	  echo '<img height="32px" width="32px" src="'.WEBSITE.'/'.$image.'"/>';

	 echo '</td>



	 <td>'.date("d-m-Y - H:i a", $hist["date"]).'</td>';

	  if ($hist['processed'] == '1')

	   echo '<td><img src="'.WEBSITE.'/public/images/true.gif"/></td>';


	   echo '<td><img src="'.WEBSITE.'/public/images/false.gif"/></td>';

	 echo '</tr>';


	echo '</table>';


  else {

   alert('You didn\'t made any transactions');



elseif ($action == 'admin') {

   if($ide->isAdmin()) {

	$manage = $this->uri->segment(5);

	 echo "<div class='toolbar' align='center'>";

	 echo "<a href='".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/add/1'>Add new Product</a> | ";

	 echo "<a href='".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/delete'>Delete Existing Product</a> | ";

	 echo "<a href='".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/points'>Add/Remove Points to Player</a>";

	 echo "</div>";

	  if ($manage == '' || !$manage) {

	   echo '<center>Welcome to Shop Admin Panel</center>';


	  elseif ($manage == 'add') {

	  $types[1] = array(1 => 'Premium Account', 2 => 'Remove Skull', 3 => 'UnBan Account', 4 => 'Change Name');

	  $types[2] = array(5 => 'Item');

	  $types[3] = array(6 => 'Bag with Items', 7 => 'Backpack with Items');

	  $types[4] = array(8 => 'Addon Items');

	  $step = $this->uri->segment(6);

	   if ($step == '1') {

		echo '<form method="post" action="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/add/2">Select Category: <select name="category">';

		foreach($categories as $key=>$value) {

		 echo '<option value="'.$key.'">'.$categories[$key].'</option>';


		echo '</select> <button type="submit" class="ide_button">Select Category</form>';


	   elseif ($step == '2' && $_POST['category']) {

		echo '<form method="post" action="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/add/3">

		<input type="hidden" name="category" value="'.$_POST['category'].'"/>

		Select Type: <select name="type">';

		foreach($types[$_POST['category']] as $key=>$value) {

		 echo '<option value="'.$key.'">'.$types[$_POST['category']][$key].'</option>';


		echo '</select> <button type="submit" class="ide_button">Select Type</form>';


	   elseif ($step == '3' && $_POST['category'] && $_POST['type']) {

		 echo '<form method="post" action="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/add/4">

		 <input type="hidden" name="category" value="'.$_POST['category'].'"/>

		 <input type="hidden" name="type" value="'.$_POST['type'].'"/>

		 <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">


		  <td width="25%">Product Name:</td>

		  <td width="25%"><input name="name" type="text" size="18" maxlength="256" /></td>

		  <td width="50%" style="font-size: 9px; color: red; font-weight: bold;">The name of the product</td>



		  <td width="25%">Point Cost:</td>

		  <td width="25%"><input name="points" type="text" value="0" size="10" maxlength="11" /></td>

		  <td width="50%" style="font-size: 9px; color: red; font-weight: bold;">Cost of the Product (Points)</td>


		 if ($_POST['type'] == '1') {

		  echo '<tr>

		  <td width="25%">Premium Days:</td>

		  <td width="25%"><input name="count" type="text" value="0" size="1" maxlength="3" /></td>

		  <td width="50%" style="font-size: 9px; color: red; font-weight: bold;">Days of Premium Account</td>



		 elseif ($_POST['type'] == '5' || $_POST['type'] == '6' || $_POST['type'] == '7' || $_POST['type'] == '8') {

		  echo '<tr>

		  <td width="25%">Item ID:</td>

		  <td width="25%"><input name="item" type="text" value="0" size="3" maxlength="5" /></td>

		  <td width="50%" style="font-size: 9px; color: red; font-weight: bold;">ID of item to give</td>



		  <td width="25%">Count:</td>

		  <td width="25%"><input name="count" type="text" value="0" size="1" maxlength="3" /></td>

		  <td width="50%" style="font-size: 9px; color: red; font-weight: bold;">Count of item (max. 100) (When selecting \'Backpack of Items\' or \'Bag of Items\' type, the ITEM with that count will fill the container!)</td>



		 echo '<tr>

		  <td width="25%">Product Description:</td>

		  <td width="25%"><textarea style="width: 120px; height: 80px;" name="description"></textarea></td>

		  <td width="50%" style="font-size: 9px; color: red; font-weight: bold;">Description (Shown of \'Gifts\' Page)</td>



		  <br><center><button type="submit" name="done" value="true" class="ide_button">Add Product</form></center>';


	   elseif ($step == '4' && $_POST['done'] == 'true') {

	   $errors = '';

		if ($_POST['points'] || $_POST['item'] || $_POST['count']) {

		 if($_POST['points']) {

		  if (!(!preg_match('/[^0-9]/', $_POST['points'])))

		   $errors .= '1';


		 elseif($_POST['item']) {

		  if (!(!preg_match('/[^0-9]/', $_POST['item'])))

		   $errors .= '2';


		 elseif($_POST['count']) {

		  if (!(!preg_match('/[^0-9]/', $_POST['count'])))

		   $errors .= '3';



		if ($errors == '') {

		 echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 15px; color: #4EBF37; font-weight: bold;">Product Added!</div><br>

		  <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">

		  <tr class="highlight">

		  <td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Product Name:</td>

		  <td width="50%">'.$_POST['name'].'</td>


		  <tr class="highlight">

		  <td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Category:</td>

		  <td width="50%">'.$categories[$_POST['category']].'</td>


		  <tr class="highlight">

		  <td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Type:</td>

		  <td width="50%">'.$types[$_POST['category']][$_POST['type']].'</td>


		  <tr class="highlight">

		  <td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Point Cost:</td>

		  <td width="50%">'.$_POST['points'].'</td>


		  if($_POST['type'] == '1') {

		   echo '<tr class="highlight"><td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Premium Days:</td>

		   <td width="50%">'.$_POST['count'].'</td>



		  elseif ($_POST['type'] == '5' || $_POST['type'] == '6' || $_POST['type'] == '7' || $_POST['type'] == '8') {

		   echo '<tr class="highlight"><td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Item ID:</td>

		   <td width="50%">'.$_POST['item'].'</td>


		   <tr class="highlight"><td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Count:</td>

		   <td width="50%">'.$_POST['count'].'</td>



		  echo '<tr class="highlight"><td style="font-weight: bold;" width="50%">Description:</td>

		   <td width="50%">'.$_POST['description'].'</td>


		  $PostItem = (!isset($_POST['item']))?'0':$_POST['item'];

		  $PostCount = (!isset($_POST['count']))?'0':$_POST['count'];

		  $SQL->query("INSERT INTO shop_offer (`id`, `points`, `category`, `type`, `item`, `count`, `description`, `name`) VALUES (NULL, '".$_POST['points']."', '".$_POST['category']."', '".$_POST['type']."', '".$PostItem."', '".$PostCount."', '".$_POST['description']."', '".$_POST['name']."')");

		 echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin">Go Back to Shop Admin</a></div>';


		else {

		 alert('Sorry but 1 or more spaces contains invalid characters.');

		 echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin">Go Back to Shop Admin</a></div>';



	   else {

		header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/add/1");



	  elseif ($manage == 'delete') {

	   $product = $this->uri->segment(6);

	   if (!$product) {

		echo '<div id="accordion">';

   $i = 0;

   foreach($categories as $key=>$value) {

	 echo '<h3><a href="#">'.$categories[$key].'</a></h3>


	  if($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE category = '.$key.'')->fetch()) {

	  echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">


		<td width="20%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Picture</td>

		<td width="40%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Product</td>

		<td width="20%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Points</td>

		<td width="20%" class="white" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Action</td>


	   foreach($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE category = '.$key.'') as $item) {

	   if (is_int($i / 2))

		$bgcolor = "#ececec";


		$bgcolor = "#ffffff";


	   echo '<tr class="highlight" bgcolor="'.$bgcolor.'" style="text-align: center;">


	   if($item['category'] == '1')

	   $image = 'public/images/'.$item['type'].'.gif';


	   $image = 'public/images/items/'.$item['item'].'.gif';


		 echo 'NO IMAGE';


		 echo '<img height="32px" width="32px" src="'.WEBSITE.'/'.$image.'"/>';

		echo '</td>



		<td><button type="submit" onClick="window.location.href=\''.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/delete/'.$item['id'].'\';" class="ide_button">Delete Offer</button></td>



	   echo '</table></div>';


	 else {

	  alert("This category doesn't have products.");

	  echo '</div>';



  echo '</div>';


	   else {

		if($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE id = '.$product.'')->fetch()) {

		 $SQL->query('DELETE FROM shop_offer WHERE id = '.$product.'');

		 $SQL->query('DELETE FROM shop_history WHERE product = '.$product.'');

		 echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 15px; color: #4EBF37; font-weight: bold;">Product Deleted!</div><br>

		 <center>The product ID <b>'.$product.'</b> has been deleted from DataBase.</center>';

		 echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin">Go Back to Shop Admin</a></div>';


		else {

		 header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/delete");




	  elseif ($manage == 'points') {

	   if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {

		echo '<div id="accordion">

		<h3><a href="#">Add Points</a></h3>


		<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">


		  <form method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">

		  <td>Select Player:</td>

		  <td><select name="player">';

		  foreach($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players ORDER BY name DESC') as $player) {

		   echo '<option value="'.$player['id'].'">'.$player['name'].'</option>';


		  echo '</select></td>


		  <td>Or Type a Name:</td>

		  <td><input type="text" name="other_char" size="10"/></td>


		  <td>Points to Add:</td>

		  <td><input type="text" name="points" size="10"/></td>



		  <td><button type="submit" name="submit" value="add" class="ide_button"><button class="ide_button">Add Points</button></td>




		<h3><a href="#">Remove Points</a></h3>


		<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">


		  <form method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">

		  <td>Select Player:</td>

		  <td><select name="player">';

		  foreach($SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players ORDER BY name DESC') as $player) {

		   echo '<option value="'.$player['id'].'">'.$player['name'].'</option>';


		  echo '</select></td>


		  <td>Or Type a Name:</td>

		  <td><input type="text" name="other_char" size="10"/></td>


		  <td>Points to Remove:</td>

		  <td><input type="text" name="points" size="10"/></td>



		  <td><button type="submit" name="submit" value="remove" class="ide_button"><button class="ide_button">Remove Points</button></td>






	   else {

	   $errors = "";

		if(!isset($_POST['other_char']) || $_POST['other_char'] == '') {

		 $destination = $_POST['player'];


		else {

		 $ID = $SQL->query('SELECT id FROM players WHERE name = "'.$_POST['other_char'].'"')->fetch();


		   $destination = $ID['id'];


		   $errors .= "Player <b>".$_POST['other_char']."</b> doesn't exists.<br>";


		if($_POST['points'] == '0' || $_POST['points'] < '0')

		 $errors .= "Points quantity must be higher than 0!<br>";

		elseif (!(!preg_match('/[^0-9]/', $_POST['points'])))

		 $errors .= "Point quantity must be a <b>numeric value</b>!";

		if(isset($destination)) {

		 $player = $SQL->query('SELECT name FROM players WHERE id = "'.$destination.'"')->fetch();

		 $account = $SHOP->getPlayerAccount($player['name'])->fetch();

		  if ($_POST['submit'] == 'remove') {

		   if ($SHOP->points($account['name']) == '0' || $SHOP->points($account['name']) < '0')

			$errors .= "Player <b>".$player['name']."</b> doesn't have any points.<br>";



			if ($errors == '') {

			$player = $SQL->query('SELECT name FROM players WHERE id = "'.$destination.'"')->fetch();

			$account = $SHOP->getPlayerAccount($player['name'])->fetch();

			echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 15px; color: #4EBF37; font-weight: bold;">Points '; echo ($_POST['submit'] == 'add')?'added':'removed'; echo '!</div><br>

			<center>You have '; echo ($_POST['submit'] == 'add')?'added':'removed'; echo ' <b>'.$_POST['points'].'</b> points to <b>'.$player['name'].'</b>\'s Account.</center>';

			echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/points">Go Back to Points Manage</a></div>';

			if($_POST['submit'] == 'add')

			 $SQL->query('UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = '.($SHOP->points($account['name']) + $_POST['points']).' WHERE name = "'.$account['name'].'"');

			elseif($_POST['submit'] == 'remove')

			 $SQL->query('UPDATE accounts SET premium_points = '.($SHOP->points($account['name']) - $_POST['points']).' WHERE name = "'.$account['name'].'"');


			else {


			 echo '<div align="right"><a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin/points">Go Back to Points Manage</a></div>';




	  else {

	   header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts/admin");



   else {

	header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php");



else {

  header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php/p/v/gifts");



  elseif(!$SHOP->isInstalled()) {

  if($ide->isAdmin()) {


   echo '<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 15px; color: #4EBF37; font-weight: bold;">Shop System Succesfully Installed!</div><br>

	<center>Your shop system has been installed succesfully!! click <a href="'.WEBSITE.'/index.php/p/v/gifts">HERE</a> to see your shop</center>';


  else {

   header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php");




else {

header("Location: ".WEBSITE."/index.php");





class shop {

  function connect() {

   $ots = POT::getInstance();

   $ots->connect(POT::DB_MYSQL, connection());

  return $ots->getDBHandle();


  function isInstalled() {


   $con = mysql_connect($config['database']['host'], $config['database']['login'], $config['database']['password']);


   if(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM shop_offer,shop_history"))

	return true;


	return false;


  function points($account) {

   $SQL = $this->connect();

   $points = $SQL->query('SELECT premium_points FROM accounts WHERE name = "'.$account.'"')->fetch();

   return $points['premium_points'];


  function getPlayerAccount($name) {

   $SQL = $this->connect();

   $player = $SQL->query('SELECT account_id FROM players WHERE name = "'.$name.'"')->fetch();

   return $SQL->query('SELECT * from accounts WHERE id = '.$player['account_id'].'');


  function AddPremium($name,$days) {

   $SQL = $this->connect();

   $account = $this->getPlayerAccount($name)->fetch();

   return $SQL->query('UPDATE accounts SET premdays = (premdays + '.$days.') WHERE name = "'.$account['name'].'"');


  function CharacterList($account) {

   $SQL = $this->connect();

   $id = $SQL->query('SELECT id FROM accounts WHERE name = "'.$account.'"')->fetch();

   return $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players WHERE account_id = '.$id['id'].'');


  function isOnline($name) {

   $SQL = $this->connect();

   $player = $SQL->query('SELECT online FROM players WHERE name = "'.$name.'"')->fetch();

   return $player['online'];


  function isBanned($name) {

   $SQL = $this->connect();

   $ID = $this->getPlayerAccount($name)->fetch();

   return $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM bans WHERE value = '.$ID['id'].'');


  function UnBan($name) {

   $SQL = $this->connect();

   $ID = $this->getPlayerAccount($name)->fetch();

   return $SQL->query('DELETE FROM bans WHERE value = '.$ID['id'].'');


  function execute_file($file) {

   if (!file_exists($file)) {

   $this->last_error = "The file $file does not exist.";

   return false;


   $str = file_get_contents($file);

   if (!$str) {

   $this->last_error = "Unable to read the contents of $file.";

   return false;


   // split all the queries into an array

   $quote = '';

   $line = '';

   $sql = array();

   $ignoreNextChar = '';

   for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++) {

   if ( !$ignoreNextChar ) {

   $char = substr($str, $i, 1);

   $line .= $char;

   if ($char == ';' && $quote == '') {

   $sql[] = $line;

   $line = '';

   } else if ( $char == '\\' ) {

   // Escape char; ignore the next char in the string

   $ignoreNextChar = TRUE;

   } else if ($char == '"' || $char == "'" || $char == '`') {

   if ( $quote == '' ) // Start of a new quoted string; ends with same quote char

   $quote = $char;

   else if ( $char == $quote ) // Current char matches quote char; quoted string ends

   $quote = '';




   $ignoreNextChar = FALSE;


   if ($quote != '') return false;

   foreach ($sql as $query) {

   if (!empty($query)) {

   $r = mysql_query($query);

   if (!$r) {

   $this->last_error = mysql_error();

   return false;




   return true;


  function install() {

   $SQL = $this->connect();

   if ($this->isInstalled())

	return false;


	return $this->execute_file("gifts/config/Shop.sql");




Vip System

vip = {

   name = "Vip system";

   author = "Mock";

   version = "";

   query="ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `vip_time` INTEGER";

   query2="ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `vip_time` INT(15) NOT NULL"


function vip.setTable()


   if sqlType == "sqlite" then






function vip.getVip(cid)

				 assert(tonumber(cid),'Parameter must be a number')

				 if isPlayer(cid) == FALSE then error('Player don\'t find') end;

				 ae =  db.getResult("SELECT `vip_time` FROM `accounts` WHERE `name` = '"..getPlayerAccount(cid).."';")

				 if ae:getID() == -1 then

						return 0


local retee = ae:getDataInt("vip_time") or 0


				 return retee


function vip.getVipByAcc(acc)

				 assert(acc,'Account is nil')

				 local a = db.getResult("SELECT `vip_time` FROM `accounts` WHERE `name` = '"..acc.."';")

				 if a:getID() ~= -1 then

						 return a:getDataInt("vip_time") or 0, a:free()


						 error('Account don\'t find.')



function vip.setVip(cid,time)


				 assert(tonumber(cid),'Parameter must be a number')

				 assert(tonumber(time),'Parameter must be a number')

				 if isPlayer(cid) == FALSE then error('Player don\'t find') end;

				 db.executeQuery("UPDATE `"..sqlDatabase.."`.`accounts` SET `vip_time` = '"..(os.time()+time).."' WHERE `accounts`.`name` ='".. getPlayerAccount(cid).."';")


function vip.getVipByAccount(acc)

				 assert(acc,'Account is nil')

				 return db.getResult("SELECT `vip_time` FROM `accounts` WHERE `name` = '"..acc.."';"):getDataInt("vip_time") or 0


function vip.hasVip(cid)

				 assert(tonumber(cid),'Parameter must be a number')

				 if isPlayer(cid) == FALSE then return end;

				 local t = vip.getVip(cid) or 0

				 if os.time(day) < t then

						return TRUE


						return FALSE



function vip.hasVips(cid)

				 assert(tonumber(cid),'Parameter must be a number')

				 if isPlayer(cid) == FALSE then return end;

				 local t = vip.getVip(cid)

				 if os.time(day) < t then

						return TRUE


						return FALSE



function vip.accountHasVip(acc)

				 assert(acc,'Account is nil')

				 if os.time() < vip.getVipByAccount(acc) then

						return TRUE


						return FALSE



function vip.getDays(days)

   return (3600 * 24 * days)


function vip.addVipByAccount(acc,time)

   assert(acc,'Account is nil')

   assert(tonumber(time),'Parameter must be a number')

   local a = vip.getVipByAcc(acc)

   a = os.difftime(a,os.time())

   if a < 0 then a = 0 end;

   a = a+time

   return vip.setVipByAccount(acc,a)


function vip.setVipByAccount(acc,time)


				 assert(acc,'Account is nil')

				 assert(tonumber(time),'Parameter must be a number')

				 db.executeQuery("UPDATE `accounts` SET `vip_time` = '"..(os.time()+time).."' WHERE `accounts`.`name` ='"..acc.."';")

				 return TRUE


function vip.returnVipString(cid)

   assert(tonumber(cid),'Parameter must be a number')

   if isPlayer(cid) == TRUE then

		  return"%d %B %Y %X ", vip.getVip(cid))



Se precisar de mais alguma informação é só pedir '-'

O mundo é o reflexo das nossas ações.

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vip system:

procure por


substitua por:

$SQL->query('UPDATE accounts SET vip_time = "'.3600 * 24 * $info['count'].'" ');


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Testei e não deu certo, aparece:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_DNUMBER in C:\xampp\htdocs\gifts\gifts.php on line 203

O mundo é o reflexo das nossas ações.

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IOEWIEWOEIWOEWIOEWIOEW, desculpe, nem tinha visto a váriavel $destination,

$vipdays = 3600 * 24 * $info['count'];

$SQL->query('UPDATE accounts SET vip_time = "'.$vipdays.'" WHERE name = "'.$destination.'" ');


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Bom agora ele não adiciona vip e não aparece erro q.q

Editado por sonkis (veja o histórico de edições)

O mundo é o reflexo das nossas ações.

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Procure por:

function AddPremium($name,$days) {

$SQL = $this->connect();

$account = $this->getPlayerAccount($name)->fetch();

return $SQL->query('UPDATE accounts SET premdays = (premdays + '.$days.') WHERE name = "'.$account['name'].'"');


logo abaixo adicione:

function AddVip($name,$days) {

$SQL = $this->connect();

$account = $this->getPlayerAccount($name)->fetch();

$time = time() + (60 * 60 * 24 * $days);

return $SQL->query('UPDATE accounts SET vip_time = '.$time.' WHERE name = "'.$account['name'].'"');



Procure por:


Substitua por:



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