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(Resolvido)Duvida Roleta

Ir para solução Resolvido por King Laker,

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O script funciona perfeitamente, porém não estou conseguindo ajustar a porcentagem dos itens, não consegui entender a forma de calcular a porcentagem de chance.

Precisava de alguns exemplos só pra ter uma boa noção.

Está surgindo algum erro? Se sim coloque-o aqui. 




Você tem o código disponível? Se tiver publique-o aqui: 

local tiles = {
    Position(32163, 32295, 6),
    Position(32164, 32295, 6),
    Position(32165, 32295, 6),
    Position(32166, 32295, 6), -- Center Tile is winning Tile --
    Position(32167, 32295, 6),
    Position(32168, 32295, 6),
    Position(32169, 32295, 6)

local items = {
    -- Chance Win / itemid / amount / chance amount (out of 100000)
	[{1, 10001}] = {itemid = 3079, amount = 1, amountChance = 80000}, -- 1, 10001 = 10000 (100000/10000 = 10% chance to win)  [100000 / 80000 = 80% chance for amount to increase]
	[{10002, 15002}] = {itemid = 3388, amount = 1, amountChance = 70000},
	[{15003, 20003}] = {itemid = 43869, amount = 1, amountChance = 60000},
	[{20004, 25004}] = {itemid = 43886, amount = 1, amountChance = 50000},
	[{25005, 30005}] = {itemid = 43880, amount = 1, amountChance = 40000},
	[{30006, 35006}] = {itemid = 43878, amount = 1, amountChance = 30000},
	[{35007, 40007}] = {itemid = 3389, amount = 1, amountChance = 25000},
	[{40008, 45008}] = {itemid = 3387, amount = 1, amountChance = 15000}

-- local items = {
    -- -- Chance Win / itemid / amount / chance amount (out of 100000)
    -- [{1, 80001}] = {itemid = 3387, amount = 5, amountChance = 80000}, -- 1, 10001 = 10000 (100000/10000 = 10% chance to win)  [100000 / 80000 = 80% chance for amount to increase]
    -- [{80002, 85002}] = {itemid = 3388, amount = 5, amountChance = 50000},
    -- [{85003, 88003}] = {itemid = 2160, amount = 5, amountChance = 25000}
-- }

local itemsList = {3387, 3388, 3389, 43869, 43886, 43880, 43878, 3079}

local canGetNoItem = false -- If true players can get nothing at all. --
local autoWin = {itemid = 3043, amount = 100, amountChance = 99999999} -- Item that is always won if they have to get something. --

local leverAID = 53452 -- AID in map for item that is used to roll --
local leverItemID = 1723 -- itemid for item that is used to roll --

-- Item required to spin activate roulette --
local itemRequired = 3043
local itemAmount = 100

local roulette = Action()
function roulette.onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey)
    if not player:removeItem(itemRequired, itemAmount) then
        return player:sendCancelMessage("Voce nao tem "..itemAmount.." "..ItemType(itemRequired):getName()..".")
    local rand = math.random(100000)
    local win = false
    for i, v in pairs(items) do
        if rand >= i[1] and rand <= i[2] then
            win = items[i]
    if not canGetNoItem and not win then
        win = autoWin
    local winAmount = 0
    if win then
        for i = 1, win.amount do
            local rand = math.random(100000)
            if rand <= win.amountChance then
                winAmount = winAmount + 1
    rollItems(win, winAmount, 30, player:getName())
    return true

function rollItems(winTable, winAmount, spins, name)
    if spins == 3 then
        if not winTable then
            spins = spins - 1
            addEvent(rollItems, 200, winTable, winAmount, spins, name)
        return true
        Game.createItem(winTable.itemid, winAmount, tiles[1])
        spins = spins - 1
        addEvent(rollItems, 200, winTable, winAmount, spins, name)
        return true
    if spins >= 1 and spins ~= 3 then
        local randEmpty = math.random(6)
        if randEmpty == 1 then
            spins = spins - 1
            addEvent(rollItems, 200, winTable, winAmount, spins, name)
            return true
        local randomItem = itemsList[math.random(#itemsList)]
        local itemType = ItemType(randomItem)
        if itemType:isStackable() then
            Game.createItem(randomItem, math.random(5), tiles[1])
            Game.createItem(randomItem, 1, tiles[1])
        spins = spins - 1
        addEvent(rollItems, 200, winTable, winAmount, spins, name)
        return true
    if spins == 0 then
        giveReward(winTable, winAmount, name)

function moveItems()
    local tileItems = {}
    for i = 1, #tiles do
        local tile = Tile(tiles[i])
        if tile and tile:getTopDownItem() then
            tileItems[i] = tile:getTopDownItem()
        elseif tile and not tile:getTopDownItem() then
            tileItems[i] = false
    for i = 1, #tileItems do
        if i == 7 and tileItems[i] ~= false then
            return true
        elseif tileItems[i] ~= false then
            tileItems[i]:moveTo(tiles[i + 1])

function giveReward(winTable, winAmount, name)
    local player = Player(name)
    if not player then return true end
    if not winTable then
        player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "TESTE")
        return true

    player:addItem(winTable.itemid, winAmount)
	player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "Parabens! Voce recebeu um "..ItemType(winTable.itemid):getName()..".")
  --  player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You won "..winAmount.." "..ItemType(winTable.itemid):getName()..".")


Você tem alguma imagem que possa auxiliar no problema? Se sim, coloque-a aqui. 



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Pelo que entendi disso V

(100000/10000 = 10% chance to win)

1000 = 1%
10000 = 10%
50000 = 50%
100000 = 100%

Como exemplo a primeira linha dos premios:

[{1, 10001}] = {itemid = 3079, amount = 1, amountChance = 80000},

O item 3079 tem 80% de chance de ser o item entregue para o vencedor.

Editado por King Laker (veja o histórico de edições)





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