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[DUVIDA] Como Posso Deixar Minha boots infinita !

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Tipo Assim Galera Quria Deixar Minha Soft Boots e Minha Firewalker boots full pra nunca acabar o efeito nela pra soft boots nunca gasta os 2 olha os ids aew !

Fire Walker

<item id="9932" article="a" name="firewalker boots">

<attribute key="description" value="Free ultimate light and speed."/>

<attribute key="weight" value="950"/>

<attribute key="armor" value="15"/>

<attribute key="slotType" value="feet"/>

<attribute key="absorbPercentFire" value="10"/>

<attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="9933"/>

<attribute key="speed" value="100"/>

<attribute key="healthGain" value="1000"/>

<attribute key="healthTicks" value="2000"/>

<attribute key="manaGain" value="1000"/>

<attribute key="manaTicks" value="2000"/>

Soft Boots

<item id="6132" article="a" name="pair of soft boots">

<attribute key="weight" value="800" />

<attribute key="slotType" value="feet" />

<attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2640" />

<attribute key="stopduration" value="1" />

<attribute key="showduration" value="1" />

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Para a soft boots, procure em seus items.xml pelo itemid 2640 e delete essa linha:

<attribute key="duration" value="14400" />

Para a firewalker boots, procure em seu items.xml pelo itemid 9932 e delete essa linha:

<attribute key="duration" value="3600" />

Retire também dos dois itens a linha que diz respeito ao atributo decayTo

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  1. O vai ficar assim
  2. Fire Walker
    <item id="9932" article="a" name="firewalker boots">
    <attribute key="description" value="Free ultimate light and speed."/>
    <attribute key="weight" value="950"/>
    <attribute key="armor" value="15"/>
    <attribute key="slotType" value="feet"/>
    <attribute key="absorbPercentFire" value="10"/>
    <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="9933"/>
    <attribute key="speed" value="100"/>
    <attribute key="healthGain" value="1000"/>
    <attribute key="healthTicks" value="2000"/>
    <attribute key="manaGain" value="1000"/>
    <attribute key="manaTicks" value="2000"/>

    Soft Boots
    <item id="6132" article="a" name="pair of soft boots">
    <attribute key="weight" value="800" />
    <attribute key="slotType" value="feet" />
    <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2640" />

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1- O vai ficar assim

2- Fire Walker


Amigo, me desculpe, mas creio que esta informação seja invalida.

Nestes items, está a Soft Boots e a Firewalker Boots, mas desativada, e como o Lpz falou acima, você precisa configurar a ID delas ON, ou seja, em funcionamento...

Sendo assim, não pode ser neste item, pois elas funcionando são outras ID's.

Ficando assim:

Soft Boots

	 <item id="2640" article="a" name="pair of soft boots">

		<attribute key="weight" value="800" />

		<attribute key="slotType" value="feet" />

		<attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="6132" />

		<attribute key="healthGain" value="1" />

		<attribute key="healthTicks" value="2000" />

		<attribute key="manaGain" value="2" />

		<attribute key="manaTicks" value="1000" />

Firewalker Boots
	<item id="9932" article="a" name="firewalker boots">

		<attribute key="description" value="Infinity Wearing these boots reduces the damage gotten from fiery ground." />

		<attribute key="weight" value="950" />

		<attribute key="armor" value="2" />

		<attribute key="slotType" value="feet" />

		<attribute key="absorbPercentFire" value="90" />

		<attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="9933" />


Abraços a todos.

Editado por Adriano SwaTT (veja o histórico de edições)

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