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Nao Se Se A Area Serta Mas Se Nao For Por Favor Me Transfira

Eu Ja Procurei Mais Nao Achei Presiso De Um Sistema Que Deleta Contas Inativas Por 15 Dias E Players Inativos Por 7 Dias

Ou Poder Ser So Contas Inativas Por 7 Dias Tambem Ja Ajuda.

So Que Eu Uso Sqlitestudio-1.1.3

Presiso Com Urgencia Meu Sqlitestudio-1.1.3 Ja Ta Com Umas 2000 Contas Inativas E Nao Tem Como Deletar Uma Por Uma

Se Alguem Puder Me Ajudar Ou Indicar Um Lugar Onde Eu Posso Achar

Meu Server E [8.60]Global Compacto.

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Em globalevents/script vc cria um arquivo chamado "dbcleaner" (sem " ) e coloca isso


----- [[> Automated Database Cleanup 1.1 Structure //By Cybermaster <]] ------|

-------------- [[> System 2.0 Revamped by Teh Maverick <3 <]] ----------------|

------------- [[> Removal of empty accounts by darkaos  <]] ---------------|

--------------- [[> Function getDBPlayersCount() by Elf <]] ------------------|



--- ~!READ THIS!~ ------------------------------------------------------------|

--- Be sure to back up your database and test this on your server first, -----|

--- I(Teh Maverick) cannot guarantee it will work the same for every core. ---|

--- It is very easy to test, with the log file and values that are printed ---|



function countRowsWhereInTable(table, field, condition)

local result = db.getResult("SELECT COUNT(" .. field .. ") as count FROM " .. table .. " WHERE " .. field .. " = '" .. condition .. "';")

local tmp = result:getDataInt("count")


return tmp


function getDBPlayersCount()

local result = db.getResult("SELECT COUNT(id) as count FROM `players`;")

local tmp = result:getDataInt("count")


return tmp


function getDBAccountsCount()

local result = db.getResult("SELECT COUNT(id) as count FROM `accounts`;")

local tmp = result:getDataInt("count")


return tmp


function onstartup()

local DB_BEFORE = {players = getDBPlayersCount(), accounts = getDBAccountsCount()}

local result,result1, ii, numPlayersToDelete, numAccountsDeleted, tmp = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

local pid, aid = {}, {}

local dropCount = {players={},accounts={}}

local config = {

deleteAccountWithNoPlayers = true,

cleanChildTables = true,

printResult = true,

saveResultToFile = true,

logFileName = 'db_cleanup.txt'


--In each table, players with below specified level, and days of inactivity will be deleted from db on server startup

local cleanup = {

[1] = {level = 100, time = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60},

[2] = {level = 300, time = 60 * 24 * 60 * 60}


local childAttributeTables = {

players = {

[1] = {table = "`player_viplist`", idField = "`player_id`"},

[2] = {table = "`player_storage`", idField = "`player_id`"},

[3] = {table = "`player_spells`", idField = "`player_id`"},

[4] = {table = "`player_skills`", idField = "`player_id`"},

[5] = {table = "`player_namelocks`", idField = "`player_id`"},

[6] = {table = "`player_items`", idField = "`player_id`"},

[7] = {table = "`player_depotitems`", idField = "`player_id`"},

[8] = {table = "`houses`", idField = "`owner`"},

[9] = {table = "`house_auctions`", idField = "`player_id`"},

[10] = {table = "`players`", idField = "`id`"} -- Keep this as the last item in the array

--Note: `houses` and `bans` are in the DB triggers for TFS so don't worry about them.

--Also I did not want to put killers, or deaths on here because that is historic data,

--do so at your ouwn risk.


accounts = {

[1] = {table = "`accounts`", idField = "`id`"},

[2] = {table = "`account_viplist`", idField = "`account_id`"}



--Clean up all the players and player data

for i = 1, #cleanup do

result = db.getResult("SELECT `id`,`name`,`account_id` FROM `players` WHERE `level` < ".. cleanup[i].level .." AND `name` NOT IN('Account Manager', 'Sorcerer Sample', 'Druid Sample', 'Paladin Sample', 'Knight Sample', 'Rook Sample') AND `group_id` < 2 AND `lastlogin` < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - ".. cleanup[i].time ..";")

if(result:getID() ~= -1) then

ii = 1


pid[ii] = result:getDataInt("id") -- list the players id into an array

aid[ii] = result:getDataInt("account_id") -- list the account id of each player being removed into an array

ii = ii + 1

until not(result:next())



numPlayersToDelete = ii - 1

--Drop players and their child table attribute data such as skills, items, etc.

for j = 1, numPlayersToDelete do

if(config.cleanChildTables) then

for k = 1, #childAttributeTables.players do

dropCount.players[k] = ((dropCount.players[k] or 0) + countRowsWhereInTable(childAttributeTables.players[k].table, childAttributeTables.players[k].idField, pid[j]))

db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM " .. childAttributeTables.players[k].table .. " WHERE " .. childAttributeTables.players[k].idField .. " = '" .. pid[j] .. "';")



db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `players` WHERE `id` = '" .. pid[j] .. "';")




--Drop all the accounts that have 0 players linked to them (at the moment its only checking from the list of players removed)

if config.deleteAccountWithNoPlayers then

--This part was scripted by Darkhaos, modified/fixed by Teh Maverick --[[

for acc = 1, #aid do

result1 = db.getResult("SELECT `id` FROM `accounts` WHERE `id` = '" .. aid[acc] .. "';")

if result1:getID() ~= -1 then -- check to make sure the account exists


for i = 1, #childAttributeTables.accounts do

--Make sure there are no other players on the account

result1 = db.getResult("SELECT COUNT(id) as count FROM `players` WHERE `account_id` = '" .. aid[acc] .. "';")

tmp = result1:getDataInt("count")

if(tmp <= 0) then

--Remove accounts

dropCount.accounts[i] = ((dropCount.accounts[i] or 0) + countRowsWhereInTable(childAttributeTables.accounts[i].table, childAttributeTables.accounts[i].idField, aid[acc]))

db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM " .. childAttributeTables.accounts[i].table .. " WHERE " .. childAttributeTables.accounts[i].idField .. " = '" .. aid[acc] .. "';")







--Print and Save results (configurable)

local DB_NOW = {players = DB_BEFORE.players - getDBPlayersCount(), accounts = DB_BEFORE.accounts - getDBAccountsCount()}

if DB_NOW.players > 0 or DB_NOW.accounts > 0 then

local text = ">> [DBCLEANUP] " .. DB_NOW.players .. " inactive players" .. (config.deleteAccountWithNoPlayers and " and " .. DB_NOW.accounts .. " empty accounts" or "") .. " have been deleted from the database."

--Write to console

if config.printResult then



if config.cleanChildTables then

--Write player info

for i = 1,#dropCount.players do

print("[!] --> Dropped: " .. dropCount.players[i] .. " from " .. childAttributeTables.players[i].table .. " table")


--Write account info

if config.deleteAccountWithNoPlayers then

for i = 1,#dropCount.accounts do

print("[!] --> Dropped: " .. dropCount.accounts[i] .. " from " .. childAttributeTables.accounts[i].table .. " table")






--Write to file

if config.saveResultToFile then

local file ="data/logs/"..config.logFileName, "a")

file:write("[" .."%d %B %Y %X ", os.time()) .. "] " .. text .. "\n")

if config.cleanChildTables then

--Write player info

for i = 1, #dropCount.players do

file:write("[!] --> Dropped: " .. dropCount.players[i] .. " from " .. childAttributeTables.players[i].table .. " table\n")


--Write account info

if config.deleteAccountWithNoPlayers then

for i = 1, #dropCount.accounts do

file:write("[!] --> Dropped: " .. dropCount.accounts[i] .. " from " .. childAttributeTables.accounts[i].table .. " table\n")








return true



vai em globalevents.xml e cola isso

[code]<globalevent name="dbcleaner" type="startup" event="script" value="dbcleaner.lua"/>
Você só vai editar isso:
[1] = {level = 100, time = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60},

[2] = {level = 300, time = 60 * 24 * 60 * 60}

Level minimo e o tempo...

Por exemplo: level 100- deletar acada 7 dias de inativo... level 300- deletar acada 2 meses de inativo...


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eu ja usava esse so q presiso q ele delete contas inativas

pq tem os players q entrao so pra ver como e o ot cria a conta e abandona

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adiciona mais uma tag

[3] = {level = 8, time = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60},


[1] = {level = 100, time = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60},

[2] = {level = 300, time = 60 * 24 * 60 * 60},

[3] = {level = 8, time = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60}


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