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[0:28:59.231] [Error - GlobalEvent Interface]

[0:28:59.231] In a timer event called from:

[0:28:59.231] domodlib('lms_config')

[0:28:59.231] function endEvent()

[0:28:59.231] local playerTable = {}

[0:28:59.232] for x = room.fromPos.x, room.toPos.x do

[0:28:59.232] for y = room.fromPos.y, room.toPos.y do

[0:28:59.232] local n, i = getTileInfo({x=x, y=y, z=7}).creatures, 1

[0:28:59.232] if n ~= 0 then

[0:28:59.232] local v = getThingfromPos({x=x, y=y, z=7, stackpos=i}).uid

[0:28:59.232] while v ~= 0 do

[0:28:59.232] if isPlayer(v) then

[0:28:59.232] table.insert(playerTable, v)

[0:28:59.232] if n == #playerTable then

[0:28:59.232] break

[0:28:59.232] end

[0:28:59.232] end

[0:28:59.232] i = i + 1

[0:28:59.232] v = getThingfromPos({x=x, y=y, z=7, stackpos=i}).uid

[0:28:59.232] end

[0:28:59.232] end

[0:28:59.232] end

[0:28:59.232] end

[0:28:59.232] if #playerTable == 1 then

[0:28:59.232] if isPlayer(playerTable[1]) then

[0:28:59.232] doTeleportThing(playerTable[1], config.kickPos, true)

[0:28:59.232] doRemoveConditions(playerTable[1])

[0:28:59.232] local item, countMoney = config.rewardID[math.random(#config.rewardID)], math.random([2])

[0:28:59.232] doPlayerAddItem(playerTable[1], item, 1)

[0:28:59.232] doPlayerAddItem(playerTable[1],[1], math.random([2]))

[0:28:59.232] doCreatureAddHealth(playerTable[1], getCreatureMaxHealth(playerTable[1]) - getCreatureHealth(playerTable[1]))

[0:28:59.232] doPlayerSendTextMessage(playerTable[1], MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'You win! Your reward is '.. getItemNameById(item) ..' and '.. countMoney ..' of '.. getItemNameById([1]) ..'\'s.')

[0:28:59.232] doBroadcastMessage('Last Man Standing Event have finished. The winner is '.. getCreatureName(playerTable[1]) ..'. Congratulations!', MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE)

[0:28:59.232] doCreatureSetStorage(playerTable[1],, -1)

[0:28:59.233] end

[0:28:59.233] elseif #playerTable >= 1 then

[0:28:59.233] doBroadcastMessage('No winner in Last Man Standing Event.', MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE)

[0:28:59.233] end


[0:28:59.233] for _, cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do

[0:28:59.233] if getCreatureStorage(cid, >= 2 then

[0:28:59.233] doRemoveConditions(cid)

[0:28:59.233] doTeleportThing(cid, config.kickPos, true)

[0:28:59.233] doCreatureSetStorage(cid,, -1)

[0:28:59.233] end

[0:28:59.233] end

[0:28:59.233] doSetStorage(config.joinEventStorage, -1)

[0:28:59.233] end


[0:28:59.233] function sendBroadcast()

[0:28:59.233] for _, cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do

[0:28:59.233] if isPlayer(cid) then

[0:28:59.233] if getCreatureStorage(cid, >= 2 then

[0:28:59.233] doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'The event will ends in '.. config.eventTime / 60 / 1000 ..' min.')

[0:28:59.233] end

[0:28:59.233] end

[0:28:59.233] end

[0:28:59.233] end

[0:28:59.233] function doStartEvent()

[0:28:59.233] doSetStorage(config.joinEventStorage, 2)

[0:28:59.233] addEvent(endEvent, config.eventTime)

[0:28:59.233] addEvent(sendBroadcast, config.eventTime - config.broadcastTimeBeforeEnd)

[0:28:59.233] for _, cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do

[0:28:59.233] if getCreatureStorage(cid, == 2 then

[0:28:59.233] doTeleportThing(cid, config.teleportPos)

[0:28:59.233] doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'Last Man Standing began, only one will win.')

[0:28:59.233] end

[0:28:59.233] end

[0:28:59.233] end

[0:28:59.233] function stopJoining()

[0:28:59.233] doSetStorage(config.joinEventStorage, -1)

[0:28:59.233] addEvent(doStartEvent, config.timeToBuySupplies)

[0:28:59.233] for _, cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do

[0:28:59.233] if getCreatureStorage(cid, == 1 then

[0:28:59.233] doCreatureSetStorage(cid,, 2)

[0:28:59.233] doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'The event will begin in '.. config.timeToBuySupplies / 60 / 1000 ..' min. Buy some supplies and be prepared.')

[0:28:59.233] end

[0:28:59.233] end

[0:28:59.233] end

[0:28:59.234] function onThink(interval, lastExecution)

[0:28:59.234] doBroadcastMessage('Last Man Standing Event will begin in '.. config.joinTime / 60 / 1000 ..' min. You can join to event by saying !event join.', MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE)

[0:28:59.234] for _, pid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do

[0:28:59.234] if getCreatureStorage(pid, >= 2 then

[0:28:59.234] doCreatureSetStorage(pid,, -1)

[0:28:59.234] doSetStorage(config.countPlayerStorage, 0)

[0:28:59.234] doRemoveConditions(pid)

[0:28:59.234] end

[0:28:59.234] end

[0:28:59.234] doSetStorage(config.joinEventStorage, 1)

[0:28:59.234] addEvent(stopJoining, config.joinTime)

[0:28:59.234] return true

[0:28:59.234] end

[0:28:59.234] :onThink

[0:28:59.234] Description:

[0:28:59.234] (luaGetTileInfo) Tile not found

[0:28:59.234] [Error - GlobalEvent Interface]

[0:28:59.234] In a timer event called from:

[0:28:59.234] domodlib('lms_config')

[0:28:59.234] function endEvent()

[0:28:59.234] local playerTable = {}

[0:28:59.234] for x = room.fromPos.x, room.toPos.x do

[0:28:59.234] for y = room.fromPos.y, room.toPos.y do

[0:28:59.234] local n, i = getTileInfo({x=x, y=y, z=7}).creatures, 1

[0:28:59.234] if n ~= 0 then

[0:28:59.234] local v = getThingfromPos({x=x, y=y, z=7, stackpos=i}).uid

[0:28:59.234] while v ~= 0 do

[0:28:59.234] if isPlayer(v) then

[0:28:59.234] table.insert(playerTable, v)

[0:28:59.234] if n == #playerTable then

[0:28:59.234] break

[0:28:59.234] end

[0:28:59.234] end

[0:28:59.234] i = i + 1

[0:28:59.234] v = getThingfromPos({x=x, y=y, z=7, stackpos=i}).uid

[0:28:59.234] end

[0:28:59.234] end

[0:28:59.234] end

[0:28:59.234] end

[0:28:59.234] if #playerTable == 1 then

[0:28:59.234] if isPlayer(playerTable[1]) then

[0:28:59.234] doTeleportThing(playerTable[1], config.kickPos, true)

[0:28:59.234] doRemoveConditions(playerTable[1])

[0:28:59.234] local item, countMoney = config.rewardID[math.random(#config.rewardID)], math.random([2])

[0:28:59.234] doPlayerAddItem(playerTable[1], item, 1)

[0:28:59.234] doPlayerAddItem(playerTable[1],[1], math.random([2]))

[0:28:59.234] doCreatureAddHealth(playerTable[1], getCreatureMaxHealth(playerTable[1]) - getCreatureHealth(playerTable[1]))

[0:28:59.234] doPlayerSendTextMessage(playerTable[1], MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'You win! Your reward is '.. getItemNameById(item) ..' and '.. countMoney ..' of '.. getItemNameById([1]) ..'\'s.')

[0:28:59.235] doBroadcastMessage('Last Man Standing Event have finished. The winner is '.. getCreatureName(playerTable[1]) ..'. Congratulations!', MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE)

[0:28:59.235] doCreatureSetStorage(playerTable[1],, -1)

[0:28:59.235] end

[0:28:59.235] elseif #playerTable >= 1 then

[0:28:59.235] doBroadcastMessage('No winner in Last Man Standing Event.', MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE)

[0:28:59.235] end


[0:28:59.235] for _, cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do

[0:28:59.235] if getCreatureStorage(cid, >= 2 then

[0:28:59.235] doRemoveConditions(cid)

[0:28:59.235] doTeleportThing(cid, config.kickPos, true)

[0:28:59.235] doCreatureSetStorage(cid,, -1)

[0:28:59.235] end

[0:28:59.235] end

[0:28:59.235] doSetStorage(config.joinEventStorage, -1)

[0:28:59.235] end


[0:28:59.235] function sendBroadcast()

[0:28:59.235] for _, cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do

[0:28:59.235] if isPlayer(cid) then

[0:28:59.235] if getCreatureStorage(cid, >= 2 then

[0:28:59.235] doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'The event will ends in '.. config.eventTime / 60 / 1000 ..' min.')

[0:28:59.235] end

[0:28:59.235] end

[0:28:59.235] end

[0:28:59.235] end

[0:28:59.235] function doStartEvent()

[0:28:59.235] doSetStorage(config.joinEventStorage, 2)

[0:28:59.235] addEvent(endEvent, config.eventTime)

[0:28:59.235] addEvent(sendBroadcast, config.eventTime - config.broadcastTimeBeforeEnd)

[0:28:59.235] for _, cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do

[0:28:59.235] if getCreatureStorage(cid, == 2 then

[0:28:59.235] doTeleportThing(cid, config.teleportPos)

[0:28:59.235] doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'Last Man Standing began, only one will win.')

[0:28:59.708] end

[0:28:59.708] end

[0:28:59.708] end

[0:28:59.708] function stopJoining()

[0:28:59.708] doSetStorage(config.joinEventStorage, -1)

[0:28:59.708] addEvent(doStartEvent, config.timeToBuySupplies)

[0:28:59.708] for _, cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do

[0:28:59.708] if getCreatureStorage(cid, == 1 then

[0:28:59.708] doCreatureSetStorage(cid,, 2)

[0:28:59.708] doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'The event will begin in '.. config.timeToBuySupplies / 60 / 1000 ..' min. Buy some supplies and be prepared.')

[0:28:59.708] end

[0:28:59.708] end

[0:28:59.708] end

[0:28:59.708] function onThink(interval, lastExecution)

[0:28:59.708] doBroadcastMessage('Last Man Standing Event will begin in '.. config.joinTime / 60 / 1000 ..' min. You can join to event by saying !event join.', MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE)

[0:28:59.708] for _, pid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do

[0:28:59.708] if getCreatureStorage(pid, >= 2 then

[0:28:59.708] doCreatureSetStorage(pid,, -1)

[0:28:59.708] doSetStorage(config.countPlayerStorage, 0)

[0:28:59.708] doRemoveConditions(pid)

[0:28:59.708] end

[0:28:59.708] end

[0:28:59.708] doSetStorage(config.joinEventStorage, 1)

[0:28:59.708] addEvent(stopJoining, config.joinTime)

[0:28:59.708] return true

[0:28:59.708] end

[0:28:59.708] :onThink

[0:28:59.708] Description:

[0:28:59.708] [string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:8: attempt to index a boolean value

[0:28:59.708] stack traceback:

[0:28:59.708] [string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:8: in function <[string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:3>

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arthurluna negativado por double post, você tem tempo de fórum suficiente para saber que isso é contra as regras...




RIP AnneMotta 21/01/2012 - 15/01/2014

Liga das lendas: DIAMOND É A META


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travo e pensei que n tinha postado, eu vir agora, n tive a intensão --'

isso é injusto =/

porra da net lixo =/

desconsidera isso ai, net travo na hora do post

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