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  • Autor: sailorv5
  • Servidor Testado: Original Tibia 9.80 - Cliente 9.80
  • Descrição e/ou Informações Adicionais: é um NPC inteligente capaz de jogar o jogo da velha (3 niveis, fácil, médio e pro)
  • Scripts e Como Instalar: ver abaixo

Como Instalar -

Vá em data/npc, crie um arquivo .xml com o nome de GM tic tac e adicione isso -

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<npc name="Master of tic tac toe" script="data/npc/scripts/games/tictactoe.lua" access="9" lookdir="3">

    <health now="1000000" max="1000000"/>

<look type="266" head="0" body="0" legs="0" feet="0"/>


Depois, ainda na pasta npc, vá na pasta scripts. Crie uma pasta chamada games. Dentro dela, crie um arquivo .lua com o nome

de tictactoe e adicione isto -

dofile(getDataDir() .. "npc/scripts/games/tictactoeVAR.lua")

    dofile(getDataDir() .. "npc/scripts/games/tictactoeFUNC.lua")

local focus = 0

local talk_start = 0

local target = 0

local following = false

local attacking = false

function onThingMove(creature, thing, oldpos, oldstackpos)


function onCreatureAppear(creature)


function onCreatureDisappear(cid, pos)

      if focus == cid then

          selfSay('Good bye then.')

          focus = 0

          talk_start = 0



function onCreatureTurn(creature)


function msgcontains(txt, str)

      return (string.find(txt, str) and not string.find(txt, '(%w+)' .. str) and not string.find(txt, str .. '(%w+)'))


function creatureGetName    (cid)

        return getCreatureName(cid)


function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)

      msg = string.lower(msg)

      if (msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and (focus == 0)) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then

            selfSay( getCreatureName(cid) ..' Isnt a good day today to play ?')

            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,18,"voce pode somente responder (yes,rules,bye)")

            focus = cid

            talk_start = os.clock()

      elseif msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and (focus ~= cid) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then

          selfSay('Sorry, ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. '! I talk to you in a minute.')

        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,18,"lamento mais tera que esperar!")

      elseif focus == cid then

        talk_start = os.clock()

        if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') then

            selfSay( creatureGetName(cid) ..' SO get ready the game start now.  ')


        tokenPiecePlayer = doCreateItemEx(playerToken, 5)

        --    doItemSetAttribute(tokenPiecePlayer, "description", "GM VS " .. getCreatureName(cid) .. ".")

        doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, tokenPiecePlayer, 5, true)

tttturncount = 1

clearField( pos, field  )

            setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, tttconfig.storageData)

            selfSay('  Lets see who go First...'  )

        elseif msgcontains(msg, 'rules') and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then


            selfSay('PLS Visit')

            focus = 0

            talk_start = 0

            tttturncount = 0

        elseif msgcontains(msg, 'bye') and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then


            selfSay('Good bye, ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. '!')

            focus = 0

            talk_start = 0

            tttturncount = 0




function onCreatureChangeOutfit(creature)


function onThink()

    cid = focus

        if (os.clock() - talk_start) > 5

        and (tttturncount>0)  then

    ttPlayerMovesFt = tttPlayerMoves( pos, field , playerToken, true )

    ttNpcMoves = tttPlayerMoves( pos, field , npcToken, true )    --tttnpcMove

    tttlistofdanger= table.counter(goingtoWinPos, ttPlayerMovesFt)

    tttlistdotowin= table.counter(goingtoWinPos, ttNpcMoves)

    checkforcheater( pos, field, token)

            if tokenCount( pos, field , token ) > tttturncount  then

                selfSay('  I dont Play With Cheater like You' .. ' come back if u want to play for FUN. CHEATER...'  )

                focus = 0

                tttturncount = 0


            if tttgamewinner(winnerPos, ttPlayerMovesFt) ~= false or tttgamewinner(winnerPos, ttNpcMoves) ~=false         then

                selfSay(' Game Over Guess who won?  that was a nice game,  BUT a LOST one... bye '  )

                focus = 0

                tttturncount = 0


                if playerTurn == 2  then

                    if tokenCount( pos, field , token  ) == tttturncount  then

                        selfSay('so easy  ' .. whoPlay[playerTurn] .. ' .'  )

                            playerTurn = 1

                            tttturncount = tttturncount +1

                            talk_start = os.clock()


--                        print (tokenCount( pos, field , token ))

                        selfSay(' Waitting...  Fast pls  ' ..tttturncount  )



                    selfSay('what u think?  ' .. whoPlay[playerTurn] .. ' .'.. creatureGetName(cid)  )

                    dofile(getDataDir() .. "npc/scripts/games/tictactoeLVhard.lua")

--                    checkfield( cid,tttconfig, pos, field , playerToken , tttPlayerMoves( pos, field, playerToken ) )

                    playerTurn = 2

                    tttturncount = tttturncount +1

                    talk_start = os.clock()

--                    print ("can u do better")



          if tttturncount > 9   then

                selfSay(' Game Over and NO Winner, u not that all BAD... bye '  )

                focus = 0

                tttturncount = 0


--                print (tttturncount)


      if (os.clock() - talk_start) > 40 then

          if focus > 0 then

              selfSay(' You make me sleep, BYE... ')


              focus = 0

            tttturncount = 0


    if focus ~= 0 then

         if getDistanceToCreature(focus) > 5 then

             selfSay('Good bye then.')

             focus = 0

            tttturncount = 0




Agora na mesma pasta, crie um arquivo .lua com o nome de tictactoeVAR e adicione isto -

pos = {x = 994, y = 1512, z = 8}

field = {    


         {position ={x = pos.x+0, y = pos.y, z=pos.z,stackpos=1}},    -- field[1][1]    1st square

         {position ={x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y, z=pos.z,stackpos=1}},

         {position ={x = pos.x+2, y = pos.y, z=pos.z,stackpos=1}}    -- field[1][3]    last square of 1st line



         {position ={x = pos.x+0, y = pos.y+1, z=pos.z,stackpos=1}},

         {position ={x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z=pos.z,stackpos=1}},    -- field[2][2]  middle position

         {position ={x = pos.x+2, y = pos.y+1, z=pos.z,stackpos=1}}



         {position ={x = pos.x+0, y = pos.y+2, z=pos.z,stackpos=1}},    -- field[3][1]    1st square of last line

         {position ={x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+2, z=pos.z,stackpos=1}},

         {position ={x = pos.x+2, y = pos.y+2, z=pos.z,stackpos=1}}

        }    --    field[3][3], last square


conner = {






goingtoWinPos = {

            { field[1][1], field[1][2] },        -- 1    

            { field[2][1], field[2][2] },

            { field[3][1], field[3][2] },

            { field[1][3], field[1][2] },

            { field[2][3], field[2][2] },

            { field[3][3], field[3][2] },

            { field[1][1], field[2][1] },        --    7

            { field[1][2], field[2][2] },        --    8

            { field[1][3], field[2][3] },

            { field[3][1], field[2][1] },

            { field[3][2], field[2][2] },

            { field[3][3], field[2][3] },

            { field[1][1], field[2][2] },        --    13

            { field[3][3], field[2][2] },

            { field[1][3], field[2][2] },        --    15

            { field[3][1], field[2][2] },

            { field[1][1], field[3][3] },        --    17

            { field[1][3], field[3][1] },

            { field[1][1], field[1][3] },

            { field[2][1], field[2][3] },

            { field[3][1], field[3][3] },

            { field[1][1], field[3][1] },

            { field[1][2], field[3][2] },

            { field[1][3], field[3][3] }


counterWinPos = {


























npclv = {


                { field[1][1], field[3][3], field[2][2], field[3][1] },

                { field[3][3], field[3][1], field[3][2], field[1][3] },

                { field[1][3], field[3][3], field[2][3], field[2][1] },        --3 1

                { field[1][1], field[3][3], field[1][3], field[2][3] },

                { field[1][2], field[1][3], field[3][1], field[3][2] },        --5 1

                { field[2][2], field[1][3], field[3][1], field[2][1] },        --6 1

                { field[2][1], field[3][1], field[3][3], field[2][1] },

                { field[3][2], field[2][3], field[3][3], field[3][2] },

                { field[2][1], field[3][1], field[3][3], field[2][1] }



                { field[3][1], field[1][3], field[1][1], field[2][1] },

                { field[3][1], field[1][3], field[1][1], field[1][2] },

                { field[3][1], field[1][3], field[3][3], field[2][3] },

                { field[3][1], field[1][3], field[3][3], field[3][2] },

                { field[3][1], field[1][1], field[3][3], field[2][3] },

                { field[3][1], field[1][1], field[3][3], field[3][2] },

                { field[3][1], field[3][3], field[1][3], field[3][2] },

                { field[3][1], field[3][3], field[1][3], field[2][3] },

                { field[3][1], field[3][3], field[1][3], field[2][3] }



                { field[3][3], field[1][1], field[3][1], field[2][1] },

                { field[3][3], field[1][1], field[3][1], field[3][2] },

                { field[3][3], field[1][1], field[1][3], field[1][2] },

                { field[3][3], field[1][1], field[1][3], field[2][3] },

                { field[3][3], field[1][3], field[3][1], field[3][2] },

                { field[3][3], field[1][3], field[3][1], field[2][3] },

                { field[3][3], field[3][1], field[1][1], field[2][1] },

                { field[3][3], field[3][1], field[1][1], field[3][2] },

                { field[3][3], field[3][1], field[1][1], field[3][2] }



winnerPos = {




            { field[1][1], field[2][1], field[3][1] },

            { field[1][2], field[2][2], field[3][2] },

            { field[1][3], field[2][3], field[3][3] },

            { field[1][1], field[2][2], field[3][3] },

            { field[1][3], field[2][2], field[3][1] }


tttconfig = {

        storage = 931699  , -- change to your own storage value 

        storageData= "ttt , " ..1 .. " , " .. 1

--        storageData= "ttt , " ..math.random(1,3) .. " , " .. 1            -- math.random(1,3) for random npc level 1 most hard 3 noob moves.


npcMove = {}

tttnpcMove = {}

ttPlayerMovesFt = {}

ttNpcMoves = {}

tttturncount = 0

token = { 2638, 2639 }    -- X  or O

playerToken =    token[2]

npcToken = token[1]

local notworkingdontknowhyif = [[

token = { 2638, 2639 }    -- X  or O

playerToken = token[math.random(1,2)]

playerToken == 1 then

    npcToken = token[2]


    npcToken = token[1]



playerTurn = math.random(1,2)

if playerTurn == 2  then

    whoPlay = { 'Your turn', 'My turn' }


    whoPlay = { 'My turn', 'Your turn' }


Agora crie um arquivo .lua com nome de tictactoeFUNC e adicione isto -

function getArrayStorageValue( cid, key )

    objProp = {}

    getArrayfromKey = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, key)

    index = 1

    for value in string.gmatch(getArrayfromKey,"%w+") do

        objProp [index] = value

        index = index + 1


    return objProp


function clearField( pos, field  )

    local i = true

    while i do

        i = false

        for _, col in ipairs(field) do

            for _, square in ipairs(col) do

                local item = getThingfromPos(square.position)

                if item.itemid ~= 0 then doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1) i = true    end




    return true


function checkforcheater( pos, field, token)

    local i = true

    while i do

        i = false

        for _, col in ipairs(field) do

            for _, square in ipairs(col) do

                local item1 = getTileItemById(square.position, token[1])

                local item2 = getTileItemById(square.position, token[2])

                local item3 = getThingfromPos( square.position )

                if item1.itemid == token[1] and item2.itemid == token[2] then

                        if item3.itemid ~= 0 then doRemoveItem(item3.uid, 1)    end

                        i = true


                if item3.itemid ~= 0 and not(item3.itemid == token[1] or item3.itemid == token[2])  then

                        doRemoveItem(item3.uid, 1)

                        i = true





        return i


function tokenCount(  pos, field , token   )

    tcount = 0

    for _, col in ipairs(field) do

        for _, square in ipairs(col) do

                local item = getThingfromPos(square.position)

                if item.itemid == token[1]  or item.itemid == token[2] then

                    tcount= tcount +1




    return tcount


function table.contains(table, element)

  for _, value in pairs(table) do

    if value == element then

      return true



  return false


function table.counter(tctable, element)

    tttiii = {}

    for k1, v1 in pairs( element ) do

        for k2, v2 in pairs( tctable ) do

            if ( v2[1].position.x == v1.position.x ) and ( v2[1].position.y == v1.position.y ) then

              for _, v3 in pairs(element) do

                if v3.position.x == v2[2].position.x and ( v2[2].position.y == v3.position.y ) then







    if next(tttiii) == nil then return false else return tttiii  end


function tttgamewinner(tctable, element)

    tttiii = {}

    for k1, v1 in pairs( element ) do

        for k2, v2 in pairs( tctable ) do

            if ( v2[1].position.x == v1.position.x ) and ( v2[1].position.y == v1.position.y ) then

--                print "v2"

              for _, v3 in pairs(element) do

                if v3.position.x == v2[2].position.x and ( v2[2].position.y == v3.position.y ) then

--                    print "v3"

                    for _, v4 in pairs(element) do

--                        print "looking for v4"

                        if v4.position.x == v2[3].position.x and ( v2[3].position.y == v4.position.y ) then

--                            print "v4"









    if next(tttiii) == nil then return false else return tttiii  end


function    tttPlayerMoves( pos, field , playerToken, FET )    --    FET = [defalt = return empt table ]    [false = return false]

    playerMove = {}

    for _, col in ipairs(field) do

        for _, square in ipairs(col) do

            local item = getThingfromPos(square.position)

            if item.itemid == playerToken   and   table.contains(playerMove, square)  ~= true then





    if next(playerMove) == nil then if FET==false then return false else return {} end else return playerMove  end    


function tttnpcnextmove( cid, tttconfig, npclv, playerMove, npcMove )

tictacpara = getArrayStorageValue( cid, )

tictaclv = tonumber(tictacpara[2])

tictacstra = tonumber(tictacpara[3])

--        print (tictaclv .." " .. tictacstra )

--        print "_____"

    tttjjj = {}

    for i=1, 9 do

      for j=1,4 do

        if  i ==  tictacstra  then

--            print ( i .." j " ..j )

            if table.contains(playerMove, npclv[tictaclv][i][j]) ~= true and table.contains(npcMove, npclv[tictaclv][i][j]) ~= true     then

--                print "pt1"

--                print ("x " ..npclv[tictaclv][i][j].position.x .."y"..npclv[tictaclv][i][j].position.y .."z"..npclv[tictaclv][i][j].position.z    )

--                print "_____"

                return npclv[tictaclv][i][j]

            elseif table.contains(playerMove, npclv[tictaclv][i][j]) == true then

--                print "pt2"

--                print "_____"

                tictacstra = tictacstra +1

                storageData= "ttt , " ..tictaclv .. " , " .. tictacstra

                setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, storageData)


--                print "pt3"







    return {}    --    false


Agora crie outro arquivo .lua com o nome de tictactoeLVhard e adicione isto -

if tttlistdotowin ~= false then

                for i,line in ipairs(tttlistdotowin) do

                    gettoken = getThingfromPos( counterWinPos[line].position )

                    if  gettoken.itemid ~= npcToken then        --        i == #tttlistdotowin and

                        tttplayheretowin = line




--    function checkfield( cid,tttconfig , pos, field , playerToken, playerMove )

-- print (tttnpcChose[1].position.x,tttnpcChose[1].position.y,tttnpcChose[1].position.z)

--        tttnpcMove     ttNpcMoves

tttnpcmaxtoken = 1

    if    tttturncount == 2 and  table.contains(ttPlayerMovesFt, field[2][2])  ~= true      then

        if tttnpcmaxtoken > 0 then

            tttnpcmaxtoken = tttnpcmaxtoken -1

            tttnpcChose = field[2][2]


            tokenPieceNpc = doCreateItemEx(npcToken, 1)

            doTileAddItemEx( tttnpcChose.position, tokenPieceNpc)



        if tttturncount == 4  and table.contains(ttPlayerMovesFt, field[3][2])  ~= true and  table.contains(tttnpcMove, field[2][2])  == true and  table.contains(ttPlayerMovesFt, field[1][2])  ~= true    then

                if tttlistofdanger ~= false         then

                    for i,line in ipairs(tttlistofdanger) do

                      gettoken = getThingfromPos( counterWinPos[line].position )

                      if i == #tttlistofdanger and  gettoken.itemid == npcToken then

--                            print "turn 4 pt1"

                            if tttnpcmaxtoken > 0 then

                                tttnpcmaxtoken = tttnpcmaxtoken -1

                                tttnpcChose = field[3][2]


                                tokenPieceNpc = doCreateItemEx(npcToken, 1)

                                doTileAddItemEx( tttnpcChose.position, tokenPieceNpc)



--                        print "turn 4 pt2"

                          if  gettoken.itemid ~= npcToken or gettoken.itemid ~= playerToken        then

                            if tttnpcmaxtoken > 0 then

                                tttnpcmaxtoken = tttnpcmaxtoken -1

                                if gettoken.itemid ~= 0 then doRemoveItem(gettoken.uid, 1)    end


                                tokenPieceNpc = doCreateItemEx(npcToken, 1)

                                doTileAddItemEx( counterWinPos[line].position, tokenPieceNpc)






--                    print "turn 4 pt3"

                    if tttnpcmaxtoken > 0 then

                        tttnpcmaxtoken = tttnpcmaxtoken -1

                        tttnpcChose = field[3][2]


                        tokenPieceNpc = doCreateItemEx(npcToken, 1)

                        doTileAddItemEx( tttnpcChose.position, tokenPieceNpc)





------------------        and (getThingfromPos( counterWinPos[tttplayheretowin].position ).itemid == npcToken)

            if tttlistdotowin ~= false and (getThingfromPos( counterWinPos[tttplayheretowin].position ).itemid ~= playerToken)          then

                --    print ("winning  ! " ..tttnpcmaxtoken)

--                        print (getThingfromPos( counterWinPos[tttplayheretowin].position ).itemid)

                    gettoken = getThingfromPos( counterWinPos[tttplayheretowin].position )

                    if  gettoken.itemid ~= npcToken or gettoken.itemid ~= playerToken then

                        if tttnpcmaxtoken > 0 then

                            tttnpcmaxtoken = tttnpcmaxtoken -1

                            if gettoken.itemid ~= 0 then doRemoveItem(gettoken.uid, 1)    end


                            tokenPieceNpc = doCreateItemEx(npcToken, 1)

                            doTileAddItemEx( counterWinPos[tttplayheretowin].position, tokenPieceNpc)

                            --    print ("danger pt 2 we did " ..tttnpcmaxtoken)



                        --    print " possibility of win "



                if tttlistofdanger ~= false         then

                    --    print ("danger  ! " ..tttnpcmaxtoken)

                    for i,line in ipairs(tttlistofdanger) do

                        gettoken = getThingfromPos( counterWinPos[line].position )

                        if   gettoken.itemid ~= npcToken then        --    i == #tttlistofdanger and

                            tttplayhere = line



--                        print (getThingfromPos( counterWinPos[tttplayhere].position ).itemid)

                        if (getThingfromPos( counterWinPos[tttplayhere].position ).itemid == npcToken)         then

                            tttnpcChose = tttnpcnextmove( cid, tttconfig , npclv, ttPlayerMovesFt, ttNpcMoves )

                            if tttnpcChose ~= nil then

                                --    print ("danger pt 1 " ..tttnpcmaxtoken)

                                gettoken = getThingfromPos( tttnpcChose.position )

                                if  gettoken.itemid ~= npcToken or gettoken.itemid ~= playerToken        then

                                    if tttnpcmaxtoken > 0 then

                                        tttnpcmaxtoken = tttnpcmaxtoken -1

                                        if gettoken.itemid ~= 0 then doRemoveItem(gettoken.uid, 1)    end

                                        table.insert(tttnpcMove, tttnpcChose )

                                        tokenPieceNpc = doCreateItemEx(npcToken, 1)

                                        doTileAddItemEx( tttnpcChose.position, tokenPieceNpc)

--                                        print ("danger pt 1 we did " ..tttnpcmaxtoken)




                    --        print "danger contree"


                            gettoken = getThingfromPos( counterWinPos[tttplayhere].position )

                            if  gettoken.itemid ~= npcToken or gettoken.itemid ~= playerToken        then

--                            print ("danger pt 2 " ..tttnpcmaxtoken)

                                if tttnpcmaxtoken > 0 then

                                    tttnpcmaxtoken = tttnpcmaxtoken -1

                                    if gettoken.itemid ~= 0 then doRemoveItem(gettoken.uid, 1)    end


                                    tokenPieceNpc = doCreateItemEx(npcToken, 1)

                                    doTileAddItemEx( counterWinPos[tttplayhere].position, tokenPieceNpc)

--                                    print ("danger pt 2 we did " ..tttnpcmaxtoken)



                        --    print "pas danger"


--                    end

                elseif table.counter(goingtoWinPos, ttPlayerMovesFt) ~= true     then

                    --    print ("atk pt 1 " ..tttnpcmaxtoken)

                    tttnpcChose = tttnpcnextmove( cid, tttconfig , npclv, ttPlayerMovesFt, ttNpcMoves )

                  if tttnpcChose ~= nil then

                    gettoken = getThingfromPos( tttnpcChose.position )

                    if  gettoken.itemid ~= npcToken or gettoken.itemid ~= playerToken        then

                        if tttnpcmaxtoken > 0 then

                            tttnpcmaxtoken = tttnpcmaxtoken -1

                            if gettoken.itemid ~= 0 then doRemoveItem(gettoken.uid, 1)    end

                            table.insert(tttnpcMove, tttnpcChose )

                            tokenPieceNpc = doCreateItemEx(npcToken, 1)

                            doTileAddItemEx( tttnpcChose.position, tokenPieceNpc)








--    return error("invalid data from npc.")


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  • 1 year later...

aqui ele ficou todo bugado, ficou assim

03:24 Master of tic tac toe:  Waitting...  Fast pls -.- 1
03:24 Master of tic tac toe:  Waitting...  Fast pls -.- 1
03:24 Master of tic tac toe:  Waitting...  Fast pls -.- 1
03:24 Master of tic tac toe:  Waitting...  Fast pls -.- 1
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