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Magia Dano por magiclevel

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Alguem pode me ajudar? preciso dessa magia aqui colocar ela pra dar dano como magiclevel ou por level de skills se poder..

valendo rep ae!


local config = {

efeitoTele = 134, -- efeito q ira aparacer a cada teleport.

efeitoDamage = 134, -- efeito q ira aparecer ao hitar no alvo

hits = 1, -- quantos hits vai dar

delay = 600, -- intervalo de tempo a cada hit

min = 37330, -- dano minimo

max = 38550, -- dano maximo

damage = COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE -- tipo do dano


function isWalkable(pos, creature, pz, proj) -- nord

    if getTileThingByPos({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z, stackpos = 0}).itemid == 0 then return false end

    if getTopCreature(pos).uid > 0 and creature then return false end

    if getTileInfo(pos).protection and not pz then return false end

    local n = not proj and 3 or 2

    for i = 0, 255 do

                    pos.stackpos = i

                    local tile = getTileThingByPos(pos)

                    if tile.itemid ~= 0 and not isCreature(tile.uid) then

                                    if hasProperty(tile.uid, n) or hasProperty(tile.uid, 7) then

                                                    return false




    return true


function getPosDirs(p, dir) -- mkalo

    return dir == 1 and {x=p.x-1, y=p.y, z=p.z} or dir == 2 and {x=p.x-1, y=p.y+1, z=p.z} or dir == 3 and {x=p.x, y=p.y+1, z=p.z} or dir == 4 and {x=p.x+1, y=p.y+1, z=p.z} or dir == 5 and {x=p.x+1, y=p.y, z=p.z} or dir == 6 and {x=p.x+1, y=p.y-1, z=p.z} or dir == 7 and {x=p.x, y=p.y-1, z=p.z} or dir == 8 and {x=p.x-1, y=p.y-1, z=p.z}


function validPos(pos)

tb = {}

for i = 1, 8 do

  newpos = getPosDirs(pos, i)

  if isWalkable(newpos) then

   table.insert(tb, newpos)



table.insert(tb, pos)

return tb


spell3 = {

start3 = function (cid, target, markpos, hits)

    if not isCreature(cid) then return true end

    if not isCreature(target) or hits < 1 then

                 doTeleportThing(cid, markpos)

                 doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), config.efeitoTele)

                 return true


    posAv = validPos(getThingPos(target))

    rand = #posAv == 1 and 1 or #posAv - 1

    doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), config.efeitoTele)

    doTeleportThing(cid, posAv[math.random(1, rand)])

    doAreaCombatHealth(cid, config.damage, getThingPos(target), 0, -config.min, -config.max, config.efeitoDamage)

    addEvent(spell3.start3, config.delay, cid, target, markpos, hits - 1)



function onCastSpell(cid)

local position1 = {x=getThingPosition(getCreatureTarget(cid)).x, y=getThingPosition(getCreatureTarget(cid)).y, z=getThingPosition(getCreatureTarget(cid)).z}

local position2 = {x=getCreaturePosition(cid).x+1, y=getCreaturePosition(cid).y, z=getCreaturePosition(cid).z}

local position3 = {x=getThingPosition(getCreatureTarget(cid)).x+2, y=getThingPosition(getCreatureTarget(cid)).y+1, z=getThingPosition(getCreatureTarget(cid)).z}

target = getCreatureTarget(cid)

if target then

  spell3.start3(cid, target, getThingPos(cid), config.hits)

doSendMagicEffect(position1, 39)

doSendMagicEffect(position2, 40)

doSendMagicEffect(position3, 100)


return true


Alguem ajuda ae? valendo rep+ ! vlw
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