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Galera, to com um grande problema. Sou novo com essa parada de hostear ot. Fiz um e tudo mais com site e tal. O problema é que quando vou abrir o ot dá esse erro


[04/05/2013 03:24:57] The Forgotten Server, version 0.3.6 (Crying Damson)

[04/05/2013 03:24:57] Compiled with GNU C++ version 3.4.5 (mingw special) at Mar  4 2013, 20:22:32.
[04/05/2013 03:24:57] A server developed by Elf, slawkens, Talaturen, KaczooH, Lithium, Kiper, Kornholijo.
[04/05/2013 03:24:57] Visit our forum for updates, support and resources:
[04/05/2013 03:24:57] >> Loading config (config.lua)
[04/05/2013 03:24:57] > Using SHA1 encryption
[04/05/2013 03:24:57] >> Loading RSA key
[04/05/2013 03:24:57] >> Starting SQL connection
[04/05/2013 03:24:57] >> Running Database Manager
[04/05/2013 03:24:57] > Optimizing table: account_viplist... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:24:57] > Optimizing table: accounts... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:24:57] > Optimizing table: bans... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:24:58] > Optimizing table: bugtracker... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:24:58] > Optimizing table: comments... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:24:58] > Optimizing table: environment_killers... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:24:58] > Optimizing table: forums... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:24:59] > Optimizing table: friends... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:24:59] > Optimizing table: global_storage... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:24:59] > Optimizing table: guild_invites... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:00] > Optimizing table: guild_ranks... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:00] > Optimizing table: guilds... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:01] > Optimizing table: house_auctions... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:01] > Optimizing table: house_data... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:02] > Optimizing table: house_lists... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:02] > Optimizing table: houses... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:02] > Optimizing table: killers... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:03] > Optimizing table: messages... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:03] > Optimizing table: news... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:03] > Optimizing table: player_deaths... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:04] > Optimizing table: player_depotitems... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:04] > Optimizing table: player_items... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:04] > Optimizing table: player_killers... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:05] > Optimizing table: player_namelocks... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:05] > Optimizing table: player_skills... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:05] > Optimizing table: player_spells... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:06] > Optimizing table: player_storage... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:06] > Optimizing table: player_viplist... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:06] > Optimizing table: players... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:07] > Optimizing table: poll... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:08] > Optimizing table: poll_answer... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:08] > Optimizing table: poll_votes... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:09] > Optimizing table: posts... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:09] > Optimizing table: server_config... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:09] > Optimizing table: server_motd... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:10] > Optimizing table: server_record... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:10] > Optimizing table: server_reports... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:11] > Optimizing table: threads... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:11] > Optimizing table: tile_items... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:12] > Optimizing table: tiles... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:12] > Optimizing table: video_comments... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:13] > Optimizing table: videos... [success]
[04/05/2013 03:25:13] >> Loading items
[04/05/2013 03:25:13] >> Loading groups
[04/05/2013 03:25:13] >> Loading vocations
[04/05/2013 03:25:13] >> Loading script systems
[04/05/2013 03:25:13] [Error - Weapon Interface] 
[04/05/2013 03:25:13] data/lib/000-constant.lua
[04/05/2013 03:25:13] Description: 
[04/05/2013 03:25:13] not enough memory
[04/05/2013 03:25:13] [Warning - LuaScriptInterface::initState] Cannot load data/lib/
[04/05/2013 03:25:13] [Warning - BaseEvents::loadFromXml] Cannot open weapons.xml file.
[04/05/2013 03:25:13] Info: Memory allocation failed : cannot allocate parser context
[04/05/2013 03:25:13] > ERROR: Unable to load Weapons!



Não dava esse erro antes de eu colocar o Site. Enfim, preciso do site pois quero fazer pra ganhar dinheiro e tal. Ficaria mt grato se alguém me ajudasse. Abc

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