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Bom galera com muita gente quer o tal cast tv está ai, LEMBRADO É SISTEMA REPLICA DO PARAGUAI ,  ENTÃO BOM USO   Versão testada: TFS 8.6 0.4 e TFS 0.3.6 8.6   Comandos utilizados in-game: !cast

Aonde coloco isso ?

en todas as magias embaixo  de    function onCastSpell(cid, var)   se coloca isso.   se não quem esta vendo vai usa magias 

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Os créditos estão no script .. 

 Perfect Cast System 1.0 by Roksas ]]--

Preste mais atenção .. 

Retire o nome do outro fórum do seu comentário ou irá ser punido ... 24 horas!

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  • 4 weeks later...

seh lokooo kkk sistema maior bugado, as magias pararam de healar, o cast loga tipo um acc manager emcima do player, fica dando debug q nem louco, não compensa, replica do camelo de hiphone 6s s4 galaxia

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aki funciono o cast system,no meu dbo 8.54, mais eu queria que quando o player abrisse o client clicasse no enter game e dps ok,aparece uma lista de player como se fosse o seu personagem para poder assistir, se tive alguem para me ajudar !

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  • 1 month later...

esse systema ta com problema 

Ex: EU liguei meu quest player 1 , o player 2 vai e fala !cast player 1

ai ta funciona direitinho só que quando o player 1 entra na house cheia de itens o player 2 pode pegar os itens pra ele

ai fica tenso tem como arrumar?

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 3 months later...

é na pasta spells que bota isso mano? Pqp eu to apanhando até agr


 if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12269) >= 1 then

return false



Para que o player que está assitindo ao outro não use magias enquanto está assistindo, coloque essas linhas abaixo dentro de cada script das spells ou seja adicione essas linhas depois da função function onCastSpell(cid, var) de casa script de spell 

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  • 3 months later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

@KekezitoLHP , achei mtu bom so gastaria de fazer algumas perguntas ... tipo tem um jeito mais facil de usar o:

 if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12269) >= 1 then

return false


pq ficar abrindo script de magia por magia , e tenso =/

e outra se o player estiver em frente ao bau de alguma quest , POI por exemplo foi onde eu testei ... o player q ta no Cast pode pegar o item sem ter feito a questo '-'
Fora que se ele usar skill ele consegue matar os summons e pega pk ate ai de boa so editar a parte do PlayerStorageValue q ta tranquilo , so q o pior de tudo e q se o player tomar algum tipo de efeito negativo , o cara q ta no cast tbm toma ... por exemplo no Fogo da POI aquele q so pode passar knight druid etc ... se o player passar ali e o cara tiver no cast ele toma dano mesmo em PZ '-'
e o pior ainda e q alem do char q ta no cast morrer mesmo dentro do PZ/templo ele perde tudo que perderia se estivesse realmente morrido para bixo/player. (item lvl ml skill) 


Editado por Fernandooww (veja o histórico de edições)
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  • 7 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Perfect Cast System? Its a joke???
This script is full of bugs, FULL, first of all:
The player that is watching can die with the beam of the other monsters.
The player that is watching can pick items or drop items on the ground where the player that is hunting or in dp, or something more else
If the player that is watching disconet of game, appear on the sqm when was on the cast
This script bugged 2 of my chars and almost bug my database..... 
For next time sure that your script is FUNCTIONAL! test yourself, or you can make a seruious damage on servers of other ppl.
By the way, I use tfs 0.3.6, so is no excuse here.
See ya.


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    • Por Fausto32
      Script/Tutorial+ Php +Map +Talkaction +Portal.
      Ps: Antes de falar q o topico já existe no forum teste os outros scripts
      Então começando por informações basícas :
      Para abrir o evento : /zombiestart numero de players . exemplo : /zombiestart 2
      Para Iniciar o evento sem o numero maximo de players: /zombiestart force.
      Apos aberto sempre q um player ente no portal do evento e avisado por broadcast quem
      entrou na arena e o numero de players restantes para o evento ser iniciado.
      Apos o evento ser iniciado um zombie e sumonado a cada 20 segundos, o player que for infectado e teleportado para o templo vence o ultimo player restante na arena.
      Ao terminar o evento e anuciado por broadcast o nome do player vencedor tempo q durou na arena e por quantos zombies ele sobreviveu, entrega de premio automatica, premio configuravel.
      Garantia de funcionabilidade perfeita em TFS 0.4 se configurado corretamente, não testado em outras versões de distros.
      Creditos: Me .. não criei mais montei peguei de varios servers/topicos e corigi os varios bugs de distro colocaria os creditos de onde peguei a maioria do script mais foi de um server sem creditos q nem era pra ter sido postado.
      Enfim Vamos ao Evento !
      Primeiro vou estar postando a pagina classica do Zombie event no Gesior que seria a parte PHP para informar os players sobre o evento.
      Pagina PHP + Tutorial de como implementar ela no seu site.
      Agora alguns mapas para o zombie event:
      Então Agora vamos ao script !
      data\creaturescripts\scripts\zombie – A pasta ‘zombie’ deve ser criada no diretorio citado.
        function loseOnZombieArena(cid) kickPlayerFromZombiesArea(cid) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "BOOM! You are dead.") local players = getZombiesEventPlayers() if(#players <= 1) then local winner = players[1] if(winner) then doPlayerAddItem(winner, 2157, 5, true) doPlayerAddItem(winner, 6119, 1, true) doPlayerSendTextMessage(winner, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You won zombies arena event.") doBroadcastMessage("After " .. os.time() - getPlayerZombiesEventStatus(winner) .. " seconds of fight " .. getCreatureName(winner) .. " won Zombie Arena Event in game versus " .. getStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_SPAWNED) .. " zombies!") kickPlayerFromZombiesArea(winner) else doBroadcastMessage("Zombie arena event finished! No one win?!?!?! WTF!") end doSetStorage(ZE_STATUS, 0) doSetStorage(ZE_PLAYERS_NUMBER, ZE_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS) doSetStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_TO_SPAWN, 0) doSetStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_SPAWNED, 0) local width = (math.max(ZE_spawnFromPosition.x, ZE_spawnToPosition.x) - math.min(ZE_spawnFromPosition.x, ZE_spawnToPosition.x)) / 2 + 1 local height = (math.max(ZE_spawnFromPosition.y, ZE_spawnToPosition.y) - math.min(ZE_spawnFromPosition.y, ZE_spawnToPosition.y)) / 2 + 1 local centerPos = {x=math.min(ZE_spawnFromPosition.x, ZE_spawnToPosition.x)+width,y=math.min(ZE_spawnFromPosition.y, ZE_spawnToPosition.y)+height,z=ZE_spawnFromPosition.z} for z = math.min(ZE_spawnFromPosition.z, ZE_spawnToPosition.z), math.max(ZE_spawnFromPosition.z, ZE_spawnToPosition.z) do centerPos.z = z for i, uid in pairs(getSpectators(centerPos, width, height, false)) do if(isMonster(uid)) then doRemoveCreature(uid) end end end end end function onStatsChange(target, cid, changetype, combat, value) if((cid and isMonster(cid) and getCreatureName(cid) == "Zombie Event") or (isInRange(getThingPosition(target), ZE_spawnFromPosition, ZE_spawnToPosition) and changetype == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHLOSS and math.abs(value) >= getCreatureHealth(target))) then doCreatureAddHealth(target, getCreatureMaxHealth(target)) loseOnZombieArena(target) return false end return true end \data\creaturescripts\scripts\Zombie\ondeath.lua
        function onDeath(cid) setZombiesToSpawnCount(getZombiesToSpawnCount() + 2) doCreatureSay(cid, "I'll be back!", 19) return true end \data\creaturescripts\scripts\Zombie\onthink.lua
        function onThink(cid) local target = getCreatureTarget(cid) if(target ~= 0 and not isPlayer(target)) then doRemoveCreature(target) end return true end \data\globalevents\scripts\zombie\ onstartup.lua
        function onstartup() db.executeQuery("UPDATE `player_storage` SET `value` = 0 WHERE `key` = " .. ZE_isOnZombieArea .. ";") doSetStorage(ZE_STATUS, 0) doSetStorage(ZE_PLAYERS_NUMBER, ZE_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS) doSetStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_TO_SPAWN, 0) doSetStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_SPAWNED, 0) addZombiesEventBlockEnterPosition() return true end \data\globalevents\scripts\zombie\onthink.lua
        function onThink(interval, lastExecution, thinkInterval) if(getStorage(ZE_STATUS) == 2) then setZombiesToSpawnCount(getZombiesToSpawnCount()+1) local players = getZombiesEventPlayers() for i=1, getZombiesToSpawnCount() * 2 do if(getZombiesToSpawnCount() > 0 and spawnNewZombie()) then setZombiesToSpawnCount(getZombiesToSpawnCount()-1) end end end return true end \data\lib\zombie_event.lua
        -- CONFIG ZE_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS = 20 ZE_ACCESS_TO_IGNORE_ARENA = 4 -- POSITIONS ZE_blockEnterItemPosition = {x=32341, y=32213, z=7} -- onde nasce o teleport? ZE_enterPosition = {x=32154, y=32578, z=7} -- onde os players nascem dentro da arena zombie? ZE_kickPosition = {x=32368, y=32241, z=7} -- quando morre vai para onde? ZE_spawnFromPosition = {x=32140,y=32566,z=7} -- para sumonar zombie (de) ZE_spawnToPosition = {x=32168,y=32590,z=7} -- para sumonar zombie (ate) -- ITEM IDS --ZE_blockEnterItemID = 2700 ZE_blockEnterItemID = 1387 -- STORAGES -- - player ZE_isOnZombieArea = 34370 -- - global ZE_STATUS = 34370 -- =< 0 - off, 1 - waiting for players, 2 - is running ZE_PLAYERS_NUMBER = 34371 ZE_ZOMBIES_TO_SPAWN = 34372 ZE_ZOMBIES_SPAWNED = 34373 -- FUNCTION function setZombiesEventPlayersLimit(value) doSetStorage(ZE_PLAYERS_NUMBER, value) end function getZombiesEventPlayersLimit() return getStorage(ZE_PLAYERS_NUMBER) end function addPlayerToZombiesArea(cid) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT) doTeleportThing(cid, ZE_enterPosition, true) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT) if(getPlayerAccess(cid) < ZE_ACCESS_TO_IGNORE_ARENA) then setPlayerZombiesEventStatus(cid, os.time()) end end function kickPlayerFromZombiesArea(cid) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT) doTeleportThing(cid, ZE_kickPosition, true) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT) setPlayerZombiesEventStatus(cid, 0) end function getPlayerZombiesEventStatus(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, ZE_isOnZombieArea) end function setPlayerZombiesEventStatus(cid, value) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, ZE_isOnZombieArea, value) end function getZombiesEventPlayers() local players = {} for i, cid in pairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if(getPlayerZombiesEventStatus(cid) > 0) then table.insert(players, cid) end end return players end function getZombiesCount() return getStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_SPAWNED) end function addZombiesCount() doSetStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_SPAWNED, getStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_SPAWNED)+1) end function resetZombiesCount() doSetStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_SPAWNED, 0) end function getZombiesToSpawnCount() return getStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_TO_SPAWN) end function setZombiesToSpawnCount(count) doSetStorage(ZE_ZOMBIES_TO_SPAWN, count) end function addZombiesEventBlockEnterPosition() -- remove tp -- remove o TP local item = getTileItemById(ZE_blockEnterItemPosition, ZE_blockEnterItemID) if(item.uid ~= 0) then doRemoveItem(item.uid) end --doRemoveItem(getThingFromPos(Castle.desde).uid) --[[ if(getTileItemById(ZE_blockEnterItemPosition, ZE_blockEnterItemID).uid == 0) then doCreateItem(ZE_blockEnterItemID, 1, ZE_blockEnterItemPosition) end ]]-- end function removeZombiesEventBlockEnterPosition() -- add tp if(getTileItemById(ZE_blockEnterItemPosition, ZE_blockEnterItemID).uid == 0) then --doCreateItem(ZE_blockEnterItemID, 1, ZE_blockEnterItemPosition) local tp = doCreateTeleport(ZE_blockEnterItemID, ZE_enterPosition, ZE_blockEnterItemPosition) doItemSetAttribute(tp, "aid", "5555") end --[[ local item = getTileItemById(ZE_blockEnterItemPosition, ZE_blockEnterItemID) if(item.uid ~= 0) then doRemoveItem(item.uid) end ]]-- end function spawnNewZombie() local posx = {} local posy = {} local posz = {} local pir = {} for i=1, 5 do local posx_tmp = math.random(ZE_spawnFromPosition.x ,ZE_spawnToPosition.x) local posy_tmp = math.random(ZE_spawnFromPosition.y ,ZE_spawnToPosition.y) local posz_tmp = math.random(ZE_spawnFromPosition.z ,ZE_spawnToPosition.z) local pir_tmp = 0 local spec = getSpectators({x=posx_tmp, y=posy_tmp, z=posz_tmp}, 3, 3, false) if(spec and #spec > 0) then for z, pid in pairs(spec) do if(isPlayer(pid)) then pir_tmp = pir_tmp + 1 end end end posx[i] = posx_tmp posy[i] = posy_tmp posz[i] = posz_tmp pir[i] = pir_tmp end local lowest_i = 1 for i=2, 5 do if(pir[i] < pir[lowest_i]) then lowest_i = i end end local ret = doCreateMonster("Zombie Event", {x=posx[lowest_i], y=posy[lowest_i], z=posz[lowest_i]}, false) if type(ret) == "number" then addZombiesCount() setGlobalStorageValue(201201051801, ret) end return type(ret) == "number" end \data\movements\scripts\zombie\ onenter.lua
        function onStepIn(cid, item, position, lastPosition, fromPosition, toPosition, actor) if(not isPlayer(cid)) then return true end if(getPlayerAccess(cid) >= ZE_ACCESS_TO_IGNORE_ARENA) then addPlayerToZombiesArea(cid) elseif(#getZombiesEventPlayers() < getZombiesEventPlayersLimit() and getStorage(ZE_STATUS) == 1) then addPlayerToZombiesArea(cid) local players_on_arena_count = #getZombiesEventPlayers() if(players_on_arena_count == getZombiesEventPlayersLimit()) then addZombiesEventBlockEnterPosition() -- removeTP doSetStorage(ZE_STATUS, 2) doBroadcastMessage("Zombie Arena Event started.") else doBroadcastMessage(getCreatureName(cid) .. " has entered a Zombie Arena. We still need " .. getZombiesEventPlayersLimit() - players_on_arena_count .. " players.") end else doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true) addZombiesEventBlockEnterPosition() end return true end \data\talkactions\scripts\zombie\ onsay.lua
        function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) if(getStorage(ZE_STATUS) ~= 2) then local players_on_arena_count = #getZombiesEventPlayers() if(param == 'force') then if(players_on_arena_count > 0) then setZombiesEventPlayersLimit(players_on_arena_count ) addZombiesEventBlockEnterPosition() doSetStorage(ZE_STATUS, 2) doBroadcastMessage("Zombie Arena Event started.") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Zombies event started.") else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Cannot start Zombies event. There is no players on arena.") end else if(param ~= '' and tonumber(param) > 0) then setZombiesEventPlayersLimit(tonumber(param)) end removeZombiesEventBlockEnterPosition() doSetStorage(ZE_STATUS, 1) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Event started.") doPlayerBroadcastMessage(cid, "Zombie Arena Event teleport is opened. We are waiting for " .. getZombiesEventPlayersLimit() - players_on_arena_count .. " players to start.") end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Zombies event is already running.") end return true end data\monster\zombie_event.xml
        <monster name="Zombie Event" nameDescription="an event zombie" race="undead" experience="480" speed="170" manacost="0"> <health now="20000" max="20000"/> <look type="311" corpse="9875"/> <targetchange interval="5000" chance="50"/> <strategy attack="100" defense="0"/> <flags> <flag summonable="0"/> <flag attackable="1"/> <flag hostile="1"/> <flag illusionable="0"/> <flag convinceable="0"/> <flag pushable="0"/> <flag canpushitems="1"/> <flag canpushcreatures="1"/> <flag targetdistance="1"/> <flag staticattack="90"/> <flag runonhealth="0"/> </flags> <attacks> <attack name="melee" interval="1000" min="-1500" max="-2350"/> </attacks> <defenses armor="0" defense="0"/> <immunities> <immunity paralyze="1"/> <immunity invisible="1"/> <immunity fire="1"/> <immunity energy="1"/> <immunity poison="1"/> </immunities> <voices interval="5000" chance="10"> <voice sentence="You wont last long!"/> <voice sentence="Mmmmh.. braains!"/> </voices> <script> <event name="ZombieThink"/> <event name="ZombieDeath"/> </script> <loot> </loot> </monster> Agora as Tags nos xml’s . /data/creaturescripts/creaturescripts.xml
        <event type="think" name="ZombieThink" event="script" value="zombie/onthink.lua"/> <event type="statschange" name="ZombieAttack" event="script" value="zombie/onattack.lua"/> <event type="death" name="ZombieDeath" event="script" value="zombie/ondeath.lua"/> /data/globalevents/globalevents.xml
        <globalevent name="ZombieGlobalThink" interval="5000" event="script" value="zombie/onthink.lua"/> <globalevent name="ZombieGlobalStartup" type="start" event="script" value="zombie/onstartup.lua"/> /data/movements/movements.xml
        <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="5555" event="script" value="zombie/onenter.lua"/> /data/talkactions/talkactions.xml
        <talkaction log="yes" words="/zombiestart" access="4" event="script" value="zombie/onsay.lua"/> /data/monster/monsters.xml
        <monster name="Zombie Event" file="zombie_event.xml"/> Script Terminado ! Next: Tutorial de como configurar o zombie event ! Estarei postando apenas as partes q podem ou devem ser editadas em cada script. data\creaturescripts\scripts\zombiez\onattack.lua
      Next: \data\lib\zombie_event.lua
      Então galera eh isso ai .-. meu primeiro post não mim crucifiquem k Duvidas, reclamações elogios chigamentos u.u só comentar como dizia o mestre o topico ta explicado nos minimos detalhes e ''de forma bem entendida'' (entendedoresentenderam) então eh isso vlw ai a todos q mim ajudaram nisso e nem sabem ?

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