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[Resolvido] Ajuda com Yalahar Quest

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Bom, eu preciso que alguem me passe algum script da yalahar quest, todos que procurei nao funcionou :/


oque acontece eh que quando eu clico no globo, nao nasce o azerus nem os outros monstros :/


alguem tenta me ajudar ai, estou no aguarde, valendo REP+

Editado por Equipe Icerox (veja o histórico de edições)
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Bem, eu uso esse aqui com algumas modificações minhas :

local config = {
	fromPos = {x=1142,y=415,z=11}, -- posição superior esquerda do mapa, da area em que esta mapeado a area.
	toPos = {x=1158,y=435,z=11} -- posição inferior direita do mapa, da area em que esta mapeado a area.

local statue_pos = {x = 1150, y = 425, z = 11} -- posição do globo
local portal_quest01_pos = {x = 1150, y = 434, z = 11, stackpos = 2} -- posição do tp no andar do globo
local portal_quest02_pos = {x = 1151, y = 436, z = 10, stackpos = 2} -- posição do tp no andar de cima do globo
local removeFields = {1487,1492,1493,1494} -- tiles que são removidos ao sumonar os monsters.
--End Config-->

function removeFieldsTile() -- by jhon992
		local positionsCheck = {}
		local cFromPos = config.fromPos
		local cToPos = config.toPos
		for i = cFromPos.x, cToPos.x do
			positionsCheck[#positionsCheck+1] = {x=i, y = cFromPos.y, z = cFromPos.z, stackpos = 0}
			for j = cFromPos.y+1, cToPos.y do
				positionsCheck[#positionsCheck+1] = {x=i, y = j, z = cFromPos.z, stackpos = 0}
		for j=1, #positionsCheck do
			for i = 1, 5 do
				positionsCheck[j].stackpos = i
				local tile = getTileThingByPos(positionsCheck[j])
				if isInArray(removeFields, tile.itemid) then

function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 102504) > 0 then
	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Você ja completou esta quest!")
	return true
elseif getMonsterInAreaAz() > 0 then
	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Você não pode usar isto, existe monstros na área!")
	return true
function Potwory1()
	if math.random (1,8) == 4 then
		doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster("Azerus", {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		addEvent(Potwory2, 30 * 1000)
		doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster("Azerus", {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		addEvent(Potwory2, 30 * 1000)
	addEvent(RemovePortalAz, 240*1000)

function Potwory2()
	doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster("Azerus1", {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	addEvent(Potwory3, 35 * 1000)

function Potwory3()
	doCreateMonster('Rift Scythe', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster('Rift Scythe', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster('Rift Scythe', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster('Rift Scythe', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster("Azerus2", {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	addEvent(Potwory4, 40 * 1000)

function Potwory4()
	doCreateMonster('Azerus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster('War Golem', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster('War Golem', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster('War Golem', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster('War Golem', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})

if item.uid == 58261 and getThingfromPos(portal_quest01_pos).itemid ~= 9772 then
	addEvent(Potwory1, 0)
	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"Sorry, not possible.")
return true

function RemovePortalAz()
if #getPlayerInAreaAz(config.fromPos, config.toPos) <= 0 then
	addEvent(RemovePortalAz, 10000)

function getPlayerInAreaAz(fromPos, toPos) -- by jami
local online = getPlayersOnline()
local players = {}
for i=1, #online do
	if isInArea(getPlayerPosition(online[i]), fromPos, toPos) then
		players[#players+1] = online[i]
return players

function getMonsterInAreaAz() -- by jami
		local positionsCheck = {}
		local quantMonster = 0
		for i = config.fromPos.x, config.toPos.x do
			positionsCheck[#positionsCheck+1] = {x=i, y = config.fromPos.y, z = config.fromPos.z, stackpos = 0}
			for j = config.fromPos.y+1, config.toPos.y do
				positionsCheck[#positionsCheck+1] = {x=i, y = j, z = config.fromPos.z, stackpos = 0}
		for j=1, #positionsCheck do
			for i = 0, 255 do
				positionsCheck[j].stackpos = i
				local tile = getTileThingByPos(positionsCheck[j])
				if isMonster(tile.uid) then
					if isMonster(tile.uid) and not isSummon(tile.uid) then
						quantMonster = quantMonster + 1
	return quantMonster

function removeAzerusMonstersInArea() -- by jhon992
		local positionsCheck = {}
		for i = config.fromPos.x, config.toPos.x do
			positionsCheck[#positionsCheck+1] = {x=i, y = config.fromPos.y, z = config.fromPos.z, stackpos = 0}
			for j = config.fromPos.y+1, config.toPos.y do
				positionsCheck[#positionsCheck+1] = {x=i, y = j, z = config.fromPos.z, stackpos = 0}
		for j=1, #positionsCheck do
			for i = 0, 255 do
				positionsCheck[j].stackpos = i
				local tile = getTileThingByPos(positionsCheck[j])
				if isMonster(tile.uid) then
					if getCreatureName(tile.uid) == "Azerus" then

"A alma permanece em suas criações" V89E5aN.png

(Não dou suporte por mensagem privada.)

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Bem, eu uso esse aqui com algumas modificações minhas :

local config = {
	fromPos = {x=1142,y=415,z=11}, -- posição superior esquerda do mapa, da area em que esta mapeado a area.
	toPos = {x=1158,y=435,z=11} -- posição inferior direita do mapa, da area em que esta mapeado a area.

local statue_pos = {x = 1150, y = 425, z = 11} -- posição do globo
local portal_quest01_pos = {x = 1150, y = 434, z = 11, stackpos = 2} -- posição do tp no andar do globo
local portal_quest02_pos = {x = 1151, y = 436, z = 10, stackpos = 2} -- posição do tp no andar de cima do globo
local removeFields = {1487,1492,1493,1494} -- tiles que são removidos ao sumonar os monsters.
--End Config-->

function removeFieldsTile() -- by jhon992
		local positionsCheck = {}
		local cFromPos = config.fromPos
		local cToPos = config.toPos
		for i = cFromPos.x, cToPos.x do
			positionsCheck[#positionsCheck+1] = {x=i, y = cFromPos.y, z = cFromPos.z, stackpos = 0}
			for j = cFromPos.y+1, cToPos.y do
				positionsCheck[#positionsCheck+1] = {x=i, y = j, z = cFromPos.z, stackpos = 0}
		for j=1, #positionsCheck do
			for i = 1, 5 do
				positionsCheck[j].stackpos = i
				local tile = getTileThingByPos(positionsCheck[j])
				if isInArray(removeFields, tile.itemid) then

function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 102504) > 0 then
	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Você ja completou esta quest!")
	return true
elseif getMonsterInAreaAz() > 0 then
	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Você não pode usar isto, existe monstros na área!")
	return true
function Potwory1()
	if math.random (1,8) == 4 then
		doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster("Azerus", {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		addEvent(Potwory2, 30 * 1000)
		doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		doCreateMonster("Azerus", {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
		addEvent(Potwory2, 30 * 1000)
	addEvent(RemovePortalAz, 240*1000)

function Potwory2()
	doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster("Azerus1", {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	addEvent(Potwory3, 35 * 1000)

function Potwory3()
	doCreateMonster('Rift Scythe', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster('Rift Scythe', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster('Rift Scythe', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster('Rift Scythe', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster("Azerus2", {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	addEvent(Potwory4, 40 * 1000)

function Potwory4()
	doCreateMonster('Azerus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster('War Golem', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster('War Golem', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster('War Golem', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
	doCreateMonster('War Golem', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})

if item.uid == 58261 and getThingfromPos(portal_quest01_pos).itemid ~= 9772 then
	addEvent(Potwory1, 0)
	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"Sorry, not possible.")
return true

function RemovePortalAz()
if #getPlayerInAreaAz(config.fromPos, config.toPos) <= 0 then
	addEvent(RemovePortalAz, 10000)

function getPlayerInAreaAz(fromPos, toPos) -- by jami
local online = getPlayersOnline()
local players = {}
for i=1, #online do
	if isInArea(getPlayerPosition(online[i]), fromPos, toPos) then
		players[#players+1] = online[i]
return players

function getMonsterInAreaAz() -- by jami
		local positionsCheck = {}
		local quantMonster = 0
		for i = config.fromPos.x, config.toPos.x do
			positionsCheck[#positionsCheck+1] = {x=i, y = config.fromPos.y, z = config.fromPos.z, stackpos = 0}
			for j = config.fromPos.y+1, config.toPos.y do
				positionsCheck[#positionsCheck+1] = {x=i, y = j, z = config.fromPos.z, stackpos = 0}
		for j=1, #positionsCheck do
			for i = 0, 255 do
				positionsCheck[j].stackpos = i
				local tile = getTileThingByPos(positionsCheck[j])
				if isMonster(tile.uid) then
					if isMonster(tile.uid) and not isSummon(tile.uid) then
						quantMonster = quantMonster + 1
	return quantMonster

function removeAzerusMonstersInArea() -- by jhon992
		local positionsCheck = {}
		for i = config.fromPos.x, config.toPos.x do
			positionsCheck[#positionsCheck+1] = {x=i, y = config.fromPos.y, z = config.fromPos.z, stackpos = 0}
			for j = config.fromPos.y+1, config.toPos.y do
				positionsCheck[#positionsCheck+1] = {x=i, y = j, z = config.fromPos.z, stackpos = 0}
		for j=1, #positionsCheck do
			for i = 0, 255 do
				positionsCheck[j].stackpos = i
				local tile = getTileThingByPos(positionsCheck[j])
				if isMonster(tile.uid) then
					if getCreatureName(tile.uid) == "Azerus" then

Bom.. eu ja arrumei meu script, valeu por tentar ajudar..

Mais seguinte.. o meu script ele ta funcionando 100%, a unica coisa que falta eh que ta dando pra clicar no globo toda hora! como faço pra ele poder clicar apenas 1 vez de 10 em 10 minutos mais ou menos?? ajuda ai pls, eu fiz isso na warzone tambem!! vou posta o script aqui:



function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
local statue_pos = {x = 33101, y = 31908, z = 10}
local new_portal_pos = {x = 33104, y = 31908, z = 10, stackpos = 1}
local new_pos = {x = 33095, y = 31954, z = 10}
--End Config-->
function Potwoory1()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory2, 7 * 700)
function Potwoory2()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory3, 8 * 1000)
function Potwoory3()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory4, 9 * 1000)
function Potwoory4()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory5, 6 * 1000)
function Potwoory5()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(NewPortal, 12 * 1100)
function NewPortal()
doCreateTeleport(1387, new_pos, new_portal_pos)
addEvent(RemoveAll, 30 * 1000)
function RemoveAll()
if item.uid == 1969 and getThingfromPos(new_portal_pos).itemid ~= 17668 then
addEvent(Potwoory1, 0)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,18,"Sorry, not possible.")
return TRUE
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Ok, entendi, vou precisar de duas informações, são elas :


  1. Qual é a posição do Crystal para clicar e aparecer os monstros.
  2. Tag XML do Crystal

Obs : Crystal é o item no qual você selecionou para o player dar use.

Editado por Jamison Collins (veja o histórico de edições)

"A alma permanece em suas criações" V89E5aN.png

(Não dou suporte por mensagem privada.)

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Ok, entendi, vou precisar de duas informações, são elas :


  1. Qual é a posição do Crystal para clicar e aparecer os monstros.
  2. Tag XML do Crystal

Obs : Crystal é o item no qual você selecionou para o player dar use.

crystal nao tem tag, eh apenas um item normal, eu so coloquei o uniqueID nele


aqui ta a posiçao dele: {x = 33101, y = 31908, z = 10}

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Justamente o que eu quero saber, o UniqueID dele.

"A alma permanece em suas criações" V89E5aN.png

(Não dou suporte por mensagem privada.)

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Aqui está :

function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
local statue_pos = {x = 33101, y = 31908, z = 10}
local new_portal_pos = {x = 33104, y = 31908, z = 10, stackpos = 1}
local new_pos = {x = 33095, y = 31954, z = 10}
local crystal_pos = {x = 33101, y = 31908, z = 10}
--End Config-->
function Potwoory1()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory2, 7 * 700)
function Potwoory2()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory3, 8 * 1000)
function Potwoory3()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory4, 9 * 1000)
function Potwoory4()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory5, 6 * 1000)
function Potwoory5()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(NewPortal, 12 * 1100)
function NewPortal()
doCreateTeleport(1387, new_pos, new_portal_pos)
addEvent(RemoveAll, 30 * 1000)
function RemoveAll()
doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(crystal_pos, 17668).uid, "uid", 1969)
if item.uid == 1969 and getThingfromPos(new_portal_pos).itemid ~= 17668 then
addEvent(Potwoory1, 0)
doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(crystal_pos, 17668).uid, "uid", 57501)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,18,"Sorry, not possible.")
return TRUE

"A alma permanece em suas criações" V89E5aN.png

(Não dou suporte por mensagem privada.)

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Aqui está :

function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
local statue_pos = {x = 33101, y = 31908, z = 10}
local new_portal_pos = {x = 33104, y = 31908, z = 10, stackpos = 1}
local new_pos = {x = 33095, y = 31954, z = 10}
local crystal_pos = {x = 33101, y = 31908, z = 10}
--End Config-->
function Potwoory1()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory2, 7 * 700)
function Potwoory2()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory3, 8 * 1000)
function Potwoory3()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory4, 9 * 1000)
function Potwoory4()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory5, 6 * 1000)
function Potwoory5()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(NewPortal, 12 * 1100)
function NewPortal()
doCreateTeleport(1387, new_pos, new_portal_pos)
addEvent(RemoveAll, 30 * 1000)
function RemoveAll()
doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(crystal_pos, 17668).uid, "uid", 1969)
if item.uid == 1969 and getThingfromPos(new_portal_pos).itemid ~= 17668 then
addEvent(Potwoory1, 0)
doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(crystal_pos, 17668).uid, "uid", 57501)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,18,"Sorry, not possible.")
return TRUE

vou testar aqui amigo, ja digo a resposta!




Amigo, esta como tava antes.. ainda esta dando pra clicar varias vezes :/

Editado por Equipe Icerox (veja o histórico de edições)
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vou testar aqui amigo, ja digo a resposta!




Amigo, esta como tava antes.. ainda esta dando pra clicar varias vezes :/



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Faz o seguinte, ao invés de usar UniqueID, use ActionID, e use essa ActionID : 57500

Aqui vai o script com modificações novamente :

function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
local statue_pos = {x = 33101, y = 31908, z = 10}
local new_portal_pos = {x = 33104, y = 31908, z = 10, stackpos = 1}
local new_pos = {x = 33095, y = 31954, z = 10}
local crystal_pos = {x = 33101, y = 31908, z = 10}
--End Config-->
function Potwoory1()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory2, 7 * 700)
function Potwoory2()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory3, 8 * 1000)
function Potwoory3()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory4, 9 * 1000)
function Potwoory4()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory5, 6 * 1000)
function Potwoory5()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(NewPortal, 12 * 1100)
function NewPortal()
doCreateTeleport(1387, new_pos, new_portal_pos)
addEvent(RemoveAll, 30 * 1000)
function RemoveAll()
doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(crystal_pos, 17668).uid, "aid", 57500)
if item.uid == 57500 and getThingfromPos(new_portal_pos).itemid ~= 17668 then
addEvent(Potwoory1, 0)
doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(crystal_pos, 17668).uid, "aid", 57501)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,18,"Sorry, not possible.")
return TRUE

Se não funcionar, me fale qual é o ItemID que você está usando para representar a estatua.

"A alma permanece em suas criações" V89E5aN.png

(Não dou suporte por mensagem privada.)

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Faz o seguinte, ao invés de usar UniqueID, use ActionID, e use essa ActionID : 57500

Aqui vai o script com modificações novamente :

function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
local statue_pos = {x = 33101, y = 31908, z = 10}
local new_portal_pos = {x = 33104, y = 31908, z = 10, stackpos = 1}
local new_pos = {x = 33095, y = 31954, z = 10}
local crystal_pos = {x = 33101, y = 31908, z = 10}
--End Config-->
function Potwoory1()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory2, 7 * 700)
function Potwoory2()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory3, 8 * 1000)
function Potwoory3()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory4, 9 * 1000)
function Potwoory4()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory5, 6 * 1000)
function Potwoory5()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(NewPortal, 12 * 1100)
function NewPortal()
doCreateTeleport(1387, new_pos, new_portal_pos)
addEvent(RemoveAll, 30 * 1000)
function RemoveAll()
doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(crystal_pos, 17668).uid, "aid", 57500)
if item.uid == 57500 and getThingfromPos(new_portal_pos).itemid ~= 17668 then
addEvent(Potwoory1, 0)
doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(crystal_pos, 17668).uid, "aid", 57501)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,18,"Sorry, not possible.")
return TRUE

Se não funcionar, me fale qual é o ItemID que você está usando para representar a estatua.

Ok, vou testar e ja te mando a resposta.

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Ok, vou testar e ja te mando a resposta.

Bom cara, desculpa a demoraa. mais o script nao funcionou, coloquei a action ID tudo certinho.

quando eu clico no crystal ele diz: 23:53 Sorry, not possible.


eu uso o 18458 - green crystal stalagmite.

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Bem, essa foi a minha última tentativa, então verifique se o item realmente está com a ActionID que eu pedi para você botar, aqui está o script :

function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
local statue_pos = {x = 33101, y = 31908, z = 10}
local new_portal_pos = {x = 33104, y = 31908, z = 10, stackpos = 1}
local new_pos = {x = 33095, y = 31954, z = 10}
local crystal_pos = {x = 33101, y = 31908, z = 10}
--End Config-->
function Potwoory1()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory2, 7 * 700)
function Potwoory2()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory3, 8 * 1000)
function Potwoory3()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory4, 9 * 1000)
function Potwoory4()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory5, 6 * 1000)
function Potwoory5()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(NewPortal, 12 * 1100)
function NewPortal()
doCreateTeleport(1387, new_pos, new_portal_pos)
addEvent(RemoveAll, 30 * 1000)
function RemoveAll()
doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(crystal_pos, 18458).uid, "aid", 57500)
if item.uid == 57500 and getThingfromPos(new_portal_pos).itemid ~= 17668 then
addEvent(Potwoory1, 0)
doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(crystal_pos, 18458).uid, "aid", 57501)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,18,"Sorry, not possible.")
return TRUE

"A alma permanece em suas criações" V89E5aN.png

(Não dou suporte por mensagem privada.)

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Bem, essa foi a minha última tentativa, então verifique se o item realmente está com a ActionID que eu pedi para você botar, aqui está o script :

function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
local statue_pos = {x = 33101, y = 31908, z = 10}
local new_portal_pos = {x = 33104, y = 31908, z = 10, stackpos = 1}
local new_pos = {x = 33095, y = 31954, z = 10}
local crystal_pos = {x = 33101, y = 31908, z = 10}
--End Config-->
function Potwoory1()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory2, 7 * 700)
function Potwoory2()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory3, 8 * 1000)
function Potwoory3()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory4, 9 * 1000)
function Potwoory4()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory5, 6 * 1000)
function Potwoory5()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(NewPortal, 12 * 1100)
function NewPortal()
doCreateTeleport(1387, new_pos, new_portal_pos)
addEvent(RemoveAll, 30 * 1000)
function RemoveAll()
doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(crystal_pos, 18458).uid, "aid", 57500)
if item.uid == 57500 and getThingfromPos(new_portal_pos).itemid ~= 17668 then
addEvent(Potwoory1, 0)
doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(crystal_pos, 18458).uid, "aid", 57501)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,18,"Sorry, not possible.")
return TRUE

Cara, nao funcionou, mesma coisa, ele diz que nao eh possivel! mais valeu por tentar ajudar cara, valeu mesmo!! vou tentar arrumar aqui ;}

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 Perdão amigo, erro meu, achei o erro :

function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
local statue_pos = {x = 33101, y = 31908, z = 10}
local new_portal_pos = {x = 33104, y = 31908, z = 10, stackpos = 1}
local new_pos = {x = 33095, y = 31954, z = 10}
local crystal_pos = {x = 33101, y = 31908, z = 10}
--End Config-->
function Potwoory1()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory2, 7 * 700)
function Potwoory2()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory3, 8 * 1000)
function Potwoory3()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory4, 9 * 1000)
function Potwoory4()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory5, 6 * 1000)
function Potwoory5()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(NewPortal, 12 * 1100)
function NewPortal()
doCreateTeleport(1387, new_pos, new_portal_pos)
addEvent(RemoveAll, 30 * 1000)
function RemoveAll()
doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(crystal_pos, 18458).uid, "aid", 57500)
if item.aid == 57500 and getThingfromPos(new_portal_pos).itemid ~= 17668 then
addEvent(Potwoory1, 0)
doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(crystal_pos, 18458).uid, "aid", 57501)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,18,"Sorry, not possible.")
return TRUE

Vai lá, teste e seja feliz.

"A alma permanece em suas criações" V89E5aN.png

(Não dou suporte por mensagem privada.)

Link para o post
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 Perdão amigo, erro meu, achei o erro :

function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
local statue_pos = {x = 33101, y = 31908, z = 10}
local new_portal_pos = {x = 33104, y = 31908, z = 10, stackpos = 1}
local new_pos = {x = 33095, y = 31954, z = 10}
local crystal_pos = {x = 33101, y = 31908, z = 10}
--End Config-->
function Potwoory1()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory2, 7 * 700)
function Potwoory2()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory3, 8 * 1000)
function Potwoory3()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory4, 9 * 1000)
function Potwoory4()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(Potwoory5, 6 * 1000)
function Potwoory5()
doCreateMonster('Hideous Fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('hideous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('humongous fungus', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('stone devourer', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
doCreateMonster('armadile', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})
addEvent(NewPortal, 12 * 1100)
function NewPortal()
doCreateTeleport(1387, new_pos, new_portal_pos)
addEvent(RemoveAll, 30 * 1000)
function RemoveAll()
doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(crystal_pos, 18458).uid, "aid", 57500)
if item.aid == 57500 and getThingfromPos(new_portal_pos).itemid ~= 17668 then
addEvent(Potwoory1, 0)
doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(crystal_pos, 18458).uid, "aid", 57501)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,18,"Sorry, not possible.")
return TRUE

Vai lá, teste e seja feliz.


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local config = {
	delrey = getPlayerCarValue(cid, DELREY),
	cigarro = getPlayerCancer(cid, DERBY),
	prostituta = getPlayerAIDS(cid, cracuda),
	tresOitao = getPlayerRevorvi(cid, 38)

if(delrey == "Ligado" and cigarro == "Aceso" and prostituta == "No Colo" and tresOitao == "Carregado") then
	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Começou o fim de semana. #PAS")


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