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Olá tudo bem ? 

Okay faz tempo que não posto nada, por que to meio desatualizado, do mundo do tibia.

bom hoje venho lhes trazer, um movement o [Traning Invisivel] Bom vamos aos comandos!


Primeiramente vá ate seus "Data>Movements>Movements.xml" Crie isto.

<!-- Training -->
  <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="1212" event="script" value="trainers/trainers.lua" />
  <movevent type="StepOut" actionid="1212" event="script" value="trainers/trainermove.lua" />
  <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="2121" event="script" value="trainers/trainers.lua" />
  <movevent type="StepOut" actionid="2121" event="script" value="trainers/trainermove.lua" />
<!-- Training -->

Okay depois disso vá ate "Data>Movements>Scripts" Crie 2 lua com estes nomes.


"Trainers.lua e Trainermove.lua


"Cole isto em Trainers.lua"



--Caution! Do not edit anything but the name of the monster used to train and the MonkTrash unless you know what you are doing---

---Training Monk spawn and removal by raell5---


--R-- = --Removal--
--CR-- = --Check Removal--
--MonkTrash-- The location the monk will be sent when training areas are not in use
--Training Monk-- The name of the monster being used to train (change if needed)
---Action id's used-
--1212 is the action id you set where the player should stand to activate monks spawning to the north
--2121 is the action id you set where the player should stand to activate monks spawning to the south
---Action id's used-

---Begining monk spawn functions-->

function onStepIn(cid, item, pos)

 local Player = getPlayerPosition(cid)

---Equation when monks shall spawn to the north
local NorthWest = {x=Player.x-1, y=Player.y-1, z=Player.z, stackpos=253}
local NorthEast = {x=Player.x+1, y=Player.y-1, z=Player.z, stackpos=253}
local CNorthWest = getThingfromPos(NorthWest)
local CNorthEast = getThingfromPos(NorthEast)

---Equation when monks shall spawn to the south
local SouthWest = {x=Player.x-1, y=Player.y+1, z=Player.z, stackpos=253}
local SouthEast = {x=Player.x+1, y=Player.y+1, z=Player.z, stackpos=253}
local CSouthWest = getThingfromPos(SouthWest)
local CSouthEast = getThingfromPos(SouthEast)

if item.actionid == 1212 and isCreature(CNorthWest.uid) == false and isCreature(CNorthEast.uid) == false then

doSummonCreature("Training Monk", NorthWest)
doSummonCreature("Training Monk", NorthEast)

elseif item.actionid == 2121 and isCreature(CSouthWest.uid) == false and isCreature(CSouthEast.uid) == false then

doSummonCreature("Training Monk", SouthWest)
doSummonCreature("Training Monk", SouthEast)

return 1

---Ending monk spawn functions<---

---Training Monk spawn and removal by raell5--
"E isto em Trainermove.lua"
---Training Monk removal by raell5---

function onStepOut(cid, item, pos)

local layer = getCreaturePosition(cid)

local RNorthWest = {x=layer.x-1, y=layer.y-2, z=layer.z, stackpos=253}
local RNorthEast = {x=layer.x+1, y=layer.y-2, z=layer.z, stackpos=253}

local RSouthWest = {x=layer.x-1, y=layer.y+2, z=layer.z, stackpos=253}
local RSouthEast = {x=layer.x+1, y=layer.y+2, z=layer.z, stackpos=253}

local CRNorthWest = getThingfromPos(RNorthWest)
local CRNorthEast = getThingfromPos(RNorthEast)

local CRSouthWest = getThingfromPos(RSouthWest)
local CRSouthEast = getThingfromPos(RSouthEast)

if item.actionid == 1212 and isCreature(CRNorthWest.uid) and isCreature(CRNorthEast.uid) then
elseif item.actionid == 2121 and isCreature(CRSouthWest.uid) and isCreature(CRSouthEast.uid) then
return 1

---Ending monk removal functions<---

---Training Monk removal by raell5---
Edite seu "Traning Monks"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<monster name="Training Monk" nameDescription="a training monk" race="blood" experience="0" speed="0" manacost="0">
<health now="100000000000" max="10000000000000"/>
<look type="57" corpse="3128"/>
<targetchange interval="60000" chance="0"/>
<strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>
<flag summonable="0"/>
<flag attackable="1"/>
<flag hostile="1"/>
<flag illusionable="0"/>
<flag convinceable="0"/>
<flag pushable="0"/>
<flag canpushitems="1"/>
<flag staticattack="50"/>
<flag lightlevel="0"/>
<flag lightcolor="0"/>
<flag targetdistance="1"/>
<flag runonhealth="0"/>
<attack name="melee" interval="5000" min="0" max="-1"/>
<defenses armor="0" defense="0">
<defense name="healing" interval="10000" chance="1000000000000" min="100000000000000" max="10000000000000000"/>
<immunity physical="0"/>
<immunity energy="0"/>
<immunity fire="0"/>
<immunity poison="0"/>
<immunity lifedrain="0"/>
<immunity paralyze="0"/>
<immunity outfit="0"/>
<immunity drunk="0"/>
<immunity invisible="1"/>
        <voices speed="1" chance="5">
        <voice sentence="Skill's or die HAHAHA!" yell="1"/>
        <voice sentence="Advance you power come!" yell="1"/>
<item id="2148" countmax="20" chance="100000"/><!-- gold coin -->
<item id="1949" chance="10000"/><!-- scroll -->
<item id="2467" chance="10000"/><!-- leather armor -->
<item id="2642" chance="6666"/><!-- sandals -->
<item id="1987" chance="100000"><!-- bag -->
<item id="2044" chance="6666"/><!-- lamp -->
<item id="2689" countmax="3" chance="20000"/><!-- bread -->
<item id="2401" chance="3333"/><!-- staff -->
<item id="2166" chance="1428"/><!-- power ring -->
No tile a frente aos tranings coloque está action "2121" Ok boa sorte .
@@Editado quote ta zuado!
Editado por Vittu (veja o histórico de edições)

16s5uc.gif2moe247.gif  swvimf.gif 




raell, me come



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