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galera queria saber o pq desse erro !!!



sera que meu tfs nao é combativel a ele ???


digito /autoloot add,gold coin e da erro !!!




[18/12/2013 22:7:7] [Error - TalkAction Interface] 
[18/12/2013 22:7:7] local cid = 268438115
[18/12/2013 22:7:8] local words = "/autoloot"
[18/12/2013 22:7:8] local param = "add,gold coin"
[18/12/2013 22:7:8] local channel = 65534
[18/12/2013 22:7:8] domodlib('Loot_func')
[18/12/2013 22:7:8] local t = string.explode(string.lower(param), ",")
[18/12/2013 22:7:8] if info.OnlyPremium == true and not isPremium(cid) then
[18/12/2013 22:7:8] doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "you must be a premium account.") return true
[18/12/2013 22:7:8] elseif not t[1] then
[18/12/2013 22:7:8] ShowItemsTabble(cid) return true
[18/12/2013 22:7:8] elseif tonumber(t[1]) or tonumber(t[2]) then
[18/12/2013 22:7:8] doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "enter!autoloot add,name or !autoloot remove,name") return true
[18/12/2013 22:7:8] elseif isInArray({"add","remove"}, tostring(t[1])) then
[18/12/2013 22:7:8] local func,check = tostring(t[1]) == "add" and addItemTable or removeItemTable, tostring(t[1]) == "add" and true or false
[18/12/2013 22:7:8] local item = getItemIdByName(tostring(t[2]), false) 
[18/12/2013 22:7:8] if not item then
[18/12/2013 22:7:8] doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This item does not exist.") return true
[18/12/2013 22:7:8] elseif check == true and isInArray(info.BlockItemsList, item) then
[18/12/2013 22:7:9] doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can not add this item in the list!") return true
[18/12/2013 22:7:9] elseif isInTable(cid, item) == check then
[18/12/2013 22:7:9] doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This Item "..(check == true and "already" or "is not").." in your list.") return true
[18/12/2013 22:7:9] end
[18/12/2013 22:7:9] func(cid, item)
[18/12/2013 22:7:9] doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,check == true and "you added the item "..t[2].." in the list" or "you removed the item "..t[2].." from the list") return true
[18/12/2013 22:7:9] end
[18/12/2013 22:7:9] return true
[18/12/2013 22:7:9] Description: 
[18/12/2013 22:7:9] (LuaInterface::luaGetItemIdByName) Item not found
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