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Gente, criei um Otserver Poketibia, mas o skill fishing ta bugado... ele demora subir e quando sobe sobe de ma vez só.
Por exemplo > Eu uso a varinha pra pescar 10 vezes e não sobe nem 1%, dai na 11º sobe uns 15%
Basicamente é isso, como posso arrumar?

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esperimenta esse aqui garoto



local exhautStorage = 24622227
local time = 300
local exhausfish = 0
function onUse(cid, item, fromPos, itemEx, toPos)
d0 = 
        [0] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [1] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [2] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [3] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [4] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [5] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [6] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [7] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [8] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [9] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [10] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [11] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [12] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [13] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [14] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
d20 = 
        [0] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [1] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [2] = {pokemon = 'Poliwag s'},
        [3] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [4] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [5] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [6] = {pokemon = 'Poliwag s'},
        [7] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [8] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [9] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [10] = {pokemon = 'Poliwag s'},
        [11] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [12] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [13] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [14] = {pokemon = 'Poliwag s'},
        [15] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
d40 = 
        [0] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [1] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [2] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [3] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [4] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
        [5] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [6] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [7] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [8] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [9] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
        [10] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [11] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [12] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [13] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [14] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
        [15] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [16] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [17] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [18] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [19] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
d60 = 
        [0] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [1] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [2] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [3] = {pokemon = 'Seaking s'},
        [4] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [5] = {pokemon = 'Staryu s'},
        [6] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [7] = {pokemon = 'Squirtle s'},
        [8] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
        [9] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [10] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [11] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [12] = {pokemon = 'Seaking s'},
        [13] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [14] = {pokemon = 'Staryu s'},
        [15] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [16] = {pokemon = 'Squirtle s'},
        [17] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
        [18] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [19] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [20] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [21] = {pokemon = 'Seaking s'},
        [22] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [23] = {pokemon = 'Staryu s'},
        [24] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [25] = {pokemon = 'Squirtle s'},
        [26] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
d80 = 
        [0] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [1] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [2] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [3] = {pokemon = 'Seaking s'},
        [4] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [5] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
        [6] = {pokemon = 'Staryu s'},
        [7] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [8] = {pokemon = 'Kingler s'},
        [9] = {pokemon = 'Seadra s'},
        [10] = {pokemon = 'Squirtle s'},
        [11] = {pokemon = 'Starmie s'},
        [12] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [13] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [14] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [15] = {pokemon = 'Seaking s'},
        [16] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [17] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
        [18] = {pokemon = 'Staryu s'},
        [19] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [20] = {pokemon = 'Kingler s'},
        [21] = {pokemon = 'Seadra s'},
        [22] = {pokemon = 'Squirtle s'},
        [23] = {pokemon = 'Starmie s'},
        [24] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [25] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [26] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [27] = {pokemon = 'Seaking s'},
        [28] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [29] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
        [30] = {pokemon = 'Staryu s'},
        [31] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [32] = {pokemon = 'Kingler s'},
        [33] = {pokemon = 'Seadra s'},
        [34] = {pokemon = 'Squirtle s'},
        [35] = {pokemon = 'Starmie s'},
d100 = 
        [0] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [1] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [2] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [3] = {pokemon = 'Seaking s'},
        [4] = {pokemon = 'Seadra s'},
        [5] = {pokemon = 'Tentacruel s'},
        [6] = {pokemon = 'Starmie s'},
        [7] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [8] = {pokemon = 'Kingler s'},
        [9] = {pokemon = 'Golduck s'},
        [10] = {pokemon = 'Seadra s'},
        [11] = {pokemon = 'Starmie s'},
        [12] = {pokemon = 'Gyarados s'},
        [13] = {pokemon = 'Blastoise s'},
        [14] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [15] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [16] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [17] = {pokemon = 'Seaking s'},
        [18] = {pokemon = 'Seadra s'}, 
        [19] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
        [20] = {pokemon = 'Staryu s'},
        [21] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [22] = {pokemon = 'Kingler s'},
        [23] = {pokemon = 'Golduck s'},
        [24] = {pokemon = 'Seadra s'},
        [25] = {pokemon = 'Starmie s'},
        [26] = {pokemon = 'Gyarados s'},
        [27] = {pokemon = 'Squirtle s'},
        [28] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [29] = {pokemon = 'Kingler s'},
        [30] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [31] = {pokemon = 'Seaking s'},
        [32] = {pokemon = 'Blastoise s'},
        [33] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
        [34] = {pokemon = 'Staryu s'},
        [35] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [36] = {pokemon = 'Kingler s'},
        [37] = {pokemon = 'Golduck s'},
        [38] = {pokemon = 'Seadra s'},
        [39] = {pokemon = 'Starmie s'},
        [40] = {pokemon = 'Gyarados s'},
        [41] = {pokemon = 'Squirtle s'},
        local config = {
        waters = {4614, 4615, 4616, 4617, 4618, 4619, 4608, 4609, 4610, 4611, 4612, 4613, 7236, 4614, 4615, 4616, 4617, 4618, 4619, 4620, 4621, 4622, 4623, 4624, 4625, 4665, 4666, 4820, 4821, 4822, 4823, 4824, 4825},
local skill = getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, 6)
local playerpos = {x=getCreaturePosition(cid).x, y=getCreaturePosition(cid).y+1, z=getCreaturePosition(cid).z}
        if(isInArray(config.waters, itemEx.itemid)) then
                doSendMagicEffect(toPos, CONST_ME_LOSEENERGY)
                doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, 6, 1)
                        if skill >= 100 then
                                local random = math.random(0, 80)
                                if random <= 10 then
                                        local s = doSummonCreature(d100[random].pokemon, playerpos)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(s), 21)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 173)
                                        return true
                        if skill >= 80 then
                                local random = math.random(0, 80)
                                if random <= 10 then
                                        local s = doSummonCreature(d80[random].pokemon, playerpos)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(s), 21)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 173)
                                        return true
                        if skill >= 60 then
                                local random = math.random(0, 80)
                                if random <= 10 then
                                        local s = doSummonCreature(d60[random].pokemon, playerpos)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(s), 21)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 173)
                                        return true
                        if skill >= 40 then
                                local random = math.random(0, 80)
                                if random <= 10 then
                                        local s = doSummonCreature(d40[random].pokemon, playerpos)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(s), 21)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 173)
                                        return true
                        if skill >= 20 then
                                local random = math.random(0, 80)
                                if random <= 10 then
                                        local s = doSummonCreature(d20[random].pokemon, playerpos)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(s), 21)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 173)
                                        return true
                        if skill >= 0 and skill < 20 then
                                local random = math.random(0, 80)
                                if random <= 10 then
                                        local s = doSummonCreature(d0[random].pokemon, playerpos)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(s), 21)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 173)
                                        return true
                                return true
                return true
        return true

caso o seu servidor seja PDA 
 Remova os S de todo os pokemon \/
        [0] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [1] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [2] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},


        [0] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp'},
        [1] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp'},
        [2] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp'},
Não testado XD
Se não funciona vai no config do seu serve 
CTRl+F e pesquisa por rastes Dai se coloca Skill 1.0
o meu esta assim 

experienceStages = false
rateExperience = 20
rateExperienceFromPlayers = 1
rateSkill = 1
rateMagic = 1
rateLoot = 0.5
rateSpawn = 1

Editado por Valakinhas (veja o histórico de edições)



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esperimenta esse aqui garoto



local exhautStorage = 24622227
local time = 300
local exhausfish = 0
function onUse(cid, item, fromPos, itemEx, toPos)
d0 = 
        [0] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [1] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [2] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [3] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [4] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [5] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [6] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [7] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [8] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [9] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [10] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [11] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [12] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [13] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [14] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
d20 = 
        [0] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [1] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [2] = {pokemon = 'Poliwag s'},
        [3] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [4] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [5] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [6] = {pokemon = 'Poliwag s'},
        [7] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [8] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [9] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [10] = {pokemon = 'Poliwag s'},
        [11] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [12] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [13] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [14] = {pokemon = 'Poliwag s'},
        [15] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
d40 = 
        [0] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [1] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [2] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [3] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [4] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
        [5] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [6] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [7] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [8] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [9] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
        [10] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [11] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [12] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [13] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [14] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
        [15] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [16] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [17] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [18] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [19] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
d60 = 
        [0] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [1] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [2] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [3] = {pokemon = 'Seaking s'},
        [4] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [5] = {pokemon = 'Staryu s'},
        [6] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [7] = {pokemon = 'Squirtle s'},
        [8] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
        [9] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [10] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [11] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [12] = {pokemon = 'Seaking s'},
        [13] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [14] = {pokemon = 'Staryu s'},
        [15] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [16] = {pokemon = 'Squirtle s'},
        [17] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
        [18] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [19] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [20] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [21] = {pokemon = 'Seaking s'},
        [22] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [23] = {pokemon = 'Staryu s'},
        [24] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [25] = {pokemon = 'Squirtle s'},
        [26] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
d80 = 
        [0] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [1] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [2] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [3] = {pokemon = 'Seaking s'},
        [4] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [5] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
        [6] = {pokemon = 'Staryu s'},
        [7] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [8] = {pokemon = 'Kingler s'},
        [9] = {pokemon = 'Seadra s'},
        [10] = {pokemon = 'Squirtle s'},
        [11] = {pokemon = 'Starmie s'},
        [12] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [13] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [14] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [15] = {pokemon = 'Seaking s'},
        [16] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [17] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
        [18] = {pokemon = 'Staryu s'},
        [19] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [20] = {pokemon = 'Kingler s'},
        [21] = {pokemon = 'Seadra s'},
        [22] = {pokemon = 'Squirtle s'},
        [23] = {pokemon = 'Starmie s'},
        [24] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [25] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [26] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [27] = {pokemon = 'Seaking s'},
        [28] = {pokemon = 'Horsea s'},
        [29] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
        [30] = {pokemon = 'Staryu s'},
        [31] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [32] = {pokemon = 'Kingler s'},
        [33] = {pokemon = 'Seadra s'},
        [34] = {pokemon = 'Squirtle s'},
        [35] = {pokemon = 'Starmie s'},
d100 = 
        [0] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [1] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [2] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [3] = {pokemon = 'Seaking s'},
        [4] = {pokemon = 'Seadra s'},
        [5] = {pokemon = 'Tentacruel s'},
        [6] = {pokemon = 'Starmie s'},
        [7] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [8] = {pokemon = 'Kingler s'},
        [9] = {pokemon = 'Golduck s'},
        [10] = {pokemon = 'Seadra s'},
        [11] = {pokemon = 'Starmie s'},
        [12] = {pokemon = 'Gyarados s'},
        [13] = {pokemon = 'Blastoise s'},
        [14] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [15] = {pokemon = 'Krabby s'},
        [16] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [17] = {pokemon = 'Seaking s'},
        [18] = {pokemon = 'Seadra s'}, 
        [19] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
        [20] = {pokemon = 'Staryu s'},
        [21] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [22] = {pokemon = 'Kingler s'},
        [23] = {pokemon = 'Golduck s'},
        [24] = {pokemon = 'Seadra s'},
        [25] = {pokemon = 'Starmie s'},
        [26] = {pokemon = 'Gyarados s'},
        [27] = {pokemon = 'Squirtle s'},
        [28] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [29] = {pokemon = 'Kingler s'},
        [30] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [31] = {pokemon = 'Seaking s'},
        [32] = {pokemon = 'Blastoise s'},
        [33] = {pokemon = 'Tentacool s'},
        [34] = {pokemon = 'Staryu s'},
        [35] = {pokemon = 'Poliwhirl s'},
        [36] = {pokemon = 'Kingler s'},
        [37] = {pokemon = 'Golduck s'},
        [38] = {pokemon = 'Seadra s'},
        [39] = {pokemon = 'Starmie s'},
        [40] = {pokemon = 'Gyarados s'},
        [41] = {pokemon = 'Squirtle s'},
        local config = {
        waters = {4614, 4615, 4616, 4617, 4618, 4619, 4608, 4609, 4610, 4611, 4612, 4613, 7236, 4614, 4615, 4616, 4617, 4618, 4619, 4620, 4621, 4622, 4623, 4624, 4625, 4665, 4666, 4820, 4821, 4822, 4823, 4824, 4825},
local skill = getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, 6)
local playerpos = {x=getCreaturePosition(cid).x, y=getCreaturePosition(cid).y+1, z=getCreaturePosition(cid).z}
        if(isInArray(config.waters, itemEx.itemid)) then
                doSendMagicEffect(toPos, CONST_ME_LOSEENERGY)
                doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, 6, 1)
                        if skill >= 100 then
                                local random = math.random(0, 80)
                                if random <= 10 then
                                        local s = doSummonCreature(d100[random].pokemon, playerpos)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(s), 21)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 173)
                                        return true
                        if skill >= 80 then
                                local random = math.random(0, 80)
                                if random <= 10 then
                                        local s = doSummonCreature(d80[random].pokemon, playerpos)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(s), 21)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 173)
                                        return true
                        if skill >= 60 then
                                local random = math.random(0, 80)
                                if random <= 10 then
                                        local s = doSummonCreature(d60[random].pokemon, playerpos)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(s), 21)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 173)
                                        return true
                        if skill >= 40 then
                                local random = math.random(0, 80)
                                if random <= 10 then
                                        local s = doSummonCreature(d40[random].pokemon, playerpos)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(s), 21)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 173)
                                        return true
                        if skill >= 20 then
                                local random = math.random(0, 80)
                                if random <= 10 then
                                        local s = doSummonCreature(d20[random].pokemon, playerpos)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(s), 21)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 173)
                                        return true
                        if skill >= 0 and skill < 20 then
                                local random = math.random(0, 80)
                                if random <= 10 then
                                        local s = doSummonCreature(d0[random].pokemon, playerpos)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(s), 21)
                                        doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 173)
                                        return true
                                return true
                return true
        return true

caso o seu servidor seja PDA 
 Remova os S de todo os pokemon \/
        [0] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [1] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},
        [2] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp s'},


        [0] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp'},
        [1] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp'},
        [2] = {pokemon = 'Magikarp'},
Não testado XD
Se não funciona vai no config do seu serve 
CTRl+F e pesquisa por rastes Dai se coloca Skill 1.0
o meu esta assim 

experienceStages = false
rateExperience = 20
rateExperienceFromPlayers = 1
rateSkill = 1
rateMagic = 1
rateLoot = 0.5
rateSpawn = 1

Funfou não :/

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