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Uso TFS 0.4 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mod name="Cleanhouses" version="1.03" author="nsanee" contact="" enabled="yes">
v.1.03 - Added 'onlyNonPremium' configurable.
Removed modlib, since the script is run once anyway we don't need it loaded at all times.
It shouldn't now stop execution when a house is nameless.
v.1.02 - now uses only one sql query, removed multiworld configurable since it's not needed anymore
v.1.01 - small fixes, optimized query + multiworld support.
This mod will clean houses of inactive players and move their items to the depot.
config explained:
days - If the player hasn't logged in for this number of days his house will be freed.
log - true/false, whether to enable logging of which houses have been cleaned.
file - path to the log file, where logs will be stored. Ignored if 'log' set to false
onlyNonPremium - if set to 'true', the script will clean only the houses of players who don't have any pacc days left.
other notes:
DO NOT remove doSaveServer() at the end, otherwise if your server happens to crash before the nearest server save you will regret it =)
<globalevent name="cleanhouses" type="start" event="buffer"><![CDATA[
local config = {
days = 14,
log = true,
file = getDataDir() .. "/logs/cleanhouses.txt",
onlyNonPremium = true
local ns_query =[[ SELECT houses.owner, as hid, as house_name , FROM houses
LEFT JOIN players ON
LEFT JOIN accounts ON
WHERE players.lastlogin < (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - ]] ..config.days.. [[*24*60*60)
]] ..(config.onlyNonPremium and ' AND accounts.premdays=0 ' or '')..[[
AND players.world_id =]] .. getConfigValue("worldId")
local house = db.getResult(ns_query)
local logs = " :: Houses cleaned:\n\n"
if house:getID() ~= -1 then
logs = logs .. house:getDataString('house_name') ..", owned by " .. house:getDataString('name') .. "\n"
setHouseOwner(house:getDataInt('hid'), 0)
until not house:next()
logs = logs .. "There were no houses to clean."
if config.log then
doWriteLogFile(config.file, logs)
addEvent(doSaveServer, 1000)

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