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Erro Guildfragskill no distro

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Da esse erro na distro
[20:42:30.432] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] 
[20:42:30.432] data/creaturescripts/scripts/GuildFragsKill.lua:onKill
[20:42:30.432] Description: 
[20:42:30.433] data/lib/FragGuildSystem.lua:17: attempt to call field 'executeQuery' (a nil value)
[20:42:30.433] stack traceback:
[20:42:30.433]  data/lib/FragGuildSystem.lua:17: in function 'addFragsByGuild'
[20:42:30.433]  data/creaturescripts/scripts/GuildFragsKill.lua:4: in function <data/creaturescripts/scripts/GuildFragsKill.lua:1>
ai está oque contem em GuildFragsKill.lua

function onKill(cid, target, lastHit)
local config = {MaxDifLevel = 50, MyGuild = getPlayerGuildName(cid)}
if isPlayer(cid) and isPlayer(target) and HaveGuild(cid) and HaveGuild(target) and getPlayerGuildId(cid) ~= getPlayerGuildId(target) and getPlayerIp(target) ~= getPlayerIp(cid) and math.abs(getPlayerLevel(cid) - getPlayerLevel(target)) <= config.MaxDifLevel and getGlobalStorageValue(frag_guild.start_frags) <= 0 then
doBroadCastGuild(config.MyGuild,20,'[Guild Frag System] Your guild received '..frag_guild.FragsPerKill..' frag because have killed a player another guild, now your guild have '..getFragsByGuild(config.MyGuild)..' frags')
if getFragsByGuild(config.MyGuild) >= frag_guild.FragsToWinAcess then
addAcess(config.MyGuild, frag_guild.AcessTimeDays)
addHonorPoints(config.MyGuild, frag_guild.Honor_Point)
doBroadcastMessage("[Guild Frag System]\nThe guild ["..config.MyGuild.."] is dominant for having achieved "..frag_guild.FragsToWinAcess.." Frags!\nYour domain ends in "..getAcessDate(config.MyGuild))
setGlobalStorageValue(frag_guild.start_frags, 1)
if frag_guild.MoreExpToGuild == true then
  local players = {}
for _, cid in pairs(getPlayersOnline()) do
if getPlayerGuildName(cid) == config.MyGuild then
table.insert(players, cid)
  for i = 1, #players do
  doPlayerSetExperienceRate(players, frag_guild.Exp_Rate)
return TRUE

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A lib necessita executar um query, que não tem a coluna na db.



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