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    • Por FuuinFake
      Ola tk hoje irei fazer 1 pedido de 1 addon system alias me ajudar a arrumar o erro pq eu fiz tudo certinho na script mais quando eu uso o addon na pokeball (ICONE) O addon nao troca a oufit do pokemon script abaixo

        addonItems = { [13947] = {name = "Shiny Jynx", outfit = 1671, id = 1}, [12421] = {name = "Dewgong", outfit = 1395, id = 1}, [12422] = {name = "Sandslash", outfit = 1396, id = 1}, [12423] = {name = "Blastoise", outfit = 1397, id = 1}, [12424] = {name = "Venusaur", outfit = 1414, id = 1}, [12425] = {name = "Alakazam", outfit = 1400, id = 1}, [12426] = {name = "Kangaskhan", outfit = 1401, id = 1}, [12427] = {name = "Rattata", outfit = 1403, id = 1}, [12428] = {name = "Squirtle", outfit = 1404, id = 1}, [12429] = {name = "Arbok", outfit = 1405, id = 1}, [12430] = {name = "Golduck", outfit = 1406, id = 1}, [12431] = {name = "Rapidash", outfit = 1408, id = 1}, [12432] = {name = "Dragonite", outfit = 1409, id = 1}, [12433] = {name = "Tangela", outfit = 1411, id = 1}, [12434] = {name = "Geodude", outfit = 1412, id = 1}, [12435] = {name = "Blastoise", outfit = 1414, id = 2}, [12436] = {name = "Bulbasaur", outfit = 1415, id = 2}, [12437] = {name = "Bulbasaur", outfit = 1416, id = 1}, [12438] = {name = "Hypno", outfit = 1417, id = 1}, [12439] = {name = "Mr. Mime", outfit = 1419, id = 1}, [12440] = {name = "Snorlax", outfit = 1420, id = 1}, [12441] = {name = "Caterpie", outfit = 1421, id = 1}, [12442] = {name = "Chansey", outfit = 1423, id = 1}, [12443] = {name = "Pidgey", outfit = 1424, id = 1}, [12444] = {name = "Charmander", outfit = 1425, id = 1}, [12445] = {name = "Charmander", outfit = 1426, id = 2}, [12446] = {name = "Pikachu", outfit = 1427, id = 1}, [12447] = {name = "Clefable", outfit = 1428, id = 1}, [12448] = {name = "Charizard", outfit = 1429, id = 2}, [12449] = {name = "Cubone", outfit = 1430, id = 1}, [12450] = {name = "Golbat", outfit = 1431, id = 1}, [12451] = {name = "Tauros", outfit = 1433, id = 1}, [12452] = {name = "Lapras", outfit = 1435, id = 1}, [12453] = {name = "Pinsir", outfit = 1436, id = 1}, [12454] = {name = "Diglett", outfit = 1438, id = 1}, [12455] = {name = "Arcanine", outfit = 1440, id = 1}, [12456] = {name = "Tauros", outfit = 1442, id = 2}, [12457] = {name = "Electabuzz", outfit = 1443, id = 1}, [12458] = {name = "Electabuzz", outfit = 1444, id = 2}, [12459] = {name = "Omastar", outfit = 1445, id = 1}, [12461] = {name = "Diglett", outfit = 1447, id = 2}, [12462] = {name = "Poliwrath", outfit = 1448, id = 2}, [12463] = {name = "Growlithe", outfit = 1450, id = 1}, [12464] = {name = "Charizard", outfit = 1451, id = 1}, [12465] = {name = "Nidoqueen", outfit = 1453, id = 1}, [12466] = {name = "Pidgeot", outfit = 1456, id = 1}, [12467] = {name = "Gengar", outfit = 1458, id = 1}, [12468] = {name = "Gengar", outfit = 1459, id = 2}, [12469] = {name = "Pidgeot", outfit = 1460, id = 2}, [12470] = {name = "Pidgeot", outfit = 1461, id = 3}, [12471] = {name = "Diglett", outfit = 1462, id = 3}, [12472] = {name = "Weezing", outfit = 1464, id = 1}, [12473] = {name = "Haunter", outfit = 1465, id = 1}, [12474] = {name = "Raichu", outfit = 1466, id = 1}, [12475] = {name = "Mr. Mime", outfit = 1467, id = 2}, [12476] = {name = "Golem", outfit = 1468, id = 1}, [12477] = {name = "Wigglytuff", outfit = 1469, id = 1}, [14176] = {name = "Scyther", outfit = 334, id = 2}, [12479] = {name = "Poliwrath", outfit = 1472, id = 1}, [12480] = {name = "Cloyster", outfit = 1473, id = 1}, [14177] = {name = "Scyther", outfit = 3340, id = 1}, [12482] = {name = "Rhydon", outfit = 1476, id = 1}, [12483] = {name = "Kangaskhan", outfit = 1478, id = 2}, [12484] = {name = "Nidoking", outfit = 1479, id = 1}, [12485] = {name = "Magmar", outfit = 1482, id = 1}, [12486] = {name = "Magmar", outfit = 1483, id = 2}, [12487] = {name = "Lapras", outfit = 1486, id = 2}, [12488] = {name = "Snorlax", outfit = 1490, id = 2}, [12489] = {name = "Tangela", outfit = 1491, id = 2}, }     random = { [1] = 13947, [2] = 12421, [3] = 12422, [4] = 12423, [5] = 12424, [6] = 12425, [7] = 12426, [8] = 12427, [9] = 12428, [10] = 12429, [11] = 12430, [12] = 12431, [13] = 12432, [14] = 12433, [15] = 12434, [16] = 12435, [17] = 12436, [18] = 12437, [19] = 12438, [20] = 12439, [21] = 12440, [22] = 12441, [23] = 12442, [24] = 12443, [25] = 12444, [26] = 12445, [27] = 12446, [28] = 12447, [29] = 12448, [30] = 12449, [31] = 12450, [32] = 12451, [33] = 12452, [34] = 12453, [35] = 12454, [36] = 12455, [37] = 12456, [38] = 12457, [39] = 12458, [40] = 12459, [41] = 12461, [42] = 12462, [43] = 12463, [44] = 12464, [45] = 12465, [46] = 12466, [47] = 12467, [48] = 12468, [49] = 12469, [50] = 12470, [51] = 12471, [52] = 12472, [53] = 12473, [54] = 12474, [55] = 12475, [56] = 12476, [57] = 12477, [58] = 12478, [59] = 12479, [60] = 12480, [61] = 12481, [62] = 12482, [63] = 12483, [64] = 12484, [65] = 12485, [66] = 12486, [67] = 12487, [68] = 12488, [69] = 12489, } function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) if item.itemid == 12460 then doPlayerAddItem(cid, random[math.random(1,69)], 1) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You open a addon box.") doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 29) return true end if not isPokeball(item2.itemid) then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Use addon only in pokeballs") end if #getCreatureSummons(cid) > 0 then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Back your pokemon") end addonID = addonItems[item.itemid] if not addonID then return true end if ~= getItemAttribute(item2.uid, "poke") then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This addon is only for """) end if == 1 then addon = getFirstAddonId(item2.uid) elseif == 2 then addon = getSecondAddonId(item2.uid) elseif == 3 then addon = getThirdAddonId(item2.uid) elseif == 4 then addon = getFourthAddonId(item2.uid) elseif == 5 then addon = getFifthAddonId(item2.uid) elseif == 6 then addon = getSixthAddonId(item2.uid) end if addon == addonID.outfit then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This pokemon have this addon") end if getCountAddon(item2.uid) > 6 then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This pokemon has the maximum of addons") end doAddAddon(cid, item2.uid,, addonID.outfit) doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1) return true end
    • Por luizrafaelsprovieri
      Eae galera Blz...
      Sou meio novo aqui então queria pedir a ajuda de vocês to precisando de um tutorial
      de como adicionar addon system tutorial completo.To iniciando um novo server de poketibia ja editei varias coisas no server
      Também queria pedir uma ajuda como adiciono icon system e tambem como mudo as tasks de clan do meu server eu andei tentando mais não deu certo eu mudei no arquivo
      date/lib/configuration ficou +ou- assim
      como exemplo peguei o clan orebond.
      ficou assim mais não deu certo!
      -- [ Orebound ] --
      ["Sand Trainer_1"] = {"Orebound Clan", "120 Magneton, 100 Electrode and 80 Raichu", "Move up of Rank"}, ["Sand Trainer_2"] = {"Orebound Clan", "100 Nidoqueen, 85 Onix and 90 Nidoking", "Move up of Rank"},   ["Rock Trainer_1"] = {"Orebound Clan", "70 Electabuzz, 80 Jolteon, and 100 Pidgeot", "Move up of Rank"}, ["Rock Trainer_2"] = {"Orebound Clan", "60 Ampharos, 50 Charizard and 50 Arcanine", "Move up of Rank"},   ["Solid Trainer_1"] = {"Orebound Clan", "70 Fearow, 80 Dodrio, and 50 Rapidash", "Move up of Rank"}, ["Solid Trainer_2"] = {"Orebound Clan", "80 Arcanine, 90 Charizard and 60 Flareon", "Move up of Rank"},   ["Hardskin Trainer_1"] = {"Orebound Clan", "100 Ampharos, 80 Electabuzz, 90 Raichus and 80 Magneton", "Move up of Rank"}, ["Hardskin Trainer_2"] = {"Orebound Clan", "60 Magmar, 80 Charizard and 90 Houndoom", "Move up of Rank"},     A e também aproveitando esse post como arrumo  o coldown bar do meu otclient ele aparece a janela certo mais os ataques não aparecem e quando aparecem estão todos errados e ainda fica os ataques do primeiro pokemon solto mesmo que mude o pokemon.    se alguem puder ajuda tem meu agradecimento.
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