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cara isso ta errado falta os talkactions [para os comandos fincionarem precisa de acrecentalos na pasta dos talkactions]

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  • 1 year later...

o meu ta dando esse erro aqui o q eu faço ??  erro igual o do ozzy

29/06/2011 11:59:15] Ozzy has logged in.

[29/06/2011 11:59:15] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] 
[29/06/2011 11:59:15] mods/scripts/pet_login.lua:onLogin
[29/06/2011 11:59:15] Description: 
[29/06/2011 11:59:15] mods/scripts/pet_login.lua:7: attempt to index global 'aps_storages' (a nil value)
[29/06/2011 11:59:15] stack traceback:
[29/06/2011 11:59:15] mods/scripts/pet_login.lua:7: in function <mods/scripts/pet_login.lua:1>

[29/06/2011 11:59:15] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] 
[29/06/2011 11:59:15] mods/scripts/pet_logout.lua:onLogout
[29/06/2011 11:59:15] Description: 
[29/06/2011 11:59:15] mods/scripts/pet_logout.lua:2: attempt to call global 'getPlayerPet' (a nil value)
[29/06/2011 11:59:15] stack traceback:
[29/06/2011 11:59:15] mods/scripts/pet_logout.lua:2: in function <mods/scripts/pet_logout.lua:1>
[29/06/2011 11:59:15] Ozzy has logged out.

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  • 10 months later...

Pessoal resolvi o problema.

Estava faltando alguns arquivos na lib.

Vouu anexa ele reformulado.

Esse é  msm só que original e funcionou 100% no meu Dragonball Online

Qualquer coisa eu estou sempre no tibia king. :smile:


Os comandos:


/pet | to call go/back  your pet. 
/pet-attack SPELL | used to cast a spell.
/pet-status | show information about your pet(lvl, ml, exp etc...).
player | show information about player.
/pet-food | feed your pet.
/pet-say | your pet can talk!
/pet-love | tell to your pet that you love him! (-.^)
/pet-carry slot | your pet can carry items (1-10)
/pet-carry slots | show all items that is in your pet slots.
/pet-info | show some extra information (Exp Rate, ML Rate entre outras)
/pet-revive | bring back your pet to life!
/pet-party | if you use that command, then you/ur pet may attack each other!

/pet-war-commands | show a list with all commands of the PeT-WaR
/pet-war-challenge player | challenge a Player, to fight against his pet!
/pet-war-accept player | accept player's challenge
/pet-war-cancel player | cancel invatation to player.
/pet-war-leave | leave the challenge(you lose if you leave)
/pet-war-stats | show information about your PeT-WaR's

/pet-help | show some commands
/pet-help spells | show a list of all spells and information about each one
/pet-help commands | show some commands
/pet-help experience | show an experience table

/sk ou /shortkeys | show yours shortkeys!
.status | show how many exp your pet's need to next level



Editado por Axion Nitron (veja o histórico de edições)
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  • 4 years later...
  • 2 months later...
Em 29/06/2011 em 12:01, uriel70 disse:

Cara fis tudo que pedia ae , e nao pego, nao ta dando pra logar a acc..



[29/06/2011 11:59:15] Ozzy has logged in.


[29/06/2011 11:59:15] [Error - CreatureScript Interface]

[29/06/2011 11:59:15] mods/scripts/pet_login.lua:onLogin

[29/06/2011 11:59:15] Description:

[29/06/2011 11:59:15] mods/scripts/pet_login.lua:7: attempt to index global 'aps_storages' (a nil value)

[29/06/2011 11:59:15] stack traceback:

[29/06/2011 11:59:15] mods/scripts/pet_login.lua:7: in function <mods/scripts/pet_login.lua:1>


[29/06/2011 11:59:15] [Error - CreatureScript Interface]

[29/06/2011 11:59:15] mods/scripts/pet_logout.lua:onLogout

[29/06/2011 11:59:15] Description:

[29/06/2011 11:59:15] mods/scripts/pet_logout.lua:2: attempt to call global 'getPlayerPet' (a nil value)

[29/06/2011 11:59:15] stack traceback:

[29/06/2011 11:59:15] mods/scripts/pet_logout.lua:2: in function <mods/scripts/pet_logout.lua:1>

[29/06/2011 11:59:15] Ozzy has logged out.



Oque eu fasso ?

Alguém pode me ajudar a adaptar esse sistemas para tfs 3777 estou esses erros a cima e mais alguns .

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