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shop.lua que entrega items ao depot

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tive uma ideia e queria muito esse script até recompenso quem fizer pra mim, o player compra item no shop e chega no depot, dentro de uma parcel ou só o item mesmo


alguem me ajuda ?



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Verei pra você, pois achei interessante, já edito aqui.


Vamos ver se daremos sorte.




Com o script do Shop original funcionando, apenas substitua o interior do mesmo, ou seja, delete tudo dentro do "shop.lua" e coloque este dentro:


-- ### CONFIG ###
-- message send to player by script "type" (types you can check in "global.lua")
-- time (in seconds) between connections to SQL database by shop script
SQL_interval = 30
-- ### END OF CONFIG ###
function onThink(interval, lastExecution)

local worldname = "NOME DO MUNDO"  ----- CONFIGURE AQUI

local result_plr = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM z_ots_comunication WHERE `type` = 'login';")
if(result_plr:getID() ~= -1) then
while(true) do
id = tonumber(result_plr:getDataInt("id"))
action = tostring(result_plr:getDataString("action"))
delete = tonumber(result_plr:getDataInt("delete_it"))
cid = getCreatureByName(tostring(result_plr:getDataString("name")))
if isPlayer(cid) == TRUE then
local itemtogive_id = tonumber(result_plr:getDataInt("param1"))
local itemtogive_count = tonumber(result_plr:getDataInt("param2"))
local container_id = tonumber(result_plr:getDataInt("param3"))
local container_count = tonumber(result_plr:getDataInt("param4"))
local add_item_type = tostring(result_plr:getDataString("param5"))
local add_item_name = tostring(result_plr:getDataString("param6"))
local received_item = 0
local full_weight = 0
if add_item_type == 'container' then
container_weight = getItemWeightById(container_id, 1)
if isItemRune(itemtogive_id) == TRUE then
items_weight = container_count * getItemWeightById(itemtogive_id, 1)
items_weight = container_count * getItemWeightById(itemtogive_id, itemtogive_count)
full_weight = items_weight + container_weight
full_weight = getItemWeightById(itemtogive_id, itemtogive_count)
if isItemRune(itemtogive_id) == TRUE then
full_weight = getItemWeightById(itemtogive_id, 1)
full_weight = getItemWeightById(itemtogive_id, itemtogive_count)
local free_cap = getPlayerFreeCap(cid)
if full_weight <= free_cap then
if add_item_type == 'container' then
local new_container = doCreateItemEx(container_id, 1)
local iter = 0
while iter ~= container_count do
doAddContainerItem(new_container, itemtogive_id, itemtogive_count)
iter = iter + 1
received_item = doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, new_container)
local new_item = doCreateItemEx(itemtogive_id, itemtogive_count)
received_item = doPlayerSendMailByName(getCreatureName(cid), new_item, getPlayerTown(cid), worldname)
if received_item == RETURNVALUE_NOERROR then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, SHOP_MSG_TYPE, 'You received '.. add_item_name ..' from Childs Play Shopping.')
db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `z_ots_comunication` WHERE `id` = " .. id .. ";")
db.executeQuery("UPDATE `z_shop_history_item` SET `trans_state`='realized', `trans_real`=" .. os.time() .. " WHERE id = " .. id .. ";")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, SHOP_MSG_TYPE, '>> '.. add_item_name ..' << from OTS shop is waiting for you. Please make place for this item in your backpack/hands and wait about '.. SQL_interval ..' seconds to get it.')
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, SHOP_MSG_TYPE, '>> '.. add_item_name ..' << from OTS shop is waiting for you. It weight is '.. full_weight ..' oz., you have only '.. free_cap ..' oz. free capacity. Put some items in depot and wait about '.. SQL_interval ..' seconds to get it.')
if not(result_plr:next()) then
return TRUE

Você só precisa configurar esta parte.

local worldname = "NOME DO MUNDO"  ----- CONFIGURE AQUI

Colocando o nome do mundo que está registrado no config.lua do seu OTServ.


Teste e poste o resultado.

Boa sorte.

Editado por Adriano SwaTT (veja o histórico de edições)

Gosta do meu trabalho?

Curta e siga a página do meu projeto de 2016 e 2017 (Lab Z Games) que trará vários servidores OTServs.


Adriano Swatt'


Para ver meus tutoriais acesse meu perfil.



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então eu uso a tfs 1.0 para windows xp, dei reload e nao funfou e nem deu erro mais nao aparece nada, vou esperar o server save e te aviso

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  • 1 month later...

Faça assim, poste seu script já editado aqui pra eu ver como configurou.

Gosta do meu trabalho?

Curta e siga a página do meu projeto de 2016 e 2017 (Lab Z Games) que trará vários servidores OTServs.


Adriano Swatt'


Para ver meus tutoriais acesse meu perfil.



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-- ### CONFIG ###
-- message send to player by script "type" (types you can check in "global.lua")
-- time (in seconds) between connections to SQL database by shop script
SQL_interval = 30
-- ### END OF CONFIG ###
function onThink(interval, lastExecution)
local worldname = "Thera"  ----- CONFIGURE AQUI
local result_plr = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM z_ots_comunication WHERE `type` = 'login';")
if(result_plr:getID() ~= -1) then
while(true) do
id = tonumber(result_plr:getDataInt("id"))
action = tostring(result_plr:getDataString("action"))
delete = tonumber(result_plr:getDataInt("delete_it"))
cid = getCreatureByName(tostring(result_plr:getDataString("name")))
if isPlayer(cid) == TRUE then
local itemtogive_id = tonumber(result_plr:getDataInt("param1"))
local itemtogive_count = tonumber(result_plr:getDataInt("param2"))
local container_id = tonumber(result_plr:getDataInt("param3"))
local container_count = tonumber(result_plr:getDataInt("param4"))
local add_item_type = tostring(result_plr:getDataString("param5"))
local add_item_name = tostring(result_plr:getDataString("param6"))
local received_item = 0
local full_weight = 0
if add_item_type == 'container' then
container_weight = getItemWeightById(container_id, 1)
if isItemRune(itemtogive_id) == TRUE then
items_weight = container_count * getItemWeightById(itemtogive_id, 1)
items_weight = container_count * getItemWeightById(itemtogive_id, itemtogive_count)
full_weight = items_weight + container_weight
full_weight = getItemWeightById(itemtogive_id, itemtogive_count)
if isItemRune(itemtogive_id) == TRUE then
full_weight = getItemWeightById(itemtogive_id, 1)
full_weight = getItemWeightById(itemtogive_id, itemtogive_count)
local free_cap = getPlayerFreeCap(cid)
if full_weight <= free_cap then
if add_item_type == 'container' then
local new_container = doCreateItemEx(container_id, 1)
local iter = 0
while iter ~= container_count do
doAddContainerItem(new_container, itemtogive_id, itemtogive_count)
iter = iter + 1
received_item = doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, new_container)
local new_item = doCreateItemEx(itemtogive_id, itemtogive_count)
received_item = doPlayerSendMailByName(getCreatureName(cid), new_item, getPlayerTown(cid), worldname)
if received_item == RETURNVALUE_NOERROR then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, SHOP_MSG_TYPE, 'You received '.. add_item_name ..' from Childs Play Shopping.')
db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `z_ots_comunication` WHERE `id` = " .. id .. ";")
db.executeQuery("UPDATE `z_shop_history_item` SET `trans_state`='realized', `trans_real`=" .. os.time() .. " WHERE id = " .. id .. ";")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, SHOP_MSG_TYPE, '>> '.. add_item_name ..' << from OTS shop is waiting for you. Please make place for this item in your backpack/hands and wait about '.. SQL_interval ..' seconds to get it.')
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, SHOP_MSG_TYPE, '>> '.. add_item_name ..' << from OTS shop is waiting for you. It weight is '.. full_weight ..' oz., you have only '.. free_cap ..' oz. free capacity. Put some items in depot and wait about '.. SQL_interval ..' seconds to get it.')
if not(result_plr:next()) then
return TRUE
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O nome do mundo é só "Thera"?

Quando loga na account aparece o nome do personagem e na frente (Thera)?

Gosta do meu trabalho?

Curta e siga a página do meu projeto de 2016 e 2017 (Lab Z Games) que trará vários servidores OTServs.


Adriano Swatt'


Para ver meus tutoriais acesse meu perfil.



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  • 3 years later...

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