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[Duvidas] Explicar Este NPC

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Ola bom dia pessoal, achei uma distro importante, e gostaria de tirar algumas duvidas.

Alguem me explica este NPC

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<npc name="Ruby" floorchange="0" walkinterval="4000"  script="ruby.lua">
	<health now="150" max="150"/>
	<look type="133" head="20" body="120" legs="75" feet="13"/>
	<interaction range="3" idletimeout="30">
		<interact keywords="hi" focus="1">
			<!--These are the keywords will trigger this interaction-->

				<action name="script">
					if(getPlayerSex(cid)) == 0 then
						selfSay("Welcome on board, Madam " .. getCreatureName(cid) .. ".", cid)
						selfSay("Welcome on board, Sir " .. getCreatureName(cid) .. ".", cid)

		<interact keywords="bye" focus="0">
			<response text="Good bye. Recommend us, if you were satisfied with our service.">
				<action name="script">
		If the event onBusy exists, the npc will make a queue like Tibia, if the event is removed
		the npc will be able to talk to all customers at the same time without problems.

		<interact event="onBusy">
			<response text="One moment please, |NAME|.">
				<action name="addqueue" value="|PLAYER|"/>

		<!--This event triggers if the player goes to far away from the npc/logout/idle timeout-->
		<interact event="onPlayerLeave" focus="0">
			<response text="Good bye. Recommend us, if you were satisfied with our service."/>

		<!---Example of calling a script function, check ruby.lua-->
		<interact focus="1">
			<!--These are the keywords will trigger this interaction-->

			<response function="onSayCurse">
				<action name="idle" value="1"/>
				<action name="scriptparam" value="|PLAYER|"/>
				<action name="scriptparam" value="|TEXT|"/>

		<interact focus="0">
			<!--These are the keywords will trigger this interaction-->

			<response function="onSayCurse">
				<action name="idle" value="1"/>
				<action name="scriptparam" value="|PLAYER|"/>
				<action name="scriptparam" value="|TEXT|"/>

		<interact keywords="edron">
			<response text="Do you want a passage to Edron for |PRICE| gold?">
				<action name="topic" value="1"/>
				<action name="price" value="200"/>
		<interact topic="1" keywords="yes">
			<response param="pzblock" text="First get rid of those blood stains! You are not going to ruin my vehicle!"/>
			<response param="lowmoney" text="You don't have enough money."/>
			<response text="Have a nice trip!">
				<action name="idle" value="1"/>
				<action name="takemoney" value="|PRICE|"/>
				<action name="teleport" value="154;54;7"/>
				<action name="effect" value="teleport"/>

		<!-- Example of another way to do it, instead of using topic variable-->
		<interact keywords="thais">
			<response text="Do you want a passage to Thais for |PRICE| gold?">
				<action name="price" value="200"/>

				<interact keywords="yes">
					<response param="pzblock" text="First get rid of those blood stains! You are not going to ruin my vehicle!"/>
					<response param="lowmoney" text="You don't have enough money."/>
					<response text="Have a nice trip!">
						<action name="idle" value="1"/>
						<action name="takemoney" value="|PRICE|"/>
						<action name="effect" value="teleport"/>
						<action name="teleport" value="120;120;7"/>

				<!-- This response is being used when a player says something else than 'yes' -->
				<interact keywords="|*|">
					<response text="Maybe some other time."/>


		<!--Example of using storage values, storageComp can be less/lessorequal/equal/greater/greaterorequal-->
		<!--In this example it checks if the storage value of 5500 is less than 0-->
		<!--Another way to write it would be storageValue="-1" storageComp="equal"-->
		<!--Basically we check if the storage id of 5500 is -1, ie. not having any value yet.-->
		<interact keywords="secret" storageId="5500" storageValue="0" storageComp="less">
			<response text="So you want to know my secret?">
				<interact keywords="yes">
					<response text="The secret im not really a captain, im just an example npc!">
						<action name="storage" key="5500"  value="1"/>

		<interact keywords="secret" storageId="5500" storageValue="1" storageComp="equal">
			<response text="You already know my secret, now leave me alone!">
				<action name="idle" value="1"/>
		<!-->End of example of using storage value-->

		<!-- Sell item(s) interaction, see merchant glut with an example of an npc with list items-->
		<interact keywords="sell;|AMOUNT|;brass;helmet">
			<response text="Do you want to sell |AMOUNT| brass helmet for |PRICE| gold?">
				<action name="topic" value="2"/>
				<action name="item" value="2460"/>
				<action name="price" value="200"/>
				<action name="amount" value="|AMOUNT|"/>
		<interact keywords="sell;|AMOUNT|;brass;legs">
			<response text="Do you want to sell |AMOUNT| brass legs for |PRICE| gold?">
				<action name="topic" value="2"/>
				<action name="item" value="2468"/>
				<action name="price" value="400"/>
				<action name="amount" value="|AMOUNT|"/>

		<interact topic="2" keywords="yes">
			<response param="noamount" text="Sorry you do not have one."/>
			<response param="lowamount" text="Sorry, you do not have so many."/>
			<response text="Ok. Here is your money.">
				<action name="sell" value="|PRICE|"/>
		<!-- End of sell item(s) interaction-->

		<!-- Buy item(s) interaction, see merchant glut for a real seller/buyer npc-->
		<interact keywords="buy;|AMOUNT|;brass;helmet">
			<response text="Do you want to buy |AMOUNT| brass helmet for |PRICE| gold?">
				<action name="topic" value="3"/>
				<action name="item" value="2460"/>
				<action name="price" value="200"/>
				<action name="amount" value="|AMOUNT|"/>

		<interact topic="3" keywords="yes">
			<response param="lowmoney" text="Come back when you have the money!"/>
			<response text="Here you are.">
				<action name="buy" value="|PRICE|"/>
		<!-- End of buy item(s) interaction-->

Oque ele faz, como funciona, e se eh muito complicado achar e manusear scripts para esta distro


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