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[Error-CreatureScript Interface] data/lib

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Pessoal, to tentando colocar um bixo novo no meu ot mas da esse erro:



1/2015 01:52:36] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] 

[22/01/2015 01:52:36] In a timer event called from: 
[22/01/2015 01:52:36] data/creaturescripts/scripts/spawn.lua:onSpawn
[22/01/2015 01:52:36] Description: 
[22/01/2015 01:52:36] data/lib/level system.lua:590: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[22/01/2015 01:52:36] stack traceback:
[22/01/2015 01:52:36] data/lib/level system.lua:590: in function 'setWildPokemonLevel'
[22/01/2015 01:52:36] data/creaturescripts/scripts/spawn.lua:8: in function <data/creaturescripts/scripts/spawn.lua:5>




Se caso alguem possa arrumar o codigo e me disser qual é o problema e puder me explicar o erro por favor.


OBS:Pretendo criar mais bixos, se me explicar o erro ai vou poder arrumar os outros sem problema.





local shinys = {""

 local raros = {""}
local function doPokemonRegisterLevel(cid)
 if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
 if getWildPokemonLevel(cid) == -1 then
local function doSetRandomGender(cid)
 if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
 local gender = 0
 local name = getCreatureName(cid)
 if not newpokedex[name] then return true end
 local rate = newpokedex[name].gender
 if rate == 0 then
 gender = 3
 elseif rate == 1000 then
 gender = 4
 elseif rate == -1 then
 gender = 0
 elseif math.random(1, 1000) <= rate then
 gender = 4
 gender = 3
 doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, gender)
local function doShiny(cid)
 if isCreature(cid) then
 if isSummon(cid) then return true end
 if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 74469) >= 1 then return true end
 if isNpcSummon(cid) then return true end
 if isInArray(shinys, getCreatureName(cid)) then
 transform = math.random(6, 100) --6% chance 
elseif isInArray(raros, getCreatureName(cid)) then
 transform = math.random(1, 100) --1% chance 
elseif not isInArray(raros, getCreatureName(cid)) and not isInArray(shinys, getCreatureName(cid)) then
 return true
if transform == 10 then
 doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 18)
 local shi = doCreateMonster("Shiny ".. getCreatureName(cid) .."", getThingPos(cid))
 setPlayerStorageValue(shi, 74469, 1)
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 74469, 1)
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 74469, 1)
 return true
function onSpawn(cid)
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "GeneralConfiguration")
 registerCreatureEvent(cid, "DirectionSystem")
 registerCreatureEvent(cid, "CastSystem")
if isSummon(cid) then
 registerCreatureEvent(cid, "SummonDeath")
 return true
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "Experience")
addEvent(doPokemonRegisterLevel, 5, cid)
 addEvent(doSetRandomGender, 5, cid)
 addEvent(doShiny, 10, cid)
return true




Level System.lua:



function getPokemonStatus(name, multiplier)

 local a = pokes[name]
 local m = 1
 if not a then return false end
 if not a.offense then return false end
 if multiplier then m = multiplier end
 local ret = {} = a.offense * m
 ret.offense =
ret.def = a.defense * m
 ret.defense = ret.def
ret.agi = a.agility * m
 ret.agility = ret.agi
ret.spatk = a.specialattack * m
 ret.specialattack = ret.spatk
ret.vit = a.vitality * m
 ret.vitality = ret.vit
 return ret
function getPokemonXMLOutfit(name)
 local a = "data/monster/pokes/"".xml"
 local b =, "a+")
 local c = b:read("*all")
 local d, e = c:find('look type="(.-)"')
 c = string.sub(c, d + 11, e - 1)
 return tonumber
function doEvolutionOutfit(cid, oldout, outfit)
 if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
 if getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == oldout then
 doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = outfit}, -1)
 doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = oldout}, -1)
function doStartEvolution(cid, evolution, seconds)
 if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
 local a = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1007)
 local b = getCreatureHealth(cid) / getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)
 local d = getThingPos(cid)
 local e = getCreatureMaster(cid)
 if getHappinessRate(cid) < 1 then return true end
 local f = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType
 local g = getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(e, 8).uid, "nick") or getCreatureName(cid)
 local h = getPokemonXMLOutfit(evolution)
 doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(e, 8).uid, "hp", b)
 doCreatureSay(e, "What? My "..g.." is DigiEvolving!", TALKTYPE_SAY)
 doSummonMonster(e, "Evolution")
 doReturnPokemon(e, cid, getPlayerSlotItem(e, 8), 0, true)
 local evo = getCreatureSummons(e)[1]
 doEvolutionOutfit(evo, h, f)
 doCreatureSetHideHealth(evo, true)
 doCreatureSetLookDir(evo, 2)
 setPlayerStorageValue(evo, 1007, g)
 doTeleportThing(evo, d, false)
 addEvent(sendSSJEffect, 250, evo)
 doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(evo), "DIGIEVOLUTION", COLOR_GRASS)
 doSendEvolutionEffect(evo, getThingPos(evo), evolution, 20, false, false, f, h)
function doSendEvolutionEffect(cid, pos, evolution, turn, ssj, evolve, f, h)
 if not isCreature(cid) then
 doSendAnimatedText(pos, "CANCEL", 215)
 return true end
 if evolve then
 doEvolvePokemon(getCreatureMaster(cid), {uid = cid}, evolution, 0, 0)
 return true
 doSendMagicEffect(pos, 18)
 if ssj then
 doEvolutionOutfit(cid, f, h)
 addEvent(doSendEvolutionEffect, math.pow(1900, turn/20), cid, getThingPos(cid), evolution, turn - 1, turn == 19, turn == 2, f, h)
function sendSSJEffect(cid)
 if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
 local pos1 = getThingPos(cid)
 local pos2 = getThingPos(cid)
 pos2.x = pos2.x + math.random(-1, 1)
 pos2.y = pos2.y - math.random(1, 2)
 doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, pos2, 37)
 addEvent(sendSSJEffect, 45, cid)
function sendFinishEvolutionEffect(cid, alternate)
 if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
 local pos1 = getThingPos(cid)
if alternate then
 local pos = {
 [1] = {-2, 0},
 [2] = {-1, -1},
 [3] = {0, -2},
 [4] = {1, -1},
 [5] = {2, 0},
 [6] = {1, 1},
 [7] = {0, 2},
 [8] = {-1, 1}}
 for a = 1, 8 do
 local pos2 = getThingPos(cid)
 pos2.x = pos2.x + pos[a][1]
 pos2.y = pos2.y + pos[a][2]
 local pos = getThingPos(cid)
 doSendDistanceShoot(pos2, pos, 37)
 addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 300, pos, pos2, 37)
 for a = 0, 3 do
 doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37)
 for a = 4, 7 do
 addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 600, pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37)
function doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, stone1, stone2)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
if not pokes[theevo] or not pokes[theevo].offense then
 doReturnPokemon(cid, item2.uid, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8), pokeballs[getPokeballType(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid)].effect, false, true)
 return true
local owner = getCreatureMaster(item2.uid)
 local pokeball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8)
 local description = "Contains a "..theevo.."."
 local pct = getCreatureHealth(item2.uid) / getCreatureMaxHealth(item2.uid)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "hp", pct)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "poke", theevo)
 doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "description", "Contains a "..theevo..".")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congratulations! Your "..getPokeName(item2.uid).." evolved into a "..theevo.."!")
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item2.uid), 18)
 doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 7).uid, fotos[theevo])
 doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 173)
local oldpos = getThingPos(item2.uid)
 local oldlod = getCreatureLookDir(item2.uid)
 local oldlvl = getPokemonLevel(item2.uid)
doSummonMonster(cid, theevo)
 local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]
doTeleportThing(pk, oldpos, false)
 doCreatureSetLookDir(pk, oldlod)
sendFinishEvolutionEffect(pk, true)
 addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 550, pk, true)
 addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 1050, pk)
doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone1, 1)
 doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone2, 1)
doAddPokemonInOwnList(cid, theevo)
local status = getPokemonStatus(getCreatureName(pk))
local off = * 7.5
 local def = status.def * 7.5
 local agi = status.agi * 7.5
 local spatk = status.spatk * 7.5
 local vit = status.vit * 7
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "offense", getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "offense") + off)
 doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "defense", getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "defense") + def)
 doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "speed", getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "speed") + agi)
 doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "specialattack", getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "specialattack") + spatk)
 doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "vitality", getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "vitality") + vit)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "DigiEvolution bonus: • Offense: +"..doMathDecimal(off).." • Defense: +"..doMathDecimal(def).." • Spc. Atk: +"..doMathDecimal(spatk).." • Agility: +"..doMathDecimal(agi).." • Vitality: +"..doMathDecimal(vit).."")
local happy = getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy")
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", happy + happyGainedOnEvolution)
if happy + happyGainedOnEvolution > 255 then
 doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", 255)
adjustStatus(pk, pokeball.uid, true, false)
if useKpdoDlls then
function givePokemonExp(cid, item, expe, pct, rarecandy)
if expe <= 0 or not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local leveltable = getPokemonExperienceTable(getPokeballName(item.uid, true))
if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "exp") + expe > leveltable[300] then
 givePokemonExp(cid, item, leveltable[300] - getItemAttribute(item.uid, "exp"))
 return true
doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "exp", getItemAttribute(item.uid, "exp") + expe)
 doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "happy", getItemAttribute(item.uid, "happy") + 1)
 doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "nextlevelexp", getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nextlevelexp") - expe)
if pct then
 doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item.uid).." has received "..expe.." experience points ("..pct.."%).")
 if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nextlevelexp") > 0 then
 doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item.uid).." ["..getItemAttribute(item.uid, "level").."] has received "..expe.." experience points ("..getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nextlevelexp").." to next level).")
 doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item.uid).." ["..getItemAttribute(item.uid, "level").."] has received "..expe.." experience points and has leveled up!")
if isBeingUsed(item.itemid) then
 doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), expe, 215)
if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nextlevelexp") <= 0 then
 local summon = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]
if not isCreature(summon) then return true end
 doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(summon), "Level up!", 215)
adjustPokemonLevel(item.uid, cid, item.itemid)
function givePokemonExpInBp(cid, item, expe, ballid, pct, hidemessage)
if expe <= 0 or not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local leveltable = getPokemonExperienceTable(getPokeballName(item, true))
if getItemAttribute(item, "exp") + expe > leveltable[300] then
 givePokemonExpInBp(cid, item, leveltable[300] - getItemAttribute(item, "exp"), ballid)
 return true
doItemSetAttribute(item, "exp", getItemAttribute(item, "exp") + expe)
 doItemSetAttribute(item, "happy", getItemAttribute(item, "happy") + 1)
 doItemSetAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp", getItemAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp") - expe)
if not hidemessage then
 if pct then
 doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item).." has received "..expe.." experience points ("..pct.."%).")
 if getItemAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp") > 0 then
 doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item).." ["..getItemAttribute(item, "level").."] has received "..expe.." experience points inside his pokeball ("..getItemAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp").." to next level).")
 doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item).." ["..getItemAttribute(item, "level").."] has received "..expe.." experience points and has leveled up inside his pokeball.")
 adjustPokemonLevel(item, cid, ballid)
function doMathDecimal(number, casas)
if math.floor(number) == number then return number end
local c = casas and casas + 1 or 3
for a = 0, 10 do
 if math.floor(number) < math.pow(10, a) then
 local str = string.sub(""..number.."", 1, a + c)
 return tonumber(str)
return number
function adjustPokemonLevel(item, cid, id, rarecandy)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local exp = getItemAttribute(item, "exp")
 local level = getItemAttribute(item, "level")
 local leveltable = getPokemonExperienceTable(getPokeballName(item, true))
 local newlevel = 1
for x = 1, 300 do
 if exp >= leveltable[x] and exp < leveltable[x+1] then
 newlevel = x
if newlevel <= 1 then return true end
local levelsup = (newlevel - level)
 local pokemon = getItemAttribute(item, "poke")
 local happy = getItemAttribute(item, "happy")
 local rate = happy / 100
 local newhappiness = happy
if happy >= 250 then
 newhappiness = 255
 elseif happy >= 230 then
 newhappiness = happy + 4
 elseif happy >= 210 then
 newhappiness = happy + 6
 elseif happy >= 180 then
 newhappiness = happy + 8
 elseif happy >= 140 then
 newhappiness = happy + 10
 elseif happy >= 110 then
 newhappiness = happy + 12
 newhappiness = happy + 15
local status = getPokemonStatus(pokemon)
local off = * rate * levelsup
 local def = status.def * rate * levelsup
 local agi = status.agi * rate * levelsup
 local spatk = status.spatk * rate * levelsup
 local vit = status.vit * rate * levelsup
doItemSetAttribute(item, "level", newlevel)
if not rarecandy then
 doItemSetAttribute(item, "happy", newhappiness)
local nextexp = leveltable[newlevel + 1] - exp
 doItemSetAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp", nextexp)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "offense", getItemAttribute(item, "offense") + off)
 doItemSetAttribute(item, "defense", getItemAttribute(item, "defense") + def)
 doItemSetAttribute(item, "speed", getItemAttribute(item, "speed") + agi)
 doItemSetAttribute(item, "specialattack", getItemAttribute(item, "specialattack") + spatk)
 doItemSetAttribute(item, "vitality", getItemAttribute(item, "vitality") + vit)
if newlevel > getPlayerLevel(cid) + pokemonMaxLevelAbovePlayer then
 addEvent(doPlayerSendTextMessage, 30, cid, 18, "Warning: Your "..getPokeballName(item).."'s ["..newlevel.."] level is much higher than yours, so you will not be able to call him to battles.")
if isCreature(cid) and id >= 1 and isBeingUsed(id) then
 adjustStatus(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], item, false, true)
 doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "• Level: "..newlevel.." (+"..levelsup..") • Offense: +"..doMathDecimal(off).." • Defense: +"..doMathDecimal(def).." • Spc. Atk: +"..doMathDecimal(spatk).." • Agility: +"..doMathDecimal(agi).." • Vitality: +"..doMathDecimal(vit).."")
if happy < minHappyToEvolve then return true end
if pokemonsCanEvolveByLevel then
local summon = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]
local reqlevel = poevo[getCreatureName(summon)] and poevo[getCreatureName(summon)].level or -1
 local level = getItemAttribute(item, "level")
 local evolution = "none"
 local name = getCreatureName(summon)
if name == "Tyrogue" and level >= 20 then
 if getOffense(summon) == getDefense(summon) then
 evolution = "Hitmontop"
 elseif getOffense(summon) > getDefense(summon) then
 evolution = "Hitmonlee"
 evolution = "Hitmonchan"
 elseif name == "Koromon" then
 if happy >= maxHappyToEvolve then
 if isDay() then
 evolution = "Agumon"
 evolution = "Black Agumon"
 elseif name == "Slowpoke" and level >= 28 then
 evolution = "Slowbro"
 elseif name == "Poliwhirl" and level >= 36 then
 evolution = "Poliwrath"
 elseif reqlevel > 4 and level >= reqlevel then
 evolution = poevo[getCreatureName(summon)].evolution
 elseif reqlevel == 2 and happy >= maxHappyToEvolve then
 evolution = poevo[getCreatureName(summon)] and poevo[getCreatureName(summon)].evolution or "none"
if evolution ~= "none" then
 doStartEvolution(summon, evolution, 4)
function adjustStatus(pk, item, health, vite, conditions)
if not isCreature(pk) then return true end
local bonusoffense = getItemAttribute(item, boffense) or 0
 local bonusdefense = getItemAttribute(item, bdefense) or 0
 local bonusagility = getItemAttribute(item, bagility) or 0
 local bonussattack = getItemAttribute(item, bsattack) or 0
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1000, getItemAttribute(item, "level"))
 setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1001, getItemAttribute(item, "offense") + bonusoffense)
 setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1002, getItemAttribute(item, "defense") + bonusdefense)
 setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1003, getItemAttribute(item, "speed") + bonusagility)
 setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1005, getItemAttribute(item, "specialattack") + bonussattack)
local gender = getItemAttribute(item, "gender") and getItemAttribute(item, "gender") or 0
 doCreatureSetSkullType(pk, gender)
if vite == true then
 local pct = getCreatureHealth(pk) / getCreatureMaxHealth(pk)
 local vit = getItemAttribute(item, "vitality") - getPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004)
 setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) + ( vit * HPperVIT ))
 doCreatureAddHealth(pk, pct * vit * HPperVIT)
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004, getItemAttribute(item, "vitality"))
local nick = getItemAttribute(item, "poke")
if getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then
 nick = getItemAttribute(item, "nick")
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1007, nick)
local boostlevel = getItemAttribute(item, "boost") or 0
 local boostshow = hideBoost and "]" or " + "..boostlevel.."]"
 local lvlstr = ""
if showBoostSeparated then
 boostshow = hideBoost and "]" or "] [+"..boostlevel.."]"
if hideSummonsLevel then
 if not hideBoost then
 nick = nick.." [+"..boostlevel.."]"
 nick = nick.." ["..getItemAttribute(item, "level")..""..boostshow..""
doCreatureSetNick(pk, nick)
if not getItemAttribute(item, "happy") then
 doItemSetAttribute(item, "happy", 120)
if not getItemAttribute(item, "hunger") then
 doItemSetAttribute(item, "hunger", 5)
local happy = getItemAttribute(item, "happy")
 if happy < 0 then
 happy = 0
 setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1008, happy)
local hunger = getItemAttribute(item, "hunger")
 setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1009, hunger)
if health == true then
 local mh = getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) + HPperVIT * getVitality(pk)
 local rd = 1 - (tonumber(getItemAttribute(item, "hp")))
 setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, mh)
 doCreatureAddHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk))
 doCreatureAddHealth(pk, -(getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) * rd))
if isSummon(pk) and conditions then
 local burn = getItemAttribute(item, "burn")
 if burn and burn >= 0 then
 addEvent(doAdvancedBurn, 5000, pk, pk, getItemAttribute(item, "burndmg"), burn - 1)
local poison = getItemAttribute(item, "poison")
 if poison and poison >= 0 then
 addEvent(doAdvancedPoison, 2500, pk, pk, getItemAttribute(item, "poisondmg"), poison - 1)
if getItemAttribute(item, "confuse") and getItemAttribute(item, "confuse") >= 1 then
 addEvent(doAdvancedConfuse, 1200, pk, getItemAttribute(item, "confuse"), getPlayerStorageValue(pk, 3891))
if getItemAttribute(item, "blind") and getItemAttribute(item, "blind") >= 1 then
 addEvent(doBlind, 300, pk, getItemAttribute(item, "blind"), getItemAttribute(item, "blindef"))
if getItemAttribute(item, "sleep") and getItemAttribute(item, "sleep") >= 1 then
 doSleep(pk, getItemAttribute(item, "sleep"))
return true
function setWildPokemonLevel(cid, optionalLevel, optionalStatus, optionalNick, optionalExtraExp)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local levelRange = 0
 local off = 0
 local def = 0
 local agi = 0
 local spatk = 0
 local vit = 0
 local this = getCreatureName(cid)
 local ee = 1
if optionalExtraExp then
 ee = optionalExtraExp
if optionalLevel and tonumber(optionalLevel) >= 1 then
 if optionalLevel <= 300 then
 levelRange = optionalLevel
 levelRange = 300
 elseif getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookHead and getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookBody and getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookHead <= getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookBody then
 levelRange = math.random(getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookHead, getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookBody)
 levelRange = math.random(20, 30)
local status = getPokemonStatus(this)
 if status then
 off =
 def = status.def
 agi = status.agi
 vit = status.vit
 spatk = status.spatk
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000, levelRange)
if optionalStatus and then
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001, optionalStatus.offense)
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002, optionalStatus.defense)
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003, optionalStatus.agility)
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004, optionalStatus.vitality)
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005, optionalStatus.specialattack)
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1011, optionalStatus.offense)
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1012, optionalStatus.defense)
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1013, optionalStatus.agility)
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1014, optionalStatus.vitality)
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1015, optionalStatus.specialattack)
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001, 5 + math.random(off * levelRange * 0.9, off * levelRange * 1.8))
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002, 5 + math.random(def * levelRange * 0.9, def * levelRange * 1.8))
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003, math.random(agi * levelRange * 0.9, agi * levelRange * 1.8))
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004, math.random(vit * levelRange * 0.9, vit * levelRange * 1.8))
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005, 5 + math.random(spatk * levelRange * 0.9, spatk * levelRange * 1.8))
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1011, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001))
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1012, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002))
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1013, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003))
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1014, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004))
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1015, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005))
setCreatureMaxHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) + getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004) * HPperVIT * vitReductionForWild)
 doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid))
if pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp then
 local exp = (50 + pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp) * baseExpRate + pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].vitality * levelRange * pokemonExpPerLevelRate
 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, exp * generalExpRate * ee)
local wildshow = wildBeforeNames and "Wild " or ""
 if optionalNick then
 if hideWildsLevel then
 doCreatureSetNick(cid, optionalNick)
 doCreatureSetNick(cid, optionalNick.." ["..getWildPokemonLevel(cid).."]")
 if hideWildsLevel then
 doCreatureSetNick(cid, ""..wildshow..""..getCreatureName(cid).."")
 doCreatureSetNick(cid, ""..wildshow..""..getCreatureName(cid).." ["..getWildPokemonLevel(cid).."]")
function getOffense(cid)
 if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 3894) >= 1 then
 return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001)) / 2
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001))
function getDefense(cid)
 if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 3894) >= 1 then
 return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002)) / 2
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002))
function getSpeed(cid)
 if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
 return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003))
function getVitality(cid)
 if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
 return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004))
function getSpecialAttack(cid)
 if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
 return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005))
function getHappiness(cid)
 if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
 return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1008))
function getSpecialDefense(cid)
 if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
 return getSpecialAttack(cid) * 0.85 + getDefense(cid) * 0.2
function getWildPokemonExp(cid)
 return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006)
function getWildPokemonLevel(cid)
 return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000)
function getLevel(cid)
 if isSummon(cid) then
 return getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8).uid, "level")
 return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000)
function getPokeName(cid)
 if not isSummon(cid) then return getCreatureName(cid) end
 if getCreatureName(cid) == "Evolution" then return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1007) end
 local item = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8)
 if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick") then
 return getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick")
 return getCreatureName(cid)
function getPokeballName(item, truename)
 if not truename and getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then
 return getItemAttribute(item, "nick")
 return getItemAttribute(item, "poke")
function getPokemonName(cid)
 return getCreatureName(cid)
function getPokemonLevel(cid)
 if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
 return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000)
function getPokemonGender(cid)
 return getCreatureSkullType(cid)


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se você adiciono 1 pokemon novo ele deve esta com algo errado ele esta com algum bug no jogo?

Meus Trabalhos
Tudo em Desenvolvimento mais att em breve
Estou parado
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Ele n tem lvl n tem nada, to aprendendo a mexer nisso ainda :P


Assim, com /s ele apareçe mas sem lvl sem nada, se eu dou LOOK nele da esse erro:




[22/01/2015 02:28:12] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] 

[22/01/2015 02:28:12] data/creaturescripts/scripts/look.lua:onLook
[22/01/2015 02:28:12] Description: 
[22/01/2015 02:28:12] (luaGetItemAttribute) Item not found
[22/01/2015 02:28:12] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] 
[22/01/2015 02:28:12] data/creaturescripts/scripts/look.lua:onLook
[22/01/2015 02:28:12] Description: 
[22/01/2015 02:28:12] (luaGetItemAttribute) Item not found
[22/01/2015 02:28:12] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] 
[22/01/2015 02:28:12] data/creaturescripts/scripts/look.lua:onLook
[22/01/2015 02:28:12] Description: 
[22/01/2015 02:28:12] (luaGetItemAttribute) Item not found
[22/01/2015 02:28:12] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] 
[22/01/2015 02:28:12] data/creaturescripts/scripts/look.lua:onLook
[22/01/2015 02:28:12] Description: 
[22/01/2015 02:28:12] data/creaturescripts/scripts/look.lua:124: attempt to compare nil with number
[22/01/2015 02:28:12] stack traceback:
[22/01/2015 02:28:12] data/creaturescripts/scripts/look.lua:124: in function <data/creaturescripts/scripts/look.lua:1>
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Siga o tutorial do link abaixo,garanto que não ira ver erros...


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Página no facebook:                                                                                     
Skype: fabinhodias01
"A almapermanece em suas criações" 

(Dou suporte apenas em tópicos..)

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Eu segui o passo a passo e deu um monte de erro :/

Estou Desesperado pra colocar meu novo pokemon, me ajuda ai por favor, agora ta dando erro em onSpawn, isNpcSummon,newpokedex,getWildPokemon.



EDIT: Vou ter que sair e so volto de noite por causa da faculdade, por favor me deixe mp quem possa me ajuda.

Editado por andreswmsoto (veja o histórico de edições)
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