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[pedido] scripting que brokeia held item em duel

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Óla galerinha do tk mais 1 vez venho perturba 1 pouco vocês espero que mim ajudem preciso muito desse scripting.


E o seguinte queria 1 scripting que quando o player entrasse duel  desativasse os helds itens dos pokemons porque ta tendo muita briga no meu servidor por conta disso ae resolvir pedir a ajuda de voçês .



outra coisa tou com 2 pequeno bug no duel system o primeiro e quando o player entra duel e desloga o char dele buga ele n pode colocar poker para fora e tal fala que ele ta duel e que n pode puxar pokemon nem por para fora o segundo e que se 2 player tipo vai para 1 lugar apertado e 1 player fica de fly ae o outro manda duel ai o que tava de fly desce e acc duel quando mata o pokémon do que tava de fly pode cata ele tipo ele fica como se fosse 1 pokémon selvagem.

outra coisa que eu ia esquecendo quando os players estão duel eles podem mata 1 ao outro ou seja  1 player pode mata o outro player.


Duel System.lua

storagesDuel = {52480, 52481, 52482, 52482, 52483, 52484, 52485, 6598754}

--[[ Lista das storages Duel!
52480 = sto de duelo e do modo de duel;
52481 = sto de pokes no duel;
52482 = sto do seu time;
52483 = sto do time adversario;
52484 = sto de aceitaçao de duel e do começo do duel;
52485 = sto do nome do 'invitador';
6598754 = sto do canAttackOther;

function beginDuel(cid, n)
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52482) == -1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52483) == -1 then
return true
local t1 = string.explode(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52482), ",")
local t2 = string.explode(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52483), ",")
local sto2, sto3 = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52482), getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52483)

if n == 0 then
for i = 1, #t1 do
local pid, sid = getPlayerByName(t1), getPlayerByName(t2)
if isCreature(pid) and getPlayerStorageValue(pid, 52480) >= 1 then
setPlayerStorageValue(pid, 6598754, 5)
setPlayerStorageValue(pid, 52482, sto2)
setPlayerStorageValue(pid, 52483, sto3)
setPlayerStorageValue(pid, 52484, 10)
if isCreature(sid) and getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 52480) >= 1 then
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 6598754, 10)
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 52482, sto2)
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 52483, sto3)
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 52484, 10)
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPosWithDebug(pid), "START", 215)
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPosWithDebug(sid), "START", 215)
return true
for i = 1, #t1 do
local pid, sid = getPlayerByName(t1), getPlayerByName(t2)
if isCreature(pid) and getPlayerStorageValue(pid, 52480) >= 1 then
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPosWithDebug(pid), (n == 6 and "" or ""..n.."!"), 215)
if isCreature(sid) and getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 52480) >= 1 then
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPosWithDebug(sid), (n == 6 and "" or ""..n.."!"), 215)
n = n-1
addEvent(beginDuel, 1000, cid, n)

function removeFromTableDuel(cid, value)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local t1 = string.explode(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52482), ",")
local t2 = string.explode(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52483), ",")

table.remove(t1, table.find(t1, value) or -1)
table.remove(t2, table.find(t2, value) or -1)
local str1, str2 = "", ""
for i = 1, 3 do
if t1 then str1 = str1..(t1 or "").."," end
if t2 then str2 = str2..(t2 or "").."," end
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52482, str1)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52483, str2)
return true

function isDuelingAgainst(cid, pid)
if not isCreature(cid) or not isCreature(pid) then return false end
local t1 = string.explode(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52482), ",")
local t2 = string.explode(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52483), ",")
local name1, name2 = getCreatureName(cid), getCreatureName(pid)
if table.find(t1, name1) ~= nil and table.find(t2, name2) ~= nil then
return true
elseif table.find(t2, name1) ~= nil and table.find(t1, name2) ~= nil then
return true
return false

function doEndDuel(cid, desisto)
if isCreature(cid) then
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52482) ~= -1 then
t1 = string.explode(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52482), ",")
t2 = string.explode(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52483), ",")

local invit = getPlayerByName(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52485))
if isCreature(invit) then
table1 = string.explode(getPlayerStorageValue(invit, 52482), ",")
table2 = string.explode(getPlayerStorageValue(invit, 52483), ",")

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52484) ~= 10 then
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52482) ~= -1 then
for a = 1, 3 do
local pid, sid = getPlayerByName(t1[a]), getPlayerByName(t2[a])
if isCreature(pid) then doCreatureSetSkullType(pid, 0) doRemoveCondition(pid, CONDITION_INFIGHT) end
if isCreature(sid) then doCreatureSetSkullType(sid, 0) doRemoveCondition(sid, CONDITION_INFIGHT) end
for i = 1, #storagesDuel do
if isCreature(pid) then setPlayerStorageValue(pid, storagesDuel, -1) end
if isCreature(sid) then setPlayerStorageValue(sid, storagesDuel, -1) end
for i = 1, #storagesDuel do
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storagesDuel, -1)
doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, 0)
doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_INFIGHT)
if table2 then
local numero = 0
for i = 1, #table2 do
local ppid = getPlayerByName(table2)
if not isCreature(ppid) or getPlayerStorageValue(ppid, 52480) ~= -1 then
numero = numero+1
if numero == 0 then doEndDuel(invit) sendMsgToPlayer(invit, 20, "The opponents are give up! Duel is canceled!") end
if desisto then doSendAnimatedText(getThingPosWithDebug(cid), "GIVE UP", COLOR_BLUE) end
return true

for a = 1, #t1 do
local pid, sid = getPlayerByName(t1[a]), getPlayerByName(t2[a])
removeFromTableDuel(pid, getCreatureName(cid))
removeFromTableDuel(sid, getCreatureName(cid))

local t3 = string.explode(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52482), ",")
local t4 = string.explode(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52483), ",")
if (#t3 == 0 and #t4 >= 1) or (#t4 == 0 and #t3 >= 1) then

for j = 1, (#t3 > 0 and #t3 or #t4) do
local winner = #t3 > 0 and getPlayerByName(t3[j]) or getPlayerByName(t4[j])
if isCreature(winner) then
addEvent(doSendAnimatedText, 500, getThingPosWithDebug(winner), "WIN", COLOR_ELECTRIC)
for i = 1, #storagesDuel do
setPlayerStorageValue(winner, storagesDuel, -1)
doCreatureSetSkullType(winner, 0)
doRemoveCondition(winner, CONDITION_INFIGHT)
addEvent(doSendAnimatedText, 500, getThingPosWithDebug(cid), "LOSE", COLOR_BURN)
for i = 1, #storagesDuel do
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storagesDuel, -1)
doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, 0)
doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_INFIGHT)

for i = 1, #storagesDuel do
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storagesDuel, -1)
doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, 0)
doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_INFIGHT)
if desisto then
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPosWithDebug(cid), "GIVE UP", COLOR_BLUE)
addEvent(doSendAnimatedText, 500, getThingPosWithDebug(cid), "LOSE", COLOR_BURN)

function checkDuel(cid)
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52484) ~= 10 then return true end
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52481) >= 1 then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52481, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52481)-1)
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPosWithDebug(cid), "POKE DOWN", 65)
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 52481) == 0 then



+Rep para todos que tentarem ajudar e melhor resposta para aquele que conseguir mim ajudar.


Editado por jjailton (veja o histórico de edições)
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