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olá amigos estou com um mod que dropa itens de monstros com atributos, problema e que o script da alguns erros ao decorrer do tempo alguém pode me ajudar ?



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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mod name="Random Item Stats" enabled="yes">
<config name="itemstats_conf"><![CDATA[
-- //
extra_loot_key = 12312454 --: optional storage for higher loot rate
vocation_base_attackspeed = getVocationInfo(1).attackSpeed --: used for attackSpeed stat
-- //
tiers, attr = {}, {}
tiers['rare'] = {
color = 66, -- color of 'RARE' text
extra = {0, 0},
attrNames = true, -- show attribute names instead of rare
chance = {
[1] = 5000,
[2] = 5000 -- chance for 2nd stat
tiers['epic'] = {
color = 35,
extra = {1, 2}, -- additional percent bonus
chance = {
[1] = 2000,
[2] = 25000
tiers['legendary'] = {
color = 149,
extra = {2, 4},
chance = {
[1] = 500,
[2] = 100000 -- 2 bonuses always
WAND = 0
--! attributes
attr['quick'] = {
attr = 'attackSpeed',
name = 'Attack Speed',
percent = {4, 8},
attr['fortified'] = {
attr = 'extraDefense',
base = 'defense',
name = 'Defense',
percent = {1, 5},
types = {MELEE, SHIELD}
attr['deadly'] = {
attr = 'extraAttack',
base = 'attack',
name = 'Attack',
types = {MELEE},
percent = {1, 5}
attr['strong'] = {
attr = 'armor',
name = 'Armor',
percent = {1, 6},
types = {ARMOR}
attr['hawkeye\'s'] = {
attr = 'hitChance',
name = 'Hit Chance',
percent = {5, 20},
types = {DISTANCE}
--[[ // not available without source edit
attr['farsight'] = {
attr = 'shootRange',
name = 'Shoot Range',
percent = {10, 20},
types = {DISTANCE}
attr['charged'] = {
attr = 'charges',
name = 'Charges',
percent = {30, 45},
types = {CHARGES}
attr['divine'] = {
attr = 'duration',
name = 'Duration',
percent = {35, 50},
--/ attributes
rate = getConfigInfo('rateLoot')
if( getConfigInfo('monsterLootMessage') ~= 0 )then
print('[Notice] Set monsterLootMessage = 0 to prevent duplicate loot messages')
<event type="kill" name="itemstats" event="script"><![CDATA[
function round(n, s)
return tonumber(('%.' .. (s or 0) .. 'f'):format(n))
function getContentDescription(uid, sep)
local ret, i, containers = '', 0, {}
while( i < getContainerSize(uid) )do
local v, s = getContainerItem(uid, i), ''
local k = getItemInfo(v.itemid) = getItemAttribute(v.uid, 'name') or
if( ~= '' )then
if( v.type > 1 and k.stackable and k.showCount )then
s = v.type .. ' ' .. k.plural
local article = getItemAttribute(v.uid, 'article') or k.article
s = (article == '' and '' or article .. ' ') ..
ret = ret .. (i == 0 and not sep and '' or ', ') .. s
if( isContainer(v.uid) and getContainerSize(v.uid) ~= 0 )then
table.insert(containers, v.uid)
ret = ret .. (i == 0 and not sep and '' or ', ') .. 'an item of type ' .. v.itemid .. ', please report it to gamemaster'
i = i + 1
for i = 1, #containers do
ret = ret .. getContentDescription(containers, true)
return ret
local function send(cid, corpse, monster)
if( isPlayer(cid) )then
local ret = corpse and isContainer(corpse) and getContentDescription(corpse)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'Loot of ' .. monster .. ': ' .. (ret ~= '' and ret or 'nothing'))
local party = getPlayerParty(cid)
if( party )then
for _, pid in ipairs(getPartyMembers(party)) do
doPlayerSendChannelMessage(pid, '', 'Loot of ' .. monster .. ': ' .. (ret ~= '' and ret or 'nothing'), TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, CHANNEL_PARTY)
local function createLoot(i, ext)
local item = type( == 'table' and[math.random(] or
local random = math.ceil(math.random(100000) / ext)
local tmpItem, f
if( random < i.chance )then
if i.subType == -1 then
f = getItemInfo(item)
tmpItem = doCreateItemEx(item,
i.subType ~= -1 and i.subType or
f.stackable and random % i.count + 1 or
f.charges ~= 0 and f.charges or
if( not tmpItem )then
if( i.actionId ~= -1 )then
doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'aid', i.actionId)
if( i.uniqueId ~= -1 )then
doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'uid', i.uniqueId)
if( i.text ~= '' )then
doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'text', i.text)
local ret, done
for k, v in pairs(tiers) do
local cur, used = {}, {}
for i = 1, #v.chance do
if( math.random(100000) <= v.chance )then
if( f )then
f = getItemInfo(item)
if( not f.stackable )then
for m, n in pairs(attr) do
if( not table.find(used, m) and
( table.find(n.types, MELEE) and table.find({WEAPON_SWORD, WEAPON_CLUB, WEAPON_AXE}, f.weaponType) ) or
( table.find(n.types, DISTANCE) and f.weaponType == WEAPON_DIST and f.ammoType ~= 0 ) or
( table.find(n.types, ARMOR) and f.armor ~= 0 and f.wieldPosition ~= CONST_SLOT_NECKLACE ) or
( table.find(n.types, SHIELD) and f.defense ~= 0 and f.weaponType == WEAPON_SHIELD ) or
( table.find(n.types, WAND) and f.weaponType == WEAPON_WAND ) or
( table.find(n.types, DURATION_RING) and f.wieldPosition == CONST_SLOT_RING and f.transformEquipTo ~= 0 ) or
( table.find(n.types, CHARGES) and table.find({CONST_SLOT_RING, CONST_SLOT_NECKLACE}, f.wieldPosition) and f.charges ~= 0 )
) )then
table.insert(cur, m)
if( #cur ~= 0 )then
local n = cur[math.random(#cur)]
table.insert(used, n)
n = attr[n]
local percent, new, tmp = math.random(n.percent[1] + (v.extra[1] or 0), n.percent[2] + (v.extra[2] or 0))
-- hacks
if( n.attr == 'duration' )then
tmp = getItemInfo(f.transformEquipTo)
if tmp.transformDeEquipTo ~= item then
new = round( tmp.decayTime * (1 + percent / 100) * 1000 )
elseif( n.attr == 'attackSpeed' )then
new = round( vocation_base_attackspeed / (1 + percent / 100) )
elseif( n.attr == 'hitChance' ) then
new = round(
f.hitChance == -1 and
f.hitChance * (1 + percent / 100)
new = round(
n.base and
f[n['attr']] + f[n['base']] * (percent / 100)
f[n['attr']] * (1 + percent / 100)
if( new == f[n[n.base and 'base' or 'attr']] )then -- no improvement
doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, n.attr:lower(), new)
local name = getItemAttribute(tmpItem, 'name')
if( v.attrNames or not name )then
local name = (v.attrNames and used[#used] or k) .. ' ' .. (name or
doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'name', name)
if( f.article ~= '' )then
local article = getArticle(name)
if( article ~= f.article )then
doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'article', article)
local desc = getItemAttribute(tmpItem, 'description') or f.description
doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'description', '[' .. .. ': +' .. percent .. '%]' .. (desc == '' and '' or '\n' .. desc))
ret = k
cur = {}
if( #v.chance == i )then
done = true
done = i ~= 1
if( done )then
return tmpItem, ret
local function createChildLoot(parent, i, ext, pos)
if( not i or #i == 0 )then
return true
local size, cap = 0, getContainerCap(parent)
for k = 1, #i do
if( size == cap )then
local tmp, ret = createLoot(i[k], ext)
if( tmp )then
if( isContainer(tmp) )then
if( createChildLoot(tmp, i[k].child, ext, pos) )then
doAddContainerItemEx(parent, tmp)
size = size + 1
if( ret )then
doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN)
doSendAnimatedText(pos, ret:upper(), tiers[ret].color)
doAddContainerItemEx(parent, tmp)
size = size + 1
return size > 0
local function dropLoot(pos, v, ext, master, cid, target)
local corpse
if( not master or master == target )then -- 0.3/4
corpse = getTileItemById(pos, v.lookCorpse).uid
if( isContainer(corpse) )then
for i = 1, getContainerSize(corpse) do
doRemoveItem(getContainerItem(corpse, 0).uid)
local size, cap = 0, getContainerCap(corpse)
for i = 1, #v.loot do
if( size == cap )then
local tmp, ret = createLoot(v.loot, ext)
if( tmp )then
if( isContainer(tmp) )then
if( createChildLoot(tmp, v.loot.child, ext, pos) )then
doAddContainerItemEx(corpse, tmp)
size = size + 1
if( ret )then
doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Item raro!")
--doSendAnimatedText(pos, ret:upper(), tiers[ret].color)
doAddContainerItemEx(corpse, tmp)
size = size + 1
send(cid, corpse, v.description)
function onKill(cid, target, damage, flags)
if( (damage == true or, 1) == 1) and isMonster(target) )then -- 0.3/4
local creature = getCreatureName(target)
if(creature ~= nil and creature ~= '') then
local v = getMonsterInfo(creature)
if( v and v.lookCorpse ~= 0 )then
local s = getCreatureStorage(cid, extra_loot_key)
addEvent(dropLoot, 0, getThingPos(target), v, s == -1 and rate or s, getCreatureMaster(target), cid, target)
return true
<event type="login" name="itemstats_login" event="buffer"><![CDATA[
registerCreatureEvent(cid, 'itemstats')

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  • 1 month later...

erro e seguinte

[8/4/2015 0:42:55] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] 
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] In a timer event called from: 
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] domodlib('itemstats_conf')
[8/4/2015 0:42:55]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] function round(n, s)
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 	return tonumber(('%.' .. (s or 0) .. 'f'):format(n))
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] end
[8/4/2015 0:42:55]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] function getContentDescription(uid, sep)
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 	local ret, i, containers = '', 0, {}
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 	while( i < getContainerSize(uid) )do
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 		local v, s = getContainerItem(uid, i), ''
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 		local k = getItemInfo(v.itemid)
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] = getItemAttribute(v.uid, 'name') or
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 		if( ~= '' )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 			if( v.type > 1 and k.stackable and k.showCount )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 				s = v.type .. ' ' .. k.plural
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 			else
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 				local article = getItemAttribute(v.uid, 'article') or k.article
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 				s = (article == '' and '' or article .. ' ') ..
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 			end
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 			ret = ret .. (i == 0 and not sep and '' or ', ') .. s
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 			if( isContainer(v.uid) and getContainerSize(v.uid) ~= 0 )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 				table.insert(containers, v.uid)
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 			end
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 		else
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 			ret = ret .. (i == 0 and not sep and '' or ', ') .. 'an item of type ' .. v.itemid .. ', please report it to gamemaster'
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 		end
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 		i = i + 1
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 	for i = 1, #containers do
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 		ret = ret .. getContentDescription(containers[i], true)
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 	return ret
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] end
[8/4/2015 0:42:55]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] local function send(cid, corpse, monster)
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 	if( isPlayer(cid) )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 		local ret = corpse and isContainer(corpse) and getContentDescription(corpse)
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 		doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'Loot of ' .. monster .. ': ' .. (ret ~= '' and ret or 'nothing'))
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 		local party = getPlayerParty(cid)
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 		if( party )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 			for _, pid in ipairs(getPartyMembers(party)) do
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 				doPlayerSendChannelMessage(pid, '', 'Loot of ' .. monster .. ': ' .. (ret ~= '' and ret or 'nothing'), TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, CHANNEL_PARTY)
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 			end
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 		end
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:42:55] end
[8/4/2015 0:42:56]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] local function createLoot(i, ext)
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 	local item = type( == 'table' and[math.random(] or
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 	local random = math.ceil(math.random(100000) / ext)
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 	local tmpItem, f
[8/4/2015 0:42:56]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 	if( random < i.chance )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 		if i.subType == -1 then
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 			f = getItemInfo(item)
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 		end
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 		tmpItem = doCreateItemEx(item,
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 			i.subType ~= -1 and i.subType or
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 			f.stackable and random % i.count + 1 or
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 			f.charges ~= 0 and f.charges or
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 			1
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 		)
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:42:56]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 	if( not tmpItem )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 		return
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:42:56]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 	if( i.actionId ~= -1 )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 		doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'aid', i.actionId)
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:42:56]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 	if( i.uniqueId ~= -1 )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 		doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'uid', i.uniqueId)
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:42:56]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 	if( i.text ~= '' )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 		doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'text', i.text)
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:42:56]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 	local ret, done
[8/4/2015 0:42:56]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 	for k, v in pairs(tiers) do
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 		local cur, used = {}, {}
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 		for i = 1, #v.chance do
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 			if( math.random(100000) <= v.chance[i] )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 				if( f )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 					f = getItemInfo(item)
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 				end
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 				if( not f.stackable )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 					for m, n in pairs(attr) do
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 						if( not table.find(used, m) and
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 						(
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 							( table.find(n.types, MELEE) and table.find({WEAPON_SWORD, WEAPON_CLUB, WEAPON_AXE}, f.weaponType) ) or
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 							( table.find(n.types, DISTANCE) and f.weaponType == WEAPON_DIST and f.ammoType ~= 0 ) or
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 							( table.find(n.types, ARMOR) and f.armor ~= 0 and f.wieldPosition ~= CONST_SLOT_NECKLACE ) or
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 							( table.find(n.types, SHIELD) and f.defense ~= 0 and f.weaponType == WEAPON_SHIELD ) or
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 							( table.find(n.types, WAND) and f.weaponType == WEAPON_WAND ) or
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 							( table.find(n.types, DURATION_RING) and f.wieldPosition == CONST_SLOT_RING and f.transformEquipTo ~= 0 ) or
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 							( table.find(n.types, CHARGES) and table.find({CONST_SLOT_RING, CONST_SLOT_NECKLACE}, f.wieldPosition) and f.charges ~= 0 )
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 						) )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 							table.insert(cur, m)
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 						end
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 					end
[8/4/2015 0:42:56]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 					if( #cur ~= 0 )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 						local n = cur[math.random(#cur)]
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 						table.insert(used, n)
[8/4/2015 0:42:56]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 						n = attr[n]
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 						local percent, new, tmp = math.random(n.percent[1] + (v.extra[1] or 0), n.percent[2] + (v.extra[2] or 0))
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 						-- hacks
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 						if( n.attr == 'duration' )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 							tmp = getItemInfo(f.transformEquipTo)
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 							if tmp.transformDeEquipTo ~= item then
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 								break
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 							end
[8/4/2015 0:42:56] 							new = round( tmp.decayTime * (1 + percent / 100) * 1000 )
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 						elseif( n.attr == 'attackSpeed' )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 							new = round( vocation_base_attackspeed / (1 + percent / 100) )
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 						elseif( n.attr == 'hitChance' ) then
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 							new = round(
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 								f.hitChance == -1 and
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 									percent
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 								or 
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 									f.hitChance * (1 + percent / 100)
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 							)
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 						else
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 							new = round(
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 								n.base and
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 									f[n['attr']] + f[n['base']] * (percent / 100)
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 								or
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 									f[n['attr']] * (1 + percent / 100)
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 							)
[8/4/2015 0:42:57]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 							if( new == f[n[n.base and 'base' or 'attr']] )then -- no improvement
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 								break
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 							end
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 						end
[8/4/2015 0:42:57]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 						doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, n.attr:lower(), new)
[8/4/2015 0:42:57]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 						local name = getItemAttribute(tmpItem, 'name')
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 						if( v.attrNames or not name )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 							local name = (v.attrNames and used[#used] or k) .. ' ' .. (name or
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 							doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'name', name)
[8/4/2015 0:42:57]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 							if( f.article ~= '' )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 								local article = getArticle(name)
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 								if( article ~= f.article )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 									doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'article', article)
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 								end
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 							end
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 						end
[8/4/2015 0:42:57]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 						local desc = getItemAttribute(tmpItem, 'description') or f.description
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 						doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'description', '[' .. .. ': +' .. percent .. '%]' .. (desc == '' and '' or '\n' .. desc))
[8/4/2015 0:42:57]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 						ret = k
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 					end
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 					cur = {}
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 					if( #v.chance == i )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 						done = true
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 					end
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 				end
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 			else
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 				done = i ~= 1
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 				break
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 			end
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 		end
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 		if( done )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 			break
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 		end
[8/4/2015 0:42:57] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:42:57]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 	return tmpItem, ret
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] end
[8/4/2015 0:42:58]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] local function createChildLoot(parent, i, ext, pos)
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 	if( not i or #i == 0 )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 		return true
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:42:58]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 	local size, cap = 0, getContainerCap(parent)
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 	for k = 1, #i do
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 		if( size == cap )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 			break
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 		end
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 		local tmp, ret = createLoot(i[k], ext)
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 		if( tmp )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 			if( isContainer(tmp) )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 				if( createChildLoot(tmp, i[k].child, ext, pos) )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 					doAddContainerItemEx(parent, tmp)
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 					size = size + 1
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 				else
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 					doRemoveItem(tmp)
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 				end
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 			else
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 				if( ret )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 					doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN)
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 					doSendAnimatedText(pos, ret:upper(), tiers[ret].color)
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 				end
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 				doAddContainerItemEx(parent, tmp)
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 				size = size + 1
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 			end
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 		end
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:42:58]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 	return size > 0
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] end
[8/4/2015 0:42:58]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] local function dropLoot(pos, v, ext, master, cid, target)
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 	local corpse
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 	if( not master or master == target )then -- 0.3/4
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 		corpse = getTileItemById(pos, v.lookCorpse).uid
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 		if( isContainer(corpse) )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 			for i = 1, getContainerSize(corpse) do
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 				doRemoveItem(getContainerItem(corpse, 0).uid)
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 			end
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 			local size, cap = 0, getContainerCap(corpse)
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 			for i = 1, #v.loot do
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 				if( size == cap )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 					break
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 				end
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 				local tmp, ret = createLoot(v.loot[i], ext)
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 				if( tmp )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 					if( isContainer(tmp) )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:58] 						if( createChildLoot(tmp, v.loot[i].child, ext, pos) )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 							doAddContainerItemEx(corpse, tmp)
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 							size = size + 1
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 						else
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 							doRemoveItem(tmp)
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 						end
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 					else
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 						if( ret )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 							doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN)
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 							doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Item raro!")
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 							--doSendAnimatedText(pos, ret:upper(), tiers[ret].color)						
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 						end
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 						doAddContainerItemEx(corpse, tmp)
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 						size = size + 1
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 					end
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 				end
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 			end
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 		end
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 	send(cid, corpse, v.description)
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] end
[8/4/2015 0:42:59]  
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] function onKill(cid, target, damage, flags)
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 	if( (damage == true or, 1) == 1) and isMonster(target) )then -- 0.3/4
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 		local creature = getCreatureName(target)
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 		if(creature ~= nil and creature ~= '') then

[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 			local v = getMonsterInfo(creature)		
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 			if( v and v.lookCorpse ~= 0 )then
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 				local s = getCreatureStorage(cid, extra_loot_key)
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 				addEvent(dropLoot, 0, getThingPos(target), v, s == -1 and rate or s, getCreatureMaster(target), cid, target)
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 			end
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 		
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 		end
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 	return true
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] end
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] :onKill
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] Description: 
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] [string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:59: attempt to index local 'f' (a boolean value)
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] stack traceback:
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 	[string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:59: in function 'createLoot'
[8/4/2015 0:42:59] 	[string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:225: in function <[string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:212>
[8/4/2015 0:43:27] > Broadcasted message: "[Blood Castle] O jogador ADM Leandro derrotou o Guarda do Portao! Prossigam para proxima sala e aguardem ate o arcanjo nascer!".

[8/4/2015 0:43:40] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] 
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] In a timer event called from: 
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] domodlib('itemstats_conf')
[8/4/2015 0:43:40]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] function round(n, s)
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 	return tonumber(('%.' .. (s or 0) .. 'f'):format(n))
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] end
[8/4/2015 0:43:40]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] function getContentDescription(uid, sep)
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 	local ret, i, containers = '', 0, {}
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 	while( i < getContainerSize(uid) )do
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 		local v, s = getContainerItem(uid, i), ''
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 		local k = getItemInfo(v.itemid)
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] = getItemAttribute(v.uid, 'name') or
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 		if( ~= '' )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 			if( v.type > 1 and k.stackable and k.showCount )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 				s = v.type .. ' ' .. k.plural
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 			else
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 				local article = getItemAttribute(v.uid, 'article') or k.article
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 				s = (article == '' and '' or article .. ' ') ..
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 			end
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 			ret = ret .. (i == 0 and not sep and '' or ', ') .. s
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 			if( isContainer(v.uid) and getContainerSize(v.uid) ~= 0 )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 				table.insert(containers, v.uid)
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 			end
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 		else
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 			ret = ret .. (i == 0 and not sep and '' or ', ') .. 'an item of type ' .. v.itemid .. ', please report it to gamemaster'
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 		end
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 		i = i + 1
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 	for i = 1, #containers do
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 		ret = ret .. getContentDescription(containers[i], true)
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:43:40] 	return ret
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] end
[8/4/2015 0:43:41]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] local function send(cid, corpse, monster)
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 	if( isPlayer(cid) )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 		local ret = corpse and isContainer(corpse) and getContentDescription(corpse)
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 		doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'Loot of ' .. monster .. ': ' .. (ret ~= '' and ret or 'nothing'))
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 		local party = getPlayerParty(cid)
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 		if( party )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 			for _, pid in ipairs(getPartyMembers(party)) do
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 				doPlayerSendChannelMessage(pid, '', 'Loot of ' .. monster .. ': ' .. (ret ~= '' and ret or 'nothing'), TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, CHANNEL_PARTY)
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 			end
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 		end
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] end
[8/4/2015 0:43:41]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] local function createLoot(i, ext)
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 	local item = type( == 'table' and[math.random(] or
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 	local random = math.ceil(math.random(100000) / ext)
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 	local tmpItem, f
[8/4/2015 0:43:41]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 	if( random < i.chance )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 		if i.subType == -1 then
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 			f = getItemInfo(item)
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 		end
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 		tmpItem = doCreateItemEx(item,
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 			i.subType ~= -1 and i.subType or
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 			f.stackable and random % i.count + 1 or
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 			f.charges ~= 0 and f.charges or
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 			1
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 		)
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:43:41]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 	if( not tmpItem )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 		return
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:43:41]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 	if( i.actionId ~= -1 )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 		doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'aid', i.actionId)
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:43:41]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 	if( i.uniqueId ~= -1 )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:41] 		doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'uid', i.uniqueId)
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:43:42]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 	if( i.text ~= '' )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 		doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'text', i.text)
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:43:42]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 	local ret, done
[8/4/2015 0:43:42]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 	for k, v in pairs(tiers) do
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 		local cur, used = {}, {}
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 		for i = 1, #v.chance do
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 			if( math.random(100000) <= v.chance[i] )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 				if( f )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 					f = getItemInfo(item)
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 				end
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 				if( not f.stackable )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 					for m, n in pairs(attr) do
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 						if( not table.find(used, m) and
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 						(
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 							( table.find(n.types, MELEE) and table.find({WEAPON_SWORD, WEAPON_CLUB, WEAPON_AXE}, f.weaponType) ) or
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 							( table.find(n.types, DISTANCE) and f.weaponType == WEAPON_DIST and f.ammoType ~= 0 ) or
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 							( table.find(n.types, ARMOR) and f.armor ~= 0 and f.wieldPosition ~= CONST_SLOT_NECKLACE ) or
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 							( table.find(n.types, SHIELD) and f.defense ~= 0 and f.weaponType == WEAPON_SHIELD ) or
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 							( table.find(n.types, WAND) and f.weaponType == WEAPON_WAND ) or
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 							( table.find(n.types, DURATION_RING) and f.wieldPosition == CONST_SLOT_RING and f.transformEquipTo ~= 0 ) or
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 							( table.find(n.types, CHARGES) and table.find({CONST_SLOT_RING, CONST_SLOT_NECKLACE}, f.wieldPosition) and f.charges ~= 0 )
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 						) )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 							table.insert(cur, m)
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 						end
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 					end
[8/4/2015 0:43:42]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 					if( #cur ~= 0 )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 						local n = cur[math.random(#cur)]
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 						table.insert(used, n)
[8/4/2015 0:43:42]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 						n = attr[n]
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 						local percent, new, tmp = math.random(n.percent[1] + (v.extra[1] or 0), n.percent[2] + (v.extra[2] or 0))
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 						-- hacks
[8/4/2015 0:43:42] 						if( n.attr == 'duration' )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 							tmp = getItemInfo(f.transformEquipTo)
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 							if tmp.transformDeEquipTo ~= item then
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 								break
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 							end
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 							new = round( tmp.decayTime * (1 + percent / 100) * 1000 )
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 						elseif( n.attr == 'attackSpeed' )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 							new = round( vocation_base_attackspeed / (1 + percent / 100) )
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 						elseif( n.attr == 'hitChance' ) then
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 							new = round(
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 								f.hitChance == -1 and
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 									percent
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 								or 
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 									f.hitChance * (1 + percent / 100)
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 							)
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 						else
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 							new = round(
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 								n.base and
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 									f[n['attr']] + f[n['base']] * (percent / 100)
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 								or
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 									f[n['attr']] * (1 + percent / 100)
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 							)
[8/4/2015 0:43:43]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 							if( new == f[n[n.base and 'base' or 'attr']] )then -- no improvement
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 								break
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 							end
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 						end
[8/4/2015 0:43:43]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 						doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, n.attr:lower(), new)
[8/4/2015 0:43:43]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 						local name = getItemAttribute(tmpItem, 'name')
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 						if( v.attrNames or not name )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 							local name = (v.attrNames and used[#used] or k) .. ' ' .. (name or
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 							doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'name', name)
[8/4/2015 0:43:43]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 							if( f.article ~= '' )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:43] 								local article = getArticle(name)
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 								if( article ~= f.article )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 									doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'article', article)
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 								end
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 							end
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 						end
[8/4/2015 0:43:44]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 						local desc = getItemAttribute(tmpItem, 'description') or f.description
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 						doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'description', '[' .. .. ': +' .. percent .. '%]' .. (desc == '' and '' or '\n' .. desc))
[8/4/2015 0:43:44]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 						ret = k
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 					end
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 					cur = {}
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 					if( #v.chance == i )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 						done = true
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 					end
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 				end
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 			else
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 				done = i ~= 1
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 				break
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 			end
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 		end
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 		if( done )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 			break
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 		end
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:43:44]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 	return tmpItem, ret
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] end
[8/4/2015 0:43:44]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] local function createChildLoot(parent, i, ext, pos)
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 	if( not i or #i == 0 )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 		return true
[8/4/2015 0:43:44] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:43:44]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 	local size, cap = 0, getContainerCap(parent)
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 	for k = 1, #i do
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 		if( size == cap )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 			break
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 		end
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 		local tmp, ret = createLoot(i[k], ext)
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 		if( tmp )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 			if( isContainer(tmp) )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 				if( createChildLoot(tmp, i[k].child, ext, pos) )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 					doAddContainerItemEx(parent, tmp)
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 					size = size + 1
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 				else
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 					doRemoveItem(tmp)
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 				end
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 			else
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 				if( ret )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 					doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN)
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 					doSendAnimatedText(pos, ret:upper(), tiers[ret].color)
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 				end
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 				doAddContainerItemEx(parent, tmp)
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 				size = size + 1
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 			end
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 		end
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:43:45]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 	return size > 0
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] end
[8/4/2015 0:43:45]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] local function dropLoot(pos, v, ext, master, cid, target)
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 	local corpse
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 	if( not master or master == target )then -- 0.3/4
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 		corpse = getTileItemById(pos, v.lookCorpse).uid
[8/4/2015 0:43:45] 		if( isContainer(corpse) )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 			for i = 1, getContainerSize(corpse) do
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 				doRemoveItem(getContainerItem(corpse, 0).uid)
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 			end
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 			local size, cap = 0, getContainerCap(corpse)
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 			for i = 1, #v.loot do
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 				if( size == cap )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 					break
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 				end
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 				local tmp, ret = createLoot(v.loot[i], ext)
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 				if( tmp )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 					if( isContainer(tmp) )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 						if( createChildLoot(tmp, v.loot[i].child, ext, pos) )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 							doAddContainerItemEx(corpse, tmp)
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 							size = size + 1
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 						else
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 							doRemoveItem(tmp)
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 						end
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 					else
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 						if( ret )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 							doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN)
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 							doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Item raro!")
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 							--doSendAnimatedText(pos, ret:upper(), tiers[ret].color)						
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 						end
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 						doAddContainerItemEx(corpse, tmp)
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 						size = size + 1
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 					end
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 				end
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 			end
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 		end
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] 	send(cid, corpse, v.description)
[8/4/2015 0:43:46] end
[8/4/2015 0:43:47]  
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] function onKill(cid, target, damage, flags)
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] 	if( (damage == true or, 1) == 1) and isMonster(target) )then -- 0.3/4
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] 		local creature = getCreatureName(target)
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] 		if(creature ~= nil and creature ~= '') then

[8/4/2015 0:43:47] 			local v = getMonsterInfo(creature)		
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] 			if( v and v.lookCorpse ~= 0 )then
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] 				local s = getCreatureStorage(cid, extra_loot_key)
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] 				addEvent(dropLoot, 0, getThingPos(target), v, s == -1 and rate or s, getCreatureMaster(target), cid, target)
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] 			end
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] 		
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] 		end
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] 	end
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] 	return true
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] end
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] :onKill
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] Description: 
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] [string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:59: attempt to index local 'f' (a boolean value)
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] stack traceback:
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] 	[string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:59: in function 'createLoot'
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] 	[string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:225: in function <[string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:212>


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mostre o erro no distro amigo

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  Em 08/04/2015 em 20:54, runeraserver disse:

mostre o erro no distro amigo

Expand   Mostrar mais  

esse erro acima e que está aparecendo na distro 

[8/4/2015 0:43:47] Description: 
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] [string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:59: attempt to index local 'f' (a boolean value)
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] stack traceback:
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] 	[string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:59: in function 'createLoot'
[8/4/2015 0:43:47] 	[string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:225: in function <[string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:212>





Editado por loreal (veja o histórico de edições)

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Nessa parte:

attr['deadly'] = {
attr = 'extraAttack',
base = 'attack',
name = 'Attack',
types = {MELEE},
percent = {1, 5}

types e percent estão invertidos, substitua por:

attr['deadly'] = {
attr = 'extraAttack',
base = 'attack',
name = 'Attack',
percent = {1, 5},
types = {MELEE}

E veja se o erro:

[8/4/2015 0:43:47] 	[string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:59: in function 'createLoot'






Recomendo que você tente ver com o criador do MOD, porque, dificilmente alguém irá pegar tempo para interpretar o MOD inteiro, só para solucionar os erros...

Se quiser sua dúvida tirada, mande PM com os links, e não com a dúvida (outros podem ter a mesma dúvida, e o fórum serve para ser usado).



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ainda continua bugando com seguinte erro

[10/4/2015 12:45:13] Description: 
[10/4/2015 12:45:13] [string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:59: attempt to index local 'f' (a boolean value)
[10/4/2015 12:45:13] stack traceback:
[10/4/2015 12:45:13] 	[string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:59: in function 'createLoot'
[10/4/2015 12:45:13] 	[string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:225: in function <[string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:212>


se alguém fazer um script melhor que esse tb ta valendo  :laugh:



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