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[PEDIDO] Double exp potio OU Double exp ring para TFS 1.0

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Fala pessoal.
Esta difícil fazer / encontrar alguns scripts para tfs 1.0

Preciso de um double exp potion ou ring que de 2x exp por 7 dias, independente de p.a ou não.

tenho esse script de double exp ring, mas esta com erro na forma que eu declarei ele no movements.


function onEquip(cid, item, slot)

doTransformItem(item.uid, 5785, 1)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 19, '[Exp-Ring] Voce Agora Esta com o Dobro de Exp. Aproveite!')
--doPlayerSetExperienceRate(cid, getConfigValue("rateExperienceFromPlayers")*0.2)--- Exemplo de uso < isso e Anel Para quando matar o player ganhar o Dobro de Exp
doPlayerSetExperienceRate(cid, getConfigValue("experienceStages")*0.2
return TRUE
function onDeEquip(cid, item, slot)
doTransformItem(item.uid, 7708, 1)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 19, '[Exp-Ring] Experiencia extra cancelada.')
doPlayerSetExperienceRate(cid, 1)
return TRUE


<movevent type="Equip" itemid="5785" slot="ring" function="onEquipItem" script="exp.lua"/>

<movevent type="DeEquip" itemid="5785" slot="ring" function="onEquipItem" script="exp.lua"/>

o erro:


[Error - MoveEvent::configureMoveEvent] Missing event

[Warning - BaseEvents::loadFromXml] Failed to configure event
[Error - MoveEvent::configureMoveEvent] Missing event
[Warning - BaseEvents::loadFromXml] Failed to configure event

Quem puder fazer um novo ou concertar esse, vai me ajudar muito :D


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function onEquip(cid, item, slot)
	local exp_rate = getConfigValue("experienceStages")*0.2
	local player = Player(cid)

	doTransformItem(item.uid, 5785, 1)
	player:sendTextMessage(19, '[Exp-Ring] Voce Agora Esta com o Dobro de Exp. Aproveite!')
	--player:setExperienceRate(getConfigValue("rateExperienceFromPlayers")*0.2)--- Exemplo de uso < isso e Anel Para quando matar o player ganhar o Dobro de Exp
	return true
function onDeEquip(cid, item, slot)
	local player = Player(cid)

	doTransformItem(item.uid, 7708, 1)
	player:sendTextMessage(19, '[Exp-Ring] Experiencia extra cancelada.')
return true
<movevent type="Equip" itemid="5785" slot="ring" event="script" value="exp_ring.lua"/>
<movevent type="DeEquip" itemid="5785" slot="ring" event="script" value="exp_ring.lua"/>	


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ainda ta dando 

Error: [MoveEvent::configureMoveEvent] No valid event name script
[Warning - BaseEvents::loadFromXml] Failed to configure event
Error: [MoveEvent::configureMoveEvent] No valid event name script
[Warning - BaseEvents::loadFromXml] Failed to configure event
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function onEquip(cid, item, slot)
	local player = Player(cid)

	player:sendTextMessage(19, '[Exp-Ring] Voce Agora Esta com o Dobro de Exp. Aproveite!')
	player:setStorageValue(20000, 1)

	return true

function onDeEquip(cid, item, slot)
	local player = Player(cid)

	player:sendTextMessage(19, '[Exp-Ring] Experiencia extra cancelada.')
	player:setStorageValue(20000, -1)

	return true

E em player.lua, em function Player:onGainExperience(source, exp, rawExp), antes de return exp adicione:

if self:getStorageValue(20000) == 1 then
	exp = exp*2

A tag em movements.xml do script é:

	<movevent event="Equip" itemid="5785" script="exp_ring.lua"/>
	<movevent event="DeEquip" itemid="5785" script="exp_ring.lua"/>
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esse player.lua é em events?
se for não tem essa parte =/


function Player:onBrowseField(position)

return true
function Player:onLook(thing, position, distance)
local description = "You see " .. thing:getDescription(distance)
if self:getGroup():getAccess() then
if thing:isItem() then
description = string.format("%s\nItemID: [%d]", description, thing:getId())
local actionId = thing:getActionId()
if actionId ~= 0 then
description = string.format("%s, ActionID: [%d]", description, actionId)
local uniqueId = thing:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_UNIQUEID)
if uniqueId > 0 and uniqueId < 65536 then
description = string.format("%s, UniqueId: [%d]", description, uniqueId)
description = description .. "."
local itemType = thing:getType()
local transformEquipId = itemType:getTransformEquipId()
local transformDeEquipId = itemType:getTransformDeEquipId()
if transformEquipId ~= 0 then
description = string.format("%s\nTransformTo: [%d] (onEquip).", description, transformEquipId)
elseif transformDeEquipId ~= 0 then
description = string.format("%s\nTransformTo: [%d] (onDeEquip).", description, transformDeEquipId)
local decayId = itemType:getDecayId()
if decayId ~= -1 then
description = string.format("%s\nDecayTo: [%d]", description, decayId)
elseif thing:isCreature() then
local str = "%s\nHealth: [%d / %d]"
if thing:getMaxMana() > 0 then
str = string.format("%s, Mana: [%d / %d]", str, thing:getMana(), thing:getMaxMana())
description = string.format(str, description, thing:getHealth(), thing:getMaxHealth()) .. "."
local position = thing:getPosition()
description = string.format(
"%s\nPosition: [X: %d] [Y: %d] [Z: %d].",
description, position.x, position.y, position.z
if thing:isCreature() then
if thing:isPlayer() then
description = string.format("%s\nIP: [%s].", description, Game.convertIpToString(thing:getIp()))
self:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, description)
function Player:onLookInBattleList(creature, distance)
local description = "You see " .. creature:getDescription(distance)
if self:getGroup():getAccess() then
local str = "%s\nHealth: [%d / %d]"
if creature:getMaxMana() > 0 then
str = string.format("%s, Mana: [%d / %d]", str, creature:getMana(), creature:getMaxMana())
description = string.format(str, description, creature:getHealth(), creature:getMaxHealth()) .. "."
local position = creature:getPosition()
description = string.format(
"%s\nPosition: [X: %d] [Y: %d] [Z: %d].",
description, position.x, position.y, position.z
if creature:isPlayer() then
description = string.format("%s\nIP: [%s].", description, Game.convertIpToString(creature:getIp()))
self:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, description)
function Player:onLookInTrade(partner, item, distance)
self:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You see " .. item:getDescription(distance))
function Player:onLookInShop(itemType, count)
return true
function Player:onMoveItem(item, count, fromPosition, toPosition)
local tile = toPosition:getTile()
if tile then
local thing = tile:getItemByType(ITEM_TYPE_TELEPORT)
if thing ~= nil then
self:sendCancelMessage("Sorry, not possible.")
return false
if isInArray({1714, 1715, 1716, 1717, 1738, 1740, 1741, 1747, 1748, 1749}, item.itemid) and item.actionid > 0then
self:sendCancelMessage('You cannot move this object.')
return false
return true
function Player:onMoveCreature(creature, fromPosition, toPosition)
return true
function Player:onTurn(direction)
return true
function Player:onTradeRequest(target, item)
return true



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    • Por Loldinis
      Pessoal, eu tenho um script que da bonus 50% exp para P.A, e que funcioa 100%
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      Agora, eu tentei fazer um double exp, um item que da um storage por x tempo, e quem tem o storage ganha 2 exp.
      Usei o mesmo script para fazer isso, mas não deu certo (eu registrei o evento no login)


      Não da certo, alguém sabe onde ta errando?
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