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Qual a versão mais estável 8.60?


Vejo uns falando 0.4 outros 0.3.6


Não sei qual escolher, fiz meu ot todo em cima da 3884, 8.60, mas se preciso com certeza mudarei...

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0.3.6 Protocol 8.6, de certa forma ele é o mais Estavel!





Estou no celular depois coloco Scan mais no link original do otland deve ter o scan la:

link do post original:


Info do Server:

V1 Log:

V2 Log:
Fixed House bug
Fixed Npc Bug
Fixed Items.otb
Added Marriage System
Added Auto Combo Bot dedector
Added Anti-Mc System
Added GM:
Acc: god
Pass: god
V2.5 Log:
Fixed the bug about you cant logg in. (I founded the bug at the source so now its fixed)
Added Level Up, msg what spell you can use.
Added Military Ranks
V.3 Log:
Added auto stack items
Added anti damage on guildmates and partymates - configureable at config.lua
-- Damage Guild/Party --
noDamageToGuildMates = false -- if true then no damage, if false then damage
noDamageToPartyMembers = false -- if true then no damage, if false then damage
Added anti x-logg out so you will not recive ban at otservlist!
Added that if you shoot runes, pots etc... they charges can be more than 1000. example: you shooted your 1234 sudden death
Evolved the online command. !online
V.4 Log:
Removed Auto Stack because it cause bugs!
Fixed the bug when items drop on the floor!
V.5 Log:
Fixed minor sources bugs!
Fixed the House bug which can cause your server crash!
The server has been more stable than before!
Updated dlls!
V.6 Log:
Added: Auto Stackable Feature!
Added: onMove very advanced <-- By Doggynub!
Added: Level & Vocation onlogin: <-- By Jetro!
Added Max Mailbox Weight By Ninja to prevent crash!
Fixed Potions Bug! <-- Thanks to Xubeiga
Fixed Compile but to linux! <-- Yes now you can compile to linux!
V.7 Log:
Added Anti-Push Prevention System!
Added CapacityOverload System!

Added CriticalHitChance!

Fixed the bug on login -- Thanks To oskar1415
Made small error fix and changed on anti mc system at login, instead of popup, you get a message.
V.8 Log:
Remove Auto-Stack causing items fall!
Removed CapacityOverload System!
Removed Anti-Push Prevention System! Caused bug on move items!
Removed onMove very advanced - Causing Crash!
Removed CriticalHitChance!!
Added Paralyze Bot Dedection!
Added Stair Height fix by BeniS:

And other minor fixes.
V.8.1 Log:
Remove items.otb version check! - Thanks for the report Tweekzifry!
Now there is 2 exe, 64bit and 32bit!
V.8.2 Log:
Ive compiled it with GROUND_CACHE! Which was recommended if you are using large maps!
Fixed Anti-Mc that should not affect account manager! Also you can disable or enable it through config.lua!
Also fixed Clone through Ingame Guild!
Fixed that if you disable account manager through config.lua and if someone makes character named account manager that player wont be able to login! <-- Due to clone items!
And fixed other things to!

Editado por SniX (veja o histórico de edições)


                                                                             A mente que se abre a uma nova ideia jamais voltará ao seu tamanho original.

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0.3.6 Protocol 8.6, de certa forma ele é o mais Estavel!





Estou no celular depois coloco Scan mais no link original do otland deve ter o scan la:

link do post original:


Info do Server:

V1 Log:



V2 Log:


Fixed House bug

Fixed Npc Bug

Fixed Items.otb

Added Marriage System

Added Auto Combo Bot dedector

Added Anti-Mc System

Added GM:

Acc: god

Pass: god

V2.5 Log:


Fixed the bug about you cant logg in. (I founded the bug at the source so now its fixed)

Added Level Up, msg what spell you can use.

Added Military Ranks

V.3 Log:


Added auto stack items

Added anti damage on guildmates and partymates - configureable at config.lua

-- Damage Guild/Party --

noDamageToGuildMates = false -- if true then no damage, if false then damage

noDamageToPartyMembers = false -- if true then no damage, if false then damage

Added anti x-logg out so you will not recive ban at otservlist!

Added that if you shoot runes, pots etc... they charges can be more than 1000. example: you shooted your 1234 sudden death

Evolved the online command. !online

V.4 Log:


Removed Auto Stack because it cause bugs!

Fixed the bug when items drop on the floor!

V.5 Log:


Fixed minor sources bugs!

Fixed the House bug which can cause your server crash!

The server has been more stable than before!

Updated dlls!

V.6 Log:


Added: Auto Stackable Feature!

Added: onMove very advanced <-- By Doggynub!

Added: Level & Vocation onlogin: <-- By Jetro!

Added Max Mailbox Weight By Ninja to prevent crash!

Fixed Potions Bug! <-- Thanks to Xubeiga

Fixed Compile but to linux! <-- Yes now you can compile to linux!

V.7 Log:


Added Anti-Push Prevention System!

Added CapacityOverload System!

Added CriticalHitChance!

Fixed the bug on login -- Thanks To oskar1415

Made small error fix and changed on anti mc system at login, instead of popup, you get a message.


V.8 Log:


Remove Auto-Stack causing items fall!

Removed CapacityOverload System!

Removed Anti-Push Prevention System! Caused bug on move items!

Removed onMove very advanced - Causing Crash!

Removed CriticalHitChance!!

Added Paralyze Bot Dedection!

Added Stair Height fix by BeniS:

And other minor fixes.

V.8.1 Log:


Remove items.otb version check! - Thanks for the report Tweekzifry!

Now there is 2 exe, 64bit and 32bit!

V.8.2 Log:


Ive compiled it with GROUND_CACHE! Which was recommended if you are using large maps!

Fixed Anti-Mc that should not affect account manager! Also you can disable or enable it through config.lua!

Also fixed Clone through Ingame Guild!

Fixed that if you disable account manager through config.lua and if someone makes character named account manager that player wont be able to login! <-- Due to clone items!

And fixed other things to!


Conte-me mais sobre como ela é mais estável? Por que?

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