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6 horas atrás, priextix disse:

opa!! Boa noite, uso TFS 1.3!!

function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
    local player = Player(cid)
    if itemEx.itemid == 8300 then
        local storageValue = player:getStorageValue(50501)
        if storageValue == -1 then
            player:setStorageValue(50501, 1)
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Parabéns! Você aprendeu suas habilidades de cralfing e agora pode ir cralfing.")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Você já aprendeu suas habilidades de cralfing.")
        player:sendCancelMessage("Você precisa clicar no item correto para aprender suas habilidades de cralfing.")
    return true

Se você não quer aprender para poder fazer craft, eu posso remover e te enviar o script. É apenas CreatureScript mesmo.

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52 minutos atrás, GM Vortex disse:

function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
    local player = Player(cid)
    if itemEx.itemid == 8300 then
        local storageValue = player:getStorageValue(50501)
        if storageValue == -1 then
            player:setStorageValue(50501, 1)
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Parabéns! Você aprendeu suas habilidades de cralfing e agora pode ir cralfing.")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Você já aprendeu suas habilidades de cralfing.")
        player:sendCancelMessage("Você precisa clicar no item correto para aprender suas habilidades de cralfing.")
    return true

Se você não quer aprender para poder fazer craft, eu posso remover e te enviar o script. É apenas CreatureScript mesmo.

não deu aqui! só fica aparecendo a mensagem "Você precisa clicar no item correto para aprender suas habilidades de cralfing".


se puder tirar esse bgl de ter de aprender a skill do script e me enviar eu agradeço muito meu amigo!!

Editado por priextix (veja o histórico de edições)
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1 hora atrás, priextix disse:

não deu aqui! só fica aparecendo a mensagem "Você precisa clicar no item correto para aprender suas habilidades de cralfing".


se puder tirar esse bgl de ter de aprender a skill do script e me enviar eu agradeço muito meu amigo!!

Estou no trabalho, quando chegar em casa, vou resolver isso e envio aqui, sim.



function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
    function capitalizar(str)
        return (str:gsub("(%l)(%w*)", function(a,b) return string.upper(a)..b end))

    local receitas = craftingProfessionsConfig[item.actionid].skillRecipes
    local modal = ModalWindow(item.actionid, ""..craftingProfessionsConfig[item.actionid].skillName..".", craftingProfessionsConfig[item.actionid].message)

   if item.itemid == 8046 and isInArray({50501, 50502, 50503, 50504, 50505, 50506}, item.actionid) then
        if getCreatureCondition(player, CONDITION_SPELLCOOLDOWN, 160) then
            return player:sendCancelMessage("Você já está fabricando, aguarde!.")

        for i = 1, #receitas do
            modal:addChoice(i, capitalizar(getItemName(receitas[i].item)))

        craftingProfessionsConfig.extraData[player:getId()] = {
            lastPos = Item(item.uid):getPosition()

        if modal:getChoiceCount() ~= 0 then
            modal:addButton(1, "Criar")
            modal:addButton(2, "Cancelar")
            modal:addButton(3, "Materiais")
    return true



function onModalWindow(player, modalWindowId, buttonId, choiceId)
    if not isInArray({50501, 50502, 50503, 50504, 50505, 50506}, modalWindowId) or buttonId == 2 then
        return false

    local count = 0
    local recipes = craftingProfessionsConfig[modalWindowId].skillRecipes

    if buttonId == 3 then
        local str = ""..capAll(getItemName(recipes[choiceId].item)).."\n  Skill Needed: "[choiceId].skill.." - Point Cost: 1p\n\nMaterials:"

        for i = 1, #recipes[choiceId].mats do
            str = str.."\n- "..capAll(getItemName(recipes[choiceId].mats[i][1])).." ("..player:getItemCount(recipes[choiceId].mats[i][1]).."/"[choiceId].mats[i][2]..")"

        if str ~= "" then
            player:showTextDialog(recipes[choiceId].item, str)

        return true

    for i = 1, #recipes[choiceId].mats do
        if player:getItemCount(recipes[choiceId].mats[i][1]) >= recipes[choiceId].mats[i][2] then
            count = count + 1

    if count == #recipes[choiceId].mats then
        local craftCD = Condition(CONDITION_SPELLCOOLDOWN)
        craftCD:setParameter(COMBAT_PARAM_AGGRESSIVE, 0)
        craftCD:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 160)
        craftCD:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, recipes[choiceId].time * 1000)

        player:say("Crafting...", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY)

        local itemPos = craftingProfessionsConfig.extraData[player:getId()].lastPos

        function sendAnimation(times)

            if times == 0 then
                return true

            addEvent(sendAnimation, 1000, times - 1)


        for i = 1, count do
            player:removeItem(recipes[choiceId].mats[i][1], recipes[choiceId].mats[i][2])

            local player = Player(id)

            if player then
                local craftedItem = player:addItem(recipes[choiceId].item, 1)

                if craftedItem then
                    player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "You've successfully crafted "..craftedItem:getArticle().." "..capAll(craftedItem:getName())..".")
                    craftedItem:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, "crafted "..craftedItem:getName())

                    if craftedItem:getType():getDescription() ~= "" then
                        craftedItem:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, craftedItem:getType():getDescription().."\nCrafted by "..player:getName()..".")
                        craftedItem:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, "Crafted by "..player:getName()..".")

                    if craftedItem:getType():getAttack() > 0 and recipes[choiceId].attr ~= nil and recipes[choiceId].attr.attack ~= nil then
                        craftedItem:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_ATTACK, craftedItem:getType():getAttack() + recipes[choiceId].attr.attack)

                    if craftedItem:getType():getDefense() > 0 and recipes[choiceId].attr ~= nil and recipes[choiceId].attr.defense ~= nil then
                        craftedItem:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DEFENSE, craftedItem:getType():getDefense() + recipes[choiceId].attr.defense)

                    if craftedItem:getType():getExtraDefense() > 0 and recipes[choiceId].attr ~= nil and recipes[choiceId].attr.extradefense ~= nil then
                        craftedItem:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_EXTRADEFENSE, craftedItem:getType():getExtraDefense() + recipes[choiceId].attr.extradefense)

                    if craftedItem:getType():getArmor() > 0 and recipes[choiceId].attr ~= nil and recipes[choiceId].attr.armor ~= nil then
                        craftedItem:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_ARMOR, craftedItem:getType():getArmor() + recipes[choiceId].attr.armor)

                    if craftedItem:getType():getHitChance() > 0 and recipes[choiceId].attr ~= nil and recipes[choiceId].attr.hitchance ~= nil then
                        craftedItem:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_HITCHANCE, craftedItem:getType():getHitChance() + recipes[choiceId].attr.hitchance)

                    if craftedItem:getType():getShootRange() > 0 and recipes[choiceId].attr ~= nil and recipes[choiceId].attr.shootrange ~= nil then
                        craftedItem:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_SHOOTRANGE, craftedItem:getType():getShootRange() + recipes[choiceId].attr.shootrange)
        end, recipes[choiceId].time * 1000, player:getId())
        player:sendCancelMessage("You don't have all the materials to craft this item.")

    return true

Pronto, removi a restrição de aprender + customSkills. Agora você pode clicar quando quiser, aproveitar e se divertir com o sistema. Realmente, o sistema está tão fluido.


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Em 06/11/2023 em 09:36, GM Vortex disse:

Estou no trabalho, quando chegar em casa, vou resolver isso e envio aqui, sim.



function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
    function capitalizar(str)
        return (str:gsub("(%l)(%w*)", function(a,b) return string.upper(a)..b end))

    local receitas = craftingProfessionsConfig[item.actionid].skillRecipes
    local modal = ModalWindow(item.actionid, ""..craftingProfessionsConfig[item.actionid].skillName..".", craftingProfessionsConfig[item.actionid].message)

   if item.itemid == 8046 and isInArray({50501, 50502, 50503, 50504, 50505, 50506}, item.actionid) then
        if getCreatureCondition(player, CONDITION_SPELLCOOLDOWN, 160) then
            return player:sendCancelMessage("Você já está fabricando, aguarde!.")

        for i = 1, #receitas do
            modal:addChoice(i, capitalizar(getItemName(receitas[i].item)))

        craftingProfessionsConfig.extraData[player:getId()] = {
            lastPos = Item(item.uid):getPosition()

        if modal:getChoiceCount() ~= 0 then
            modal:addButton(1, "Criar")
            modal:addButton(2, "Cancelar")
            modal:addButton(3, "Materiais")
    return true



function onModalWindow(player, modalWindowId, buttonId, choiceId)
    if not isInArray({50501, 50502, 50503, 50504, 50505, 50506}, modalWindowId) or buttonId == 2 then
        return false

    local count = 0
    local recipes = craftingProfessionsConfig[modalWindowId].skillRecipes

    if buttonId == 3 then
        local str = ""..capAll(getItemName(recipes[choiceId].item)).."\n  Skill Needed: "[choiceId].skill.." - Point Cost: 1p\n\nMaterials:"

        for i = 1, #recipes[choiceId].mats do
            str = str.."\n- "..capAll(getItemName(recipes[choiceId].mats[i][1])).." ("..player:getItemCount(recipes[choiceId].mats[i][1]).."/"[choiceId].mats[i][2]..")"

        if str ~= "" then
            player:showTextDialog(recipes[choiceId].item, str)

        return true

    for i = 1, #recipes[choiceId].mats do
        if player:getItemCount(recipes[choiceId].mats[i][1]) >= recipes[choiceId].mats[i][2] then
            count = count + 1

    if count == #recipes[choiceId].mats then
        local craftCD = Condition(CONDITION_SPELLCOOLDOWN)
        craftCD:setParameter(COMBAT_PARAM_AGGRESSIVE, 0)
        craftCD:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 160)
        craftCD:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, recipes[choiceId].time * 1000)

        player:say("Crafting...", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY)

        local itemPos = craftingProfessionsConfig.extraData[player:getId()].lastPos

        function sendAnimation(times)

            if times == 0 then
                return true

            addEvent(sendAnimation, 1000, times - 1)


        for i = 1, count do
            player:removeItem(recipes[choiceId].mats[i][1], recipes[choiceId].mats[i][2])

            local player = Player(id)

            if player then
                local craftedItem = player:addItem(recipes[choiceId].item, 1)

                if craftedItem then
                    player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "You've successfully crafted "..craftedItem:getArticle().." "..capAll(craftedItem:getName())..".")
                    craftedItem:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, "crafted "..craftedItem:getName())

                    if craftedItem:getType():getDescription() ~= "" then
                        craftedItem:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, craftedItem:getType():getDescription().."\nCrafted by "..player:getName()..".")
                        craftedItem:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, "Crafted by "..player:getName()..".")

                    if craftedItem:getType():getAttack() > 0 and recipes[choiceId].attr ~= nil and recipes[choiceId].attr.attack ~= nil then
                        craftedItem:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_ATTACK, craftedItem:getType():getAttack() + recipes[choiceId].attr.attack)

                    if craftedItem:getType():getDefense() > 0 and recipes[choiceId].attr ~= nil and recipes[choiceId].attr.defense ~= nil then
                        craftedItem:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DEFENSE, craftedItem:getType():getDefense() + recipes[choiceId].attr.defense)

                    if craftedItem:getType():getExtraDefense() > 0 and recipes[choiceId].attr ~= nil and recipes[choiceId].attr.extradefense ~= nil then
                        craftedItem:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_EXTRADEFENSE, craftedItem:getType():getExtraDefense() + recipes[choiceId].attr.extradefense)

                    if craftedItem:getType():getArmor() > 0 and recipes[choiceId].attr ~= nil and recipes[choiceId].attr.armor ~= nil then
                        craftedItem:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_ARMOR, craftedItem:getType():getArmor() + recipes[choiceId].attr.armor)

                    if craftedItem:getType():getHitChance() > 0 and recipes[choiceId].attr ~= nil and recipes[choiceId].attr.hitchance ~= nil then
                        craftedItem:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_HITCHANCE, craftedItem:getType():getHitChance() + recipes[choiceId].attr.hitchance)

                    if craftedItem:getType():getShootRange() > 0 and recipes[choiceId].attr ~= nil and recipes[choiceId].attr.shootrange ~= nil then
                        craftedItem:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_SHOOTRANGE, craftedItem:getType():getShootRange() + recipes[choiceId].attr.shootrange)
        end, recipes[choiceId].time * 1000, player:getId())
        player:sendCancelMessage("You don't have all the materials to craft this item.")

    return true

Pronto, removi a restrição de aprender + customSkills. Agora você pode clicar quando quiser, aproveitar e se divertir com o sistema. Realmente, o sistema está tão fluido.


opa!! boa noite meu amigo. Funcionou em partes! a restrição de precisar aprender as skills realmente foi removida, mas agora não está funcionando nem o botão de "criar" e nem o de "materiais". Quando clico nesses dois botões nada acontece! nenhum erro ou informação no cliente ou na distro. Simplesmente não ocorre nada! teria como me ajudar nisso?

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Em 27/04/2015 em 15:21, Thiago Rulexz disse:

Parte Configurave  :bleh:

@priextix Você já adicionou as actions e creaturescripts que eu passei, certo? Agora você precisa ter adicionado aqui também, junto com global.lua... pronto.


É só copiar a pasta do seu servidor (data/) e colar aqui. Depois, você deve adicionar no global.lua.


function Player.isProfession(self, storage)
   if self:getStorageValue(storage) >= 1 then
     return true
craftingProfessionsConfig = {
   [50501] = {
     skillName = "Blacksmithing",
     skillRecipes = {
       [1] = {item = 2400, skill = 10, storage = 101, mats = {{2554, 1}, {2120, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 20},
       [2] = {item = 2432, skill = 15, storage = 102, mats = {{2148, 10}, {10608, 10}}, time = 5, difficulty = 20},
       [3] = {item = 2178, skill = 20, storage = 103, mats = {{2177, 1}, {1295, 1}, {2146, 3}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40},
       [4] = {item = 5944, skill = 20, storage = 104, mats = {{2177, 1}, {1295, 1}, {2150, 3}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40},
       [5] = {item = 2363, skill = 25, storage = 105, mats = {{2177, 1}, {2177, 1}, {1295, 1}, {2798, 1}, {2788, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 50},
       [6] = {item = 10092, skill = 30, storage = 106, mats = {{2677, 3}, {1685, 1}, {2013, 1}, {2015, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 60},
       [7] = {item = 4864, skill = 35, storage = 107, mats = {{4850, 1}, {2913, 1}, {2144, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40}
     message = "Crafting allows you to create anything from potions to bombs to weapons of the highest caliber. The materials used in crafting can be obtained through gathering and through drops in dungeons and the open world.\n\n"
   [50502] = {
     skillName = "Alchemy",
     skillRecipes = { --Based on Shinmaru/Soul4Soul Alchemy's System
       [1] = {item = 8474, skill = 10, storage = 201, mats = {{2007, 1}, {2795, 1}, {2760, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 20},
       [2] = {item = 2152, skill = 15, storage = 202, mats = {{2148, 10}, {10608, 2}}, time = 5, difficulty = 20},
       [3] = {item = 2178, skill = 20, storage = 203, mats = {{2177, 1}, {1295, 1}, {2146, 3}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40},
       [4] = {item = 5944, skill = 20, storage = 204, mats = {{2177, 1}, {1295, 1}, {2150, 3}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40},
       [5] = {item = 2363, skill = 25, storage = 205, mats = {{2177, 1}, {2177, 1}, {1295, 1}, {2798, 1}, {2788, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 50},
       [6] = {item = 10092, skill = 30, storage = 206, mats = {{2677, 3}, {1685, 1}, {2013, 1}, {2015, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 60},
       [7] = {item = 4864, skill = 35, storage = 207, mats = {{4850, 1}, {2913, 1}, {2144, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40},
       [8] = {item = 2276, skill = 40, storage = 208, mats = {{10558, 1}, {2260, 1}, {10554, 1}, {2151, 1}, {5951, 1}, {2265, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40},
       [9] = {item = 2160, skill = 45, storage = 209, mats = {{2152, 1}, {2145, 1}, {2146, 1}, {2800, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 30},
       [10] = {item = 11201, skill = 45, storage = 210, mats = {{2759, 1}, {10565, 1}, {2803, 1}, {2692, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40},
       [11] = {item = 5892, skill = 5, storage = 211, mats = {{5468, 1}, {2393, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 50},
       [12] = {item = 5887, skill = 5, storage = 212, mats = {{5468, 1}, {2487, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 50},
       [13] = {item = 5888, skill = 5, storage = 213, mats = {{5468, 1}, {2462, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 50},
       [14] = {item = 5889, skill = 5, storage = 214, mats = {{5468, 1}, {2516, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 50},
       [15] = {item = 5891, skill = 10, storage = 215, mats = {{2195, 1}, {4265, 1}, {2151, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40},
       [16] = {item = 5884, skill = 10, storage = 216, mats = {{2498, 1}, {2498, 1}, {2913, 1}, {5865, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40},
       [17] = {item = 5885, skill = 10, storage = 217, mats = {{2475, 1}, {2475, 1}, {2475, 1}, {2475, 1}, {2015, 1}, {5865, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40},
       [18] = {item = 7439, skill = 60, storage = 218, mats = {{6558, 1}, {2007, 1}, {4993, 1}, {5480, 1}, {2796, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 30},
       [19] = {item = 7440, skill = 60, storage = 219, mats = {{6558, 1}, {2007, 1}, {4992, 1}, {3955, 1}, {7250, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 30},
       [20] = {item = 7443, skill = 60, storage = 220, mats = {{6558, 1}, {2007, 1}, {4994, 1}, {2193, 1}, {2031, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 30},
       [21] = {item = 7140, skill = 65, storage = 221, mats = {{7141, 1}, {2015, 1}, {5014, 1}, {2235, 1}, {7439, 1}, {7440, 1}, {7443, 1}, {4845, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 60},
       [22] = {item = 9971, skill = 70, storage = 222, mats = {{10552, 1}, {2157, 1}, {2159, 1}, {5906, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 50},
       [23] = {item = 2284, skill = 75, storage = 223, mats = {{10523, 1}, {2260, 1}, {10554, 1}, {2151, 1}, {2273, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 30},
       [24] = {item = 11387, skill = 80, storage = 224, mats = {{2805, 1}, {2798, 1}, {8582, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 70},
       [25] = {item = 8980, skill = 90, storage = 225, mats = {{5941, 1}, {10559, 1}, {2194, 1}, {2377, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 80},
       [26] = {item = 2184, skill = 90, storage = 226, mats = {{9942, 1}, {9941, 1}, {9980, 1}, {2445, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 80},
       [27] = {item = 2352, skill = 90, storage = 227, mats = {{2177, 1}, {2160, 1}, {2544, 1}, {2544, 1}, {2802, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 80},
       [28] = {item = 9969, skill = 100, storage = 228, mats = {{5741, 1}, {2229, 1}, {5669, 1}, {5809, 1}, {2143, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 90},
       [29] = {item = 9006, skill = 110, storage = 229, mats = {{8859, 1}, {2289, 1}, {2807, 1}, {10556, 1}, {2545, 1}, {5879, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 100},
       [30] = {item = 2348, skill = 120, storage = 230, mats = {{2153, 1}, {2154, 1}, {2155, 1}, {2156, 1}, {2158, 1}, {2260, 1}, {2260, 1}, {2600, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 100}
     message = "Crafting allows you to create ~"
   [50503] = {
     skillName = "Inscription",
     skillRecipes = {
       [1] = {item = 2400, skill = 10, storage = 301, mats = {{2554, 1}, {2120, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 20, attr = {attack = 10,  defense = 10}},
       [2] = {item = 2432, skill = 15, storage = 302, mats = {{2148, 10}, {10608, 10}}, time = 5, difficulty = 20},
       [3] = {item = 2178, skill = 20, storage = 303, mats = {{2177, 1}, {1295, 1}, {2146, 3}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40},
       [4] = {item = 5944, skill = 20, storage = 304, mats = {{2177, 1}, {1295, 1}, {2150, 3}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40},
       [5] = {item = 2363, skill = 25, storage = 305, mats = {{2177, 1}, {2177, 1}, {1295, 1}, {2798, 1}, {2788, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 50},
       [6] = {item = 10092, skill = 30, storage = 306, mats = {{2677, 3}, {1685, 1}, {2013, 1}, {2015, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 60},
       [7] = {item = 4864, skill = 35, storage = 307, mats = {{4850, 1}, {2913, 1}, {2144, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40}
     message = "Crafting allows you to create ~"
   [50504] = {
     skillName = "Tailoring",
     skillRecipes = {
       [1] = {item = 2400, skill = 10, storage = 401, mats = {{2554, 1}, {2120, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 20},
       [2] = {item = 2432, skill = 15, storage = 402, mats = {{2148, 10}, {10608, 10}}, time = 5, difficulty = 20},
       [3] = {item = 2178, skill = 20, storage = 403, mats = {{2177, 1}, {1295, 1}, {2146, 3}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40},
       [4] = {item = 5944, skill = 20, storage = 404, mats = {{2177, 1}, {1295, 1}, {2150, 3}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40},
       [5] = {item = 2363, skill = 25, storage = 405, mats = {{2177, 1}, {2177, 1}, {1295, 1}, {2798, 1}, {2788, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 50},
       [6] = {item = 10092, skill = 30, storage = 406, mats = {{2677, 3}, {1685, 1}, {2013, 1}, {2015, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 60},
       [7] = {item = 4864, skill = 35, storage = 407, mats = {{4850, 1}, {2913, 1}, {2144, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40}
     message = "Crafting allows you to create ~"
   [50505] = {
     skillName = "Leatherworking",
     skillRecipes = {
       [1] = {item = 2400, skill = 10, storage = 501, mats = {{2554, 1}, {2120, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 20},
       [2] = {item = 2432, skill = 15, storage = 502, mats = {{2148, 10}, {10608, 10}}, time = 5, difficulty = 20},
       [3] = {item = 2178, skill = 20, storage = 503, mats = {{2177, 1}, {1295, 1}, {2146, 3}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40},
       [4] = {item = 5944, skill = 20, storage = 504, mats = {{2177, 1}, {1295, 1}, {2150, 3}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40},
       [5] = {item = 2363, skill = 25, storage = 505, mats = {{2177, 1}, {2177, 1}, {1295, 1}, {2798, 1}, {2788, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 50},
       [6] = {item = 10092, skill = 30, storage = 506, mats = {{2677, 3}, {1685, 1}, {2013, 1}, {2015, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 60},
       [7] = {item = 4864, skill = 35, storage = 507, mats = {{4850, 1}, {2913, 1}, {2144, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40}
     message = "Crafting allows you to create ~"
   [50506] = {
     skillName = "Engineering",
     skillRecipes = {
       [1] = {item = 2400, skill = 10, storage = 601, mats = {{2554, 1}, {2120, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 20},
       [2] = {item = 2432, skill = 15, storage = 602, mats = {{2148, 10}, {10608, 10}}, time = 5, difficulty = 20},
       [3] = {item = 2178, skill = 20, storage = 603, mats = {{2177, 1}, {1295, 1}, {2146, 3}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40},
       [4] = {item = 5944, skill = 20, storage = 604, mats = {{2177, 1}, {1295, 1}, {2150, 3}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40},
       [5] = {item = 2363, skill = 25, storage = 605, mats = {{2177, 1}, {2177, 1}, {1295, 1}, {2798, 1}, {2788, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 50},
       [6] = {item = 10092, skill = 30, storage = 606, mats = {{2677, 3}, {1685, 1}, {2013, 1}, {2015, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 60},
       [7] = {item = 4864, skill = 35, storage = 607, mats = {{4850, 1}, {2913, 1}, {2144, 1}}, time = 5, difficulty = 40}
     message = "Crafting allows you to create ~"
   maxSkill = 200,
   baseRecipeStorage = 50500,
   extraData = {},
--[CustomSkill]-- By: Athern
function Player.getCustomSkill(self, storage)
    return self:getStorageValue(storage)
function Player.addCustomSkill(self, skillName, storage)
    local skillStorage = math.max(10, self:getStorageValue(storage))
    local skillTries =  math.max(0, self:getStorageValue(storage + 1))
    self:setStorageValue(storage, skillStorage + 1)
    self:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You advanced to " .. string.lower(skillName) .. " level "..self:getCustomSkill(storage)..".")
    self:setStorageValue(storage + 1, 0)
function Player.addCustomSkillTry(self, skillName, storage)
    local skillStorage = math.max(10, self:getStorageValue(storage))
    local skillTries =  math.max(0, self:getStorageValue(storage + 1))
    self:setStorageValue(storage + 1, skillTries + 1)
    if skillTries > math.floor(20 * math.pow(1.1, (skillStorage - 11)) / 10) then
        self:addCustomSkill(skillName, storage)
function Player.getCustomSkillPercent(self, storage)
    local skillStorage = math.max(10, self:getStorageValue(storage))
    local skillTries =  math.max(0, self:getStorageValue(storage + 1))
    local triesNeeded = math.floor(20 * math.pow(1.1, (skillStorage - 11)) / 10)
    local percent = math.floor(100 * (1 - skillTries / triesNeeded))
    if percent > 1 and percent <= 100 then
        return percent
        percent = 1
        return percent

Abra data/global.lua e cole na primeira linha.




Editado por GM Vortex (veja o histórico de edições)
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