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Estou atrás da script do npc Haroun, tenho uma aqui mas ela só troca os items e não vende e nem compra nada. Queria uma que compre e venda os items tudo certo e troque os items.


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O npc troca o enchanted wing e o magic sulphur, mas os outros não.
local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)
function onCreatureAppear(cid)                          npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid)                       npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)                  npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end
function onThink()                                      npcHandler:onThink() end
local function getTable()
local list = 
{name = 'Axe Ring', id = 2208, sell = 100, buy = 500},
{name = 'Club Ring', id = 2209, sell = 100, buy = 500},
{name = 'Power Ring', id = 2166, sell = 50, buy = 100},
{name = 'Stealth Ring', id = 2165, sell = 200, buy = 5000},
{name = 'Sword Ring', id = 2207, sell = 100, buy = 500},
{name = 'Bronze Amulet', id = 2172, sell = 50, buy = 100},
{name = 'Garlic Necklace', id = 2199, sell = 50, buy = 100},
{name = 'elven Amulet', id = 2198, sell = 100, buy = 500},
{name = 'Stone Skin Amulet', id = 2197, sell = 500, buy = 5000},
{name = 'Wand of Cosmic Energy',id = 2189, sell = 2000, buy = 0},
{name = 'Wand of Decay', id = 2188, sell = 1000, buy = 0},
{name = 'Wand of Defiance', id = 18390, sell = 6500, buy = 0},
{name = 'Wand of Everblazing', id = 18409, sell = 6000, buy = 0},
{name = 'Wand of Dragonbreath', id = 2191, sell = 200, buy = 0},
{name = 'Wand of Inferno', id = 2187, sell = 3000, buy = 0},
{name = 'Wand of Vortex', id = 2190, sell = 100, buy = 0},
{name = 'Wand of Draconia', id = 8921, sell = 1500, buy = 0},
{name = 'Wand of Starstorm', id = 8920, sell = 3600, buy = 0},
{name = 'Wand of Voodoo', id = 8922, sell = 4400, buy = 0},
{name = 'Magic Light Wand', id = 2162, sell = 35, buy = 120},
{name = 'Life Crystal', id = 4851, sell = 50, buy = 0},
{name = 'Mind Stone', id = 2178, sell = 100, buy = 0},
{name = 'Orb', id = 2176, sell = 750, buy = 0}
return list
function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)
local player = Player(cid)
if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then
return false
if isInArray({"enchanted chicken wing", "boots of haste"}, msg:lower()) then
        npcHandler:say('Do you want to trade Boots of haste for Enchanted Chicken Wind?', cid)
        npcHandler.topic[cid] = 1 
elseif isInArray({"warrior Sweat", "warrior helmet"}, msg:lower()) then
        npcHandler:say('Do you want to trade 4 Warrior Helmet for Warrior Sweat?', cid)
        npcHandler.topic[cid] = 2 
elseif isInArray({"fighting Spirit", "royal helmet"}, msg:lower()) then
        npcHandler:say('Do you want to trade 2 Royal Helmet for Fighting Spiri?t', cid)       
        npcHandler.topic[cid] = 3
elseif isInArray({"magic sulphur", "fire sword"}, msg:lower()) then
        npcHandler:say('Do you want to trade 3 Fire Sword for Magic Sulphur?', cid) 
        npcHandler.topic[cid] = 4
elseif isInArray({"job", "items"}, msg:lower()) then
        npcHandler:say('I trade Enchanted Chicken Wing for Boots of Haste, Warrior Sweat for 4 Warrior Helmets, Fighting Spirit for 2 Royal Helmet Magic Sulphur for 3 Fire Swords', cid)
npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0
elseif msgcontains(msg,'yes') and npcHandler.topic[cid] <= 4 and npcHandler.topic[cid] >= 1 then
local trade = {
{NeedItem = 2195, Ncount = 1, GiveItem = 5891, Gcount = 1}, -- Enchanted Chicken Wing
{NeedItem = 2475, Ncount = 4, GiveItem = 5885, Gcount = 1}, -- Flask of Warrior's Sweat
{NeedItem = 2498, Ncount = 2, GiveItem = 5884, Gcount = 1}, -- Spirit Container
{NeedItem = 2392, Ncount = 3, GiveItem = 5904, Gcount = 1}, -- Magic Sulphur
        if player:getItemCount(trade[npcHandler.topic[cid]].NeedItem) >= trade[npcHandler.topic[cid]].Ncount then
player:removeItem(trade[npcHandler.topic[cid]].NeedItem, trade[npcHandler.topic[cid]].Ncount)
player:addItem(trade[npcHandler.topic[cid]].GiveItem, trade[npcHandler.topic[cid]].Gcount)
return npcHandler:say(msg,'Here you are')
            npcHandler:say('Sorry but you don\'t have the item', player)
elseif msgcontains(msg,'no') and (npcHandler.topic[cid] >= 1 and npcHandler.topic[cid] <= 5) then
npcHandler:say(msg,'Ok then', player)
npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0
return true
local function onTradeRequest(cid)
TradeRequest(cid, npcHandler, getTable(), BlueDjinn, 4)
npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_ONTRADEREQUEST, onTradeRequest)
npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)


Editado por arthur122222 (veja o histórico de edições)
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