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Toda vez que alguem usa potion no meu server da esse erro...

Se alguem pudesse me dizer oq fazer agradeceria :)


[5:58:37.150] [Error - CreatureScript Interface]
[5:58:37.151] function onStatsChange(cid, attacker, type, combat, value)
[5:58:37.151]           local reflectPercent = 0
[5:58:37.151]   local dmg = value
[5:58:37.151]   local playerPos = getCreaturePosition(cid)
[5:58:37.151]   local attackerPos = getCreaturePosition(attacker)

[5:58:37.151]   for i = 1, #slotPos do
[5:58:37.151]           if getPlayerSlotItem(cid, slotPos).uid > 1 then
[5:58:37.151]                   if getItemReflectPercent(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, slotPos).uid) then
[5:58:37.151]                           reflectPercent = reflectPercent + getItemReflectPercent(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, slotPos).uid)
[5:58:37.151]                   end
[5:58:37.151]           end
[5:58:37.151]   end
[5:58:37.151]   if reflectPercent > 0 then
[5:58:37.151]           dmg = math.ceil(-value*((100-reflectPercent)/100))
[5:58:37.151]           if (dmg < 0) then
[5:58:37.151]                   doCreatureAddHealth(cid, dmg)
[5:58:37.151]                   doSendAnimatedText(playerPos, -dmg, COLOR_RED)
[5:58:37.151]                   doSendMagicEffect(playerPos, 0)
[5:58:37.151]           else
[5:58:37.151]                   doSendMagicEffect(playerPos, 3)
[5:58:37.151]           end

[5:58:37.151]           dmg = math.ceil(-value*(reflectPercent/100))
[5:58:37.151]           if (dmg < 0) then
[5:58:37.151]                   doCreatureAddHealth(attacker, dmg)
[5:58:37.152]                   doSendAnimatedText(attackerPos, -dmg, COLOR_RED)
[5:58:37.152]                   doSendDistanceShoot(playerPos, attackerPos, CONST_ANI_SMALLHOLY)
[5:58:37.152]           end
[5:58:37.152]   else
[5:58:37.152]           return true
[5:58:37.152]   end
[5:58:37.152] end:onStatsChange
[5:58:37.152] Description:
[5:58:37.152] (luaGetThingPosition) Thing not found

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qual a versão do seu server?

TFS 0.4 rev 3777 :) 8.6

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tenta mudar isso em data/action/script/liquids/potions.lua


  local config = {
        removeOnUse = "yes",
        usableOnTarget = "yes", -- can be used on target? (fe. healing friend)
        splashable = "no",
        range = -1,
        realAnimation = "yes", -- make text effect visible only for players in range 1x1
        healthMultiplier = 1.0,
        manaMultiplier = 1.0
        config.usableOnTarget = getBooleanFromString(config.usableOnTarget)
        config.splashable = getBooleanFromString(config.splashable)
        config.realAnimation = getBooleanFromString(config.realAnimation)
local POTIONS = {
        [8704] = {empty = 7636, splash = 2, health = {50, 100}}, -- small health potion
        [7618] = {empty = 7636, splash = 2, health = {100, 200}}, -- health potion
        [7588] = {empty = 7634, splash = 2, health = {200, 400}, level = 50, vocations = {3, 4, 7, 8}, vocStr = "knights and paladins"}, -- strong health potion
        [7591] = {empty = 7635, splash = 2, health = {500, 700}, level = 80, vocations = {4, 8}, vocStr = "knights"}, -- great health potion
        [8473] = {empty = 7635, splash = 2, health = {800, 1000}, level = 130, vocations = {4, 8}, vocStr = "knights"}, -- ultimate health potion
        [7620] = {empty = 7636, splash = 7, mana = {70, 130}}, -- mana potion
        [7589] = {empty = 7634, splash = 7, mana = {110, 190}, level = 50, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7}, vocStr = "sorcerers, druids and paladins"}, -- strong mana potion
        [7590] = {empty = 7590, splash = 7, mana = {200, 300}, level = 80, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}, vocStr = "sorcerers and druids"}, -- great mana potion
        [8472] = {empty = 7635, splash = 3, health = {200, 400}, mana = {110, 190}, level = 80, vocations = {3, 7}, vocStr = "paladins"} -- great spirit potion
local exhaust = createConditionObject(CONDITION_EXHAUST)
setConditionParam(exhaust, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, (getConfigInfo('timeBetweenExActions') - 100))
function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
        local potion = POTIONS[item.itemid]
        if(not potion) then
                return false
        if(not isPlayer(itemEx.uid) or (not config.usableOnTarget and cid ~= itemEx.uid)) then
                if(not config.splashable) then
                        return false
                if(toPosition.x == CONTAINER_POSITION) then
                        toPosition = getThingPos(item.uid)
                doDecayItem(doCreateItem(2016, potion.splash, toPosition))
                doTransformItem(item.uid, potion.empty)
                return true
        if(hasCondition(cid, CONDITION_EXHAUST)) then
                doPlayerSendDefaultCancel(cid, RETURNVALUE_YOUAREEXHAUSTED)
                return true
        if(((potion.level and getPlayerLevel(cid) < potion.level) or (potion.vocations and not isInArray(potion.vocations, getPlayerVocation(cid)))) and
                not getPlayerCustomFlagValue(cid, PLAYERCUSTOMFLAG_GAMEMASTERPRIVILEGES))
                doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Only " .. potion.vocStr .. (potion.level and (" of level " .. potion.level) or "") .. " or above may drink this fluid.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
                return true
        if(config.range > 0 and cid ~= itemEx.uid and getDistanceBetween(getCreaturePosition(cid), getCreaturePosition(itemEx.uid)) > config.range) then
                return false
        local health =
        if(health and not doCreatureAddHealth(itemEx.uid, math.ceil(math.random(health[1], health[2]) * config.healthMultiplier))) then
                return false
        local mana = potion.mana
        if(mana and not doPlayerAddMana(itemEx.uid, math.ceil(math.random(mana[1], mana[2]) * config.manaMultiplier))) then
                return false
        doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(itemEx.uid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)
        if(not config.realAnimation) then
                doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Aaaah...", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
                for i, tid in ipairs(getSpectators(getCreaturePosition(cid), 1, 1)) do
                        if(isPlayer(tid)) then
                                doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Aaaah...", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1, false, tid)
-- By Delton Begin
        if (config.removeOnUse == "no") then
                doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid, item.type)
        else if (config.removeOnUse == "yes") then
-- By Delton End       
        doAddCondition(cid, exhaust)
        return true

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tenta mudar isso em data/action/script/liquids/potions.lua


  local config = {
        removeOnUse = "yes",
        usableOnTarget = "yes", -- can be used on target? (fe. healing friend)
        splashable = "no",
        range = -1,
        realAnimation = "yes", -- make text effect visible only for players in range 1x1
        healthMultiplier = 1.0,
        manaMultiplier = 1.0
        config.usableOnTarget = getBooleanFromString(config.usableOnTarget)
        config.splashable = getBooleanFromString(config.splashable)
        config.realAnimation = getBooleanFromString(config.realAnimation)
local POTIONS = {
        [8704] = {empty = 7636, splash = 2, health = {50, 100}}, -- small health potion
        [7618] = {empty = 7636, splash = 2, health = {100, 200}}, -- health potion
        [7588] = {empty = 7634, splash = 2, health = {200, 400}, level = 50, vocations = {3, 4, 7, 8}, vocStr = "knights and paladins"}, -- strong health potion
        [7591] = {empty = 7635, splash = 2, health = {500, 700}, level = 80, vocations = {4, 8}, vocStr = "knights"}, -- great health potion
        [8473] = {empty = 7635, splash = 2, health = {800, 1000}, level = 130, vocations = {4, 8}, vocStr = "knights"}, -- ultimate health potion
        [7620] = {empty = 7636, splash = 7, mana = {70, 130}}, -- mana potion
        [7589] = {empty = 7634, splash = 7, mana = {110, 190}, level = 50, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7}, vocStr = "sorcerers, druids and paladins"}, -- strong mana potion
        [7590] = {empty = 7590, splash = 7, mana = {200, 300}, level = 80, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}, vocStr = "sorcerers and druids"}, -- great mana potion
        [8472] = {empty = 7635, splash = 3, health = {200, 400}, mana = {110, 190}, level = 80, vocations = {3, 7}, vocStr = "paladins"} -- great spirit potion
local exhaust = createConditionObject(CONDITION_EXHAUST)
setConditionParam(exhaust, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, (getConfigInfo('timeBetweenExActions') - 100))
function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
        local potion = POTIONS[item.itemid]
        if(not potion) then
                return false
        if(not isPlayer(itemEx.uid) or (not config.usableOnTarget and cid ~= itemEx.uid)) then
                if(not config.splashable) then
                        return false
                if(toPosition.x == CONTAINER_POSITION) then
                        toPosition = getThingPos(item.uid)
                doDecayItem(doCreateItem(2016, potion.splash, toPosition))
                doTransformItem(item.uid, potion.empty)
                return true
        if(hasCondition(cid, CONDITION_EXHAUST)) then
                doPlayerSendDefaultCancel(cid, RETURNVALUE_YOUAREEXHAUSTED)
                return true
        if(((potion.level and getPlayerLevel(cid) < potion.level) or (potion.vocations and not isInArray(potion.vocations, getPlayerVocation(cid)))) and
                not getPlayerCustomFlagValue(cid, PLAYERCUSTOMFLAG_GAMEMASTERPRIVILEGES))
                doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Only " .. potion.vocStr .. (potion.level and (" of level " .. potion.level) or "") .. " or above may drink this fluid.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
                return true
        if(config.range > 0 and cid ~= itemEx.uid and getDistanceBetween(getCreaturePosition(cid), getCreaturePosition(itemEx.uid)) > config.range) then
                return false
        local health =
        if(health and not doCreatureAddHealth(itemEx.uid, math.ceil(math.random(health[1], health[2]) * config.healthMultiplier))) then
                return false
        local mana = potion.mana
        if(mana and not doPlayerAddMana(itemEx.uid, math.ceil(math.random(mana[1], mana[2]) * config.manaMultiplier))) then
                return false
        doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(itemEx.uid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)
        if(not config.realAnimation) then
                doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Aaaah...", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
                for i, tid in ipairs(getSpectators(getCreaturePosition(cid), 1, 1)) do
                        if(isPlayer(tid)) then
                                doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Aaaah...", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1, false, tid)
-- By Delton Begin
        if (config.removeOnUse == "no") then
                doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid, item.type)
        else if (config.removeOnUse == "yes") then
-- By Delton End       
        doAddCondition(cid, exhaust)
        return true

Permanece no erro :(, creio que nao deve ser em potions.lua, pois ja modifiquei de varias pastas e possui o mesmo erro, creio eu que é em algum outro script

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