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Quest Firewalker Boots quando entra dois player, o 1 desloga

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Olá, boa tarde.


Conforme já diz no tópico necessito de ajuda na quest da firewalker boots, estou usando o mesmo de um ot global, porém não está funcionando.


O Bug está que quando tem um player dentro da quest e outro tenta entrar, o primeiro player é deslogado o.O


function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)
local starting = {x = 1051, y = 1809, z = 15, stackpos = 253}
local ending = {x = 1074, y = 1826, z = 15, stackpos = 253}
local checking = {x = starting.x, y = starting.y, z = starting.z, stackpos = starting.stackpos}
local portal_in_pos = {x = 1070, y = 1819, z = 15, stackpos = 1}
local portal_iten_pos = getThingfromPos(portal_in_pos)
local teleportId = 1387
local player_pos_entrada = {x = 1068, y = 1817, z = 15}
local player_pos_saida = {x = 1075, y = 1817, z = 15}
local boss_pos = {x = 1063, y = 1817, z = 15}
local boss = "Pythius The Rotten"
local queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 53090) --ValueID DA QUEST QUANDO VOCE JA PEGO O ITEM
--Do not touch this--
if getPlayerLookDir(cid) == 0 then
newdir = 2
elseif getPlayerLookDir(cid) == 1 then
newdir = 3
elseif getPlayerLookDir(cid) == 2 then
newdir = 0
newdir = 1
--Don't edit this unless you know what you are doing.
if item.actionid == 9022 then
doTeleportThing(cid, player_pos_saida)
doSendMagicEffect(player_pos_saida, 10)
doRemoveItem(portal_iten_pos.uid, 1)
return TRUE
if item.actionid == 9021 and queststatus == -1 then
players = 0
totalmonsters = 0
monster = {}
creature = getThingfromPos(checking)
if creature.itemid > 0 then
if getPlayerAccess(creature.uid) == 0 then
players = players + 1
if getPlayerAccess(creature.uid) ~= 0 and getPlayerAccess(creature.uid) ~= 3 then
totalmonsters = totalmonsters + 1
monster[totalmonsters] = creature.uid
checking.x = checking.x + 1
if checking.x > ending.x then
checking.x = starting.x
checking.y = checking.y + 1
until checking.y > ending.y
if players == 0 then
if totalmonsters ~= 0 then
current = 0
current = current + 1
until current >= totalmonsters
doTeleportThing(cid, player_pos_entrada)
doSendMagicEffect(player_pos_entrada, 10)
doCreateMonster(boss, boss_pos)
if portal_iten_pos.itemid == teleportId then
doRemoveItem(portal_iten_pos.uid, 1)
doMoveCreature(cid, newdir)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, 'is in the room now. Wait a moment!')
doMoveCreature(cid, newdir)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, 'Sorry you already did this quest!')


Por gentileza, alguém poderia me ajudar ?


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