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Não consigo deixar meu OT online pros outros de jeito nenhum!

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Fala galera, beleza ? 

Então, estou a alguns dias tentando por o meu server 8.6 pra funcionar...

Eu consigo logar nele mas os outros não.

Já abri as portas do firewall (7171 e 7172 TCP E UDP INCLUSIVE)

Já liberei as portas do modem (7171 e 7172; 8090 INCLUSIVE)


Mas só consigo entrar no server com o meu IP local. No meu programa do NO-IP eu preciso mudar as configurações para ao invés dele usar o IP (aquele mesmo IP que vc consegue no site para o meu IP local. 


Estou mandando um print das configurações do meu modem se por acaso houver um erro. (vai ter bastante prints).


Antes, devo dizer que eu uso um modem da GVT marca DSL-2730R da D-Link. E tambem um roteador wifi de 3 antes modelo TL-WR941N. 

O cabo ethernet pro meu PC vem do roteador de 3 antenas TL-WR941N. 











Postei primeiro os prints das configurações do modem de 3 antenas pq o DMZ do modem da GVT eu usei o IP do de 3 antenas. Tá meio confuso mas acho que dá pra entender.



Aqui está o print da config que eu tenho que usar no programa do NO-IP pra eu poder acessar o meu otserv. Caso contrário nem eu consigo entrar.


Se alguém ja passou por isso e tem uma solução, ficaria muito agradecido mesmo para solucionar pra mim! 


Valeu galera!

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Isso acontecia comigo e não sabia o que era e é tão básico, segue abaixo:




Você só vai conseguir acessar o seu servidor com o IP do seu computador, como exemplo acima nas fotos: IP:


Se você tentar utilizar outro IP, caso o FIXO da net não vai conseguir, quando usava NET eu conseguia com qualquer IP, depois que troquei para GVT, somente como IP do computador, abraço.



The medieval RpG Server



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Isso acontecia comigo e não sabia o que era e é tão básico, segue abaixo:

Você só vai conseguir acessar o seu servidor com o IP do seu computador, como exemplo acima nas fotos: IP:

Se você tentar utilizar outro IP, caso o FIXO da net não vai conseguir, quando usava NET eu conseguia com qualquer IP, depois que troquei para GVT, somente como IP do computador, abraço.

Obrigado pelo interesse em ajudar, porém eu já tentei colocar no DMZ o meu IP (no meu caso e não deu :( Editado por daveic (veja o histórico de edições)
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Posta seu config.lua pra eu ver as configurações? Tenho quase certeza que ja encontrei o problema...

Perdão pela demora, estava viajando.

Está ai a config 



"-- The Forgotten Server Config

-- Account manager
accountManager = "yes"
namelockManager = "no"
newPlayerChooseVoc = "yes"
newPlayerSpawnPosX = 157
newPlayerSpawnPosY = 50
newPlayerSpawnPosZ = 8
newPlayerTownId = 1
newPlayerLevel = 15
newPlayerMagicLevel = 0
generateAccountNumber = "no"
-- Unjustified kills
-- NOTE: *Banishment and *BlackSkull variables are >summed up<
-- (dailyFragsToRedSkull + dailyFragsToBanishment) with their
-- *RedSkull equivalents.
-- Auto banishing works only if useBlackSkull set to negative.
-- advancedFragList is not advised if you use huge frags
-- requirements.
redSkullLength = 50 * 62 * 70 * 90
blackSkullLength = 64 * 72 * 80 * 95
dailyFragsToRedSkull = 55
weeklyFragsToRedSkull = 80
monthlyFragsToRedSkull = 90
dailyFragsToBlackSkull = dailyFragsToRedSkull
weeklyFragsToBlackSkull = weeklyFragsToRedSkull
monthlyFragsToBlackSkull = monthlyFragsToRedSkull
dailyFragsToBanishment = dailyFragsToRedSkull
weeklyFragsToBanishment = weeklyFragsToRedSkull
monthlyFragsToBanishment = monthlyFragsToRedSkull
blackSkulledDeathHealth = 40
blackSkulledDeathMana = 0
useBlackSkull = true
useFragHandler = true
advancedFragList = false
-- Banishments
-- violationNameReportActionType 1 = just a report, 2 = name lock, 3 = player banishment
-- killsBanLength works only if useBlackSkull option is disabled.
notationsToBan = 3
warningsToFinalBan = 4
warningsToDeletion = 5
banLength = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
killsBanLength = 8 * 24 * 60 * 60
finalBanLength = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
ipBanishmentLength = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60
broadcastBanishments = true
maxViolationCommentSize = 200
violationNameReportActionType = 2
autoBanishUnknownBytes = false
-- Battle
-- NOTE: showHealingDamageForMonsters inheritates from showHealingDamage.
-- loginProtectionPeriod is the famous Tibia anti-magebomb system.
-- deathLostPercent set to nil enables manual mode.
worldType = "pvp"
protectionLevel = 1
pvpTileIgnoreLevelAndVocationProtection = true
pzLocked = 20 * 700
huntingDuration = 60 * 1000
criticalHitChance = 7
criticalHitMultiplier = 1
displayCriticalHitNotify = true
removeWeaponAmmunition = false
removeWeaponCharges = false
removeRuneCharges = "no"
whiteSkullTime = 5 * 10 * 100
noDamageToSameLookfeet = false
showHealingDamage = true
showHealingDamageForMonsters = true
fieldOwnershipDuration = 5 * 1000
stopAttackingAtExit = false
oldConditionAccuracy = false
loginProtectionPeriod = 10 * 1000
deathLostPercent = 10
stairhopDelay = 2 * 1000
pushCreatureDelay = 1 * 205
deathContainerId = 1987
gainExperienceColor = 215
addManaSpentInPvPZone = true
squareColor = 0
allowFightback = true
-- Connection config
worldId = 0
ip = ""
bindOnlyConfiguredIpAddress = false
loginPort = 7171
gamePort = 7172
adminPort = 7171
statusPort = 7171
loginTries = 10
retryTimeout = 5 * 1000
loginTimeout = 60 * 1000
maxPlayers = 1000
motd = "Bem Vindo ao MaoNegra World"
displayOnOrOffAtCharlist = false
onePlayerOnlinePerAccount = true
allowClones = false
serverName = "Mao Negra"
loginMessage = "Bem Vindo ao Mao Negra World"
statusTimeout = 5 * 60 * 1000
replaceKickOnLogin = true
forceSlowConnectionsToDisconnect = false
loginOnlyWithLoginServer = false
premiumPlayerSkipWaitList = false
-- Database
-- NOTE: sqlFile is used only by sqlite database, and sqlKeepAlive by mysql database.
-- To disable sqlKeepAlive such as mysqlReadTimeout use 0 value.
sqlType = "sqlite"
sqlHost = "localhost"
sqlPort = 3306
sqlUser = "root"
sqlPass = ""
sqlDatabase = "theforgottenserver"
sqlFile = "forgottenserver.s3db"
sqlKeepAlive = 0
mysqlReadTimeout = 10
mysqlWriteTimeout = 10
encryptionType = "sha1"
-- Deathlist
deathListEnabled = true
deathListRequiredTime = 1 * 60 * 1000
deathAssistCount = 19
maxDeathRecords = 5
-- Guilds
ingameGuildManagement = true
levelToFormGuild = 8
premiumDaysToFormGuild = 0
guildNameMinLength = 4
guildNameMaxLength = 20
-- Highscores
highscoreDisplayPlayers = 100
updateHighscoresAfterMinutes = 2
-- Houses
buyableAndSellableHouses = true
houseNeedPremium = true
bedsRequirePremium = true
levelToBuyHouse = 1
housesPerAccount = 0
houseRentAsPrice = false
housePriceAsRent = false
housePriceEachSquare = 1000
houseRentPeriod = "never"
houseCleanOld = 0
guildHalls = false
-- Item usage
timeBetweenActions = 200
timeBetweenExActions = 1000
checkCorpseOwner = true
hotkeyAimbotEnabled = true
maximumDoorLevel = 500
-- Map
-- NOTE: storeTrash costs more memory, but will perform alot faster cleaning.
-- useHouseDataStorage usage may be found at README.
mapName = "IceWars"
mapAuthor = "David Iesus"
randomizeTiles = true
useHouseDataStorage = false
storeTrash = true
cleanProtectedZones = true
mailboxDisabledTowns = "-1"
-- Startup
-- NOTE: defaultPriority works only on Windows and niceLevel on *nix
-- coresUsed are seperated by comma cores ids used by server process,
-- default is -1, so it stays untouched (automaticaly assigned by OS).
defaultPriority = "high"
niceLevel = 5
coresUsed = "-1"
optimizeDatabaseAtStartup = true
removePremiumOnInit = true
confirmOutdatedVersion = false
-- Muted buffer
maxMessageBuffer = 4
bufferMutedOnSpellFailure = false
-- Miscellaneous
-- NOTE: promptExceptionTracerErrorBox works only with precompiled support feature,
-- called "exception tracer" (__EXCEPTION_TRACER__ flag).
-- monsterLootMessage 0 to disable, 1 - only party, 2 - only player, 3 - party or player (like Tibia's)
dataDirectory = "data/"
allowChangeOutfit = true
allowChangeColors = true
allowChangeAddons = true
disableOutfitsForPrivilegedPlayers = false
bankSystem = true
saveGlobalStorage = true
displaySkillLevelOnAdvance = false
spellNameInsteadOfWords = false
emoteSpells = true
promptExceptionTracerErrorBox = true
storePlayerDirection = false
monsterLootMessage = 3
monsterLootMessageType = 25
separateViplistPerCharacter = false
-- Ghost mode
ghostModeInvisibleEffect = false
ghostModeSpellEffects = true
-- Limits
idleWarningTime = 14 * 60 * 1000
idleKickTime = 15 * 60 * 1000
expireReportsAfterReads = 1
playerQueryDeepness = 2
maxItemsPerPZTile = 0
maxItemsPerHouseTile = 0
-- Premium-related
freePremium = true
premiumForPromotion = true
-- Blessings
-- NOTE: blessingReduction* regards items/containers loss.
-- eachBlessReduction is how much each bless reduces the experience/magic/skills loss.
blessingOnlyPremium = true
blessingReductionBase = 30
blessingReductionDecreament = 5
eachBlessReduction = 8
-- Rates
-- NOTE: experienceStages configuration is located in data/XML/stages.xml.
-- rateExperienceFromPlayers 0 to disable.
experienceStages = "no"
rateExperience = 9600
rateExperienceFromPlayers = 0
rateSkill = 2000
rateMagic = 960
rateLoot = 9000
rateSpawn = 1
-- Monster rates
rateMonsterHealth = 1.0
rateMonsterMana = 1.0
rateMonsterAttack = 1.0
rateMonsterDefense = 1.0
-- Experience from players
-- NOTE: min~Threshold* set to 0 will disable the minimum threshold:
-- player will gain experience from every lower leveled player.
-- max~Threshold* set to 0 will disable the maximum threshold:
-- player will gain experience from every higher leveled player.
minLevelThresholdForKilledPlayer = 0.9
maxLevelThresholdForKilledPlayer = 1.1
-- Stamina
-- NOTE: Stamina is stored in miliseconds, so seconds are multiplied by 1000.
-- rateStaminaHits multiplies every hit done a creature, which are later
-- multiplied by player attack speed.
-- rateStaminaGain is divider of every logged out second, eg:
-- 60000 / 3 = 20000 milliseconds, what gives 20 stamina seconds for 1 minute being logged off.
-- rateStaminaThresholdGain is divider for the premium stamina.
-- staminaRatingLimit* is in minutes.
rateStaminaLoss = 1
rateStaminaGain = 3
rateStaminaThresholdGain = 12
staminaRatingLimitTop = 41 * 60
staminaRatingLimitBottom = 14 * 60
rateStaminaAboveNormal = 1.5
rateStaminaUnderNormal = 0.5
staminaThresholdOnlyPremium = true
-- Party
-- NOTE: experienceShareLevelDifference is float number.
-- experienceShareLevelDifference is highestLevel * value
experienceShareRadiusX = 30
experienceShareRadiusY = 30
experienceShareRadiusZ = 1
experienceShareLevelDifference = 2 / 3
extraPartyExperienceLimit = 20
extraPartyExperiencePercent = 5
experienceShareActivity = 2 * 60 * 1000
-- Global save
-- NOTE: globalSaveHour means like 03:00, not that it will save every 3 hours,
-- if you want such a system please check out data/globalevents/globalevents.xml.
globalSaveEnabled = false
globalSaveHour = 8
shutdownAtGlobalSave = true
cleanMapAtGlobalSave = false
-- Spawns
deSpawnRange = 2
deSpawnRadius = 50
-- Summons
maxPlayerSummons = 0
teleportAllSummons = false
teleportPlayerSummons = false
-- Status
ownerName = "[ADM] IceWars"
ownerEmail = "[email protected]"
url = ""
location = "Brasil"
displayGamemastersWithOnlineCommand = false
-- Logs
-- NOTE: This kind of logging does not work in GUI version.
-- For such, please compile the software with __GUI_LOGS__ flag.
adminLogsEnabled = false
displayPlayersLogging = true
prefixChannelLogs = ""
runFile = ""
outLogName = ""
errorLogName = ""
truncateLogsOnStartup = false"

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Cara, talvez eu esteja com o mesmo problema, antes eu mexia com servidores e tal, mas eu fui tentar criar um, e não entrava com ip fixo, nem ip changer, nem nada :C
Quero resolver isso logo, enquanto isso, lolzinho também :C

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