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(Resolvido)[Erro] Event Zombie

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Boa Noite, Estou com um Problema Serio!

Quando inicio o servidor ou dou /reload globalevents

Me deparo com este erro:

[Warning - Event::loadScript] Event onTime not found (data/globalevents/scripts/zombie_event.lua)

Não sei bem oque fazer, ja tentei por OnTrink e tudo mais , não funcionou! :(



ocal config = {playerCount = 2001, -- Global storage for counting the players left/entered in the event
zombieCount = 2002, -- Global storage for counting the zombies in the event
teleportActionId = 2000, -- Action id of the teleport needed for the movement script
teleportPosition = {x = 32364, y = 32232, z = 7, stackpos = 1}, -- Where the teleport will be created
teleportToPosition = {x = 32324, y = 31941, z = 7}, -- Where the teleport will take you
teleportId = 1387, -- Id of the teleport
timeToStartEvent = 5, -- Minutes, after these minutes the teleport will be removed and the event will be declared started
timeBetweenSpawns = 20, -- Seconds between each spawn of zombie
zombieName = "event zombie", -- Name of the zombie that should be summoned
playersNeededToStartEvent = 5, -- Players needed before the zombies can spawn.

-- Should be the same as in the creaturescript!
-- The zombies will spawn randomly inside this area
fromPosition = {x = 32298, y = 31915, z = 7}, -- top left cornor of the playground
toPosition = {x = 32357, y = 31970, z = 7}, -- bottom right cornor of the playground

function onTimer()
local tp = doCreateTeleport(config.teleportId, config.teleportToPosition, config.teleportPosition)
doItemSetAttribute(tp, "aid", config.teleportActionId)
doBroadcastMessage("Zombie Event iniciara em " .. config.timeToStartEvent .. " Minutos! O Teleporte sera fechado quando der inicio ao Evento!", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING)
setGlobalStorageValue(config.playerCount, 0)
setGlobalStorageValue(config.zombieCount, 0)
addEvent(startEvent, config.timeToStartEvent * 1000 * 60)

function startEvent()
local get = getThingfromPos(config.teleportPosition)
if get.itemid == config.teleportId then
doRemoveItem(get.uid, 1)

local fromp, top = config.fromPosition, config.toPosition

if getGlobalStorageValue(config.playerCount) >= config.playersNeededToStartEvent then
addEvent(spawnZombie, config.timeBetweenSpawns * 1000)
doBroadcastMessage("Boa Sorte Participantes! O Teleporte Foi Fechado", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING)

for x = fromp.x, top.x do
for y = fromp.y, top.y do
for z = fromp.z, top.z do
areapos = {x = x, y = y, z = z, stackpos = 253}
getPlayers = getThingfromPos(areapos)
if isPlayer(getPlayers.uid) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(getPlayers.uid, MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "Os Primeiros Zombie Vao aparecer em " .. config.timeBetweenSpawns .. " Segundos! Boa Sorte!")
doBroadcastMessage("O Evento Zombie nao pode iniciar devido a alguns Participantes.\n Pelo Menos " .. config.playersNeededToStartEvent .. " Participantes Necessarios!", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING)
for x = fromp.x, top.x do
for y = fromp.y, top.y do
for z = fromp.z, top.z do
areapos = {x = x, y = y, z = z, stackpos = 253}
getPlayers = getThingfromPos(areapos)
if isPlayer(getPlayers.uid) then
doTeleportThing(getPlayers.uid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(getPlayers.uid)), false)
doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(getPlayers.uid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT)

function spawnZombie()
if getGlobalStorageValue(config.playerCount) >= 2 then
pos = {x = math.random(config.fromPosition.x, config.toPosition.x), y = math.random(config.fromPosition.y, config.toPosition.y), z = math.random(config.fromPosition.z, config.toPosition.z)}
doSummonCreature(config.zombieName, pos)
doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_MORTAREA)
setGlobalStorageValue(config.zombieCount, getGlobalStorageValue(config.zombieCount)+1)
doBroadcastMessage("Um Zombie Tem Gerado! Nao Existe Atualmente " .. getGlobalStorageValue(config.zombieCount) .. " Zombie em Caso Zombies!", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED)
addEvent(spawnZombie, config.timeBetweenSpawns * 1000)


<globalevent name="zombieevent" time="04:00" event="script" value="zombie_event.lua"/>

Valendo REP!

Editado por PobrePreto (veja o histórico de edições)

"Ainda que eu ande pelo vale da sombra da morte, não temerei mal algum, pois tu estás comigo. Salmos 23:4"


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tenta assim amigo.

ocal config = {playerCount = 2001, -- Global storage for counting the players left/entered in the event
zombieCount = 2002, -- Global storage for counting the zombies in the event
teleportActionId = 2000, -- Action id of the teleport needed for the movement script
teleportPosition = {x = 32364, y = 32232, z = 7, stackpos = 1}, -- Where the teleport will be created
teleportToPosition = {x = 32324, y = 31941, z = 7}, -- Where the teleport will take you
teleportId = 1387, -- Id of the teleport
timeToStartEvent = 5, -- Minutes, after these minutes the teleport will be removed and the event will be declared started
timeBetweenSpawns = 20, -- Seconds between each spawn of zombie
zombieName = "event zombie", -- Name of the zombie that should be summoned
playersNeededToStartEvent = 5, -- Players needed before the zombies can spawn.

-- Should be the same as in the creaturescript!
-- The zombies will spawn randomly inside this area
fromPosition = {x = 32298, y = 31915, z = 7}, -- top left cornor of the playground
toPosition = {x = 32357, y = 31970, z = 7}, -- bottom right cornor of the playground

function onTime()
local tp = doCreateTeleport(config.teleportId, config.teleportToPosition, config.teleportPosition)
doItemSetAttribute(tp, "aid", config.teleportActionId)
doBroadcastMessage("Zombie Event iniciara em " .. config.timeToStartEvent .. " Minutos! O Teleporte sera fechado quando der inicio ao Evento!", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING)
setGlobalStorageValue(config.playerCount, 0)
setGlobalStorageValue(config.zombieCount, 0)
addEvent(startEvent, config.timeToStartEvent * 1000 * 60)

function startEvent()
local get = getThingfromPos(config.teleportPosition)
if get.itemid == config.teleportId then
doRemoveItem(get.uid, 1)

local fromp, top = config.fromPosition, config.toPosition

if getGlobalStorageValue(config.playerCount) >= config.playersNeededToStartEvent then
addEvent(spawnZombie, config.timeBetweenSpawns * 1000)
doBroadcastMessage("Boa Sorte Participantes! O Teleporte Foi Fechado", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING)

for x = fromp.x, top.x do
for y = fromp.y, top.y do
for z = fromp.z, top.z do
areapos = {x = x, y = y, z = z, stackpos = 253}
getPlayers = getThingfromPos(areapos)
if isPlayer(getPlayers.uid) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(getPlayers.uid, MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "Os Primeiros Zombie Vao aparecer em " .. config.timeBetweenSpawns .. " Segundos! Boa Sorte!")
doBroadcastMessage("O Evento Zombie nao pode iniciar devido a alguns Participantes.\n Pelo Menos " .. config.playersNeededToStartEvent .. " Participantes Necessarios!", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING)
for x = fromp.x, top.x do
for y = fromp.y, top.y do
for z = fromp.z, top.z do
areapos = {x = x, y = y, z = z, stackpos = 253}
getPlayers = getThingfromPos(areapos)
if isPlayer(getPlayers.uid) then
doTeleportThing(getPlayers.uid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(getPlayers.uid)), false)
doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(getPlayers.uid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT)

function spawnZombie()
if getGlobalStorageValue(config.playerCount) >= 2 then
pos = {x = math.random(config.fromPosition.x, config.toPosition.x), y = math.random(config.fromPosition.y, config.toPosition.y), z = math.random(config.fromPosition.z, config.toPosition.z)}
doSummonCreature(config.zombieName, pos)
doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_MORTAREA)
setGlobalStorageValue(config.zombieCount, getGlobalStorageValue(config.zombieCount)+1)
doBroadcastMessage("Um Zombie Tem Gerado! Nao Existe Atualmente " .. getGlobalStorageValue(config.zombieCount) .. " Zombie em Caso Zombies!", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED)
addEvent(spawnZombie, config.timeBetweenSpawns * 1000)

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Funcionou perfeitamente, Agora vou Testar o Evento! :)

"Ainda que eu ande pelo vale da sombra da morte, não temerei mal algum, pois tu estás comigo. Salmos 23:4"


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