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Boa Noite, tenho um website gessior 2012 para tfs 0.4 global full 8.60 porem meu forum não funciona nem por reza braba consegui colocar um site secundario com nome "abc" entao quando quero acessar o forum e clico no forum do meu site ele linka pro /abc/forum porem abre o layout todo do outro site o qual eu queria manter as escondidas apenas pro forum! alguem tem alguma dica?

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Acha a parte do forum e cola isso.

Se for o 2012 vai funcionar.


<div id="forum_Submenu" class="Submenu">
                <a href="NESSA TAG COLOCA  O LINK DO OUTRO FORUM">
                    <div id="submenu_forum" class="Submenuitem" onmouseover="MouseOverSubmenuItem(this)" onmouseout="MouseOutSubmenuItem(this)">
                        <div class="LeftChain" style="background-image:url(<?PHP echo $layout_name; ?>/images/general/chain.gif);"></div>
                        <div id="ActiveSubmenuItemIcon_forum" class="ActiveSubmenuItemIcon" style="background-image:url(<?PHP echo $layout_name; ?>/images/menu/icon-activesubmenu.gif);"></div>
                        <div id="ActiveSubmenuItemLabel_forum" class="SubmenuitemLabel">Server Forum</div>
                        <div class="RightChain" style="background-image:url(<?PHP echo $layout_name; ?>/images/general/chain.gif);"></div>

 Se não for isso testa esse forum do gesior tbm.




$level_limit = 30; // minimum 1 character with 30 lvl on account to post
$post_interval = 20; // 20 seconds between posts
$group_not_blocked = $config['site']['access_admin_panel']; // group id of player that can always post, remove post, remove threads
$posts_per_page = 20;
$threads_per_page = 20;
$sections = array(1 => 'News', 2 => 'Wars', 3 => 'Quests', 4 => 'Pictures', 5 => 'Bug Report');
$sections_desc = array(1 => 'Here you can comment news.', 2 => 'Feel free to tell what you think about your enemy.', 3 => 'Talk with others about quests you made and how to make them.', 4 => 'Show others your best photos from server!', 5 => 'Report bugs on website and in-game here.');
// END
function canPost($account)
            $SQL = $GLOBALS['SQL'];
            $level_limit = $GLOBALS['level_limit'];
            $player = $SQL->query("SELECT " . $SQL->fieldName('level') . " FROM " . $SQL->tableName('players') . " WHERE " . $SQL->fieldName('account_id') . " = ".$SQL->quote($account->getId())." ORDER BY " . $SQL->fieldName('level') . " DESC")->fetch();
            if($player['level'] >= $level_limit)
                return true;
    return false;

function replaceSmile($text, $smile)
    $smileys = array(';D' => 1, ':D' => 1, ':cool:' => 2, ';cool;' => 2, ':ekk:' => 3, ';ekk;' => 3, ';o' => 4, ';O' => 4, ':o' => 4, ':O' => 4, ':(' => 5, ';(' => 5, ':mad:' => 6, ';mad;' => 6, ';rolleyes;' => 7, ':rolleyes:' => 7, ':)' => 8, ';d' => 9, ':d' => 9, ';)' => 10);
    if($smile == 1)
        return $text;
        foreach($smileys as $search => $replace)
            $text = str_replace($search, '<img src="images/forum/smile/'.$replace.'.gif" />', $text);
        return $text;

function replaceAll($text, $smile)
    $rows = 0;
    while(stripos($text, '[code]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/code]') !== false && stripos($text, '[code]') < stripos($text, '[/code]'))
        $code = substr($text, stripos($text, '[code]')+6, stripos($text, '[/code]') - stripos($text, '[code]') - 6);
        if(!is_int($rows / 2)) { $bgcolor = 'ABED25'; } else { $bgcolor = '23ED25'; } $rows++;
        $text = str_ireplace('[code]'.$code.'[/code]', '<i>Code:</i><br /><table cellpadding="0" style="background-color: #'.$bgcolor.'; width: 480px; border-style: dotted; border-color: #CCCCCC; border-width: 2px"><tr><td>'.$code.'</td></tr></table>', $text);
    $rows = 0;
    while(stripos($text, '[quote]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/quote]') !== false && stripos($text, '[quote]') < stripos($text, '[/quote]'))
        $quote = substr($text, stripos($text, '[quote]')+7, stripos($text, '[/quote]') - stripos($text, '[quote]') - 7);
        if(!is_int($rows / 2)) { $bgcolor = 'AAAAAA'; } else { $bgcolor = 'CCCCCC'; } $rows++;
        $text = str_ireplace('[quote]'.$quote.'[/quote]', '<table cellpadding="0" style="background-color: #'.$bgcolor.'; width: 480px; border-style: dotted; border-color: #007900; border-width: 2px"><tr><td>'.$quote.'</td></tr></table>', $text);
    $rows = 0;
    while(stripos($text, '[url]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/url]') !== false && stripos($text, '[url]') < stripos($text, '[/url]'))
        $url = substr($text, stripos($text, '[url]')+5, stripos($text, '[/url]') - stripos($text, '[url]') - 5);
        $text = str_ireplace('[url]'.$url.'[/url]', '<a href="'.$url.'" target="_blank">'.$url.'</a>', $text);
    while(stripos($text, '[player]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/player]') !== false && stripos($text, '[player]') < stripos($text, '[/player]'))
        $player = substr($text, stripos($text, '[player]')+8, stripos($text, '[/player]') - stripos($text, '[player]') - 8);
        $text = str_ireplace('[player]'.$player.'[/player]', '<a href="?subtopic=characters&name='.urlencode($player).'">'.$player.'</a>', $text);
    while(stripos($text, '[img]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/img]') !== false && stripos($text, '[img]') < stripos($text, '[/img]'))
        $img = substr($text, stripos($text, '[img]')+5, stripos($text, '[/img]') - stripos($text, '[img]') - 5);
        $text = str_ireplace('[img]'.$img.'[/img]', '<img src="'.$img.'">', $text);
    while(stripos($text, '[b]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/b]') !== false && stripos($text, '[b]') < stripos($text, '[/b]'))
        $b = substr($text, stripos($text, '[b]')+3, stripos($text, '[/b]') - stripos($text, '[b]') - 3);
        $text = str_ireplace('[b]'.$b.'[/b]', '<b>'.$b.'</b>', $text);
    while(stripos($text, '[i]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/i]') !== false && stripos($text, '[i]') < stripos($text, '[/i]'))
        $i = substr($text, stripos($text, '[i]')+3, stripos($text, '[/i]') - stripos($text, '[i]') - 3);
        $text = str_ireplace('[i]'.$i.'[/i]', '<i>'.$i.'</i>', $text);
    while(stripos($text, '[u]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/u]') !== false && stripos($text, '[u]') < stripos($text, '[/u]'))
        $u = substr($text, stripos($text, '[u]')+3, stripos($text, '[/u]') - stripos($text, '[u]') - 3);
        $text = str_ireplace('[u]'.$u.'[/u]', '<u>'.$u.'</u>', $text);
    return replaceSmile($text, $smile);

function removeBBCode($text)
    while(stripos($text, '[code]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/code]') !== false )
        $code = substr($text, stripos($text, '[code]')+6, stripos($text, '[/code]') - stripos($text, '[code]') - 6);
        $text = str_ireplace('[code]'.$code.'[/code]', $code, $text);
    while(stripos($text, '[quote]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/quote]') !== false )
        $quote = substr($text, stripos($text, '[quote]')+7, stripos($text, '[/quote]') - stripos($text, '[quote]') - 7);
        $text = str_ireplace('[quote]'.$quote.'[/quote]', $quote, $text);
    while(stripos($text, '[url]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/url]') !== false )
        $url = substr($text, stripos($text, '[url]')+5, stripos($text, '[/url]') - stripos($text, '[url]') - 5);
        $text = str_ireplace('[url]'.$url.'[/url]', $url, $text);
    while(stripos($text, '[player]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/player]') !== false )
        $player = substr($text, stripos($text, '[player]')+8, stripos($text, '[/player]') - stripos($text, '[player]') - 8);
        $text = str_ireplace('[player]'.$player.'[/player]', $player, $text);
    while(stripos($text, '[img]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/img]') !== false )
        $img = substr($text, stripos($text, '[img]')+5, stripos($text, '[/img]') - stripos($text, '[img]') - 5);
        $text = str_ireplace('[img]'.$img.'[/img]', $img, $text);
    while(stripos($text, '[b]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/b]') !== false )
        $b = substr($text, stripos($text, '[b]')+3, stripos($text, '[/b]') - stripos($text, '[b]') - 3);
        $text = str_ireplace('[b]'.$b.'[/b]', $b, $text);
    while(stripos($text, '[i]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/i]') !== false )
        $i = substr($text, stripos($text, '[i]')+3, stripos($text, '[/i]') - stripos($text, '[i]') - 3);
        $text = str_ireplace('[i]'.$i.'[/i]', $i, $text);
    while(stripos($text, '[u]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/u]') !== false )
        $u = substr($text, stripos($text, '[u]')+3, stripos($text, '[/u]') - stripos($text, '[u]') - 3);
        $text = str_ireplace('[u]'.$u.'[/u]', $u, $text);
    return $text;

function codeLower($text)
    return str_ireplace(array('[b]', '[i]', '[u]', '[/u][/i][/b][i][u]', '[/u][/i][u]', '[/u]', '[url]', '[player]', '[img]', '[code]', '[quote]', '[/quote][/code][/url][code][quote]', '[/player]', '[/img]', '[/quote][/code][quote]', '[/quote]'), array('[b]', '[i]', '[u]', '[/u][/i][/b][i][u]', '[/u][/i][u]', '[/u]', '[url]', '[player]', '[img]', '[code]', '[quote]', '[/quote][/code][/url][code][quote]', '[/player]', '[/img]', '[/quote][/code][quote]', '[/quote]'), $text);

function showPost($topic, $text, $smile)
    $text = nl2br($text);
    $post = '';
        $post .= '<b>'.replaceSmile($topic, $smile).'</b><hr />';
    $post .= replaceAll($text, $smile);
    return $post;

    $main_content .=  'You are not logged in. <a href="?subtopic=accountmanagement">Log in</a> to post on the forum.<br /><br />';

if($action == '')
    $main_content .= '<b>Boards</b>';
    $main_content .= '<table width="100%"><tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'"><td><font color="white" size="1"><b>Board</b></font></td><td><font color="white" size="1"><b>Posts</b></font></td><td><font color="white" size="1"><b>Threads</b></font></td><td align="center"><font color="white" size="1"><b>Last Post</b></font></td></tr>';
    $info = $SQL->query("SELECT " . $SQL->fieldName('section') . ", COUNT(" . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ") AS 'threads', SUM(" . $SQL->fieldName('replies') . ") AS 'replies' FROM " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " WHERE " . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . " = " . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " GROUP BY " . $SQL->fieldName('section') . "")->fetchAll();
    foreach($info as $data)
        $counters[$data['section']] = array('threads' => $data['threads'], 'posts' => $data['replies'] + $data['threads']);
    foreach($sections as $id => $section)
        $last_post = $SQL->query("SELECT " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('name') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_date') . " FROM " . $SQL->tableName('players') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " WHERE " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('section') . " = ".(int) $id." AND " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('author_guid') . " ORDER BY " . $SQL->fieldName('post_date') . " DESC LIMIT 1")->fetch();
        if(!is_int($number_of_rows / 2)) { $bgcolor = $config['site']['darkborder']; } else { $bgcolor = $config['site']['lightborder']; } $number_of_rows++;
        $main_content .= '<tr bgcolor="'.$bgcolor.'"><td><a href="?subtopic=forum&action=show_board&id='.$id.'">'.$section.'</a><br /><small>'.$sections_desc[$id].'</small></td><td>'.(int) $counters[$id]['posts'].'</td><td>'.(int) $counters[$id]['threads'].'</td><td>';
            $main_content .= date('d.m.y H:i:s', $last_post['post_date']).'<br />by <a href="?subtopic=characters&name='.urlencode($last_post['name']).'">'.$last_post['name'].'</a>';
            $main_content .= 'No posts';
        $main_content .= '</td></tr>';

    $main_content .= '</table>';

if($action == 'show_board')
    $section_id = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
    $page = (int) $_REQUEST['page'];
    $threads_count = $SQL->query("SELECT COUNT(" . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ") AS threads_count FROM " . $SQL->tableName('players') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " WHERE " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('author_guid') . " AND " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('section') . " = ".(int) $section_id." AND " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . " = " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . "")->fetch();
    for($i = 0; $i < $threads_count['threads_count'] / $threads_per_page; $i++)
        if($i != $page)
            $links_to_pages .= '<a href="?subtopic=forum&action=show_board&id='.$section_id.'&page='.$i.'">'.($i + 1).'</a> ';
            $links_to_pages .= '<b>'.($i + 1).' </b>';
    $main_content .= '<a href="?subtopic=forum">Boards</a> >> <b>'.$sections[$section_id].'</b><br /><br /><a href="?subtopic=forum&action=new_topic&section_id='.$section_id.'"><img src="images/forum/topic.gif" border="0" /></a><br /><br />Page: '.$links_to_pages.'<br />';
    $last_threads = $SQL->query("SELECT " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('name') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_text') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_topic') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('last_post') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('replies') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('views') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_date') . " FROM " . $SQL->tableName('players') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " WHERE " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('author_guid') . " AND " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('section') . " = ".(int) $section_id." AND " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . " = " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " ORDER BY " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('last_post') . " DESC LIMIT ".$threads_per_page." OFFSET ".($page * $threads_per_page))->fetchAll();
        $main_content .= '<table width="100%"><tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" align="center"><td><font color="white" size="1"><b>Thread</b></font></td><td><font color="white" size="1"><b>Thread Starter</b></font></td><td><font color="white" size="1"><b>Replies</b></font></td><td><font color="white" size="1"><b>Views</b></font></td><td><font color="white" size="1"><b>Last Post</b></font></td></tr>';
        foreach($last_threads as $thread)
            if(!is_int($number_of_rows / 2)) { $bgcolor = $config['site']['darkborder']; } else { $bgcolor = $config['site']['lightborder']; } $number_of_rows++;
            $main_content .= '<tr bgcolor="'.$bgcolor.'"><td>';
            if($logged && $group_id_of_acc_logged >= $group_not_blocked)
                $main_content .= '<a href="?subtopic=forum&action=remove_post&id='.$thread['id'].'" onclick="return confirm(\'Are you sure you want remove thread > '.htmlspecialchars($thread['post_topic']).' <?\')"><font color="red">[REMOVE]</font></a>  ';
            $main_content .= '<a href="?subtopic=forum&action=show_thread&id='.$thread['id'].'">'.htmlspecialchars($thread['post_topic']).'</a><br /><small>'.htmlspecialchars(substr(removeBBCode($thread['post_text']), 0, 50)).'...</small></td><td><a href="?subtopic=characters&name='.urlencode($thread['name']).'">'.$thread['name'].'</a></td><td>'.(int) $thread['replies'].'</td><td>'.(int) $thread['views'].'</td><td>';
            if($thread['last_post'] > 0)
                $last_post = $SQL->query("SELECT " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('name') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_date') . " FROM " . $SQL->tableName('players') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " WHERE " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . " = ".(int) $thread['id']." AND " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('author_guid') . " ORDER BY " . $SQL->fieldName('post_date') . " DESC LIMIT 1")->fetch();
                    $main_content .= date('d.m.y H:i:s', $last_post['post_date']).'<br />by <a href="?subtopic=characters&name='.urlencode($last_post['name']).'">'.$last_post['name'].'</a>';
                    $main_content .= 'No posts.';
                $main_content .= date('d.m.y H:i:s', $thread['post_date']).'<br />by <a href="?subtopic=characters&name='.urlencode($thread['name']).'">'.$thread['name'].'</a>';
            $main_content .= '</td></tr>';
        $main_content .= '</table><br /><a href="?subtopic=forum&action=new_topic&section_id='.$section_id.'"><img src="images/forum/topic.gif" border="0" /></a>';
        $main_content .= '<h3>No threads in this board.</h3>';
if($action == 'show_thread')
    $thread_id = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
    $page = (int) $_REQUEST['page'];
    $thread_name = $SQL->query("SELECT " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('name') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_topic') . " FROM " . $SQL->tableName('players') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " WHERE " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . " = ".(int) $thread_id." AND " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . " AND " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('author_guid') . " LIMIT 1")->fetch();
        $posts_count = $SQL->query("SELECT COUNT(" . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ") AS posts_count FROM " . $SQL->tableName('players') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " WHERE " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('author_guid') . " AND " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . " = ".(int) $thread_id)->fetch();
        for($i = 0; $i < $posts_count['posts_count'] / $threads_per_page; $i++)
            if($i != $page)
                $links_to_pages .= '<a href="?subtopic=forum&action=show_thread&id='.$thread_id.'&page='.$i.'">'.($i + 1).'</a> ';
                $links_to_pages .= '<b>'.($i + 1).' </b>';
        $threads = $SQL->query("SELECT " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('name') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('account_id') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('vocation') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('level') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . "," . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('section') . "," . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_text') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_topic') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_date') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_smile') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('author_aid') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('author_guid') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('last_edit_aid') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('edit_date') . ", IFNULL(" . $SQL->tableName('guild_membership') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('rank_id') . ", 0) AS rank_id FROM " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('players') . " LEFT JOIN " . $SQL->tableName('guild_membership') . " ON (" . $SQL->tableName('guild_membership') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('player_id') . " = " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ") WHERE " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('author_guid') . " AND " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . " = ".(int) $thread_id." ORDER BY " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_date') . " LIMIT ".$posts_per_page." OFFSET ".($page * $posts_per_page))->fetchAll();
            $SQL->query("UPDATE " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " SET " . $SQL->fieldName('views') . "=" . $SQL->fieldName('views') . "+1 WHERE " . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = ".(int) $thread_id);
        $main_content .= '<a href="?subtopic=forum">Boards</a> >> <a href="?subtopic=forum&action=show_board&id='.$threads[0]['section'].'">'.$sections[$threads[0]['section']].'</a> >> <b>'.htmlspecialchars($thread_name['post_topic']).'</b>';
        $main_content .= '<br /><br /><a href="?subtopic=forum&action=new_post&thread_id='.$thread_id.'"><img src="images/forum/post.gif" border="0" /></a><br /><br />Page: '.$links_to_pages.'<br /><table width="100%"><tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['lightborder'].'" width="100%"><td colspan="2"><font size="4"><b>'.htmlspecialchars($thread_name['post_topic']).'</b></font><font size="1"><br />by <a href="?subtopic=characters&name='.urlencode($thread_name['name']).'">'.htmlspecialchars($thread_name['name']).'</a></font></td></tr><tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'"><td width="200"><font color="white" size="1"><b>Author</b></font></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
        foreach($threads as $thread)
            if(!is_int($number_of_rows / 2)) { $bgcolor = $config['site']['darkborder']; } else { $bgcolor = $config['site']['lightborder']; } $number_of_rows++;
            $main_content .= '<tr bgcolor="'.$bgcolor.'"><td valign="top"><a href="?subtopic=characters&name='.urlencode($thread['name']).'">'.htmlspecialchars($thread['name']).'</a><br /><br /><font size="1">Profession: '.htmlspecialchars(Website::getVocationName($thread['vocation'])).'<br />Level: '.$thread['level'].'<br />';
            if($thread['rank_id'] > 0)
				$rank = new GuildRank($thread['rank_id']);
					$guild = $rank->getGuild();
						$main_content .= htmlspecialchars($rank->getName()).' of <a href="?subtopic=guilds&action=show&guild='.$guild->getId().'">'.htmlspecialchars($guild->getName()).'</a><br />';
            $posts = $SQL->query("SELECT COUNT(" . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ") AS 'posts' FROM " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " WHERE " . $SQL->fieldName('author_aid') . "=".(int) $thread['account_id'])->fetch();
            $main_content .= '<br />Posts: '.(int) $posts['posts'].'<br /></font></td><td valign="top">'.showPost(htmlspecialchars($thread['post_topic']), htmlspecialchars($thread['post_text']), $thread['post_smile']).'</td></tr>
            <tr bgcolor="'.$bgcolor.'"><td><font size="1">'.date('d.m.y H:i:s', $thread['post_date']);
            if($thread['edit_date'] > 0)
                if($thread['last_edit_aid'] != $thread['author_aid'])
                    $main_content .= '<br />Edited by moderator';
                    $main_content .= '<br />Edited by '.htmlspecialchars($thread['name']);
                $main_content .= '<br />on '.date('d.m.y H:i:s', $thread['edit_date']);
            $main_content .= '</font></td><td>';
            if($logged && $group_id_of_acc_logged >= $group_not_blocked)
                if($thread['first_post'] != $thread['id'])
                    $main_content .= '<a href="?subtopic=forum&action=remove_post&id='.$thread['id'].'" onclick="return confirm(\'Are you sure you want remove post of '.htmlspecialchars($thread['name']).'?\')"><font color="red">REMOVE POST</font></a>';
                    $main_content .= '<a href="?subtopic=forum&action=remove_post&id='.$thread['id'].'" onclick="return confirm(\'Are you sure you want remove thread > '.htmlspecialchars($thread['post_topic']).' <?\')"><font color="red">REMOVE THREAD</font></a>';
            if($logged && ($thread['account_id'] == $account_logged->getId() || $group_id_of_acc_logged >= $group_not_blocked))
                $main_content .= '<br/><a href="?subtopic=forum&action=edit_post&id='.$thread['id'].'">EDIT POST</a>';
                $main_content .= '<br/><a href="?subtopic=forum&action=new_post&thread_id='.$thread_id.'&quote='.$thread['id'].'">Quote</a>';
            $main_content .= '</td></tr>';
        $main_content .= '</table><br /><a href="?subtopic=forum&action=new_post&thread_id='.$thread_id.'"><img src="images/forum/post.gif" border="0" /></a><br /><center>Pages:<br />'.$links_to_pages.'<br /></center>';
        $main_content .= 'Thread with this ID does not exits.';

if($action == 'remove_post')
    if($logged && $group_id_of_acc_logged >= $group_not_blocked)
        $id = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
        $post = $SQL->query("SELECT " . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ", " . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . ", " . $SQL->fieldName('section') . " FROM " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " WHERE " . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = ".$id." LIMIT 1")->fetch();
        if($post['id'] == $id)
            if($post['id'] == $post['first_post'])
                $SQL->query("DELETE FROM " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " WHERE " . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . " = ".$post['id']);
                header('Location: ?subtopic=forum&action=show_board&id='.$post['section']);
                $post_page = $SQL->query("SELECT COUNT(" . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ") AS posts_count FROM " . $SQL->tableName('players') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " WHERE " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('author_guid') . " AND " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " < ".$id." AND " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . " = ".(int) $post['first_post'])->fetch();
                $page = (int) ceil($post_page['posts_count'] / $threads_per_page) - 1;
				$SQL->query("UPDATE " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " SET " . $SQL->fieldName('replies') . " = " . $SQL->fieldName('replies') . " - 1 WHERE " . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = ".$post['first_post']);
                $SQL->query("DELETE FROM " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " WHERE " . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = ".$post['id']);
                header('Location: ?subtopic=forum&action=show_thread&id='.$post['first_post'].'&page='.(int) $page);
            $main_content .= 'Post with ID '.$id.' does not exist.';
        $main_content .= 'You are not logged in or you are not moderator.';
if($action == 'new_post')
        if(canPost($account_logged) || $group_id_of_acc_logged >= $group_not_blocked)
            $players_from_account = $SQL->query("SELECT " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('name') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " FROM " . $SQL->tableName('players') . " WHERE " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('account_id') . " = ".(int) $account_logged->getId())->fetchAll();
            $thread_id = (int) $_REQUEST['thread_id'];
            $thread = $SQL->query("SELECT " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_topic') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('section') . " FROM " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " WHERE " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = ".(int) $thread_id." AND " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . " = ".(int) $thread_id." LIMIT 1")->fetch();
            $main_content .= '<a href="?subtopic=forum">Boards</a> >> <a href="?subtopic=forum&action=show_board&id='.$thread['section'].'">'.$sections[$thread['section']].'</a> >> <a href="?subtopic=forum&action=show_thread&id='.$thread_id.'">'.htmlspecialchars($thread['post_topic']).'</a> >> <b>Post new reply</b><br /><h3>'.htmlspecialchars($thread['post_topic']).'</h3>';
                $quote = (int) $_REQUEST['quote'];
                $text = trim(codeLower($_REQUEST['text']));
                $char_id = (int) $_REQUEST['char_id'];
                $post_topic = trim($_REQUEST['topic']);
                $smile = (int) $_REQUEST['smile'];
                $saved = false;
                    $quoted_post = $SQL->query("SELECT " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('name') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_text') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_date') . " FROM " . $SQL->tableName('players') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " WHERE " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('author_guid') . " AND " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = ".(int) $quote)->fetchAll();
                        $text = '[i]Originally posted by '.$quoted_post[0]['name'].' on '.date('d.m.y H:i:s', $quoted_post[0]['post_date']).':[/i][quote]'.$quoted_post[0]['post_text'].'[/quote]';
                    $lenght = 0;
                    for($i = 0; $i <= strlen($text); $i++)
                        if(ord($text[$i]) >= 33 && ord($text[$i]) <= 126)
                    if($lenght < 1 || strlen($text) > 15000)
                        $errors[] = 'Too short or too long post (short: '.$lenght.' long: '.strlen($text).' letters). Minimum 1 letter, maximum 15000 letters.';
                    if($char_id == 0)
                        $errors[] = 'Please select a character.';
                    $player_on_account == false;
                    if(count($errors) == 0)
                        foreach($players_from_account as $player)
                            if($char_id == $player['id'])
                                $player_on_account = true;
                            $errors[] = 'Player with selected ID '.$char_id.' doesn\'t exist or isn\'t on your account';
                    if(count($errors) == 0)
                        $last_post = $account_logged->getCustomField('last_post');
                        if($last_post+$post_interval-time() > 0 && $group_id_of_acc_logged < $group_not_blocked)
                            $errors[] = 'You can post one time per '.$post_interval.' seconds. Next post after '.($last_post+$post_interval-time()).' second(s).';
                    if(count($errors) == 0)
                        $saved = true;
                        $account_logged->set('last_post', time());
                        $SQL->query("INSERT INTO " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " (" . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('last_post') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('section') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('replies') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('views') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('author_aid') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('author_guid') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('post_text') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('post_topic') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('post_smile') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('post_date') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('last_edit_aid') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('edit_date') . ", " . $SQL->fieldName('post_ip') . ") VALUES ('".$thread['id']."', '0', '".$thread['section']."', '0', '0', '".$account_logged->getId()."', '".(int) $char_id."', ".$SQL->quote($text).", ".$SQL->quote($post_topic).", '".(int) $smile."', '".time()."', '0', '0', '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."')");
                        $SQL->query("UPDATE " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " SET " . $SQL->fieldName('replies') . "=" . $SQL->fieldName('replies') . "+1, " . $SQL->fieldName('last_post') . "=".time()." WHERE " . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = ".(int) $thread_id);
                        $post_page = $SQL->query("SELECT COUNT(" . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ") AS posts_count FROM " . $SQL->tableName('players') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " WHERE " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('author_guid') . " AND " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_date') . " <= ".time()." AND " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . " = ".(int) $thread['id'])->fetch();
                        $page = (int) ceil($post_page['posts_count'] / $threads_per_page) - 1;
                        header('Location: ?subtopic=forum&action=show_thread&id='.$thread_id.'&page='.$page);
                        $main_content .= '<br />Thank you for posting.<br /><a href="?subtopic=forum&action=show_thread&id='.$thread_id.'">GO BACK TO LAST THREAD</a>';
                    if(count($errors) > 0)
                        $main_content .= '<font color="red" size="2"><b>Errors occured:</b>';
                        foreach($errors as $error)
                            $main_content .= '<br />* '.$error;
                        $main_content .= '</font><br />';
                    $main_content .= '<form action="?" method="POST"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="new_post" /><input type="hidden" name="thread_id" value="'.$thread_id.'" /><input type="hidden" name="subtopic" value="forum" /><input type="hidden" name="save" value="save" /><table width="100%"><tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'"><td colspan="2"><font color="white"><b>Post New Reply</b></font></td></tr><tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'"><td width="180"><b>Character:</b></td><td><select name="char_id"><option value="0">(Choose character)</option>';
                    foreach($players_from_account as $player)
                        $main_content .= '<option value="'.$player['id'].'"';
                        if($player['id'] == $char_id)
                            $main_content .= ' selected="selected"';
                        $main_content .= '>'.$player['name'].'</option>';
                    $main_content .= '</select></td></tr><tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['lightborder'].'"><td><b>Topic:</b></td><td><input type="text" name="topic" value="'.htmlspecialchars($post_topic).'" size="40" maxlength="60" /> (Optional)</td></tr>
                    <tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'"><td valign="top"><b>Message:</b><font size="1"><br />You can use:<br />[player]Nick[/player]<br />[url=]Address Search - Find Email and Addresses @[/url]<br />[img][/img]<br />[code]Code[/code]<br />[b]<b>Text</b>[/b]<br />[i]<i>Text</i>[/i]<br />[u]<u>Text</u>[/u]<br />and smileys:<br />;) , :) , :D , :( , :rolleyes:<br />:cool: , :eek: , :o , :p</font></td><td><textarea rows="10" cols="60" name="text">'.htmlspecialchars($text).'</textarea><br />(Max. 15,000 letters)</td></tr>
                    <tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['lightborder'].'"><td valign="top">Options:</td><td><label><input type="checkbox" name="smile" value="1"';
                    if($smile == 1)
                        $main_content .= ' checked="checked"';
                    $main_content .= '/>Disable Smileys in This Post </label></td></tr></table><center><input type="submit" value="Post Reply" /></center></form>';
                    $threads = $SQL->query("SELECT " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('name') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_text') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_topic') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_smile') . " FROM " . $SQL->tableName('players') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " WHERE " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('author_guid') . " AND " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . " = ".(int) $thread_id." ORDER BY " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_date') . " DESC LIMIT 10")->fetchAll();
                    $main_content .= '<table width="100%"><tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'"><td colspan="2"><font color="white"><b>Last 5 posts from thread: '.htmlspecialchars($thread['post_topic']).'</b></font></td></tr>';
                    foreach($threads as $thread)
                        if(is_int($number_of_rows / 2)) { $bgcolor = $config['site']['darkborder']; } else { $bgcolor = $config['site']['lightborder']; } $number_of_rows++;
                        $main_content .= '<tr bgcolor="'.$bgcolor.'"><td>'.$thread['name'].'</td><td>'.showPost(htmlspecialchars($thread['post_topic']), htmlspecialchars($thread['post_text']), $thread['post_smile']).'</td></tr>';
                    $main_content .= '</table>';
                $main_content .= 'Thread with ID '.$thread_id.' doesn\'t exist.';
            $main_content .= 'Your account is banned, deleted or you don\'t have any player with level '.$level_limit.' on your account. You can\'t post.';
        $main_content .= 'Login first.';

if($action == 'edit_post')
        if(canPost($account_logged) || $group_id_of_acc_logged >= $group_not_blocked)
            $post_id = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
            $thread = $SQL->query("SELECT " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('author_guid') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('author_aid') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_topic') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_date') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_text') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_smile') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('section') . " FROM " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " WHERE " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = ".(int) $post_id." LIMIT 1")->fetch();
                $first_post = $SQL->query("SELECT " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('author_guid') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('author_aid') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_topic') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_text') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_smile') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('section') . " FROM " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " WHERE " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = ".(int) $thread['first_post']." LIMIT 1")->fetch();
                $main_content .= '<a href="?subtopic=forum">Boards</a> >> <a href="?subtopic=forum&action=show_board&id='.$thread['section'].'">'.$sections[$thread['section']].'</a> >> <a href="?subtopic=forum&action=show_thread&id='.$thread['first_post'].'">'.htmlspecialchars($first_post['post_topic']).'</a> >> <b>Edit post</b>';
                if($account_logged->getId() == $thread['author_aid'] || $group_id_of_acc_logged >= $group_not_blocked)
                    $players_from_account = $SQL->query("SELECT " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('name') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " FROM " . $SQL->tableName('players') . " WHERE " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('account_id') . " = ".(int) $account_logged->getId())->fetchAll();
                    $saved = false;
                        $text = trim(codeLower($_REQUEST['text']));
                        $char_id = (int) $_REQUEST['char_id'];
                        $post_topic = trim($_REQUEST['topic']);
                        $smile = (int) $_REQUEST['smile'];
                        $lenght = 0;
                        for($i = 0; $i <= strlen($post_topic); $i++)
                            if(ord($post_topic[$i]) >= 33 && ord($post_topic[$i]) <= 126)
                        if(($lenght < 1 || strlen($post_topic) > 60) && $thread['id'] == $thread['first_post'])
                            $errors[] = 'Too short or too long topic (short: '.$lenght.' long: '.strlen($post_topic).' letters). Minimum 1 letter, maximum 60 letters.';
                        $lenght = 0;
                        for($i = 0; $i <= strlen($text); $i++)
                            if(ord($text[$i]) >= 33 && ord($text[$i]) <= 126)
                        if($lenght < 1 || strlen($text) > 15000)
                            $errors[] = 'Too short or too long post (short: '.$lenght.' long: '.strlen($text).' letters). Minimum 1 letter, maximum 15000 letters.';
                        if($char_id == 0)
                            $errors[] = 'Please select a character.';
                        if(empty($post_topic) && $thread['id'] == $thread['first_post'])
                            $errors[] = 'Thread topic can\'t be empty.';
                        $player_on_account == false;
                        if(count($errors) == 0)
                            foreach($players_from_account as $player)
                                if($char_id == $player['id'])
                                    $player_on_account = true;
                                $errors[] = 'Player with selected ID '.$char_id.' doesn\'t exist or isn\'t on your account';
                        if(count($errors) == 0)
                            $saved = true;
                            if($account_logged->getId() != $thread['author_aid'])
                                $char_id = $thread['author_guid'];
                            $SQL->query("UPDATE " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " SET " . $SQL->fieldName('author_guid') . " = ".(int) $char_id.", " . $SQL->fieldName('post_text') . " = ".$SQL->quote($text).", " . $SQL->fieldName('post_topic') . " = ".$SQL->quote($post_topic).", " . $SQL->fieldName('post_smile') . " = ".(int) $smile.", " . $SQL->fieldName('last_edit_aid') . " = ".(int) $account_logged->getId()."," . $SQL->fieldName('edit_date') . " = ".time()." WHERE " . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = ".(int) $thread['id']);
                            $post_page = $SQL->query("SELECT COUNT(" . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ") AS posts_count FROM " . $SQL->tableName('players') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " WHERE " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('author_guid') . " AND " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('post_date') . " <= ".$thread['post_date']." AND " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . " = ".(int) $thread['first_post'])->fetch();
                            $page = (int) ceil($post_page['posts_count'] / $threads_per_page) - 1;
                            header('Location: ?subtopic=forum&action=show_thread&id='.$thread['first_post'].'&page='.$page);
                            $main_content .= '<br />Thank you for editing post.<br /><a href="?subtopic=forum&action=show_thread&id='.$thread['first_post'].'">GO BACK TO LAST THREAD</a>';
                        $text = $thread['post_text'];
                        $char_id = (int) $thread['author_guid'];
                        $post_topic = $thread['post_topic'];
                        $smile = (int) $thread['post_smile'];
                        if(count($errors) > 0)
                            $main_content .= '<br /><font color="red" size="2"><b>Errors occured:</b>';
                            foreach($errors as $error)
                                $main_content .= '<br />* '.$error;
                            $main_content .= '</font>';
                        $main_content .= '<br /><form action="?" method="POST"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit_post" /><input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$post_id.'" /><input type="hidden" name="subtopic" value="forum" /><input type="hidden" name="save" value="save" /><table width="100%"><tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'"><td colspan="2"><font color="white"><b>Edit Post</b></font></td></tr><tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'"><td width="180"><b>Character:</b></td><td><select name="char_id"><option value="0">(Choose character)</option>';
                        foreach($players_from_account as $player)
                            $main_content .= '<option value="'.$player['id'].'"';
                            if($player['id'] == $char_id)
                                $main_content .= ' selected="selected"';
                            $main_content .= '>'.$player['name'].'</option>';
                        $main_content .= '</select></td></tr><tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['lightborder'].'"><td><b>Topic:</b></td><td><input type="text" value="'.htmlspecialchars($post_topic).'" name="topic" size="40" maxlength="60" /> (Optional)</td></tr>
                        <tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'"><td valign="top"><b>Message:</b><font size="1"><br />You can use:<br />[player]Nick[/player]<br />[url=]Address Search - Find Email and Addresses @[/url]<br />[img][/img]<br />[code]Code[/code]<br />[b]<b>Text</b>[/b]<br />[i]<i>Text</i>[/i]<br />[u]<u>Text</u>[/u]<br />and smileys:<br />;) , :) , :D , :( , :rolleyes:<br />:cool: , :eek: , :o , :p</font></td><td><textarea rows="10" cols="60" name="text">'.htmlspecialchars($text).'</textarea><br />(Max. 15,000 letters)</td></tr>
                        <tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['lightborder'].'"><td valign="top">Options:</td><td><label><input type="checkbox" name="smile" value="1"';
                        if($smile == 1)
                            $main_content .= ' checked="checked"';
                        $main_content .= '/>Disable Smileys in This Post </label></td></tr></table><center><input type="submit" value="Save Post" /></center></form>';
                    $main_content .= '<br />You are not an author of this post.';
                $main_content .= '<br />Post with ID '.$post_id.' doesn\'t exist.';
            $main_content .= '<br />Your account is banned, deleted or you don\'t have any player with level '.$level_limit.' on your account. You can\'t post.';
        $main_content .= '<br />Login first.';

if($action == 'new_topic')
        if(canPost($account_logged) || $group_id_of_acc_logged >= $group_not_blocked)
            $players_from_account = $SQL->query("SELECT " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('name') . ", " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " FROM " . $SQL->tableName('players') . " WHERE " . $SQL->tableName('players') . "." . $SQL->fieldName('account_id') . " = ".(int) $account_logged->getId())->fetchAll();
            $section_id = (int) $_REQUEST['section_id'];
            $main_content .= '<a href="?subtopic=forum">Boards</a> >> <a href="?subtopic=forum&action=show_board&id='.$section_id.'">'.$sections[$section_id].'</a> >> <b>Post new thread</b><br />';
                if($section_id == 1 && $group_id_of_acc_logged < $group_not_blocked)
                    $errors[] = 'Only moderators and admins can post on news board.';
                $quote = (int) $_REQUEST['quote'];
                $text = trim(codeLower($_REQUEST['text']));
                $char_id = (int) $_REQUEST['char_id'];
                $post_topic = trim($_REQUEST['topic']);
                $smile = (int) $_REQUEST['smile'];
                $saved = false;
                    $lenght = 0;
                    for($i = 0; $i <= strlen($post_topic); $i++)
                        if(ord($post_topic[$i]) >= 33 && ord($post_topic[$i]) <= 126)
                    if($lenght < 1 || strlen($post_topic) > 60)
                        $errors[] = 'Too short or too long topic (short: '.$lenght.' long: '.strlen($post_topic).' letters). Minimum 1 letter, maximum 60 letters.';
                    $lenght = 0;
                    for($i = 0; $i <= strlen($text); $i++)
                        if(ord($text[$i]) >= 33 && ord($text[$i]) <= 126)
                    if($lenght < 1 || strlen($text) > 15000)
                        $errors[] = 'Too short or too long post (short: '.$lenght.' long: '.strlen($text).' letters). Minimum 1 letter, maximum 15000 letters.';
                    if($char_id == 0)
                        $errors[] = 'Please select a character.';
                    $player_on_account == false;
                    if(count($errors) == 0)
                        foreach($players_from_account as $player)
                            if($char_id == $player['id'])
                                $player_on_account = true;
                            $errors[] = 'Player with selected ID '.$char_id.' doesn\'t exist or isn\'t on your account';
                    if(count($errors) == 0)
                        $last_post = $account_logged->getCustomField('last_post');
                        if($last_post+$post_interval-time() > 0 && $group_id_of_acc_logged < $group_not_blocked)
                            $errors[] = 'You can post one time per '.$post_interval.' seconds. Next post after '.($last_post+$post_interval-time()).' second(s).';
                    if(count($errors) == 0)
                        $saved = true;
                        $account_logged->set('last_post', time());
                        $SQL->query("INSERT INTO " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " (" . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('last_post') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('section') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('replies') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('views') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('author_aid') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('author_guid') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('post_text') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('post_topic') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('post_smile') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('post_date') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('last_edit_aid') . " ," . $SQL->fieldName('edit_date') . ", " . $SQL->fieldName('post_ip') . ") VALUES ('0', '".time()."', '".(int) $section_id."', '0', '0', '".$account_logged->getId()."', '".(int) $char_id."', ".$SQL->quote($text).", ".$SQL->quote($post_topic).", '".(int) $smile."', '".time()."', '0', '0', '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."')");
                        $thread_id = $SQL->lastInsertId();
                        $SQL->query("UPDATE " . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . " SET " . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . "=".(int) $thread_id." WHERE " . $SQL->fieldName('id') . " = ".(int) $thread_id);
                        header('Location: ?subtopic=forum&action=show_thread&id='.$thread_id);
                        $main_content .= '<br />Thank you for posting.<br /><a href="?subtopic=forum&action=show_thread&id='.$thread_id.'">GO BACK TO LAST THREAD</a>';
                    if(count($errors) > 0)
                        $main_content .= '<font color="red" size="2"><b>Errors occured:</b>';
                        foreach($errors as $error)
                            $main_content .= '<br />* '.$error;
                        $main_content .= '</font><br />';
                    $main_content .= '<form action="?" method="POST"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="new_topic" /><input type="hidden" name="section_id" value="'.$section_id.'" /><input type="hidden" name="subtopic" value="forum" /><input type="hidden" name="save" value="save" /><table width="100%"><tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'"><td colspan="2"><font color="white"><b>Post New Reply</b></font></td></tr><tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'"><td width="180"><b>Character:</b></td><td><select name="char_id"><option value="0">(Choose character)</option>';
                    foreach($players_from_account as $player)
                        $main_content .= '<option value="'.$player['id'].'"';
                        if($player['id'] == $char_id)
                            $main_content .= ' selected="selected"';
                        $main_content .= '>'.$player['name'].'</option>';
                    $main_content .= '</select></td></tr><tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['lightborder'].'"><td><b>Topic:</b></td><td><input type="text" name="topic" value="'.htmlspecialchars($post_topic).'" size="40" maxlength="60" /> (Optional)</td></tr>
                    <tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'"><td valign="top"><b>Message:</b><font size="1"><br />You can use:<br />[player]Nick[/player]<br />[url=]Address Search - Find Email and Addresses @[/url]<br />[img][/img]<br />[code]Code[/code]<br />[b]<b>Text</b>[/b]<br />[i]<i>Text</i>[/i]<br />[u]<u>Text</u>[/u]<br />and smileys:<br />;) , :) , :D , :( , :rolleyes:<br />:cool: , :eek: , :o , :p</font></td><td><textarea rows="10" cols="60" name="text">'.htmlspecialchars($text).'</textarea><br />(Max. 15,000 letters)</td></tr>
                    <tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['lightborder'].'"><td valign="top">Options:</td><td><label><input type="checkbox" name="smile" value="1"';
                    if($smile == 1)
                        $main_content .= ' checked="checked"';
                    $main_content .= '/>Disable Smileys in This Post </label></td></tr></table><center><input type="submit" value="Post Thread" /></center></form>';
                $main_content .= 'Board with ID '.$board_id.' doesn\'t exist.';
            $main_content .= 'Your account is banned, deleted or you don\'t have any player with level '.$level_limit.' on your account. You can\'t post.';
        $main_content .= 'Login first.';



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