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Estou tentando abrir 1 otserv 7.6 em Mysql com o Gesior2012-TFS-0.2.13+ mas não esta passando do Step 1;


Estou com o seguinte problema (install.php):




DataDir = "data/"

NotationsToBan = 3
WarningsToFinalBan = 4
WarningsToDeletion = 5
BanLength = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60
FinalBanLength = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
IPBanishmentLength = 24 * 60 * 60
KillsToBan = 7

WorldType = "pvp"
Exhausted = 1000
FightExhausted = 2000
HealExhausted = 1000
ExhaustedAdd = 100
PZLock = 60000
FieldOwnershipDuration = 5000

TimeToDecreaseFrags = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
WhiteSkullTime = 10
KillsToRedSkull = 4
RemoveAmmunition = true
RemoveRuneCharges = true
RemoveWeaponCharges = true

IP = ""
Port = "7171"
LoginTries = 5
RetryTimeout = 5000
LoginTimeout = 60 * 1000
AllowClones = false
CheckAccounts = false


SQL_Type = "mysql"
SQL_DB   = "oldot"
SQL_Host = "localhost"
SQL_Port = 3306
SQL_User = "root"
SQL_Pass = "********" (só para não mostrar a senha)


HouseRentPeriod = "monthly"
HousePrice = 1000

LoginMsg = "Welcome to Tibia Old."
ServerName = "Tibia Old"
WorldName = "Tibia"
OwnerName = "David"
OwnerEmail = "[email protected]"

URL = ""
Location = "Brazil"
MinActionInterval = 200
MinActionExInterval = 1000
Map = "data/world/world.otbm"
MapKind = "OTBM"
MapStoreType = "binary"

RateExp = 100
RateSkill = 75
RateMag = 35
RateLoot = 7
RateSpawn = 1
LossLevel = 0

DespawnRange = 2
DespawnRadius = 50

MOTD = "Welcome to Tibia Old!"
MOTD_Num = "1"

MaxPlayers = "500"
PasswordType = "sha1"
MaxMessageBuffer = 4

SaveClientDebug = true
UseAccBalance = false
PremOnlyBeds = true
MaxIdleTime = 15    
deathLosePercent = 5
LevelToRook = 8
RookTempleId = 11

StorePlayerDeaths = true

FACCTempleID = 3
pushdelay = 1500
servesave = 5




# Account Maker Config
$config['site']['serverPath'] = "D:/Bibliotecas/DOWNLOADS/OldOTS/Avesta063/";
$config['site']['useServerConfigCache'] = false;
$towns_list = array(1 => 'Thais', 2 => 'Venore', 5 => 'Carlin');

$config['site']['outfit_images_url'] = '';
$config['site']['item_images_url'] = '';
$config['site']['item_images_extension'] = '.gif';
$config['site']['flag_images_url'] = '';
$config['site']['flag_images_extension'] = '.png';

# Create Account Options
$config['site']['one_email'] = false;
$config['site']['create_account_verify_mail'] = false;
$config['site']['verify_code'] = true;
$config['site']['email_days_to_change'] = 3;
$config['site']['newaccount_premdays'] = 999;
$config['site']['send_register_email'] = false;

# Create Character Options
$config['site']['newchar_vocations'] = array(1 => 'Sorcerer Sample', 2 => 'Druid Sample', 3 => 'Paladin Sample', 4 => 'Knight Sample');
$config['site']['newchar_towns'] = array(1);
$config['site']['max_players_per_account'] = 7;

# Emails Config
$config['site']['send_emails'] = false;
$config['site']['mail_address'] = "[email protected]";
$config['site']['smtp_enabled'] = true;
$config['site']['smtp_host'] = "";
$config['site']['smtp_port'] = 25;
$config['site']['smtp_auth'] = false;
$config['site']['smtp_user'] = "[email protected]";
$config['site']['smtp_pass'] = "xxxx";

# PAGE: whoisonline.php
$config['site']['private-servlist.com_server_id'] = 1;
Server id on '' to show Players Online Chart (whoisonline.php page), set 0 to disable Chart feature.
To use this feature you must register on '' and add your server.
Format: number, 0 [disable] or higher

# PAGE: characters.php
$config['site']['quests'] = array();
$config['site']['show_skills_info'] = true;
$config['site']['show_vip_storage'] = 0;

# PAGE: accountmanagement.php
$config['site']['send_mail_when_change_password'] = true;
$config['site']['send_mail_when_generate_reckey'] = true;
$config['site']['generate_new_reckey'] = false;
$config['site']['generate_new_reckey_price'] = 500;

# PAGE: guilds.php
$config['site']['guild_need_level'] = 15;
$config['site']['guild_need_pacc'] = false;
$config['site']['guild_image_size_kb'] = 50;
$config['site']['guild_description_chars_limit'] = 2000;
$config['site']['guild_description_lines_limit'] = 6;
$config['site']['guild_motd_chars_limit'] = 250;

# PAGE: adminpanel.php
$config['site']['access_admin_panel'] = 3;

# PAGE: latestnews.php
$config['site']['news_limit'] = 6;

# PAGE: killstatistics.php
$config['site']['last_deaths_limit'] = 40;

# PAGE: team.php
$config['site']['groups_support'] = array(2, 3, 4, 5, 6);

# PAGE: highscores.php
$config['site']['groups_hidden'] = array(4, 5, 6);
$config['site']['accounts_hidden'] = array(1);

# PAGE: shopsystem.php
$config['site']['shop_system'] = false;

# PAGE: lostaccount.php
$config['site']['email_lai_sec_interval'] = 180;

# Layout Config
$config['site']['layout'] = 'tibiacom';
$config['site']['vdarkborder'] = '#505050';
$config['site']['darkborder'] = '#D4C0A1';
$config['site']['lightborder'] = '#F1E0C6';
$config['site']['download_page'] = false;
$config['site']['serverinfo_page'] = true;


(Banco de Dados):



Estou usando o seguinte SITE :

                                         OTserv :


Agradeço dês de Já :wow:


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  • 2 months later...

Man isso deveria está em localhost ------ WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


$config['site']['serverPath'] = "D:/Bibliotecas/DOWNLOADS/OldOTS/Avesta063/";


Agora os sites trabalham sem apache haahhahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahahah !!!!!!




Solucionando vai: dentro de seus apaches que você estiver usando exemplo:

Wamp Server: C: ou D:\wamp\www: Apague tudo o que estiver aqui e coloque o seu web site e configure ele no config.php

Xamp Server: C: ou D:\xamp\htdocs: Apague tudo o que estiver aqui e coloque o seu web site e configure ele no config.php


OBS: Bom acho que é isso !!


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Em 15/07/2016 at 10:42, emersontb disse:

Man isso deveria está em localhost ------ WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


$config['site']['serverPath'] = "D:/Bibliotecas/DOWNLOADS/OldOTS/Avesta063/";


Agora os sites trabalham sem apache haahhahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahahah !!!!!!




Solucionando vai: dentro de seus apaches que você estiver usando exemplo:

Wamp Server: C: ou D:\wamp\www: Apague tudo o que estiver aqui e coloque o seu web site e configure ele no config.php

Xamp Server: C: ou D:\xamp\htdocs: Apague tudo o que estiver aqui e coloque o seu web site e configure ele no config.php


OBS: Bom acho que é isso !!


vou tentar

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