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[Action] [8.70]Perfect Mount System

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Bom to arrumando meu server styller estou customizando com ajuda de um amigo meu, que foi mapa do rad tibia, dai atualizei ele para 8.7 e procurei varias montarias, e nenhuma funcionou até que axei no otland uma perfeita, funfou aqui perfeitinho, então se não funfar ai, confira tudo, só funciona em 8.7


<action itemid="13310" script="mounts.lua"/> --reins	<action itemid="13309" script="mounts.lua"/> --harness	<action itemid="13308" script="mounts.lua"/> --leather whip	<action itemid="13313" script="mounts.lua"/> --carrot on a stick	<action itemid="13262" script="mounts.lua"/> --hunting horn	<action itemid="13320" script="mounts.lua"/> --Giant Shrimp	<action itemid="13306" script="mounts.lua"/> --Maxilla Maximus	<action itemid="5907" script="mounts.lua"/> --Slingshot	<action itemid="13322" script="mounts.lua"/> --Sweet Smelling Bait

Actions/scripts crie uma arquivo.lua chamado mount

--taming monsters by ruda from otlandlocal function tameMonster(cid, item, itemEx, tame, run, broken)	n = math.random(100)	if n <= broken then		doCreatureSay(cid, "Lost item", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)		doRemoveItem(item.uid)	elseif n > broken and n <= (tame+broken) then		doRemoveItem(item.uid)		doCreatureSay(cid, "You tamed", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)		doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You tamed "..getCreatureName(itemEx.uid)..".")		return true	elseif n > (tame+broken) and n <= (tame+broken+run) then		doCreatureSay(cid, "Fled", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)		doRemoveCreature(itemEx.uid)	else		doCreatureSay(cid, "Try again", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)	end	return falseendlocal function inArray(table, value)	for i,v in pairs(table) do		if ( == string.lower(value)) then			return i		end	end	return 0endlocal mounts = {	{item = 13322, name = "wailing widow", id = 1,			 tame=10, run=39, broken=51},	{item = 13313, name = "terror bird", id = 2,			 tame=10, run=39, broken=51},	{item = 5907, name = "bear", id = 3,				 tame=7, run=39, broken=54},	{item = 13310, name = "black sheep", id = 4,			 tame=7, run=35, broken=58},	{item = 13308, name = "midnight panther", id = 5,		 tame=10, run=39, broken=51},	{item = 13309, name = "draptor", id = 6,				 tame=10, run=39, broken=51},	{item = 13320, name = "crustacea gigantica", id = 7,	 tame=10, run=39, broken=51},	{item = 13262, name = "boar", id = 10,					 tame=10, run=39, broken=51},	{item = 13306, name = "undead cavebear", id = 12,		 tame=10, run=39, broken=51}}function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)	if isCreature(itemEx.uid) then		if inArray(mounts, getCreatureName(itemEx.uid)) > 0 then			i = inArray(mounts, getCreatureName(itemEx.uid))			if item.itemid == mounts[i].item and not getPlayerMount(cid, mounts[i].id) then				if tameMonster(cid, item, itemEx, mounts[i].tame, mounts[i].run, mounts[i].broken) then					doSendMagicEffect(fromPosition, CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)					doRemoveCreature(itemEx.uid)					doPlayerAddMount(cid, mounts[i].id)				else					doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, CONST_ME_POFF)				end			end		end	end	return trueend

Se Você não tiver os items já arrumado no items.xml ai vai a lista é só adicionar ou substituir!

	<item id="13306" name="maxilla maximus" article="a">		<attribute key="description" value="A hermit near Carlin might be able to tell you more about it." />		<attribute key="weight" value="200" />	</item>	<item id="13307" name="tin key" article="a">		<attribute key="description" value="A hermit near Carlin might be able to tell you more about it." />		<attribute key="weight" value="200" />	</item>	<item id="13308" name="leather whip" article="a">		<attribute key="description" value="A hermit near Carlin might be able to tell you more about it." />		<attribute key="weight" value="200" />	</item>	<item id="13309" name="harness" article="a">		<attribute key="description" value="A hermit near Carlin might be able to tell you more about it." />		<attribute key="weight" value="200" />	</item>	<item id="13310" name="reins" article="a">		<attribute key="description" value="A hermit near Carlin might be able to tell you more about it." />		<attribute key="weight" value="200" />	</item>	<item id="13313" name="carrot on a stick" article="a">		<attribute key="description" value="A hermit near Carlin might be able to tell you more about it." />		<attribute key="weight" value="200" />	</item>	<item id="13320" name="giant shrimp" article="a">		<attribute key="description" value="A hermit near Carlin might be able to tell you more about it." />		<attribute key="weight" value="200" />	</item>	<item id="13322" name="sweet smelling bait" article="a">		<attribute key="description" value="A hermit near Carlin might be able to tell you more about it." />		<attribute key="weight" value="200" />	</item>	<item id="13262" name="hunting horn" article="a">		<attribute key="description" value="A hermit near Carlin might be able to tell you more about it." />		<attribute key="weight" value="200" />	</item>


(se alguem axar um slayer/snows yuriots 8.70 sem virus me manda o link por mensagem porfavor, estou precisando de um mapa dele)

Editado por DevilMoon (veja o histórico de edições)


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As vezes não funciona em alguns ots ai é só adicionar a tag:

getPlayerMount = canPlayerRideMount

no 100-compat.lua da pasta data/lib


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Como dito pelo Fuck Ya, alguns servidores necessitam da tal tag:

getPlayerMount = canPlayerRideMount

É o script, já tinha visto e é excelente!

E-mail para contato: [email protected]

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Guilherme Salviati.

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