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Trocar x Arrow Por Y Arrow

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Opa, Queria saber se alguem tem um script que troca Diamond Arros Por Outra Arrow Quando Acabar,

e Assim que tiver 100 Diamond Colocar elas de novo !! 

Se Alguem tiver ou me mostra Algum modo de como fazer isso eu agradeço !!! 


tenho esse script Porem ele e para Spear queria colocar ele para arrow 



--Weapon Switcher Settings--
local AmmoWeaponID = 7378 -- ID of weapon you are training with. (Default: Small Stones)
local LowAmmoWeaponID = 3277  -- ID of weapon you want to switch to when low on ammo. (Default: Spears)
local MainWeaponID = 3277 -- ID of weapon you want to switch to when low on ammo. (Default: Spears) 

local SwitchOnLowAmmo = true -- Set to true if you want to switch to alternate weapon on low ammo.
local SwitchAmmoCount = 1 -- Amount of ammo to switch to alternate weapon at.
local SwitchWeaponBack = 100 -- Amount of ammo to switch to main weapon at.

local WeaponSwitcher = Module.New('Weapon Switcher', function()
   if (SwitchOnLowAmmo) then
        if (Self.Ammo().id == AmmoWeaponID and Self.Ammo().count <= SwitchAmmoCount) then
            if (MoveWeapon(LowAmmoWeaponID) and AlertOnLowAmmo) then alert() end
        if (Self.Ammo().id == AmmoWeaponID and Self.Ammo().count <= SwitchWeaponBack) then
            if (MoveWeapon(MainWeaponID) and AlertOnLowAmmo) then alert() end
    wait(1000, 2000)
end, false)

function MoveWeapon(ItemID)
    local container = Container.GetFirst()
    while (container:isOpen()) do
        for spot = 0, container:ItemCapacity() do
            if (container:GetItemData(spot).id == ItemID) then
                return (container:MoveItemToEquipment(spot, 'Weapon'))
        container = container:GetNext()
    return false

if (SwitchOnLowAmmo) then WeaponSwitcher:Start() end



Editado por vinitop1
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