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Website Nao consigo colocar o cliente para download.

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.Qual servidor ou website você utiliza como base? 

Gesion - ACC - Master

Qual o motivo deste tópico? 

Procurei em alguns locais e nao estou encontrando resposta. gostaria de colocar o cliente para download e o ipchange.
Talvez deixar o cliente 10 que ja esta e e o ipchange que funciona que esta nesse link "" porem gostaria de tirar esse site e talvez colocar algo proprio... para nao perder o download...

Como nao sei editar o cliente e colocar IP Fixo nele e trocar o layout de fundo... pensei nessa alternativa.

Está surgindo algum erro? Se sim coloque-o aqui. 


Simplesmente ele baixa os arquivos originais e nao os que eu ja editei.


Você tem o código disponível? Se tiver publique-o aqui: 


if(isset($_REQUEST['step']) && $_REQUEST['step'] == "downloadagreement") {
	$main_content .= '		
		<p>Before you can download the client program please read the '.$config['server']['serverName'].' Service Agreement and state if you agree to it by clicking on the appropriate button below.</p>
		<div class="TableContainer" >
			<table class="Table1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
				<div class="CaptionContainer" >
					<div class="CaptionInnerContainer" > 
						<span class="CaptionEdgeLeftTop" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/box-frame-edge.gif);" /></span>
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						<span class="CaptionBorderTop" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/table-headline-border.gif);" ></span> 
						<span class="CaptionVerticalLeft" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);" /></span>						
						<div class="Text" >'.$config['server']['serverName'].' Service Agreement</div>
						<span class="CaptionVerticalRight" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);" /></span>
						<span class="CaptionBorderBottom" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/table-headline-border.gif);" ></span> 
						<span class="CaptionEdgeLeftBottom" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/box-frame-edge.gif);" /></span>
						<span class="CaptionEdgeRightBottom" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/box-frame-edge.gif);" /></span>
						<div class="InnerTableContainer" >
							<table style="width:100%;" >
								<p>This agreement describes the terms on which '.$config['server']['serverName'].' offers you access to an account for being able to play the online role playing game '.$config['server']['serverName'].' Server. By creating an account or 
ing the client software you accept the terms and conditions below and state that you are of full legal age in your country or have the permission of your parents to play this game.</p>
								<p>You agree that the use of the software is at your sole risk. We provide the software, the game, and all other services "as is". We disclaim all warranties or conditions of any kind, expressed, implied or statutory, including without limitation the implied warranties of title, non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. We do not ensure continuous, error-free, secure or virus-free operation of the software, the game, or your account.</p>
								<p>We are not liable for any lost profits or special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the game, including, but not limited to, loss of data, items, accounts, or characters from errors, system downtime, or adjustments of the gameplay.</p>
								<p>While you are playing '.$config['server']['serverName'].' Server, you must abide by some rules ("'.$config['server']['serverName'].' Rules") that are stated on this homepage. If you break any of these rules, your account may be removed and all other services terminated immediately.</p>
		<form action="?subtopic=downloadclient" method="post">
						<td style="border:0px;" ><div class="BigButton" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/buttons/sbutton.gif)" >
						<div onMouseOver="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onMouseOut="MouseOutBigButton(this);" ><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/buttons/sbutton_over.gif);" ></div>
						<input class="ButtonText" type="image" name="Back" alt="Back" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/global/buttons/_sbutton_iagree.gif" >

} else {
	$main_content .= '
		<div class="TableContainer">
			<table class="Table4" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
				<div class="CaptionContainer">
					<div class="CaptionInnerContainer">
						<span class="CaptionEdgeLeftTop" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/box-frame-edge.gif)"/></span>
						<span class="CaptionEdgeRightTop" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/box-frame-edge.gif)"/></span>
						<span class="CaptionBorderTop" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/table-headline-border.gif)"></span>
						<span class="CaptionVerticalLeft" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/box-frame-vertical.gif)"/></span>
						<div class="Text">Download Client</div>
						<span class="CaptionVerticalRight" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/box-frame-vertical.gif)"/></span>
						<span class="CaptionBorderBottom" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/table-headline-border.gif)"></span>
						<span class="CaptionEdgeLeftBottom" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/box-frame-edge.gif)"/></span>
						<span class="CaptionEdgeRightBottom" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/box-frame-edge.gif)"/></span>
						<div class="InnerTableContainer">
							<table style="width:100%">
										<table width="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
												<td style="vertical-align:top">
													<div class="TableShadowContainerRightTop">
														<div class="TableShadowRightTop" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/table-shadow-rt.gif)"></div>
													<div class="TableContentAndRightShadow" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/table-shadow-rm.gif)">
														<div class="TableContentContainer">
															<table class="TableContent" width="100%">
																	<td><table style="width:100%;text-align:center">
																	<center><h1>Official '.$config['server']['serverName'].' Client</h1></center>
																					<img style="width: 90; height: 90px; border: 0px;" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/account/download_windows.png"/>
																					<img style="width: 90; height: 90px; border: 0px;" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/account/download_windows.png"/>
																			<td valign="top">
																					<a href="" target="_blank" type="application/octet-stream" target="_top">Download Tibia 12<br/>Windows Client</a>
																				<td valign="top">
																					<a href="" target="_blank" type="application/octet-stream" target="_top">Download Tibia 10<br/>Windows Client</a>
																				<td colspan="2" >[<span class="HelpLink" style="width: 18px; height: 18px;" ><a href="/common/tibiaclientrequirements.php" target="_blank" ><span class="HelperDivIndicator" onMouseOver="ActivateHelperDiv($(this), \'Requirements:\', \'<p><b>Minimum:</b><ul><li>OS: Windows XP SP3</li><li>Processor: 1.5 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent with SSE2 instruction set support</li><li>Memory: 1GB RAM</li><li>Graphics: 128MB; if DirectX 9c or OpenGL 2.1 are not supported, only software renderer mode is available (no light effects)</li><li>Hard Drive: min. 150 MB</li></ul><b>Recommended:</b><ul><li>OS: System: Windows 7 or newer</li><li>Processor: 2.5 GHz Intel Core i3 processor or equivalent</li><li>Memory: 4GB RAM</li><li>Graphics: 512MB; OpenGL 2.1 support</li><li>Hard Drive: min. 150 MB</li><ul></ul>\', \'\');" onMouseOut="$(\'#HelperDivContainer\').hide();" >system requirements</span></a></span>]</td>
													<div class="TableShadowContainer">
														<div class="TableBottomShadow" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/table-shadow-bm.gif)">
															<div class="TableBottomLeftShadow" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/table-shadow-bl.gif)"></div>
															<div class="TableBottomRightShadow" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/table-shadow-br.gif)"></div>
											<table width="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
												<td style="vertical-align:top">
													<div class="TableShadowContainerRightTop">
														<div class="TableShadowRightTop" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/table-shadow-rt.gif)"></div>
													<div class="TableContentAndRightShadow" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/table-shadow-rm.gif)">
														<div class="TableContentContainer">
															<table class="TableContent" width="100%">
																	<img src="'.$layout_name.'/images/account/flash-client.gif"/>
																	<img align="right" target="_top" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/account/flash-client-character-list.png">
																				<td><img src="'.$layout_name.'/images/account/flash-text-1.gif"/></td>
																				<td><img src="'.$layout_name.'/images/account/flash-text-2.gif"/><br/>
																			<td valign="top"> Just log in to your account and start playing '.$config['server']['serverName'].' by click on the <a href="?subtopic=accountmanagement">play</a> button in your <a href="?subtopic=accountmanagement">character list</a>! 
																			<td valign="top"> Play without downloading!<br>Play without installing!<br>Enjoy your Client settings on every computer!<br>Rum '.$config['server']['serverName'].' in every supported web browser!
													<div class="TableShadowContainer">
														<div class="TableBottomShadow" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/table-shadow-bm.gif)">
															<div class="TableBottomLeftShadow" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/table-shadow-bl.gif)"></div>
															<div class="TableBottomRightShadow" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/table-shadow-br.gif)"></div>
										<div class="TableShadowContainerRightTop">
											<div class="TableShadowRightTop" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/table-shadow-rt.gif)"></div>
										<div class="TableContentAndRightShadow" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/table-shadow-rm.gif)">
											<div class="TableContentContainer">
												<table class="TableContent" width="100%">
														<td class="LabelV">Disclaimer</td>
														<td>The software and any related documentation is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. The entire risk arising out of use of the software remains with you. In no event shall '.$config['server']['serverName'].' be liable for any damages to your computer or loss of data.</td>
										<div class="TableShadowContainer">
											<div class="TableBottomShadow" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/table-shadow-bm.gif)">
												<div class="TableBottomLeftShadow" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/table-shadow-bl.gif)"></div>
												<div class="TableBottomRightShadow" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/global/content/table-shadow-br.gif)"></div>


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Editado por Dk Red (veja o histórico de edições)
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      .Qual servidor ou website você utiliza como base? 
      Global Full 8.60 + Zao
      Qual o motivo deste tópico? 
      O site não esta adicionando os pontos na conta dos plays.
      Está surgindo algum erro? Se sim coloque-o aqui. 
      Você tem o código disponível? Se tiver publique-o aqui: 
      Você tem alguma imagem que possa auxiliar no problema? Se sim, coloque-a aqui. 

    • Por A.Mokk
      .Qual servidor ou website você utiliza como base? 
      TFS 0.4
      Qual o motivo deste tópico? 
      Estou tendo um probleminha indelicado no meu site, gostaria de obter respostas aqui com voces que sao sempre muito eficientes e praticos.
      Está surgindo algum erro? Se sim coloque-o aqui. 
    • Por thunmin
      .Qual servidor ou website você utiliza como base? 
      Qual o motivo deste tópico? 
      Não consigo deixar ele automatico os players tem que confirmar o pagamento depois eu tenho que verificar se caiu pra depois eu confirmar e colocar as coins
      Está surgindo algum erro? Se sim coloque-o aqui. 
      Você tem o código disponível? Se tiver publique-o aqui: 
      Você tem alguma imagem que possa auxiliar no problema? Se sim, coloque-a aqui. 
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      Faala Deuses do Tibia! Estou com um projeto sólido de um global old, mas to preso nessa parte do website viu.. Eu dou meu jeitinho mas ta chegando nas coisas avançadas que precisa daquele freelancer bacana para ajeitar umas páginas para mim! Já tenho as ideias, basta somente botar a mão na massa.. Quem estiver interessado por favor entrar em contato por mensagem aqui no Tibiaking mesmo ou preferencialmente pelo discord mythh9257 
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      essa foi a minha solução!
      Resolvido !!
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