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This is the example of a Client Chooser, you can do it better, add more option o whatever you want.

This picture shows 2 clients, 1 open and logged in and other only open.


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Data;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using MXbotALFA.Objetos;

using System.Diagnostics;

using MXbotALFA.Forms;

using System.Threading;

namespace MXbotALFA


	public partial class Form1 : Form


		Cliente c;

		MainMx formBot;

		public List<Cliente> ClientList = new List<Cliente>();

		string nombreProceso = "tibia";

		string version = "";

		int cont = 1;

		public Form1()




		private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


			foreach (Process p in Process.GetProcessesByName(nombreProceso))


				if (p.MainModule.FileVersionInfo.FileVersion == version)


					c = new Cliente(p, this);

					if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ToString()))


						listBox1.Items.Add("Client #" + cont + ": " + c.ToString() + " " + c.getNombre);



					else { listBox1.Items.Add("Necesitas loguear"); }




					listBox1.Items.Add("Versión " + p.MainModule.FileVersionInfo.FileVersion + " no soportada");



			if (ClientList.Count == 0)


				listBox1.Items.Add("No se encontró ningun Cliente");



		private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


			cont = 1;



			this.Form1_Load(sender, e);


		private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)




		private void listBox1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)


			int n = listBox1.SelectedIndex;

			if (n != -1 && n < ClientList.Count)


				formBot = new MainMx(ClientList.ElementAt(n));

				Thread NuevoHilo = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(runMainMX));






		public void runMainMX()






This is the class Cliente.cs

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Diagnostics;

using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace MXbotALFA.Objetos


	public class Cliente


		public Inputhelper Input;

		//public Healer formHealer;

		public List<string> Creaturas = new List<string>();

		public List<int> CreaturasHP = new List<int>();

		public IntPtr Handle;

		Form1 MainForm;

		public Process proceso;

		public int AdressOffset;

		//Other Address

		public static uint bListstart = 0x946000;

		public static uint steps = 0xb0;

		public static uint Max = 1300;

		public static uint ends = bListstart + (steps * Max);

		//Player Address

		public static uint PlayerId = 0x7AC054;

		public static uint Experience = 0x7ABFB8;

		public static uint Status = 0x7BA894;

		public static uint Healthadr = 0x7A9CEC;

		public static uint Manaadr = 0x7AC004;

		public static uint HealthMaxadr = 0x7AC048;

		public static uint ManaMaxadr = 0x7ABFB0;

		public static uint Nivel = 0x7ABFEC;

		public static uint Password = 0x7BA86C;

		public static uint Account = 0x7BA904;

		public static uint Soul = 0x7ABFF0;

		public static uint Flags = 0x7A9CF4;

		public static uint Capacity = 0x7ABFC4;

		public static uint DistanceIsVisible = 148;

		public static uint CreaturaHP = 140;

		public static uint LastSeeID = 0x942F94;


		public static uint HotkeyObjectStart = 0x7BA7A8;

		public static uint HotkeySendAutostart = 0x7BA75C;

		public static uint HotkeyUseTypeStart = 0x7BA6C0;

		public static uint HotkeyTextStart = 0x7B8290;

		public Cliente(Process _process, Form1 mForm)


			this.MainForm = mForm;

			proceso = _process;

			proceso.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

			Handle = _process.Handle;

			AdressOffset = proceso.MainModule.BaseAddress.ToInt32() - 0x400000;


			Input = new Inputhelper(this);



		public uint GetPlayerAdr()


			for (uint i = bListstart; i <= ends; i += steps)


				if (ReadInt(i) == ReadInt(PlayerId))


					return i;



			return 0;


		public void GetCreaturas()




			for (uint i = bListstart; i <= ends; i += steps)


				if (ReadByte(i + DistanceIsVisible) == 1)


					Creaturas.Add(ReadString(i + 4));

					CreaturasHP.Add(ReadInt(i + CreaturaHP));




		public override String ToString()


			if (this.IsOnline())


				return this.proceso.Id.ToString();


			return null;


		public List<string> getMonstruos


			get { return Creaturas; }


		public List<int> getCreaturasHP


			get { return CreaturasHP; }


		public bool IsOnline()


			if (ReadByte(Status) == 8)


				return true;


			return false;


		public string getNombre


			get { return ReadString(GetPlayerAdr() + 4); }


		public int getID


			get { return ReadInt(LastSeeID); }


		public string getNombreSever


			get { return ReadString(GetPlayerAdr() + 30); }


		public int getNivel


			get { return ReadInt(Nivel); }


		public string getAccount


			get { return ReadString(Manaadr); }


		public string getPassword


			get { return ReadString(Healthadr); }


		public int getMana


			get { return ReadInt(Manaadr); }


		public int getHp


			get { return ReadInt(Healthadr); }


		public int getManaMax


			get { return ReadInt(ManaMaxadr); }


		public int getHpMax


			get { return ReadInt(HealthMaxadr); }


		public void FullLight()


			WriteInt(GetPlayerAdr() + 124, 27);

			WriteInt(GetPlayerAdr() + 128, 215);


		public void adoons(int id)


			WriteInt(GetPlayerAdr() + 120, id);


		public enum OutfitMontura : int


			WidowQueen = 368,

			RacingBird = 369,

			WarBear = 370,

			BlackSheep = 371,

			MidnightPanther = 372,

			Draptor = 373,

			Titanica = 374,

			TinLizzard = 375,

			Blazebringer = 376,

			RapidBoar = 377,

			Stampor = 378,

			UndeadCaveBear = 379,

			Donkey = 387,

			Uniwheel = 388,

			TigerSlug = 389,

			CrystalWolf  = 391,

			WarHorse = 392,

			KinglyDeer = 401,

			Panda = 402,

			Dromedary = 405,

			KingScorpion = 406,

			RentedHorse = 421,

			FireWarHorse = 426,

			ShadowDraptor = 427,

			Ladybug = 447,

			Manta = 450


		public enum HotkeyUsetype


			Onself = 2,

			OnTarget = 1,

			WithCrosshair = 0


		public struct Hotkey


			public string Message;

			public HotkeyUsetype UseType;

			public int ItemId;

			public byte SendAuto;


		public void Sendhotkey(Hotkey hotkey)


			int hotkeyObject = ReadInt(HotkeyObjectStart);

			int hotkeySendAuto = ReadInt(HotkeySendAutostart);

			int hotkeyUseType = ReadInt(HotkeyUseTypeStart);

			string hotkeyText = ReadString(HotkeyTextStart);

			WriteInt(HotkeyObjectStart, hotkey.ItemId);

			WriteByte(HotkeySendAutostart, hotkey.SendAuto);

			WriteInt(HotkeyUseTypeStart, (int)hotkey.UseType);

			WriteString(HotkeyTextStart, hotkey.Message);


			WriteInt(HotkeyObjectStart, hotkeyObject);

			WriteInt((uint)hotkeySendAuto, hotkeySendAuto);

			WriteInt(HotkeyUseTypeStart, hotkeyUseType);

			WriteString(HotkeyTextStart, hotkeyText);


		#region "Memoria"

		public string ReadString(uint adr)


			return Util.Memoria.ReadString(Handle, AdressOffset + adr);


		public int ReadInt(uint adr)


			return Util.Memoria.ReadInt32(Handle, AdressOffset + adr);


		public byte ReadByte(uint adr)


			return Util.Memoria.ReadByte(Handle, AdressOffset + adr);


		public void WriteInt(uint adr, int value)


			Util.Memoria.WriteInt32(Handle, AdressOffset + adr, value);


		public void WriteByte(uint adr, byte value)


			Util.Memoria.WriteByte(Handle, AdressOffset + adr, value);


		public void WriteString(uint adr, string value)


			Util.Memoria.WriteString(Handle, AdressOffset + adr, value);





You can do a class player with all its attributes, to do it more simple. If you have some problems interpreting the code comment, and maybe you need to eliminate some things :P. So all do you need is the Object c, if you want to do a healer you can pass the object to the constructor of a FormHealer for example and use it. Now you can work easily in XP and seven. Your main form will look like this.

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Data;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using MXbotALFA.Objetos;

using MXbotALFA.Util;

namespace MXbotALFA.Forms


	public partial class MainMx : Form


		private Cliente c;

		public MainMx(Cliente c)


			this.c = c;



		private void MainMx_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


			this.Text = "MXbot ~ "+c.getNombre;




Editado por Mmmmm (veja o histórico de edições)
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