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  1. sim. <talkaction words="/war" channel="0" event="script" value="war.lua" desc="(Guild channel command) War management."/> <talkaction words="/balance" channel="0" event="script" value="balance.lua" desc="(Guild channel command) Balance management."/> /balance funfando de boa ;s
  2. qnd vo invita alguem pra war system da esse erro 16:02 You cannot execute this talkaction. não apareçe nenhum bug da war system na hora de iniciar o serv
  3. Queria um script que ao da user ganha-se vip dias com esse sistema vip
  4. Sabe como desbuga o Ctrl + Y? pq qnd vo banir alguem diz que a conta ta banida é o player continua jogando e tals.
  5. é outro erro, sempre teve isso mais agora ta mais impertulante
  6. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <creaturescripts> <event type="login" name="PlayerLogin" script="login.lua"/> <event type="login" name="viplogin" script="viplogin.lua"/> <event type="login" name="firstitem" script="firstitems.lua"/> <event type="login" name="OutfitVip" script="outfitvip.lua"/> <event type="login" name="ExpVip" script="vipexp.lua"/> <event type="login" name="BanLogin" event="script" value="BanLogin.lua"/> <event type="kill" name="Frags" event="script" value="frags.lua" />
  7. qnt varias pessoas loga no meu ot, ate vezes em mc o ot buga não da pra loga mais ninguem ai da esse bug aq 15:37:17.351] end:onLogin [15:37:17.351] Description: [15:37:17.351] (luaRegisterCreatureEvent) Creature not found
  8. local config = { loginMessage = getConfigValue('loginMessage') } function onLogin(cid) local loss = getConfigValue('deathLostPercent') if(loss ~= nil) then doPlayerSetLossPercent(cid, PLAYERLOSS_EXPERIENCE, loss * 10) end local accountManager = getPlayerAccountManager(cid) if(accountManager == MANAGER_NONE) then local lastLogin, str = getPlayerLastLoginSaved(cid), config.loginMessage if(lastLogin > 0) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, str) str = "Your last visit was on " .."%a %b %d %X %Y", lastLogin) .. "." else str = str .. " Please choose your outfit.
  9. [15:37:17.351] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] [15:37:17.351] function onLogin(cid) [15:37:17.351] registerCreatureEvent(cid, "KillRank") [15:37:17.351] registerCreatureEvent(cid, "RankSystem") [15:37:17.351] return TRUE [15:37:17.351] end:onLogin [15:37:17.351] Description: [15:37:17.351] (luaRegisterCreatureEvent) Creature not found
  10. o index e esse <?PHP header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8",true); session_start(); ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); function microtime_float() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } $time_start = date("s",microtime_float()); //##### CONFIG ##### include('config-and-functions.php'); $action = $_REQUEST['action']; //##### LOGOUT ##### if($action == "logout") { unset($_SESSION['account']); unset($_SESSION['password']); } //##### LOGIN ##### $logged = FALSE; if(isset($_SESSION['account'])) { $account_logged = $ots->createObject('Accou
  11. coloquei index o site so fica branco :\
  12. Area errada !, olhe a pasta globalevents é edite.
  13. agora apareçeu outro erro antes ficava tudo branco, tirei "index php, e arrumei o config.ini" é da este erro Eu acho que não consigo faze que meu site leia a db do otserv "/otserv/" <- diretorio do vps linux para o meu otserv aonde coloca meu site para ler a db? pq ser no config.ini ta certo ..
  14. Sim eu coloquei no vps linux config install = "no" server_path = "/otserv/" signatures = "1" é agora fica tudo branco sumiu o install
  15. Check server configuration File config.lua loaded from /otserv/config.lua and looks like fine server config file. Now you can check database(mysql) connection:
  16. Check server configuration File config.lua loaded from /otserv/config.lua and looks like fine server config file. Now you can check database(mysql) connection: STEP 2 - check database connection ta dando esse erro meu config.lua ta assim accountManager = true namelockManager = true newPlayerChooseVoc = true newPlayerSpawnPosX = 160 newPlayerSpawnPosY = 51 newPlayerSpawnPosZ = 7 newPlayerTownId = 1 newPlayerLevel = 8 newPlayerMagicLevel = 3 generateAccountNumber = false redSkullLength = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 blackSkullLength = 2 * 24 * 60 * 60 dailyFragsToRedSkull = 25 weeklyFragsToRedSkull
  17. Exclui o arquivo index é não deu :'(
  18. Eu to com um vips e to com problema pra instala o site ja fiz tudo certo coloquei o site no /var/www ja instalei os codigos necessarios e qnd entra no site da It works! ja configurei o config.ini
  19. Fui copilar meu otserv para linux para hostear e coloquei seguinte comando ./ é da um erro de linha 1
  20. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\databaselist.php on line 105 Agora deu tudo certo mais tem esse erro qnd vo entra na conta
  21. agora ta dando esse erro no last news No news. Go forum and make new thread on board News. Query: SELECT SQLSTATE: 42000 Driver code: 1064 Error message: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 Query: SELECT `date` FROM `z_news_tickers` WHERE `hide_ticker` = '0' SQLSTATE: 00000 Driver code: Error message: Query: SELECT * FROM `z_news_tickers` WHERE h
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