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Tudo que Ziwy postou

  1. Ziwy

    DBRelated v2.0!

    hm i have free host in website, sorry im looking person to create layout. Looking: Pixelartist WebMaster Graphic Scripter Mini Update. -Modernized Items.xml, Weapons.xml (Deleting all not using items, and all the oryginal version Forgotten) -Modernized Actions.xml (Deleting all redundant scripts and edit much scripts) -Boss Sytem (If server will charge e.g 1000kill Wolf, script create Boss Wolf in the City. Script charge every kil, each players) -Quest Waves of Monster (Must survive 8 waves to done quest. Reward is surprise) -Done pixelart on Kuriza. -New items to quests and gameplay -Guild
  2. Ziwy

    DBRelated v2.0!

    no no, own layout on Acc Maker, own systems ect... + Mini Update. -New Profession: Kuriza (brother Freezer) -New Proffesion Ubb (Buu is separate proffesion) -Own First Items -Comend !color in last transform (change outfit color) -New location (island's) -New 3 spells in quest (Soul Flash, Super Big Bang Attack, Omega Death Flash) -New Mount (Moto and Car:) ) and more
  3. Ziwy

    DBRelated v2.0!

    Hello Wolven. Im need person with create own Acc Maker, create portal/forum on my requirements. My prof this : Look nr GG. is website old DBR 1.2 and i have all files to dbr 1.2. Uploader dbr 1.2 in the forum is missing much files.
  4. Hello! From side this Frosbite. Main Administrator from DBRelated v1.2. Im looking team please look.
  5. I apologize in advance for my english Hello! From side this Frosbite. Main Administrator from DBRelated v1.2. In this topic looks, people who help me in my Project - DBRelated v2.0 Server RPG+PVP Events: simply 5 -Tasks (interesing system) -Own saga - Dragon Ball XenoVerse, DB, DBZ, DBGT and DBSuper. -A huge amount Quests! And -Mining(own), Smithing(own), Mount, Fly, Case'y(surprise!), Chio Chips(:]), Radar System, Dragon Ball, Black Dragon Ball, Mystic Dragon Ball(Innovation), Transform Quest, Buff, 3x types Senzu(all give 100% hp/mp but...), Bonus, New sprite(own):) AND MORE.... I will no
  6. Mlvl.lua: function onAdvance(cid) if(getPlayerMagLevel(cid) >= 120) then doPlayerSetMagicRate(cid, 0) end return TRUE end registerCreatureEvent(cid, "MagicLevel") <event type="advance" name="MagicLevel" script="Mlvl.lua"/>
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