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Sobre kafar1

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227 visualizações
  1. i compiled this tfs ... added glowing switch id=11062 and added actionid 1000 but when i'm trying to stand at this glowing switch by second player glowing switch doesn't work, doesn't push back idk why? i was changed tiles.lua to others and again nothink.. i tryied with others walkthroughs in players.cpp and again nothink.. i dont know where is a problem maybe items.otb?
  2. I downloaded 0.4 r3777 from here everythink working good but i don't know how to add my glowing switch into tiles.lua ?? When 2 peoples stands at glowing switch nothink happend please help!!
  3. How to change "check data/movements/tiles.lua" to add ID of SQM wich can't be stand at 2 players.. I mean this sqm near depo This Walkthrough will be working good in pvp-e? i need walkthrough only in PZ for all players without one sqm
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