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Sobre Drakz

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640 visualizações
  1. hey bro, i'd like you to help me with some spells for tfs 0.4 (8.6) i watched some videos about your scripts and i think your scripts are awesome. if you want to do some money, leave me your phone number maybe in PV and i will text you in whatsapp. btw, sorry for my bad english. 




    these are the  spells:


    1. xWhiteWolf


      Hello @Drakz, how are you?

      The arcane missile and holy rain I have made fresh versions for TFS 1.3 and I'm using on my server.
      In any other situation I would gladly share those for free but in this particular case, would make it easier for some people to steal content before my server is released. I hope you understand why I cannot help you before releasing my server.

      As for the rain of arrows you can find it here, I've made it long ago.


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