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ZombiTR venceu a última vez em Março 23 2023

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  1. Catching Level and Fishing Level when time logged out game and restarting with 0 level. How can i fix ? Anyone knows ?
  2. I searching PokéTibia's new and Remakes all Pokéballs, someone can be share Go/Back - Catch - Failed sprites. Thank's.
  3. 1* I Don't know. But unimportant i think. 2* I'll be delete it tournament system.
  4. Anyone have compatible with server Remere's Map Editor ?
  5. Anyone fixed this errors ? Pokémon Go and Back system on have a problem.
  6. I need this websites templates Working Highscores pages. Who's Online? Pages. And Admin Channels, (News etc.)
  7. htdocs , highscores.lua have a problem, someone will be fix ? And admin_news.lua i can't be open. Someone can be help me ?
  8. Padventures sprites are locked.
  9. I couldn't run Map Editor. 10.98 Tibia.spr and Tibia.dat folder i select, but not accepted.
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