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Tudo que mikecrx123 postou

  1. Tipo ela aparecer player ela vai usar fire bomb ?
  2. E onde coloco isso ??? local Reset_Amount = 2 -- amounts of backpacks to open (must be sorted first to last to open, inside main backpack) local Offline_Time = 1 -- increase this is it resets at random points meanwhile online function Self.isOffline() local s = os.clock() wait(200) getSelfID() if ((os.clock() - s) > Offline_Time) then return true end end function OpenBackpacks(amount) Cavebot.Stop() Self.CloseContainers() Self.OpenMainBackpack(true) wait(500 + Self.Ping()) if #Container.GetAll() == 1 then for slot, item in Container.GetFirst():iItems() do if Item.isContainer( th
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