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Tudo que Jurandovsky postou

  1. Hello... I have a little bit problem ; p I have writed a window in OTClient, and now i'm trying to do that, if i'll click look on any item, i will have description of this item as tooltip of icon (of this item)... As icon i have : Item image-source: etc. etc And weight / arm / etc... all of this item i want to have in this window xd Can anyone help me?
  2. Hello.. I'm writing to English part of tibiaking people... So, i have just started learning scripting to the OTClient and i have a little bit problem. How i can get effect of : I am clicking button, and until i will release button, this button will change image into "pushed button". If i release button then >> (script). And for example : what is InventoryItem < Item etc. I hope for good replies.
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