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Sobre Josue123

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570 visualizações
  1. Hi, I have question how can I get character vocation in otclient? sorry, my english :C
  2. I have many questions,we'll start first i need copy folder Lanuncher and paste me folder Otclient second htdocs second and that is all? but when i start launcher ,it doesn't nothing
  3. if I change main x mini error :C there are others opcions?
  4. HealthBar < ProgressBar2 id: healthBar background-color: red anchors.right: parent.right width: 190 margin-right: 5 margin-top: 20 ManaBar < ProgressBar id: manaBar background-color: #4444ff anchors.right: parent.right width: 175 margin-right: 5 margin-top: 38 ExperienceBar < ProgressBar id: experienceBar background-color: #B6E866 anchors.right: parent.right width: 170 margin-right: 5 margin-top: 56 SoulLabel < GameLabel id: soulLabel text-align: right color
  5. I want remove button minimize and button close from Mini windows but when I remove 2 buttons, the component stops working, I want to fix and the other is when the windows is near to the right panel, example picture 2 I think is bug
  6. olha galera nao falo muito portugues sorry xd Como eu eliminar ou BOTÕES minimizar Cerra e miniwindows,Sem parar de funcionar Além de não mover as janelas a> sorry translate
  7. I make a system mount x talk, if there is 1 monster x+1 or y+1 with talkactions and the player get mount, my doubt is how can I get the method mount and dismount from player.shh to my compat.lua or global.lua? code system
  8. Impatient to be a real player at @fatherio -The Real Life Massive Multiplayer FPS, Join me #gamer #fatherio

  9. Just signed up for Scribd, it's like Netflix for books. I love it!

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