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Tudo que mauriciolpk postou

  1. como tirar o level dos itens ? exemplo : 22:03 You see a Hell Axe (Atk:65, Def:35 +4, axe fighting +6). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 130 or higher. It weighs 10.00 oz. ItemID: [8925]. oque esta de vermelho!
  2. ESTOU TENDO UM ERRO AO IMPORTAR A SQL PRO PHPMYADMIN, ALGUEM SABE RESOLVE? Erro Static analysis: 14 errors were found during analysis. Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 53) Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 85) Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 116) Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 127) Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 156) Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 189) Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 220) Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 251
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